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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Oh, a couple of different things" the succubus replied as the ropes curled up Mei-Lien's body, quickly beginning to work themselves into a full-body harness as she stood. This time the intricate pattern that had covered her torso also snaked up her arms and legs, the ropes tighter than before. One of the bits of rope made its way down to eat into Mei-Lien's pussy, the overall tightness of the harness now making sense. After a brief while the ropes suddenly hoisted Mei-Lien into the air by four metal rings on the ceiling, leaving her staring up at the ceiling as she was held firmly. The succubus soon came into her vision, giving her cheek a little stroke and then tying a blindfold over her eyes; the redhead would spend this session in darkness.

"This should be fun" the demon said, as she seemingly walked off and left Mei-Lien for a while. The redhead was forced to stay suspended in the air, the ropes digging into her crotch and wriggling somewhat for some time before suddenly and without warning feeling the impact of a wooden paddle come down on her buttocks. She couldn't help but let out a yelp of surprise and pain at the blow, and she tensed in anticipation of the next one, but it didn't come. Just when she thought the demon had gone away, she felt another hard smack, followed quickly by two more, drawing much the same reaction. At seemingly random intervals the succubus smacked Mei-Lien's ass with the paddle a few quick times, causing the redhead to sway a little in the air, the combination of the pain, the rope grinding against her pussy, and the strange thrill she got from her sensory deprivation and inability to anticipate the blows starting to arouse her. This continued for a while, until Mei-Lien’s butt was terribly sore, though the stinging hits from the paddle had long since turned to pleasure. The succubus ran the rough wooden instrument over the redhead’s wet pussy, teasing her with it for a moment or two before giving her crotch a firm smack and then casting aside the paddle, leaving Mei-Lien for a while to writhe in arousal-induced discomfort as the ropes wriggled around on her, stimulating her just enough to keep her frustrated.

This torture continued for some time, how long Mei-Lien couldn’t say, before suddenly she felt a burning heat running down her left arm. She couldn’t help but cry out in surprise at the strange sensation, and soon enough she felt it on the other arm. After a short pause she felt drips of heat splash against her upper chest, and realized that the demon must have been dripping hot candle wax onto her. ”If only you could see yourself, by the time this is over you’re going to look so nice and prettied up” the succubus said as she started carefully dripping the wax onto Mei-Lien’s ample breasts, the burning beginning to drive the redhead wild. The drops slowly worked up her breasts until she felt the wonderful heat across their entire surface, and as the first few drops started to cool she found that this too was an excellent feeling.

Suddenly she felt herself being lowered a bit by the ropes as the wax was dripped down along her stomach, and without warning her ass was penetrated fully by the demon’s thick cock. ”Unnn, so tight” the succubus groaned in pleasure as she started to piston quickly into Mei-Lien’s rear hole; the rough treatment was more painful than the burning wax, but by this point the redhead was too caught up in pleasure to care much, and only found herself needing more, desperately seeking her release. The wax was dripping closer and closer to her soaking cunt now, starting to tease the edges of her folds with their heat, and she teetered on the edge of orgasm for quite a while as she was pounded, until finally her mistress was ready to cum; as the demon cried out in pleasure, she let a drop of wax fall onto Mei-Lien’s engorged clit, sending the redhead over the edge into a powerful orgasm, enhanced tenfold by the feeling of her mistress’ cum shooting out into her bowels. Her orgasm seemed to drag on for minutes of sheer bliss, even for a few moments after the succubus finally pulled out and began to lower her down. As Mei-Lien laid on the floor, recovering from the intense session, the succubus leaned down and gave her a quick kiss, and then pulled off her blindfold. ”Enjoy yourself? Rest as much as you need and then we’ll get you all cleaned up” she said, though as Mei-Lien looked at herself she could see that her skin had taken on just the slightest tinge of purple after being filled with her mistress’ cum again.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"We'll see about that then. It's strange how this sort of thing is "training"..." the former champion thought as her form was restrained by the slithering, snakey ropes. The harness thingy was soon set up on her again, further restraint added by the limb-grabbing ropes and a crotch-rubber. Once the setting was done, Mei found herself lifted up an suspended from some attachments in the roof. Even as she looked at the ceiling, that small sight was taken from her by the mistress and her blindfold. Looks like this was a training part she'd go through by using the remaining 4 senses in her.

"Fun huh... Doesn't feel li--" Mei initially thought about the demoness' words, though the musings were soon cut by a fierce spank to the rear with something flat and hard. The sound and feel indicated that it was likely a paddle of some sort. The following blows came in at teasing, unexpected times, but with all of them hitting the same spot, it was not hard for the fighter to prepare for them. And even if there was surprises, they soon switched over to enjoyment as the masochistic side was beginning to come in. Despite the eventual soreness, she could take the slapping in stride. With a rub and smack at the prisoner's womanhood, the mistress signalled the beginning of the next possible attraction, leaving the redhead to squirm in her bindings for a while.

Somewhere along the line of tease, a sudden spike of heat on Mei's arm set her mind and attention back into the situation at hand. The heat torrent continued in quick succession, another sting hitting the fighter's other hand and soon afterwards her body. "Candle wax is pretty? I suppose..." the girl thought about the mistress' words as she heard them before a stream of the hot liquid landed on her breast. Despite the heat being pretty nasty, Mei's masochistic mindset allowed her to enjoy it tremendously, even as all the wax poured at her covered the boobs entirely in a weird bra of sorts.

The waxing kept on going, moving down from the redhead's chest and slowly inching across her midsection. Mei could guess where the final target would be in her mind, only to have her thoughts cut off again by a sudden and rough anal penetration. Once again the inner pain indulger was treated to an entire course of delights as the waxing combined with brutal, painful rear violation. The drippy liquid was teasing her border-line climax form along the edges of the honeyhole as the mistress too began to near the border of her limits. And with a simultaneous clit-searing drop of heat combined with a potent succubus cum load, Mei came. It was a long, massive climax that the girl went through, her entire form feeling like she had turned into the embodiment of pleasure.

But soon it was over, and Mei found herself laying on the floor. The mistress lowered herself down briefly to plant a quick kiss and remove the blindfold, promising clean-up and rest. Rest was a necessity, so the redhead took a few moments to pull her thoughts back together after that release. The new skin shade was not a particularly fond thing to her, but ultimately mattered little. It was not overbearingly striking, so the girl could live with it. Once she could focus her thoughts again, Mei would move onward with the mistress' plans, whatever they were.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After Mei-Lien had rested for a minute or two the rope harness uncoiled from around her, allowing her to get up without difficulties. The demon then led her a few rooms down the hall, into what seemed to be an open bath area. "After you" the demon said, allowing Mei-Lien to slip into the warm water before getting in behind her, wordlessly beginning to scrub the redhead's back. It seemed almost as if she didn't know what to say as she helped to clean Mei-Lien.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Having had some of that rest, Mei soon picked herself off the ground as the restraining harness undid itself and snaked away to do whatever sentient ropes did in their free times. Going after the mistress, the redhead soon found herself in a bath, a quite nice one at that. Somewhat unexpectedly to her, the demoness started to clean her up, starting from the back. The usually talky mistress remaining so silent was surprising, but the redhead didn't poke into it further, maintaining the silence with her own actions as well and just going along with the woman's instructions.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The demon continued washing Mei-Lien silently, moving down to gently rub the redhead's sore butt, and then to wrap around and begin cleaning the dried wax off of her body. As she did so she laid her chin on Mei-Lien's shoulder, scrubbing more tenderly than the redhead could have expected. "Now you wash me" she said once done, wading out into the center of the pool.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The mistress' washing was impressively tender and out of her usual character, but Mei did not comment on it. Better let the demoness be like this while it lasted, there would be a lot of the unlikeable stuff later. As a result of the scrubbing and the warm water, the redhead's wax-bra was eventually washed off along with the rest of the now-solid stuff. With everything complete, the mistress demanded Mei to do the same thing. Going after the demoness, the girl would do as she was asked, thoroughly scrubbing her mighty body clean from the small amounts of dirt it had.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As Mei-Lien cleaned her the demon rested against the redhead, seemingly allowing herself to enjoy the moment for a while before she broke her silence. "After this you'll go for combat training, and I'll try to teach your little mage slave how to use her magic a little more effectively, though I'm not so great at it myself. After that you'll take your lunch, and we'll see about things from there" she said, laying out the first bit of Mei-Lien's schedule for her, indicating that sex wasn't going to be the only regular facet of her training.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Among her cleaning duty, Mei was assigned a schedule with some things for her to do. The combat practise would be a good thing, though she was good enough at fighting, at least in her own mind. But practise never hurt, so she'd go along with her usual approach and take all training with eagerness.

Once the demoness had gotten her desired level of cleanliness, the redhead would go with her into the next part of the day, thinking about lunch a bit as she did so.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

When Mei-Lien was done cleaning the demon, and the two had soaked for just a little while longer in the warm bath, the succubus led her out and toweled her off, then handing her off to the shapeshifter to continue with her combat training. Soon enough they were back at the open field inside the shapeshifter's own little world, this time with her holding a spear instead of a sword. "Know that even though we train your technique here, you will still need to train your body outside to keep yourself in top shape. I doubt that'll be a problem for someone like you, though" she mused as she took up a defensive position. "It's been a long time since I've seen her this excited, by the way. I don't know why it is, but it's cute" she added, waiting for the inevitable attack.

8/8 HP

6/6 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Enjoying the warmth of the bath for just bit longer with the mistress, the fighter soon picked herself up when instructed. Another strange happening occurred when the demoness actually wiped the water off from Mei's fit body, going spectacularly out of character once more. But the redhead didn't complain about it, she would take all the good bits that were given without complaints. Following after the woman once the whole cleaning deal was done, she soon found herself with the shifter again.

In the mindscape or whatever it was, the two faced each other once again in sparring. The shifter had picked up a different weapon this time around, the spear. Being versed in weapons, Mei knew that the spear had reach, but it would be somewhat weaker when in extreme close quarters because of it's limited attack choices. Wondering about how being excited was cute, she prepared to move close and strike at the opposition from there.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 11 vs. 13 S, Miss!
S 19 vs. 18 M, Hit!
M 11 vs. 7 S, Hit!
S 14 vs. 9 M, Hit!
M 18 vs. 13 S, Hit!
S 9 vs. 22 M, Miss!

Mei-Lien tried to get in close, but the shapeshifter kept her at a safe distance, managing to stick her shallowly in the stomach with the spear. She couldn't hold the redhead at bay for long, though, and Mei-Lien closed in to land multiple strong punches to the shapeshifter. She couldn't avoid a smack with the shaft of the spear to her shoulder, though, which allowed the shapeshifter to get distance again. "I won't be so easy on you this time. Or at least, I'm going to start getting mad with myself if I keep losing to you."

6/8 HP

4/6 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Despite trying her damnedest to close, the shifter initially managed to hold Mei away, even poking her in the midsection once. A mere poke with a spear was not enough to keep the fighter away though, and she bridged the distance with a quick step before unloading punches into the sparring partner's body. Within her recovery time, a smack from the spear shaft sent the redhead backwards to face the shifter in a stand-off. "Save the whining until you've really lost..." she replied to the remark, knowing full well that the opponent was stronger than their previous encounter had suggested. With the tactics still remaining the same, she moved up to have a go at the shifter's defense again.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 22 vs. 16 S, Hit!
S 11 vs. 6 M, Hit!
M 5 vs. 15 S, Miss!
S 7 vs. 21 M, Miss!
M 10 vs. 19 S, Miss!
S 15 vs. 13 M, Hit!

Mei-Lien rushed in with a successful kick to the shapeshifter's dominant arm, temporarily dropping her defenses, though she was soon able to recover and smack Mei-Lien away with the shaft of the spear. The shapeshifter was very cautious after that, which paid off as she was able to keep Mei-Lien from landing any more blows this time around, managing to stick the redhead in the stomach again, this time a little deeper. Mei-Lien could tell that she probably wouldn't last much longer if the combat continued like this, as her body was getting tired and beaten up.

5/8 HP

2/6 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

With a more succesful beginning than the last, this round looked better for Mei as she powered in a hard smash at the shifter's frontal arm. Regardless, the martial artist was soon knocked backwards with another shaft strike. After a few failed flailings at the opposing defense, the redhead was pierced in her torso again, more severely than before. The whole deal was getting tiring, but the training had to go on, so she pushed forward in an attempt the break through the more stalwart defenses with her strenght. It was training, and she didn't have anything besides a little bit of pride to lose in the whole deal.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 22 vs. 21 S, Hit!
S 21 vs. 13 M, Hit!
M 18 vs. 13 S, Hit!
S 19 vs. 19 M, Miss!
M 6 vs. 24 S, Counter!

Mei-Lien's charge was productive, allowing her to land powerful punches to the shapeshifter's gut and chest, but again the shifter was able to smack the redhead away with the shaft of her spear and then hop back. Despite seeming a little bit unsteady on her feet from the abuse Mei-Lien had given her, the shapeshifter seemed confident after seeing that her opponent was in the same shape. Mei-Lien tried to charge again, but this time she was too slow, the shapeshifter's defense too good, and she found herself impaled through the chest. She slumped down to the ground, feeling as if she were dying again, before her wounds suddenly disappeared and she felt as good as new. This must be how things worked normally for the shapeshifter. "You have trouble with enemies who have reach, especially if they're fast enough to knock you away. Grappling might be more effective for you, if you can restrain their arms and take their advantage away. Also... would you like to test a variant of light armor? Should help you in these situations without hindering you speed-wise."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Despite a strong early going for Mei, the battle went to the shifter as the second charge ended into her spear. Falling onto her stomach in the ground, she went through some not-too-pleasant feelings of pain and dying, but soon got up again. "So this is what she feels like..." the redhead thought, all those situations with the shifter in her mind. And the opponent was giving her advice as soon as she got up. "I do agree, was just somehow lost in thoughts there. Armor should be good, though I do value my speed and mobility over any protective gear. If there is something miraculous like that, I'm more than willing to try" she replied to the advice/question
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Understandable. Though there are some ways around that" the shapeshifter said, and while she did so Mei-Lien's current gear disappeared, to be replaced by a more full set of gauntlets with spikes on the knuckles, with light chainmail connected and covering the tops of her arms and across to her shoulders, with a little bit around her neck. "It's probably too light to be especially effective, but it'll help you a little when someone tries to slam your shoulders to get you off them, like I did, and it won't weigh you down. Should also be more effective at attacking unarmored foes, though if you were to get something like this in the real world we'd have to see about getting it ready to combat armor" the shapeshifter continued, taking up a defensive stance again. "Now let's test it out."

8/8 HP

6/6 HP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After she got the confirmation from the shifter, a set of gear appeared onto Mei's form, replacing her current set-up. It had a relative flimsiness to it, at least by looks, but the woman assured it would help her. "Alright, let's see this in action then.." the redhead went along with the shifter, taking up a stance as she faced off with her once again. This time she would aim for grappling and pinning down the opposition, but revert to striking if it failed too much.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 16 vs. 17 S, Miss!
S 17 vs. 9 M, Hit!
M 16 vs. 11 S, Grappled!
S 11 vs. 13 M, Miss!
M 24 vs. 22 S, Further Grappled!
S 11 vs. 14 M, Miss!

Mei-Lien tried to close with the shapeshifter, but initially was unsuccessful, instead receiving a now-familiar poke to the stomach. Still, she soon was able to get inside the reach of the spear's point, grabbing the shapeshifter and throwing her to the ground. The shifter tried to retaliate, slamming the shaft of the spear into Mei-Lien's arm, but the mail cushioned the blow enough that the redhead took it in stride, getting a firmer hold on the shapeshifter's arms and starting to get her legs under control. The shifter was still in position to struggle, but it was starting to look bad for her.

Shapeshifter (Grappledx2, -2 to Attack)
8/8 HP

5/6 HP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Another failed charge and the following stab to the midsection signalled the start of their second sparring bout. Not letting that minor setback let her down, Mei yanked out the tip and stepped in to perform a practised takedown on the shifter. She was soon all over the opposition like a cheap suit, attempting to pin her down in a submission hold. With the help of the armor she was wearing, the redhead could ignore a swat from the spear's shaft an keep on her wrestling maneuvers in an attempt to bring this fight to an end