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Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

In case you guys have been wondering where I've been, I've been making an RPG using MapTool, with the monster girl theme.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Sounds interesting. Care to elaborate?
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Well, it's a virtual tabletop. And all the standards that apply to that, apply to this. For example, each character in the game is represented as a 'token' in the world. Nothing fancy.

But what 'is' fancy, is that maptool allows you to create macros, which basically do all the chores of making rolls, and adjusting stats for you, 'vastly' increasing the speed which a stat based game such as the one I'm in the works of making progresses. As an example, at the end of a round, every character participating in the battle gets all of their AP restored, so that they can act again. Normally, I'd have to bring up each and every single AP value everyone has, which can be tedious with a lot of units on screen, all I have to do, it select all the tokens, and press 'Restore AP.'

And boom, only took me a second. Players didn't even have to wait.

So I am very interested in the system. As such, my interest his diverged over there slightly. Plus letting each player have their own 'menu' makes me giddy as well. They go to their skills, select, 'Slice&Dice,' and announce who they're attacking, before pressing the button. The macro takes care of the rest. It spends your AP, announces how you attack, and makes an attack roll.

And as a plus, there are health bars. That made me giddy too. Truly felt to me as if I could take my ero-rp's a step upwards.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I see... Quite a convenient tool. It certainly makes things much more useful for all sides involved.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Where the fuck have you been, RJ?

I've lost interest in your RP, you slow ass sack of shit.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

You disappeared? I almost didn't notice.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

For a week even. Although I've done this before, so that may be why it's not so noticeable.

Surprising that anyone is still interested at all.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

If you ask me, this is the best RP out of the currently running ones. Maybe that's why.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

RJ have you checked out the usioni or the other monster girls lately?
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

If you ask me, this is the best RP out of the currently running ones. Maybe that's why.

Oh Cross, you smooth operator, you sure know how to make a reptile blush.

RJ have you checked out the usioni or the other monster girls lately?

Yes, I check every few days for new profiles, and profile translations.

I'm not a monster girl fan for nothing. I must always stay updated with the latest of man-hungry monsters.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

If I felt like I wanted Gaidan to change down te story line would it be possible or okay for her to change to some kind of monster girl?
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Yeah. There's a lot of requests you can make for the story and such. Some things I can only really do if you talk things out with me. But if you want her to change into a monster girl, just like me know the details.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Hrm, well the title of the thread is Saviour or Conqueror, so what I thought was that something would cone up that would force to choose or present with her with the option of continuing to be human/fighting against Persephone and helping the island, or becoming a demon/Lillim/other monster girl and fighting on persephone's side. Not to force things on you from about your own ideals and characters or nothing, buthats srt of aha I had in mind. I'm not sure wha kind of monster I would like just yet; but I would like something like that to crop up.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Persephone isn't really your cookie cutter villain. You seem to have misunderstood Persephone, as the traditional lord of hell. Every single one of the villains, Jezebel being the most known one so far, but also less known villains like Etna, each are acting on their own accord. Each of them have Persephone as their mother, but that's the only connection you'd ever see between them.

Without revealing too much, I can say that Persephone isn't so much of a 'person,' as she is an 'existence.' The most accurate depiction of Persephone, is an enormous, black sun.

In other words, less of someone you take orders from, and more someone who melts your very existence if you get too close.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Okay. Well you know what I meant I think; one of the major big bads trying to corrupt and convert Gaidan to their side sometime and her having to choose and becoming a monster girl either of their type or something else if she sides with them. Or possibly becoming a non evil type.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I made a post...

Then I lost it.

Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

It sucks to lose a post like that, but as long as you remember what happened, it should be easier to remake it. At least, that's how I looked at it when I lost a post or two.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Haha, I was checking the archives and noticed I had the last post in my thread, and I was like "What the fuck, he never responded." Then I read it and went :D
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

It sucks to lose a post like that, but as long as you remember what happened, it should be easier to remake it. At least, that's how I looked at it when I lost a post or two.

It isn't for me D=

Sad noises.