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More survivors?

Re: More survivors?

((Ah what the hell, I'm bored and curious.))

River slowly walks up to Rosemary, keeping pace to one side and watching the surrounding for monsters. "So, uh... What did you do before all this happened?" She asks awkwardly.
Re: More survivors?

Azure giggled softly and hugged Daisy's head against her side gently, stroking the girl's hair.


"Really? Well tell me about it! I'm excited to be going there soon! What kind of people are there? What do you do to pass the time when not out around the town? Come on, I can't take the wait!"

She genuinely was excited to learn more about the place they were going, but tried to contain herself so as to not make too much of a scene, despite exaggerating her interest slightly.
Re: More survivors?

Without looking at River, Rosemary responded in that ever familiar cold tone.

"College, I was the president of my book club. Used to go to the firing range to practice my precision." she said plainly.

Daisy happily answered Azure, "All kinds of people from all over the city! And even tourists and a whole bunch of people! I'm so happy I'll be coming back with the cutest friend! Everyone will be so jealous of me!" she said happily, "Along with all of the things we looted, I found a bunch of cool video games! There are so many fun things to do to help calm you down! I even stole a jacuzzi, but the mean girls told me they couldn't make it work..." she drifted off in disappointment.
Re: More survivors?

Azure leaned in and nibbled on Daisy's ear playfully as the girl told of her exploits.


"You stole a whole hottub? My my. I bet I could at least get you some hot water for it. Though it probably won't work still. How did you get it back anyhow?"

As she looked over the cute girl she couldn't help but wonder other things now. She waited for the mundane question to be answered before pressing for something else.


"This may be... crude of me to ask... but have you ever been caught by the things running around here? How did you all manage before you got your guns. You don't need to answer if you don't want to, but it'd really help my news story."

Azure was starting to wonder if it was really so simple, a nagging suspicion told her that there was something that wasn't quite adding up, the entire situation felt fishy... but she hoped it was only as a reaction to dealing with the Director and her lackeys for the past few days.
Re: More survivors?

Daisy continued to ramble about how great their safe haven was, and she told Azure about the hot tub, saying she got all of her, "other" friends together, and they carried it back to the safe haven, having to deal with monsters all of the way, which she claims to have, "stomped". She also said she'd never been caught by the monsters, that she was too fast and speedy to be caught.

As the girls traveled down the city, they eventually reached River's apartment.

Regina stepped forward, "Yup... Definitely been here before, I can't promise you're gonna find anything, River." she says with an uncertain look on her face.
Re: More survivors?


"Huh, you've got a pretty light step for a student." She says with a grudging respect. She listens to Azure's conversation for a bit before turning back to Rosemary. "Is there really as many people as she says? How did you all end up at the prison? The only reason I ended up at the Inn was because of the radio transmission they put out, I didn't even know the prison was occupied until today..."

They reached the apartment and River looks around the place, finding it pretty much cleaned out. She double-checks the entier bedroom, just to be sure.
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Re: More survivors?

Azure frowned for a second with a newfound certainty that something was clearly wrong... Daisy had admitted something she shouldn't have.

She played it off as if she was merely sad for River's lost things.


"Poor girl. It sounded like she only wanted to get what was special to her... hmm... so what about the other girls? Have any of the others ever been caught? Mh... by the way. I like your outfit, where do you suppose I could get one?"

Azure traced her fingers down the girl's side playfully, when the others weren't looking she playfully loosened the young girl's top with a deviously playful grin, not going too far yet, but showing a clear interest in the young woman.
Re: More survivors?

Rosemary answered coldly, "I don't know, exactly. We were just found during the attack by the people who apparently had set the prison up as a safe haven, around the same time that Apple Inn showed up." Rosemary casts her cold look at River, "It's odd, isn't it? Two places whose people inside acting as if they saw the attack coming before it happened?" she asked River with an expecting look.

As soon as Azure mentioned someone being caught, the girl stopped in her tracks, letting go of Azure as a sad look stretches across her face, "These flying things came..." she said distantly, "They took my friend Mary away, and when we went to the den to try and save her..." her head lowered, as tears began to form from her eyes, "Someone blew the whole place up..." Looking up at Azure with tear filled eyes, she lost her happy face, and truly appeared sad, "When they could have saved her! Someone killed her!"

As Daisy began to cry furiously, Rosemary rushed over, holding the girl's head to her body as Daisy cried into her. Rosemary led her out of the apartment room, trying to get her to stop crying...

As River checks her bedroom, she finds that her trinket was not looted after all, it was on the floor. It must have fell out when the looters hastily removed the drawer from her nightstand.
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Re: More survivors?

(I think you're fudging Azure for River in parts of your responses. >.>)

Azure let Daisy go for now so she could approach Regina again. The strange stories seemed to match up.


"Look, I'm sorry I made your friend cry... This is important though. Let's stop playing stupid with each other. I know who is responsible for blowing up your people. I know that someone from the Inn knew about what was happening with these monsters before it actually happened. And I know that the person in question... is hiding things from everyone there. The question is, who is in charge of your jail, and can you honestly say that you're not being used the same way we are?

I'll go ahead and lay it all out for you... We weren't sent out here to simply find and greet you, our mission wasn't to form a treaty... The leaders of the Inn wanted us to go kill you on sight.

But we're not about to be pawns in some war organized by the very people who unleashed these monsters upon us, and unless you want to throw your lives away over something so stupid, I suggest we work together."

(Azure attempts to convince Regina to cooperate.)
Re: More survivors?

River spotted the strap of her necklace between her bedstand and the wall, pulling it out and putting it on, tucking it underneath the armour and giving it an appreciative pat.


"That has been bugging me these past few days. The Inn almost seems like a business..." She comments to Rosemary quietly, as she walks out onto the balcony and looks around. "Seems like this is all so... Planned..."
Re: More survivors?

As River looks over to the Inn, she spots David, looking through his rifle directly at her...

The woman gives an astonished look to Azure, "What?" she says, awestruck, "Kill us? Why? We haven't attacked you... Why would you be sent to kill us?" Azure noticed the woman was gripping her gun tightly, and didn't seem so friendly, rather, cautious...
Re: More survivors?

(... That's one epic scope to look around corners. We're pretty damn far away from the Inn and we went around at least three turns by the time we ran into the centipedes.)

Azure took her gun cautiously out, not by the handle but by the barrel, offering it to Regina in a showing of trust and peace.


"Relax. We're not going to, and if you doubt it, you can hold my gun until I prove otherwise. But you need to know who you're dealing with when you talk about the Inn. Just like we need to know who we're dealing with over at the jail... I wouldn't be telling you this if I ever planned on obeying the order.

The problem is that our leaders are too knowledgeable about what's going on out there. They are aware of things before it happens. They know all of the key players out there before the people even show up on the scene. Hell, even things like the jail were kept hidden from us until this mission came up on our list of tasks.

You can either trust me enough that we can try to figure this out. Or you can send us on our way, and wait until someone who IS a pawn of the Inn's leader comes by and decides shooting you is a good idea..."

(no charisma bonus on interaction? ;-; )
Re: More survivors?

(I made a charisma check when Azure said they were there to kill them, resulting in a non-hostile reaction from Regina.)

The woman ignores the offered gun, motioning Azure to put it away.

Taking a few steps around River's room, Regina seems to be in thought, "I just don't get it, why would they give an order to kill us? What would they have to gain from a pointless battle?" she asks openly, seemingly to herself.
Re: More survivors?

(what's really amazing is River can see him back)

River just turned around and leaned against the railing, hands behind her back. she slowly took out her handgun and placed it on the railing, before setting her hand back where it was, and she listened to the conversation for the time being.
Re: More survivors?


"That, my dear, is why I came on this mission. But I can't figure it out unless you stop hiding things... I put my cards on the table... now it's your turn."

Azure was getting slightly frustrated by the way the conversation seemed so one sided as she put her gun away for the moment.

(Azure is still TRYING to get some information out of the woman.)
Re: More survivors?

(OK... I will just assume Lin is still in Emo mode.)
(And why did you say we were sent to kill them?)
(We sure as hell ain't)
Re: More survivors?

(We weren't told off the bat to kill them, but it was heavily encouraged we treat them as hostile and attack on site to steal resources from them. As far as Azure is concerned, that's a step away from killing them already, so she sees this as the truth, since this kind of fighting can only lead to killing.)
Re: More survivors?

Regina turned to Azure, while Rosemary and Daisy came back into the room, "Who said I was hiding anything? Like I said, we've been nothing but friendly to you..."

Rosemary stepped closer, "Problems?" she asked.

Regina shook her head at the woman, "No, our friend here was just telling me how she was sent to kill us." as Rosemary seemed put on alert, Regina raised a calming hand, "I don't know, so don't ask."

Rosemary shifted her head away, and Azure only barely heard her whisper to Daisy, but couldn't make anything out. After Rosemary finished whatever she was saying to Daisy, they both casted Azure an accusing glare, but it was Daisy who seemed truly enraged.

Sighing, Regina said to Azure, "Ask your questions."
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Re: More survivors?

Azure motioned to Daisy as she spoke.


"You don't understand. Don't judge me before you've heard what I have to say!

I know things about what the leadership of the Inn is doing. I'm bringing it to you because I want to warn you before their rash decisions put you in any danger. I know who sent people out on the mission that ended in that explosion. I know that the leader over there is hiding things from us... and...

I'm sorry... I don't want to sound like a bitch, but I know I must at this point. With everything going on and the insanity going on there... it's... it's just hard not to grow distant and cold to humanity... which is what they're trying to do. It almost feels as if she's trying to turn us into cold-hearted soldiers to do her bidding."

She gave a long sigh and leaned back against the wall, running her hand through her hair.


"I don't want to go back there. I'm telling you these things because I don't trust her. That woman. Her lackeys. They're only in it for themselves. They seem to know a little of everything, as if they were in on the whole thing from when it started... I didn't mean to accuse anyone of anything here... I just... can't help it... I've spent nearly the last week being jerked around by those people, lied to, sent out on missions so they can secure their own power in the area...

She even got to someone I considered a friend. Somehow convinced him to turn on me... I didn't know him well... but he called me out here, I came here to work with him. To uncover what was happening when it just started. And she got to him... she got to him and suddenly he didn't care what was happening, he turned on me, refused to help me with even the most mundane of tasks... and became one of her lackeys."

Azure hugged herself tightly, shivering as she spoke.


"I'm sorry... you have no idea how sorry I am... But the director is the one who sent her own lackey on the mission to blow up the breeding den... And she sacrificed one of her own like nothing more than a pawn. She blew up someone that ... was as close to a friend as she had... just to further her ambitions, whatever they are... she's the one who killed your friends. And I can't work for her... that's why I want to stay with you."

Azure raised her head again with an almost desperate look in her eyes, hoping the others would understand.

(Given the limited info Azure managed to gather talking with the others about that mission, this is what she believes happened now. Shame that her newspaper never got running or she might've had the real story.)
Re: More survivors?

Daisy snapped at Azure, "It was you! It had to have been you! I'll rip you to pieces you filthy liar!"

As Daisy attempted to rush at Azure, Rosemary easily held the girl back by her arms as Daisy threw a whole assortment of accusations against Azure, claiming that since she knew so much about what happened, she was just as guilty as the one who set off the bomb.

As if ready to claw Azure with her bare hands, she shouted, "I'll bet you were there! I'll bet you even looked her in the eyes as you sentenced her to death!"

Regina, noticing the situation get out of control, motioned towards Rosemary, "Get Daisy out of here! Calm her down!" she commanded. And that's what Rosemary did, easily managing to pull the small girl with her as she nearly had to drag her out of the room.

Putting a hand to her forehead as the two left, Regina sighed, "That girl will never get over what happened until she's killed the one responsible, try to forgive her." she said sympathetically, readjusting herself as she continued her conversation with Azure, "I had no idea things were so bad over there. You'll find that it's not at all like that at our place. Our head, Emilia, is actually very nice, and I'm sure she'd be happy if you guys joined us, but it's up to you, whether you want to join or not.

"We've enough resources to last us for years, and probably more if we use them sparingly, so I'm sure absolutely no one would have a problem with you three staying with us."

Regina looked to the three girls in the room with her, letting out a relaxing sigh, "Well, we're heading back after this, we need to get Daisy back to her video games, that usually calms her down. You're free to come with if you like." she offered.