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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

i am ashamed, though maybe it was good that i didn't do it, because it was her house and everyone was sleeping in the same room. thats the 10 other girls and one guy, not counting me...

Does this make any sense?
okay rewrite: No i was just kidding, irony is still something some peopel are unable to learn, or maybe it is the fact that it is hard to convey the tone of my voice through some letters.

actually irony kind of reminded me about something, Irony-free-zones.
story below
there is this one guy on my sailing team that is in an irony free zone.
But i can't be bothered to write down the story but trust me it was fun. It involved a guy with muscles and me hinting to him being gay. remember he is completely irony free, so imagine it from there.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm not sure where you think there was irony in saying you were ashamed that you didn't rape her. That whole "I'm ashamed I didn't violate someone's human rights while committing a serious crime" is a bit hard to view in any sort of good light.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

so? you're getting on my case for making a sarcastic/ironic remark about me not taking advantage of a girl who slept in the same bed as me and is a total tease? When certain members have been known to have periods of walking around and exclaiming the urge to rape and/or stating that they have raped little kids.
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Re: Member Announcements Thread


Didn't you know, I'm pretty much always serious.

Also, Zoto, that isn't irony really. More sarcasm. Very different. Also, I've yet to see anyone around here claiming to rape children. I've seen the discussion of rape in fantasy, confession and hentai threads however.

And it is true that sarcasm is difficult to detect through text. There really is no tone of voice delivered through some zeros and ones combining into black lines on a white screen, and so all I heard was that you were ashamed with yerself for, as Phoenix said "Violating someone's human rights while committing a serious crime".

Just stating things from the other side of the fence.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I believe violating someone's rights like that is terrible and wrong.
I wouldn't mind being violated.

...does that make me a hypocrite?

Also neg rep for not getting the bizarro-bukkake
Re: Member Announcements Thread

so? you're getting on my case for making a sarcastic/ironic remark about me not taking advantage of a girl who slept in the same bed as me and is a total tease? When certain members have been known to have periods of walking around and exclaiming the urge to rape and/or stating that they have raped little kids.

I am Australian, sarcasm is the milk we suckle on when young. what you said did not sound like sarcasm, did not have the appropriate context for sarcasm and wasn't ironic.

in future be more outlandish or less controversial with your sarcasm, that way it won't sound like you said something stupid and then tried to cover it up by saying it was a joke.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

\When certain members have been known to have periods of walking around and exclaiming the urge to rape and/or stating that they have raped little kids.

Uh... Am I missing something here? I don't remember anyone doing this...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Meh I got that it was a joke but it took me a while. Zoto, you need to look up the definition of irony. And if you're going to be sarcastic, please be funny when you do it. The stitching the thumb together was more on the right lines.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

. . . . .


Good news, Bartnum, seems the members have found someone to replace you :D

As for Irony... maybe this will help:

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Re: Member Announcements Thread

NO. We are NOT doing another damn image dump.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

It was as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Murr. I have to stay up for another four hours to set my schedule for work on Thursday.

Maybe i should do my homework.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I think our dearest Oni has exclaimed the urge to rape little children at least once... It might just be my memory screwing with me... Or was it Obe?

Anyways, Bartnum, I'm happy for you! Congratulations! You think you could give Zoto that "No lynching" sign? I have a feeling he'll be needing it from now on...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

it was a innocent joke. really innocent, honto desu!
what must i do to be forgiven. i repent my actions. but seriously this is a forum dedicated to tentacle rape, but if one carefully mentions suprise butt secks with the opposite sex, you get a moral speech thrown in your face. Ill be more careful from now on. *resisted making another stupid joke*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

it was a innocent joke. really innocent, honto desu!
what must i do to be forgiven. i repent my actions. but seriously this is a forum dedicated to tentacle rape, but if one carefully mentions suprise butt secks with the opposite sex, you get a moral speech thrown in your face. Ill be more careful from now on. *resisted making another stupid joke*

You can not really compare tentacle rape, which is hentai and a fantasy (hence not real), to real rape, which is a crime and a tragedy.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

You can not really compare tentacle rape, which is hentai and a fantasy (hence not real), to real rape, which is a crime and a tragedy.

Hey, hey, hey, get that realism outta here. I cease to exist when people start talking about reality, you know? :/
Re: Member Announcements Thread

@ Dark: not going on an image dump. If I wanted to image dump, I'd use the 'Last Post Wins' thread. Notice how my pictures are relevant, and I only used the two?

However, I do feel the need to post this picture, and I do believe it is relevant as well.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

it was a innocent joke. really innocent, honto desu!
what must i do to be forgiven. i repent my actions. but seriously this is a forum dedicated to tentacle rape, but if one carefully mentions suprise butt secks with the opposite sex, you get a moral speech thrown in your face. Ill be more careful from now on. *resisted making another stupid joke*

Two things:
  1. Similar to what Sin said, the stuff we do here is obvious fantasy. You posted in one of the few non-fiction threads in the forum with a statement that seemed to be about your real life and not a fantasy.
  2. Desu does not go with gorillas.
Also, I can't find it right now, but my first encounter with a picture of an albino gorilla online had the lines "You gonna get raped" and looked like this:

Which is rather similar to your avatar.