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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Since we're on the subject, I'll mention now that our intro thread probably could do with at least a tiny bit of extra explanation in the first post. It made sense at the time, to us, but beyond the title which I've already mentioned, it is honestly a bit vague.

This is the form we shall begin with from here on in, each time a person does it they have to add a new question!

That's all there is to go on. Then the form.

It doesn't need much. Not much at all. But something to clarify that, "Yes, this is the introduction thread. Say hi. Complete the form for fun if you'd like to." would probably help. If even just a bit.

(Pokes and harasses dear Nunu. '◡' )
Re: Member Announcements Thread

welp, four official hours until my next number to my RL time trial score, and back from my first 'official' day of unemployment. Finally got me something, technically me and dad are acting as janitors at the same church we've been slaving away volunteer hours fixing back together anyway.

As much as part of me never wants to see those walls for the rest of my life, another part of me is looking at that vacant part of my job experience list and the 75 bucks a week (plus more if we do extra operations like waxing the tile floor) is actually kinda a good thing right about now. Not bad for about three and a half hours when it's just me and dad (if I was the only one, I'd assume somewhere around seven hours, but eh, details.)

Anyway, time to rest my shoulder, wiping down about 8 toilets and urinals certainly makes the arms tired.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

This is gonna be interestingly weird , but for some reason I find the 'Everything Else' section of ULMF to be quite... inactive, as of late. Like some people don't just post or comment as much or not at all (in general) and have been gone for quite some time. Real life is my guess. It's probably me, since I have been in a really bizarre mood lately, but I'm just throwing that out here; to see if anyone feels kinda similar.
Good night folks.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm going to go ahead and blame the shoutbox. A lot of talk that would otherwise happen in the everything else section happens there instead.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

It's Valentines, the most depressing day of the whole year. So happy St Valentines I guess to y'all :D
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Getting on time for my annual sojourn up to Boston for the convention. Don't mind me. I'll just be over here spazflailing until I'm actually on the train.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Getting on time for my annual sojourn up to Boston for the convention. Don't mind me. I'll just be over here spazflailing until I'm actually on the train.

--if you enjoy the Dropkick Murphys, that is. Be safe and have fun fangirling and whatnot.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

--if you enjoy the Dropkick Murphys, that is. Be safe and have fun fangirling and whatnot.

The "intro to Anime Boston" panel is actually called that *laughs* "Shipping up to Boston." Not one I'll be attending, but that's amusing.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So due to some recent changes in my life, I have finally quit smoking after....god, I don't know how many years it has been now. Quick question to anyone else that has done the same; When the hell to the withdrawals stop?! I'm chewing through almost a pack of drinking straws every few days >_<
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hard to say really, my first time the withdrawals lasted roughly a month. Then I stupidly started up again before quitting 2 years ago, those withdrawals only lasted a week. Of course now I'm addicted to life savers mints instead but it is an improvement.

Good luck and trust me when I say it's worth it to be able to truly breath again. Not to mention that your sense of taste and smell will dramatically improve, and you no longer have to go and stand in the freezing cold every hour or so during the winter.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hard to say really, my first time the withdrawals lasted roughly a month. Then I stupidly started up again before quitting 2 years ago, those withdrawals only lasted a week. Of course now I'm addicted to life savers mints instead but it is an improvement.

Good luck and trust me when I say it's worth it to be able to truly breath again. Not to mention that your sense of taste and smell will dramatically improve, and you no longer have to go and stand in the freezing cold every hour or so during the winter.
Yeah, it's only been about 2 weeks so I still have a bit more to go I guess. The whole mint or candy thing never worked for me, but the straws seem to be helping with keeping my mouth and hands busy. I just think it's the moodiness that bothers me the most. Those around me know I've recently quit, but since they were never smokers it's hard for them to understand why my attitude changes so suddenly. And I am looking forward to reaping those benefits. Thanks :)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Back! So the train heading out was 2 hours late because some dumbass missed their connection and the railway wasn't about to shell out for them to stay overnight somewhere, so instead of rolling in at 9 we got in closer to 11/12. Con was amazing. Didn't go to as many panels as in previous years. Spent waaaaay to much on books and art and pins. Watched the CB almost get up and strangle a guy at the "Gender and Anime Culture After Dark" panel (because that this the CB's field of study - gender and japanese culture) but that would've gotten us kicked out of the con, so they settled for making a good point at another point in the presentation. But, we made two new friends afterward, so it was all good (one of which we'd met a couple years previous, which was amusing to reconnet with.) Got a lot of pictures. Saw a lot of awesome cosplay. There was a RWBY photoshoot, which I was jazzed about. Got lots of compliments on my own cosplay. Cheesecake Factory still won, even with only doing lunch portions. Service was crappy again at Wagamama. Pinkberry was, again, awesome. Got Wendee Lee's autograph. Stood in line for 2-1/2 hours and barely got Patrick Seitz's autograph, so now my friend owes me her soul. Rolled in at 3am and slept the sleep of the dead. Going to work tomorrow is going to suck, so thankfully it's a shorter day. Still going to be long as hell, but shorter day.

And then I don't have to worry about any of this again until the Chicago trip next month. Oi.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Although from some of you this will simply elicit a "Who's that guy?" anyway, a short notice is more polite than saying nothing. Until further notice, I won't be part of this forum anymore. I may check in once in a while because it has become a habit of mine, but I don't intend to post or participate anymore, since I don't feel like I belong. I have had quite a few laughs though, and for that I thank you folks.

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, I remember you at least

I suck at goodbyes so I'll just say best wishes to you, and leave it at that
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Too many feelings, wish you a good travel through internet


PS: Yaaay, i learned how to put images
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yo Obsi, it's been really awesome having you around the forums, and it's a big shame the fact that you're leaving, but do what you gotta do. There will always be a virtual avatar thingymagick here waiting for ya ;)

Have fun out there, and mind the gap :D
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So, this time tomorrow, I will be on a train to Chicago for a conference. See you all in a week or so.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Copper goes to a lot of confrences, she must be important.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So my brother came home from his trip to Scotland today, on his first mountain climbing expedition. Been up and down the tallest mountain in Britain now. I went to pick him up from the train station.

He stepped out of the train grinning wildly, wearing a hand made eye patch, and with a dear skull tied across the front of his chest, antlers sticking out to either side and all.

"... ... so... good trip?"