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Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

By that point, ANYTHING could be a godsend. Doesn't mean you'd think of it that way later, once you're better.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I'd totally think of it way later. She'd by MAI WAIFU WORM
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Worms and beetles. Hm. Bug women. I wonder if the island will ever be threatened by a horde of bugs. The Swarm of Sex.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I've entertained the thought of killing a monster girl or two if necessary, without a doubt. With that mental image, however, you've made me consider the thought of taking a more wide-scale approach to the activity, preferably with fire. Good job, Sakuro, like I needed to feel even more murderous.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

You won't murder them if they're sexy, like that vampire girl.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

If you kill them they'll turn into Ghosts and haunt you. There is no "winning" unless you consider sex a win.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

That is why you must be like Aiden, and dominate the monster girls.

Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Dominate? That would be a difficult task. Given that we're talking about monsters in the form of women, mutual respect, not being raped, and friendship are more achievable goals.

If they allow you to be in charge it is probably through some fustian deal for your soul or as a way of educating you and shaping you into the kind of man they want. Or maybe if they think it turns you on enough to give them more spirit energy. Wouldn't hurt if they have a kink that supports it though.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Eh... I'm trying to write a response here, since I'm the one who started the discussion - kind of - but I find it difficult to say anything other than "whatever". Altough there's something about the domination or "education" things that makes me wanna pick up a torch and start razing shit.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I feel the same on those subjects. But I may be looking at it this game differently too. Prior to this, I played a lot of Mage from White Wolf publishing. Dealt with many spirit creatures (that was my character's specialization). Some of the monsters remind me of that. They seem geared towards teaching subtle lessons that you're likely to overlook. There is also, in some cases, a sense of chimonage (I have to be spelling that wrong), or paying tribute for favors. In this case the chimonage is sex. Mamono norms and mimis are also alien, because they aren't human.

So it is something I'm kind of use to and enjoy navigating. If you can figure them out enough to work with them productively and in a way that isn't demeaning, that is.
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Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Anyone who can work with every known mamono is an amazing person who might be considered unbelievable. Personally, I would be amazed if Aiden makes allies with even the most unreasonable of mamono. Among the contenders for being difficult to work with is Anubis herself. If Aiden ever meets her (almost certainly by his own choice to do so), then it will be a very difficult time trying to make her anything but uncooperative.

Then, there's always the Grave solution.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I do not expect Aiden to get along with every kind of Mamono. He'll invest his energy in trying to develop relations with those that are inclined towards working with others. Because that is his goal, and it's difficult and epic enough as it is.

We shall leave gaining the favor of proud gods lording over fundamental pillars of the cosmos to the clergy.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Any bug is better than the Devil Bugs. Those poor poor devil bugs.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Working with every mamono, eh? I think you're forgetting someone, RJ.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I feel the same on those subjects. But I may be looking at it this game differently too. Prior to this, I played a lot of Mage from White Wolf publishing. Dealt with many spirit creatures (that was my character's specialization). Some of the monsters remind me of that. They seem geared towards teaching subtle lessons that you're likely to overlook. There is also, in some cases, a sense of chimonage (I have to be spelling that wrong), or paying tribute for favors. In this case the chimonage is sex. Mamono norms and mimis are also alien, because they aren't human.

So it is something I'm kind of use to and enjoy navigating. If you can figure them out enough to work with them productively and in a way that isn't demeaning, that is.

Yeah, it's that last clause that really is the problem here, isn't it? Reasoning with alien beings is fine and all, but when they treat you like dirt... Well.

We shall leave gaining the favor of proud gods lording over fundamental pillars of the cosmos to the clergy.

So far I can think of only one mamono I would be willing to describe as godlike. Anubis sure as Hell ain't that.

Then, there's always the Grave solution.

Which may be just as difficult to implement as the alternative.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Well... Honestly, the current queen of Hell is the only one I think qualifies.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

She's less godlike, and is more along the lines of actually being a god.