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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

I dont view those people as real people, i view them as stupid retards.

regardless i've made my point and i've got to go to work so discussion is over.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So a meritocracy is based on a persons merits, that I always knew and understood, but with the addition of "anarchic" raises a question or two to me. That would mean that a basic meritocracy has you GRANTED your power based on your merits, while in an anarchic meritocracy, you simply TAKE based on your merit? Would a battle royale be an example of anarchic meritocracy? At least in the way that those without the appropriate level of merit in compared to others end up cast from the society entirely (ie: dead)?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

that would just be anarchy, the merit based nature of this system requires some enforcement. There is no direct competition with people, only beside people.

as i say we are technicaly a benign dictatorship if you have to get down to it. That is with Aika at the top and me as his regent.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Sorry, my mind is sorta assimilation-specific, so it causes me to always create metaphors just to understand the simplest of things. Having said that, it's giving me a hard time to imagine a sort of anarchic meritocracy, hence my question. I just can't place it in my mind and it's sorta bothering me to come up with some sort of example on how that would work.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So I decided I don't want to be a teacher. I'm just not carved out for it - to name but one thing, when I first doubted the idea and my father tried to convince me otherwise, I just rolled over and resigned to avoid the problems that would arise. I don't have the mindset of being enthusiastic, but realistic. I'm realistic, but not enthusiastic. I'm not extroverted and don't like speaking in front of a crowd. In short, I started this education for all the wrong reasons. I don't even LIKE kids, for fuck's sake.

And yet, despite all this, I doubt if it's the right decision to quit. But I know why I doubt it - because it would be easier to just keep on trudging down the beaten path instead of moving into the wilderness of the job market. Again. And be out of work. Again. My father made it perfectly clear that he won't finance another education.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Sounds rough and I certainly understand the reasoning behind both sides of the argument. I work with someone who went to school for teaching and then found out he hated it afterwards. Hopefully what ever you decide works out for the best.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

To be healthy, everyone assumes that they must have some enjoyment out of what they do. If your trust yourself to keep your work life separate, then fuck what you do, take money. You don't ever have to be happy with your job, just with yourself. And not to sound like a cynic, but sometimes it's usually easier to be happy with yourself if you've got money, as opposed to not.

Best of luck with whatever you turn out to
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide, Rule. I'm presuming that you can't do what would be the equivalent over here of "changing majors," which will keep you in school (and thus make your father happy) but you can also change to a subject/vocation that you're truly interested in and want to pursue. Personally, I'm of the opinion that if whatever it is you're doing is making you miserable (not just unhappy or grumpy or general, say, workforce/schooling bitchiness but *miserable*) then you need to find something else to do. It's no good keeping yourself in something you consider a toxic enviroment. And hey, if you go out and join the workforce, save up and finance your own education. I've got a friend that's doing just that.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

To be healthy, everyone assumes that they must have some enjoyment out of what they do. If your trust yourself to keep your work life separate, then fuck what you do, take money. You don't ever have to be happy with your job, just with yourself. And not to sound like a cynic, but sometimes it's usually easier to be happy with yourself if you've got money, as opposed to not.

Best of luck with whatever you turn out to

You can't half-ass teacher or go in with a "don't give a fuck" attitude, though. Well, you CAN, but it's an extremely shitty thing to do, because you're messing up the kids' education.

I've found three job offerings for office jobs on the internet that I'm going to apply to in the near future. More are sure to follow, but I'm running out of photos.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Haha, I didn't say don't work and just fuck the kids. Just cuz you're not having fun with the job doesn't mean you're not encouraging their education.
I'm just saying it's not wrong to detach the idea of work from some sort of sense of fulfillment or right with your life. Anyone can be healthy with a suck job.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Copper is done con'd out. Had a great three days and now that I can spend my evenings on the internet again instead of sleeping to get up at times when I'm usually going to bed, I can do a quick report.

Won the con scavenger hunt for the third year in a row (because I am ruthless and awesome, and so is my team.) which means we get free pre-reg for next year.

Got to meet three wonderful voice actors and even got to go out to dessert with Mike "Dr. Eggman" Polluck because the one kid I went with actually chats with him on the internet and it's "Dude, ask him to go to dinner." "How?" "Just ask him!" So we wound up doing dessert instead, but we got to go out, which was cool. Shook hands with Robert "Lord Zedd" Axelrod and after three(!) flight delays, got to meet Sean "Goku" Schimmel (I know I butchered that, likely.)

*preens* Also debuted my Vincent Valentine costume at our con and won an Honorable Mention in the Masquerade. Also got to meet a cool group of Final Fantasy cosplayers, which was fun. If you'd like to see, they've got the Masq. up on youtube
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Very nice indeed! Makes me wish there were cons and stuff in my area, i usually hate crowds, but i think i'd be fine if they were all as nerdy/awesome as I am. If that was your Vincent costume in there, it looks really great, though the video itself isnt a very good quality.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Captain Slow poking in...
Copper, sounds like a really nice time! I don't really care much for cons, but thats because Norwegian cons aren't that good... What you did souds awesome!

Aaannd... As I said, I'm Captain Slow... And I have just gotten XB LIVE... YAY...

My tag is megas0nic2000 and i...

nah, just kidding.
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeah, Shrike, that was me. The one *in* the Masquerade. You also get a glimpse of the other Vincent that was running around when the FF cosplayers head up. I think it was done on, like, an Iphone or something. I showed my one friend the video and she goes "you didn't look at the camera!" I looked at her and went "I didn't *know* there was a camera!"

But yeah EAE was the first con I ever attended and this is their fourth year. They've been in four different locations each time but I love the small atmosphere. I went to Anime Boston for the first time this year and yeah, there's a lot to do, more to buy, more to see, but I went out for dessert with Mike Polluck because I could walk up to his table and go "Mr. Polluck, would you like to go to dinner?" My friend and I totally missed Sean Schimmel at AB because of the crowd and we waited, maybe 20 minutes to get to him here and that's because he was taking his time to pose for pics and chat up the guests getting autographs. We might not be able to regularly get huge name people, but the ones that we do get are really friendly and it's just got a personal level to it that you don't have at big places. I mean, heck, half of the staff know me by name or sight and are friends with me on facebook. (Which means I really have to behave myself sometimes *laughs*)

I say, unless it's really expensive, support your local cons. It's people going that allow them to get bigger and better. And the biggest thing to remember is that you're not the only geek there. You are one of many. Legion, even *snickers*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

One day between posts...and different subject, too.

I gots an interview on Friday!!!! The library called this morning and set up an interview, so I had to spend my "before sleep" time filling out forms and shelling out money for background checks (gotta love government positions, essentially) but there's a good chance I might get in. *dances*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Congrats Copper! Hopefully it goes well.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I don't know if this thread is the right place to introduce myself or not, but if it is...

*Delurks like a velociraptor in the bushes* Hello!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I don't know if this thread is the right place to introduce myself or not, but if it is...

*Delurks like a velociraptor in the bushes* Hello!

Close, but not quite. Check one or two more sticky threads below this one. Anyhow, welcome to ulmf.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

For those of you keeping score, my mom had her surgery today and all went well. She is home and resting and now we gotta get her recouped so we can see about the whole radiation treatment thing. But, so far, all's good in the hood!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

For those of you keeping score, my mom had her surgery today and all went well. She is home and resting and now we gotta get her recouped so we can see about the whole radiation treatment thing. But, so far, all's good in the hood!

Glad to hear! My best wishes.