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[Complete - Full] Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation


Demon Girl Master
Apr 7, 2015
Reputation score




むっち無知 修学旅行 / Mutchi Ignorance School Trip

Developed By:
Gomikuzugun ( )

Release Date:

RJ Number:

File Size:
445.04 MB

Translation Data:

Commissioned by user on ULMF by the name of: "Bamioum". Translated by user by the name of: "SMDC".

Translation is fine, could probably use some polishing as some text sits outside the text boxes, but other than that it's all good.
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Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

Is this finished? Is it compatible with 1.202 version?
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Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

Played it, was great. Everything is translated except when you go into the cg room all the scenes aren't in English. But you during the game when you are unlocking them they are in English
Hopefully the recent DLC gets translated as well as the sequel because it looks brilliant!
Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

I was looking forward to this one, thanks a bunch!
Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

Thanks! I wasn't even aware that there was a translation of this released several days ago until I saw this thread! =]
Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

Oh, well then. This was the next game I was going to commission after Married Warrior Emma finished. On the bright side, I hadn't actually paid yet. Maybe I'll get the first game done instead.
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Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

Oh, well then. This was the next game I was going to commission after Married Warrior Emma finished. On the bright side, I hadn't actually paid yet. Maybe I'll get the first game done instead.

Yea get the other one done :) I'll happily play it lol
Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

what version is this?
Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

This is great news, thanks alot for the translation to both the comissioner and the translater.
Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

thx a lot for the translation. much appreciated. now we have 2 out of 3 translated!

i wonder, why do you use the "double-size" version?
i think it would have been better to just use the normal-sized and add the F6-size changer script.
Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

well here's a weird issue..when i copy the translated files into the directory the game resolution goes from normal to way bigger and stretched out. removed the files and it runs at a normal resolution again. any way to fix this?


thx a lot for the translation. much appreciated. now we have 2 out of 3 translated!

i wonder, why do you use the "double-size" version?
i think it would have been better to just use the normal-sized and add the F6-size changer script.

i now realize we posted about the same thing. i thought it was a bug but apparently not >.<

is there a workaround for this?
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Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

- if you have RPG Maker VX run it, if not install it.
- open Game.rvproj (you can create one using RPG Maker Decrypter)
- now, click "Tools/Script Editor" or F11
- search for "Scene_Title" in the left window (Script)
- search for "def start" in the right window
now, theres a few commands below it, the one of interests is called:
change to:

if you want the F6 script (change screen size), then go to this page:

go to Tools/Script Editor, in the left window (Script) find an empty spot,
then choose a name in the "Name:" spot (such as Fullscreen)
and in the right window paste the script you copied from the pastebin.
click "OK" and "save project".

when you save the project, it will change game.ini to english (if you use english RPG Maker VX)
if you edit game.ini you will notice that the library is changed from RGSS202J.dll to RGSS202E.dll
you can find RGSS202E.dll using google! just put it in the game folder. you can however edit the game.ini and put it back to japanese RGSS202J.dll.
the best choice is of course to use the english library, this will fix the text outbound error (you will be able to read all the text)
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Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

the best choice is of course to use the english library, this will fix the text outbound error (you will be able to read all the text)
hannnnn thanks for that tips XD realy usefull, that works fine ^^
Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

I changed Graphics.zoom(2) to Graphics.zoom(1) in Scripts.rvdata as 1baka mentioned above and uploaded it on Mega, so you can play the translated game without widescreen. Just put it in the Data folder and overwrite the file there.

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Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

Guys, I get the version 1.100 (from sukebei) I think and there was 2 folders, the "summer vacation" and the "excursion" and I don't know in which one I have to apply the translation :C
Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

Guys, I get the version 1.100 (from sukebei) I think and there was 2 folders, the "summer vacation" and the "excursion" and I don't know in which one I have to apply the translation :C

Try applying it to on excursion.
Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

Guys, I get the version 1.100 (from sukebei) I think and there was 2 folders, the "summer vacation" and the "excursion" and I don't know in which one I have to apply the translation :C


your version is a little old, look in your PM in ~10 min for the 1.202 ;)

after installing the tranlated data, if you want the text not to outbound of the text box, copy that dll View attachment RGSS202E.zip in the game, and modify the game.ini to use this one and not the J one ^^
Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

Guys, I get the version 1.100 (from sukebei) I think and there was 2 folders, the "summer vacation" and the "excursion" and I don't know in which one I have to apply the translation :C

As others mentioned, the excursion one. But there's a translation for the summer vacation one too, translated by Tengubengu.

Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

As others mentioned, the excursion one. But there's a translation for the summer vacation one too, translated by Tengubengu.


Dude I fucking love you, I wasn't aware of a translation for the other one.
You legend!
You wouldn't happen to know if there was ever a translation for Mutchi Ignorance Country Life...
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Re: Mutchi Ignorance School Trip Translation

Dude I fucking love you, I wasn't aware of a translation for the other one.
You legend!
You wouldn't happen to know if there was ever a translation for Mutchi Ignorance Country Life...

nope :( the other one is only translated because of how short it is.