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ACT [ MOSABOX ] [ モサボックス ] Samurai Sacrament / サムライ・さくらメント RE155385 RJ155385

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Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

He updates pretty regularly, but rarely ever anything bumpworthy

Well, I'd say I appreciate it because even though I have a tendency to check just about every thread when it's on the front page, I somehow missed this one. Definitely added to my watch list.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

A new demo has been posted...

Played it and currently stuck on area 1-3... I can't figure out how to proceed. Need a double jump but can't figure how... I know there used to be a way to buff yourself but on this new demo I can't figure it out x_X
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Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

EDIT: Uuuh nothing new really... Its the usual rooms and it ends with the same bossfight... And after that bossfight theres a weird room with 3 clones of the boss and then the demo ends.

A new demo has been posted...

Played it and currently stuck on area 1-3... I can't figure out how to proceed. Need a double jump but can't figure how... I know there used to be a way to buff yourself but on this new demo I can't figure it out x_X

you mean the room with the wall and razor turrets?
In the room before that, lure the electric-thingies to the generator to the far left, let it get hit by the electricity
Dunno if you meant that, but at least I've been stuck for a while there so it might help someone else
No double jump as far as I know, but there are walljumps
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Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

A new demo has been posted...

Played it and currently stuck on area 1-3... I can't figure out how to proceed. Need a double jump but can't figure how... I know there used to be a way to buff yourself but on this new demo I can't figure it out x_X

What new demo it just looks like its the same one from before? Actually it is the same one the download page is dated as last year... Sigh, got my hopes up and everything.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

EDIT: Uuuh nothing new really... Its the usual rooms and it ends with the same bossfight... And after that bossfight theres a weird room with 3 clones of the boss and then the demo ends.

you mean the room with the wall and razor turrets?
In the room before that, lure the electric-thingies to the generator to the far left, let it get hit by the electricity
Dunno if you meant that, but at least I've been stuck for a while there so it might help someone else
No double jump as far as I know, but there are walljumps

Ah I see. Thanks I'll try that!

What new demo it just looks like its the same one from before? Actually it is the same one the download page is dated as last year... Sigh, got my hopes up and everything.
Entry ⇒ 2015.11.01 that's clearly 2015 so I assumed it is new.
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Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Entry ⇒ 2015.11.01 that's clearly 2015 so I assumed it is new.
Ah, that's a trick people do on fc2: It sorts posts by date, but allows you to enter arbitrary dates -
so if you want to have a "banner" post that's always at the top, people just give it a date far in the future (That's Nov 11th this year...)
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Ah, that's a trick people do on fc2: It sorts posts by date, but allows you to enter arbitrary dates -
so if you want to have a "banner" post that's always at the top, people just give it a date far in the future (That's Nov 11th this year...)

Do any cultures notate dates the other way? So, instead of:

2015.11.01 = November 1st, 2015

--it'd be:

2015.11.01 = January 11th, 2015

Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

In my world we use day/month/year. So simple. Fuck you eldritch horrors of outer planes.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Well different country use different notate date

Here in My country we use like this DD-MM-YY
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Do any cultures notate dates the other way? So, instead of:

2015.11.01 = November 1st, 2015

--it'd be:

2015.11.01 = January 11th, 2015


There are three date formats I know of:

DD.MM.YYYY (basically the entire civilized world
MM/DD/YYYY (USA because hell why not)
YYYY-MM-DD (Computers, because sorting)

SO basically: If the year comes last, you don't know. If the year comes first, it is always year-month-day.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

there is an update on his blog in wich author tells he want to make a another demo, and he continue to work on the game and doing fine, although concerns about delays, and add screenshot. Correct me if I am wrong
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Ok most of us are following this thread for info on the game, not the complete history of the measurement systems.

Every time it's bumped I still check for a definitive answer to this question. So being this far off topic for an entire page is a little bit on the annoying side.

Played it and currently stuck on area 1-3... I can't figure out how to proceed. Need a double jump but can't figure how... I know there used to be a way to buff yourself but on this new demo I can't figure it out x_X

Was wall jumping the answer? because its just not happening for me.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Ok most of us are following this thread for info on the game, not the complete history of the measurement systems.

Every time it's bumped I still check for a definitive answer to this question. So being this far off topic for an entire page is a little bit on the annoying side.

Was wall jumping the answer? because its just not happening for me.

I believe the post right after it answered his question.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

I believe the post right after it answered his question.

Ahh... It looks like i misunderstood that post this entire time. I thought he was referring to area 1-2 for some reason.

Man, this will probably be the only time in the history of ever that i ever say this but... I actually LIKE the fall damage system in this game. Its creative, its not a complete hassle (yet) and its just plain cool.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Ok most of us are following this thread for info on the game, not the complete history of the measurement systems.

Every time it's bumped I still check for a definitive answer to this question. So being this far off topic for an entire page is a little bit on the annoying side.
I believe the post right after it answered his question.


"guys come on, your conversation has been off-topic for SEVERAL RESPONSES IN A ROW NOW. let's get back to the important stuff, like that one guy who got stuck at that part we've explained how to get past multiple times already. wait, someone actually answered his question already."

NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN INDIVIDUAL QUESTIONS REGARDING PROBLEMS THAT ALREADY BEEN ANSWERED. even though the people posting about them are (generally) stupid and/or lazy for not simply finding the answers on their own using the search function, let's favor their incompetence and/or laziness over conversational tangents that are interesting enough to have grabbed multiple persons' attention already!

(i wish the mods would stop deleting every conversation that remains off-topic for more than a few posts in succession. it serves to imply that this forum exists exclusively to benefit stupid and/or lazy people who can't be bothered to research or "problem solve", since anything else gets deleted and there's nothing to talk about between game updates.)
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)


"guys come on, your conversation has been off-topic for SEVERAL RESPONSES IN A ROW NOW. let's get back to the important stuff, like that one guy who got stuck at that part we've explained how to get past multiple times already. wait, someone actually answered his question already."

NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN INDIVIDUAL QUESTIONS REGARDING PROBLEMS THAT ALREADY BEEN ANSWERED. even though the people posting about them are (generally) stupid and/or lazy for not simply finding the answers on their own using the search function, let's favor their incompetence and/or laziness over conversational tangents that are interesting enough to have grabbed multiple persons' attention already!

(i wish the mods would stop deleting every conversation that remains off-topic for more than a few posts in succession. it serves to imply that this forum exists exclusively to benefit stupid and/or lazy people who can't be bothered to research or "problem solve", since anything else gets deleted and there's nothing to talk about between game updates.)

It's almost as if this is a subforum labeled "Hentai Games".

It's like the mods are continually deleting these off topic things specifically to encourage people to take that kind of bullshit to places where it actually belongs.

You do know that there are other sections of this place labeled, literally, as Everything Else right?
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Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

The funny thing is, I actually did leave the conversation up for a while because I don't particularly mind off-topic banter in small doses. But when I said to stop, somebody thought it was a good idea to keep the conversation going, so now we're in no-fun-allowed mode.

Regardless, get back on topic.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

i think it's funny though

imagine being a moderator in a mostly japanese cartoon porn forum, and having to deal with topics like measurement systems, laws about pedophilia, cultural barriers, etc...

aaaaaanyway the demo is really good, but sometimes the platforms are a bit wonky, and it's kinda easy since your character is overpowered imo.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Samurai Sacrament is now up on DLsite's announce list and it looks like they're shooting for release in late July of this year.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Samurai Sacrament is now up on DLsite's announce list and it looks like they're shooting for release in late July of this year.

According to his blog he's aiming to late june but added a month just in case something happens and the game needs more work. Also, save files won't work in the new/trial version.
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