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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

My condolences to you and your family TentanariX
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Condolences and best wishes to both Lucas and Tentanari.

I... wanted to say something more, but can't find the proper words.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

D: *HUG* I know what that's like. But I'm not very good at the comforting thing...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hate to double post....

but ah... I'm single again. *shrug* Ah well.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

just got back about an hour ago. everything went well.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I managed to get my DS connected to the internet, so I'll post my Friend Code for Pokemon Soul Silver probably tomorrow sometime. Not that I've got a good team, I haven't long started out.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Really? She certain bragged about it enough >_>
Re: Member Announcements Thread

@ Tent: Sorry to hear she died :(
Last funeral I attended was my grandfather's. Everyone was really quiet... which is spooky, 'cause my family talks... A LOT...

@ Chibi: That sucks. Was it mutual/your choice, or do I have to hunt him down and call him a dumbass? :p
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Chibi, you and I should totally e-date sometime.

Re: Member Announcements Thread

I return from a party. Everybody was drunk but me. I slept approx. 1 hour. And yet, as soon as the worst drunkards were passed out, I actually managed to have a little fun.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

OK, So I'm back, and BOY do I have to catch up!

So in no particular order,

@ Chibi, My condolences, loss of life is always sad...
Then... Welcome back, have fun getting sloshed!...
Then... Wut? you're single? Was it mutual agreement or dumping?

@ Unknown, Yes, you win the rep... But it seems I have to spread some more around first.

@ PA: Hope your comp is fine soon!

@ Lucas,
There's not much I can say... Just to remember that alcohol doesn't so much numb the mind as amplify whatever mindset you have, be it positive or negative.

@ Incubus
POSESSION?! Aawww JEBUS! Don't scare me like that.

@ Tenta,
Condolences, remember to think happy thoughts...

OK, so to summarize, I leave you guys for ONE WEEK, and we get two deaths, two breakups, one posession and computer problems.


Anyways, I see that the one that has really been on God's shitlist this week is Chibi... Soooooo... I'm just gonna repeat that I'm sorry, and if you want input or venting on someone who neither knows or understands you, then give me a PM. (I know that sounds like a bad deal, but sometimes it's good to just bounce off of people that don't know you.)

Egypt was fun, I didn't get to kite, but I did go scubadiving, swimming, and such. I guess I should clarify that were I went wasn't EGYPT Egypt, It was a place called El Gouna, which is pretty much just an entire town built just for the sake of maintaining tourists. Sounds despicable I know, but it was fun. Oh, and there was Karaoke night one night I was there.
Shit was SO cash.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Pokemon Soul Silver Friend Code; 4598 1951 5559, name; Stephan. Will be added to my sig at some point.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

hahaha. so true. seems like you'd know if you ever ever ever read the love thread =p

I gave up keeping track of her romantic life... it was rather roller coastery fer awhile.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

>.>;; It was for a while wasn't it...

But yeah, mutual choice. We don't see eye to eye on a lot of things. The biggest being my internet life, *laughs* I loved you guys far too much to give this site up even if he was in person and oh so snuggly. Besides that he was a rebound guy, and that's what i needed. Now I'm content to be single.

@Lucas: I dunno, I gave up e-dating a while ago xD
Re: Member Announcements Thread

OK, So I'm back, and BOY do I have to catch up!

So in no particular order,

@ Chibi, My condolences, loss of life is always sad...
Then... Welcome back, have fun getting sloshed!...
Then... Wut? you're single? Was it mutual agreement or dumping?

@ Unknown, Yes, you win the rep... But it seems I have to spread some more around first.

@ PA: Hope your comp is fine soon!

@ Lucas,
There's not much I can say... Just to remember that alcohol doesn't so much numb the mind as amplify whatever mindset you have, be it positive or negative.

@ Incubus
POSESSION?! Aawww JEBUS! Don't scare me like that.

@ Tenta,
Condolences, remember to think happy thoughts...

OK, so to summarize, I leave you guys for ONE WEEK, and we get two deaths, two breakups, one posession and computer problems.


Anyways, I see that the one that has really been on God's shitlist this week is Chibi... Soooooo... I'm just gonna repeat that I'm sorry, and if you want input or venting on someone who neither knows or understands you, then give me a PM. (I know that sounds like a bad deal, but sometimes it's good to just bounce off of people that don't know you.)

Egypt was fun, I didn't get to kite, but I did go scubadiving, swimming, and such. I guess I should clarify that were I went wasn't EGYPT Egypt, It was a place called El Gouna, which is pretty much just an entire town built just for the sake of maintaining tourists. Sounds despicable I know, but it was fun. Oh, and there was Karaoke night one night I was there.
Shit was SO cash.

This, exept the Egypt stuff, I've never been to Egypt.
I haven't been here for a week either so don't go ahead and think you're all special Wonder.

I have been: playing through No more Heroes, twice. then zelda twilight once. and windwaker, though I didn't finish that. I started ocarina of time master quest, only got halways. got all the masks on majoras, and found the fairies in the dungeons...and you don't care...

A very uneventful easter so far. I was originally going with a friend to his winter place, but my little sister left before me, so I had to stay and keep my kid bro company. It was ok though. I brushed up on my snowboarding, aswell as telemarking skills. Did some cross country, and now I'm seriously fucking sick and tired of snow, and skiis(skiis, skis? which ever is right) and everything related to it. And I was betrayed by my friend I was originally going to. Our plan was to go to my place first, but no, he didn't want to so he ditched it. :mad:

Also drink enough alcohol and it pretty much dulls everything. Trust me; been there, done that.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hi guys, sorry I haven't been able to go on in the past week, I haven't been able to, and I won't be able to until a similar time next week probably. Sorry.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Making this official:

As of Monday Night, I will be effectively gone from the forums for roughly a week, expect to be back sometime next Sunday Afternoon, or the day after.

I am taking a trip to Florida, and I damn well intend to enjoy it.

My condolences to both you Chibi and Tenta, loss of life is always a rough time of things. Just always bear in mind that those who have passed, no longer need suffer through life and whatever ailed them, and feel no pain.

@Inky: Possession aye? Hmm, so YOUR the reason I've felt more demonic than normal lately huh? Interesting.

Take care all, I may be on and off here throughout the day today and tomorrow, but don't bank on it. Have a happy easter, and enjoy your week while I am gone. Just don't start any apocalypses without me, or at least leave me something to mess with on my return if you do.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Got back from Easter get together with the family. My uncle with cancer actually showed up. He's been recovering well.

Some good news in here for once...