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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Mmm, yeah" Rosa replied, slowly getting up as the wounds from Mei-Lien's tail healed. The demon's own wounds closed up quite quickly as the shifter's spear turned into a sword."You have practiced a lot, and you've gotten quite a bit better in just this short time. In a few years you'll probably be able to go toe to with just about any human if you don't slack off. You'll probably want to slack just a little bit, though" she said, shrugging a little. "Come at me again, anyway. Maybe one more before dinner, I suppose."
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"That is a distinct possibility, with these powers behind me. And I will slack off once in a while, though I'll try to never shirk on my exercises." the redhead demoness spoke up from her stance of readiness. As Rosa got ready, she moved in to attack, this time just using plain old physical blows with hands and feet. A blade was much riskier a weapon to grapple against, so Mei would avoid that for now.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 12 vs. 24 R, Miss!
R 21 vs. 24 M, Miss!

M 10 vs. 17 R, Miss!
R 20 vs. 24 M, Miss!

M 18 vs. 13 R, Hit!
R 15 vs. 21 M, Miss!

For the first few minutes of their sparring match Mei-Lien and Rosa attacked each other ineffectually, cautious defenses deflecting fist and blade almost artfully. Finally, after a time, Mei-Lien got in a good kick to the shifter's side, forcing her back and to take a moment to reset her defensive stance. It seemed like this might be the close fight the shifter had spoken of wanting earlier.

5/6 HP

6/6 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The few initial exchanges between the two different females was mostly a stalemate. There was one breakthrough though, a kick from Mei to Rosa's side that had managed to sneak past her guard. The practisers squared off again afterwards, the redhead not seeing any real cause to go and change tactics over on. Keep the blows going.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 18 vs. 9 R, Hit!
R 16 vs. 16 M, Miss!

M 7 vs. 22 R, Counter!
R 19 vs. 13 M, Hit!

M 15 vs. 22 R, Miss!
R 14 vs. 25 M, Miss!

After a brief lull in the fight, Mei-Lien charged forward again, landing a heavy punch to Rosa's face, though the shifter stepped into the blow, slicing into Mei-Lien's arm and then managing a quick slash across her chest. The demon continued with her attacks, but this time Rosa dodged, not intent on taking another of those punches, though her caution prevented her from putting together much of an attack either.

4/6 HP

4/6 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The second round of blows between the two proved to be much more eventful, both sides managing to find some spot to strike through. Despite planting a firm straight onto Rosa's ever-changing face, the round mostly went against Mei, two painful lines appearing on her skin. still, neither of them were a ways from going down, so the battle continued on with the same approach from the martial artist.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 14 vs. 24 R, Miss!
R 14 vs. 12 M, Hit!

M 15 vs. 21 R, Miss!
R 17 vs. 17 M, Miss!

M 16 vs. 15 R, Hit!
R 13 vs. 16 M, Miss!

M 17 vs. 23 R, Miss!
R 19 vs. 15 M, Hit!

M 10 vs. 15 R, Miss!
R 7 vs. 20 M, Miss!

M 19 vs. 25 R, Miss!
R 11 vs. 20 M, Miss!

Mei-Lien continued to attack, but for a while her efforts didn't amount to much, Rosa managing to duck and weave around her punches and kicks with skill and determination, putting another cut into Mei-Lien's stomach before the redhead managed to counter with another strong punch to the forehead, sending the shifter staggering back. Another few useless attacks later Rosa managed to slash one of Mei-Lien's legs as she kicked at her, leading into another few rounds of attacks that were dodged and blocked on both sides. Mei-Lien could feel herself getting a little tired, and could tell that her opponent was feeling the same as this fight dragged on, still as intense as it had been at the start.

3/6 HP

2/6 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The fight started going against Mei, only one really good shot managing to hit past Rosa's skilled defense and evasive maneuvers. For that, she received two more cuts from the shifter's blade. But as usual, this was not something to stop her from stubbornly carrying on with the attack. It would be either her or the shifter to fall.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 21 vs. 14 R, Hit!
R 20 vs. 26 M, Miss!

M 9 vs. 9 R, Hit!
R 18 vs. 13 M, Hit!

M 16 vs. 19 R, Miss!
R 22 vs. 9 M, Hit!

Mei-Lien kept up her attack, managing to get in a quick one-two combo on Rosa, who was starting to look quite ragged. Her nose was a bit crooked, and little trickles of blood were running down her bruised face. Still, she managed to put another deep cut into Mei-Lien's already criss-crossed stomach, and the demon was in no better shape herself. After another failed attack from Mei-Lien, the shifter saw her chance, and charged in to impale the demon through her stomach. Completely exhausted, Rosa fell on top of the falling Mei-Lien, panting heavily as the redhead bled helplessly for a while before the place started working its magic on her, and she was soon good as new. "That was a good one. Haven't had a fight that close and that intense for a while. Really gets you going. In any case, still a little time before dinner. Want to rest a bit?"
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

After a gruelling battle that could have gone either way, Mei was brought down by a powerful stab through the guts. On the ground, she spent a while on trying to recover from the lethal blow, not really having success until the mindscape began to help her in the recovery process. "Yeah... that's probably for the best..." she remarked back to Rosa who was still on top of her. Having said that, the redhead relaxed and rested much like she had said.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Rosa rolled off of Mei-Lien when she responded, and the demon would feel the ground beneath her become almost... lighter, somehow. It was almost as if she was floating, though she was still being supported in some way by the ground. "Hmm... It won't be long now until we attack the city itself. Probably a few more days. That'll certainly be interesting... I wonder how quickly they'll fall. Could be a tough fight, considering how militarized they've apparently become over the centuries" the shifter said, resting herself for a few minutes alongside Mei-Lien. "In any case, any time you're ready we can go on to dinner. It's about time for it, but we can play around with that a little bit."
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

All the talk about the future city invasion made the demoness think. That event would be a definite changing point in the whole island's future, and she would play a somewhat significant part on the whole deal. "Such an odd way this whole adventure ended up turning..." Mei finished up her meditations, which lasted for some time. Shortly afterwards, she got up from the ground, informing rosa of her willingness to move on with the day.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

After a brief rest, Mei-Lien indicated that she was ready to go to dinner, and almost instantly found herself sitting back at the dinner table. Sitting next to her was Hannah, her head resting on the table, her body covered in sweat, apparently just having gotten out of her own training session with Erica, who was nowhere to be seen. It took a few minutes for the demon and Rosa to appear from the kitchen carrying plates. Quietly they laid the plates in front of Mei-Lien and Hannah, who stirred and turned to the redhead, mumbling "oh, hi." The dish seemed to be mostly meat, seasoned with some sort of red powdery substance, with a side of bread and green vegetables. "Have a nice training session?" Erica asked Mei-Lien as she laid out her own plate and sat down to eat.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The training grounds soon warped out of existence, getting replaced with the familiar dining table in a few brief seconds. Hannah was there, but no sign of the mistress or Rosa, at least right away. The two eventually appeared from the kitchen though, bringing food with them. Returning the gesture of greeting to the sweaty, tired mage, Mei set upon her food in a relatively fast manner. "Well... not that special, but there was a long bout that was something." the newbie demoness answered once her training was inquired about.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

With Mei-Lien's answering of the question, there was quiet for a few moments as everyone began to eat. As usual the food was good, but not great, the meat quite spicy just as Erica liked it. Hannah really did seem tired, barely having the energy to eat. "Well, tomorrow you'll be fighting the last outpost outside of the city. After that we'll rest up a bit before attacking the city" the demon finally said after a bit, breaking the silence before going back to devouring her food. After another pause for eating she continued "Eh, after dinner you can do what you want." Rosa was quick to point out through a mental message that she wouldn't mind spending some time with Mei-Lien, but that it was, of course, an optional visit.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

After the question, there was a good pass of silence that allowed Mei to enjoy her hot meat. The mistress shared her passion towards spicy things, and the dinner was prepared accordingly. Among the eating, Erica announced that there would be another mission coming up, already beyond the night. "Hmm, no rest for the wicked I guess." the redhead said while she acknowledged the instructions. There was further peaceful eating before the fighter was granted the rest of the day off, perhaps a wise decision from the older succubus. Hearing Rosa's mental note, she agreed to come and see her for a little while after the dinner was done. She had no real idea what there would be there for them to do, but that was no real reason to skip on the invitation.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The four ate in relative silence after that, Erica shoveling down her food quickly, Rosa eating her portion at a relaxed pace, and Hannah continuing to drag along seemingly half asleep. "The girl will probably want to go to bed after this. I don't think she'd make it through a bath at this point. You ought to take her to bed and then call out to me" Rosa said in Mei-Lien's mind once all of them were done eating, and she and the demon were picking up the dishes. Sure enough, Hannah said "I think I need a good sleep..." quietly, looking over at Mei-Lien and pushing herself up out of her chair using the table.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Yes, that seems to be the best way to go here." Mei mentally agreed with Rosa. Once she too had finished with the food, the fighter got herself up, scooping Hannah up even if she tried to protest. "Right, let's get you to bed. Looks like you'll pass out along the way there." she said, not having any particular hurry as they went towards the room. Once there, the redhead demoness set her companion into the bed, joining in herself as well. Once there was confirmation that the mage was indeed sleeping, she would throw a mental shout in the shifter's location once again.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Mei-Lien easily lifted the tired Hannah up into her arms, the mage smiling up at her and cuddling up to her chest. "Thank you" she said quietly, before drifting off to sleep halfway to the bedroom. On closer inspection the demon would note that Hannah was somewhat beaten up, with bruises mostly on her legs and lower body. It looked somewhat like the impact a thin, blunt weapon would make, so it seemed likely that the mage and the succubus had had their own sparring session. By the time Mei-Lien laid the skinny girl on the bed she was already snoring quietly, and when the demon crawled into bed with her and called out to Rosa, she quickly found herself in the shifter's mindscape once more, the shapeshifter sitting at a table and having her after-dinner tea.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Hmm, looks like the training has been much harsher than my usual exercise regimens..." Mei thought about all the marks she saw on Hannah. There was no waiting to be had, and she could call upon Rosa as soon as they were in bed. In that usual instant transportation, the new demoness found herself back at the mind spot, tea being the order of the day once more. Seating herself, the martial artist took up a cup and saucer for herself. "So, what's up? Is there a reason you called, or just the usual deal?"