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RPG [mminit] Lewdest Labyrinth

Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

-Costumes would be fun to do, but a lot of work. I’ll take it into more serious consideration once more of the core game is complete.

Some thoughts on costumes
Rather than a costume requiring new art for every stance, attack, non-grab h attack, etc...if you want to provide some variety for a lot less work, what about a particular floor that has the heroine change her outfit, and that outfit enforce its own stance? It could even come with its own unique abilities in place of the ones you'd normally use.

At that point, though, it's practically another character. To put another spin on the outfit suggestion, instead of MC changing outfits, what about being able to play as other characters for a particular section? MC reaches a floor, and can't solve a puzzle - so you instead take control of an different character and fight through that floor/stratum instead. The other character could have the same stats as whatever MC had (and any boosts they gain transfer back for the same of simplicity and consistency), but they would have different abilities and stances. What to do with EXP would be a bit trickier, but it would be interesting.

It's two very different suggestions though. Adding costumes for MC is a large commitment. Even if the costume is temporary, given the large number of frames the MC already has, it would take a lot of new images or a big rework of mechanics. Allowing other outfits by tying them to a different character could give a bit more freedom since you could have the stances, skills, and enemies be unique to them, potentially cutting down on the number of new standing images that need to be made in order to incorporate a different appearance, but it's still not an easy task, and it also limits your ability to expand on that character.

I'm really just talking through some ideas. I don't have a strong suggestion one way or the other on this, as I like the MC's design a lot, but I also thought that the NPC on the first floor looked quite nice as well.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

at the beginning of the tread I read that this game does not actually have any kind of h scene when you lose, you just lose and that's all, have it changed or he hasn't implemented this yet?
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

at the beginning of the tread I read that this game does not actually have any kind of h scene when you lose, you just lose and that's all, have it changed or he hasn't implemented this yet?

Losing just returns you to the title screen.
Don't know if the author intends on adding loss scenes or the like.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

After a full playthrough of what is in the current version i have to say I found it entirely way to easy. Maybe because I've been playing crawlers since the first might and magic, but that's just me i guess.

the only challenging part was just starting out and going into the second area. went back to area one and ground out some stats and skills, after this point i pretty much just a full run with no clothes and just alternating between heat and first aid, sometimes Yell if they hit too hard.

I felt that I was entirely to powerful from the moment i got heat. The only times i need to dress up was for the bosses.

The times that i did decide to spend clothed i felt the the weapons were fairly lackluster and barely any use for them when i could just uppercut in offensive stance do doo 400 damage a turn. it was kinda busted.

I also felt that items in general that boosted stats were way to plentiful, and the status cure items to not be very useful. I found myself just wasting them to make room for stat up items.

I did however have a lot of fun playing and would like to see more of it, i have always really like dungeon exploration games. So this was right up my alley. Hard Mode when?!

Keep up the great work!
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

First time trying to new version, I rushed straight ahead. Mapped out floor one, went to floor two... ran into a Wurm right away who stripped me on 10 LP every time. Decided to play more smart. Spent time grinding in floor one, spent a bit more time grinding later - made the game pretty easy.

Seems that you can spend as much time as you like grinding experience on easier enemies, which (along with save anywhere) makes the game pretty easy in general. It might be worth having some kind of consumable (a food stat that continually goes down, say) that forces you to head forwards so you can keep finding more of it... Or maybe save that for a hard mode.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

I've been lurking on this one trying the new builds as they've come out. Figure I'll give some input on the newest build.


For getting stuck, I assume you found yourself in a situation where you had low HP, no LP and were nude? That can be pretty brutal and unfair at the moment and it needs to be looked at.

Noted on the minimap, this time around it seems to be an issue with many so I’ll make it more of a priority to detail it.

I could make it so that the grapples keep playing but I don’t want to hinder the flow of battle too much, perhaps the eventual gallery mode will solve this.


Having just discovered this, tried out latest version last night. Surprisingly entertaining!

That said, still a long way to go I suspect.


Trying to strike a fine balance with the nude mechanic is something I need to work on. Your first two solutions have been suggested and I’m going to try them out.

I have some ideas for how I’d want running away to work, just not implemented yet.

For the inventory issue, I’ll look into some solutions to give the player a way to manage items.

I appreciate you coming out of lurking to comment!

Some thoughts on costumes


If I do end up adding more costumes I think I’d prefer if they were just a cosmetic thing. At this point it would actually be less time consuming to do all the drawing then it would be to rework mechanics and balance to include more characters

Other characters were planned early on in the game but scrapped due to basically doubling or tripling the workload. In one of the very early builds (never released) you could switch out characters while playing, in fact, that NPC at the start originally joined you.

Always appreciate the ideas.

at the beginning of the tread I read that this game does not actually have any kind of h scene when you lose, you just lose and that's all, have it changed or he hasn't implemented this yet?

There are no scenes when you lose, but the game is full of h content as you play.

After a full playthrough of what is in the current version i have to say I found it entirely way to easy. Maybe because I've been playing crawlers since the first might and magic, but that's just me i guess.


Definitely sounds like you are seasoned when it comes to this type of game, your feedback in regards to the balance is very helpful. Hard mode would be fun but I need to improve the general difficulty first.

First time trying to new version,


Yeah at the moment it’s pretty forgiving with grinding, at some point I want to make it so enemies you are much stronger than wont give you the HP up, or at least try it out.

Thanks for playing everyone.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Just finished playing and while I thoroughly enjoyed this game, a little suggestion I might make would be something to do with the clothes loss in this game.

Early in the game if you lost your clothes because of a grab attack or a trap, and weren't able to regain it for the next fight, it was incredibly hard to win. Some fights I was stuck just constantly healing and hoping for a counterattack since the lust gain was enough for a continuous use. For example, I struggled so hard against the living tentacles just because they did so such damage when you had no clothes on.

Perhaps a suggestion would be to lower the lust gain and maybe decrease the defense loss. Might make it easier early game and harder late game since by the end of the game, you gain so much lust you can easily throw out skills like taunt and heat every turn
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Sorry if it's been asked before, but I searched the thread and couldn't find it.

Are you planning on adding a gallery feature? Some of the non-grab lewd attacks are very well drawn but it's hard to *ahem* fully appreciate them since they only show up for a second and, unlike the grabs, you can't just idle and watch them.

Also, I can see it being a bit of a pain if you want to fight a specific enemy that shows up in one area since if you wanted to see their cg/grab you'd have to trek back through the whole dungeon. Perhaps, if not a gallery feature, then at least some way to fast travel back and forth through levels you've been to, as well as having the cg of non-grab lewd attacks stay up until you press a button?
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Just finished playing and while I thoroughly enjoyed this game, a little suggestion I might make would be something to do with the clothes loss in this game.


It’s possible that some enemies may be too hard, a lot of people are mentioning the vines. I’m going to go back do some more testing for the clothing loss too, it seems to start off too hard and then scale to being too easy.

Sorry if it's been asked before, but I searched the thread and couldn't find it.

Are you planning on adding a gallery feature?


Yes, a gallery feature is planned, same goes for being able to fast travel between dungeons.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Hello there :)

First off, I was quite impressed by the game, keep this up!

Second: I'm stupid. I reached the first boss before hitting a wall and understanding how to use the accumulated exp to actually 'level up'...

...so you might want to take my feedback with a shovel or two of salt.

It seemed to me the first enemies in the game (eye things) were extremely easy which is surely intended, and then I reached the 'tongue snakes?' or something, and got my ass handed to me in short order.

I basically had to farm the first kinda boring mobs, watch the single 'stare' animation for a while and wasn't even sure the game it was worth it yet. Now it definitely was, but you might want to make the difficulty curve a bit smoother?

Same thing happened with the living vines, and at the first golem boss: had to farm for a while, but that is okay. The problem is: after that, I felt the difficulty went down big time.

I didn't have to farm anymore and killed most things on my first encounter. I took the time to find most animations whenever I encountered any trap/monster, so I guess I farmed a bit, but it definitely felt like a cruise.

I don't think I found any animation on the bosses (only tried the last one dressed, then a second time while naked), but maybe they would deserve some love given the length of the encounters, compared to regular mobs.

Looking forward to the next update!
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Hm... I love the idea of the game. I've begun playing and I haven't gotten terribly far yet, but already my motivation is a little dampened by the lack of any sort of GoR.

In my opinion, you don't even need a special CG or anything. I think if you just did something as simple as a looping h-attack following her defeat (with cum if appropriate) until the player pressed a button to continue, that would probably be adequate.

I'd actually prefer that, as cgs tend to be static and boring for me.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

It seemed to me the first enemies in the game (eye things) were extremely easy which is surely intended, and then I reached the 'tongue snakes?' or something, and got my ass handed to me in short order.

Hey, thanks for playing. The jump in difficulty at the start can be a bit much if you don't pace yourself, I'm thinking of expanding the starting area a bit so the player is eased into it better. I'm always adjusting the difficulty based on feedback, so thanks.

The bosses should get some attention in the future hopefully.

Hm... I love the idea of the game. I've begun playing and I haven't gotten terribly far yet, but already my motivation is a little dampened by the lack of any sort of GoR.

There are looping attacks that some enemies do to you normally, pretty much exactly what you describe other than the climax, but I get it, most people expect GoR in these games. The context does completely change when the protagonist is utterly defeated and raped, rather than just raped during battle.

It's asked about enough that I may just have to add it.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

There are looping attacks that some enemies do to you normally, pretty much exactly what you describe other than the climax, but I get it, most people expect GoR in these games. The context does completely change when the protagonist is utterly defeated and raped, rather than just raped during battle.

It's asked about enough that I may just have to add it.

Definitely something I'd like to see. I like Drakeero's thoughts on it in particular.

In my opinion, you don't even need a special CG or anything. I think if you just did something as simple as a looping h-attack following her defeat (with cum if appropriate) until the player pressed a button to continue, that would probably be adequate.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

There are looping attacks that some enemies do to you normally, pretty much exactly what you describe other than the climax, but I get it, most people expect GoR in these games. The context does completely change when the protagonist is utterly defeated and raped, rather than just raped during battle.

It's asked about enough that I may just have to add it.

I think it's more an issue of closure than context, personally. When you have a rape / grapple attack that causes a game over and leaves your character still in the enemy's clutches, there's an ingrained mental hook that leaves you asking "Okay, what now?" Popping back to the main menu without even acknowledging that leaves the experience feeling hollow. Even a generic Game Over splash with your heroine laying in a puddle of sex looking ravished would be "closure" enough to make things feel complete. Of course, making them context-sensitive to the enemy in question would be better, but that's your call.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Big fan of not having Game Over Rape in the game - when the point of the game is the H content, it's a very odd design decision to have the point be the failure state. I know it's not a commonly held belief here, but to me GoR makes no sense from a game design standpoint.

I do have some questions, though - is Damage victory the only way to win in battles, or do you plan to add a Lust victory as well, the way Corruption of Champions does? I'd love to try to experience the difference between the two, and it's always nice when you're the sexual aggressor in these games I feel.

I know at the moment raising an enemies lust value lowers their effective defense, but I just think it'd be cool if putting an enemy in a state of high lust would open them up to some lewd attacks.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Eh, I enjoy game over rape to be honest with you. Its more immersive that way, and I know I'm not the only one who thinks like that.

Though in an effort to not turn this into a discussion on is "why people enjoy game over rape v.s why people don't" I'll stop here. There are already other threads even here that go into more detail on this subject anyway.

So I'll leave it at I think something should happen when you lose in combat.
It doesn't even have to be anything real special either. Drakeero and dfxtent both bring up good ways to do it if you ask me.

Anyhow, thats just my thoughts.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

i want to second that - at least a game over screen would round things up very much for me!

great game by the way
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Well if you don't want a GoR, but want some concequence to losing, can always think up some other penalty.

Losing clothes and having to run around naked would have been one option, but already taken heh.

Have a crawling status and new ways of being a victim, until you get to a healing pool?

Waking up in a 'lair' area with new issues to get around until you get back to regular dungeon?

While I don't mind GoR (better than nothing), never really liked the mechanic as it's so much lose on purpose to see the event, which is really immersion breaking for me. And then never see it again unless you're bad at the game.. or there's lots of RNG in the game that can kill you.

More into non game over penalties, and having the game continue.

If for no other reason than it allows you to jack up the game difficulty and have these events occur naturally, as opposed to losing on purpose... without having people frustrated about reloading all the time on a difficult setting.

I always think about Defeat and Death Alternative mods in Skyrim. Where you can surrender to the enemy in order not to die, with some 'costs' heh.
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

This man gets it.

I just want something to happen when you lose, other then just a plain game over and then booted back to the title screen.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

I agree with the idea of non-titlescreen gameovers.
To me, it's a simple matter of quality of time:
In the old days, games were hard and few between, so you could try and try again until you finally mastered it and won (that level).
These days, there are more games than I have time to play.
So my response to a gameover screen is no longer "damn, I screwed that up, gotta try harder next time",
but rather "fuck. When was my last save? Seriously, I have to do ALL that again?"

In my opinion, modern games should avoid too much progress-reset:
I should be able to choose to re-play previous content because I enjoy it,
but I should not be forced to slog through things I've seen a hundred times to get back to the new things I've yet to discover.
If I screw up, I want to keep my progress, though I like the idea of a minigame to "resurrect", it keeps some element of "screw that, I can reload".
Mind, I'm totally fine with this being optional - hardcore gamers may want a permadeath option, or a status screen where they can show off "0 deaths".
I guess I'm just not a hardcore gamer anymore 8)

Though my number one feature request for this game: Walls.
Specifically, make the minimap indicate walls somehow, maybe by adding adjacent dark blocks, maybe by drawing lines on the side of squares.
Right now, it's a bit tedious to explore a map fully: I know where I've been, but I don't know where I skipped an intersection, so I still need to re-run everywhere to check for more paths.

Still: I think this game is pretty great, for what it is!