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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Dear god it appears the world is going to end soon after all, since my aints just made it to the superbowl. I'm not sure wether to celebrate or start building a bomb shelter out in my backyard. Wooot. *does happy dance*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Dear god it appears the world is going to end soon after all, since my aints just made it to the superbowl. I'm not sure wether to celebrate or start building a bomb shelter out in my backyard. Wooot. *does happy dance*

Dear god the world is going to end soon, start building a bomb shelter

You heard him people, RUN, THE END IS NIGH!

Also, I think you meant to say 'Saints'.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

No I meant Aints, it's their nickname as in they aint never won before. Poor grammar, but it sums them up pretty well till now.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

My new PC is up and running.


Alright, sorry, but I gotta brag a bit.

2.93 GHz Dual Core
GForce 9800GT

Windows 7 Premium 64 bit

All for "just" 540 bucks. Though I have to admit I only paid like 40 of them.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

My new PC is up and running.


Alright, sorry, but I gotta brag a bit.

2.93 GHz Dual Core
GForce 9800GT

Windows 7 Premium 64 bit

All for "just" 540 bucks. Though I have to admit I only paid like 40 of them.

Was it a packet deal or did you build it yourself/have someone else build it for you?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

*squees and rolls on the floor* I just had a cute guy (My roommate's Supervisor) give me his phone number. sorta. My roomie gave it too me. i asked him why, and he said because Josh isn't doing anything on Friday.

*squees some more*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Tomorrow I have a physics test,
I know one third, I'll guess the rest,
I was gone from school for a week,
And our book is fit for leek.

It's written by a guy,
Who seems to like small fry,
'cause the book that I read,
Is not factual feed,

Even though it's an advanced course,
He seems to think we have some other source.
'cause the book isn't filled with knowledge,
he focuses more on describing the sky and foliage.

Rhyme break!

Seriously... The summary of each chapter even excludes the formulas from that chapter... And every new chapter is introduced like the students need to awaken an interest for physics. Protip: The students in an advanced physics course wouldn't be there if they didn't have an interest in physics. I mean FUCK! I actually nearly shed a tear when I read earlier: "Isn't it amazing that the world is built up by tiny particles like this?"

I mean FUCK! When we're fucking calculating the fission energies of the different atoms OF COURSE WE KNOW THE WORLD IS MADE FROM THEM!

Sorry for rant...

Grats Chibs!
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

i'm going to do something i never do(and i mean NEVER) and say lol, physics fail, i prove that all the time. the laws say that blah blah blah, gravity. well explain why I'm constantly hovering an inch over the ground. and that I can make things explode with my cut off toenails. :D just felt like harrasing wonder a little :D

oh and tomorrow i have a Media test, I dont even know what pages we are on. :D
Re: Member Announcements Thread

My PC was just recently fixed FOR THE 9000th FUCKING TIME.

And unsuprisingly, a whole lot of shit doesn't work. Again.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Back. I now weigh .00000001 less Stones!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

New diet plan? Or did you just pee?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

*resists remark about Silth not having Stones*

Welcome back, man. And I'm guessing congrats!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

A wild Alias appears!

Alias returns from hiatus for battle!

Alias used Teleport Back to Mass Effect 2!

Yeah so I probably won't be back until after I finish it. Bye again.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

One of my many subjects at school,
Is advanced math, 'cause I am a fool.
After missing a week of mathematical study,
I come back and hear from a buddy:

"We've covered a whole chapter since last,"
And I was amazed, only a week had passed.
Then he informed me, "You're so fucking fucked."
"We have a math test this tuesday," Oh, how that sucked.

So after spending a weekend reading,
In an icecold room... Broken heating.
I go tomorrow to take a test,
That I'm not prepared for, but I'll do my best.

I guess all I'm really trying to say,
is: "Whish me luck, and that my mind won't stray."
Re: Member Announcements Thread

See ya'll Tuesday, I leave later tonight for a few days in Miami.

Geaux saints!!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh man, fuck the superbowl. I live in Miami, the traffic is going to be bullshit for all the weekend and probably half the week after. Damn it.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well actually it appears I can get on the net here so I won't be gone I guess, well except for Sunday that is. Actually the traffic doesn't seem that bad, but I've lived in several major cities so I could just be used to it.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh, I don't think you understand. Florida is dominated by old people, no matter the city - and I don't just mean they're 70+, I mean they're 90+ and their eyesight, sense of hearing, and motor control is shot to hell... and they're still allowed to drive. Then you have the non-natives that won't know where the hell to go, because the maps don't keep up with all the road work that goes on in Florida. Finally, you have the 'young' people who go to the beach every frickin' day.
Add to all of that the fact that the roads in Florida are pretty damned narrow, even in the big cities, and traffic is going to be SO FUN >:[

Of course, that's just been my experience heading into Miami to visit my cousin during non-special days. Maybe they'll add a traffic cop to the confusion, since something special is going on. He'll only be worth 10 points, though.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Just installed Spore on my computer. I'll be back in a few days or so, after i conquer the galaxy.