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ACT Vore Loli Ryona [nanakusado] もんすたぁ☆さぷらいずど幽鬼ち / Monster surprised Yuki-chan (RJ275826 / RJ309773)

First time dealing with DLsite DRM (legally purchased through them). It opens up the "Play DRM" popup when I open the exe but won't let me enter in the serial ID. What gives?

*edit: Nevermind. I enter the serial code through "startup.exe". Unusual, but sure. I got the game working now. Hope it helps whoever else gets confused by this.
Okay, so you bought the English R-15 version and didn't receive the coupon for a discount on the R-18 version? I'll ask Nana about it then. Apparently, you have to have bought the game before the 22nd in order to get the coupon, according to the article announcing the game's launch, which would be 21st depending on your timezone. Just to be sure that isn't the problem here, you bought the R-15 version before then? I don't know why you wouldn't get the coupon for buying the R-15 version a couple days before the R-18 version, but that's how it is.

E: Seems Nana is aware of this and is looking into it.

I bought it at the 17 of November, and I already told him. But yeah, he’ll look into it. Too late that I already bought it. I was thinking he was gonna pull a chairi ( creator from guilty hell) on me.
Oof, sorry about that. The release has been regrettably turbulent. I hope you enjoy the game despite the trouble with the coupon deal.

Hey so I can't check this for myself as the demo version's link seems to have vanished and I didn't DL the demo myself, but I'm trying to confirm with Nana whether or not the game crashing upon entering the new stage is caused by having save data from the demo. In order to confirm this, I need

1) Someone that downloaded the demo and has save data on it
2) Can't access the new stage on the full R-18 version
2) Deleted the demo's save data
3) Successfully entered the new stage afterwards

If someone downloaded the demo version and can access the new stage just fine, or cannot access the new stage even after deleting the demo's save data, or never downloaded the demo and can't access the new stage anyway, then that will confirm that I'm on the wrong track for trying to fix this issue. This is the most common issue with the game being encountered right now, and it's a pretty serious one too. Gotta get this figured out.

E: Got a copy of the demo, I'll confirm if this is the cause of the bug now.
I hope when this is fixed some kind soul provides a save file up to the new level. I cleared the boss twice on Hard, thought it was just a one time crash and going through the entire game again to reset my save sounds like torture. Also, just re-confirming what others said about black textures on the new level. While I can't actually play it, in the cutscene as soon as you get shrunk all the bushes turn solid black. 🤷‍♂️
It seems that I was completely on the wrong track, there are reports that simply restarting the PC solved the game forcibly closing at the start of the new stage. This is an unsatisfactory resolution to the issue though...
Is it normal on the H animation that the girl is acting like climaxing every second, with screen shake and everything or is it a bug?
Seconding this, is pretty annoying when you're trying to watch animations, certainly when the sound happens every two seconds. If it's not a bug and instead a feature, an option to disable it (or bind it to a keybinding) would be great.
the game crashed during the final boss as she was activating her final form.
Right on the line when she said "I haven't even shown you my true power!"
Oh game, are you pulling an underta- oh, i guess not. it just straight crashed.
Yikes, haven't heard that one before. Since the issues with the new stage seem to be resolved by restarting the PC, have you tried doing that?
Seems like there's alot of issues with this game [black textures, climaxing every second, black screen, crashes etc.]... Did the developer test them before releasing?? I mean for those new customer that bought this, I think it will gave them a bad taste.
I am having issues with the game, but as for the one with crashing right before the new level starts, I actually waiting a little bit (maybe about a minute) and the level loaded up. As for the previous issues mentioned, the ones where no textures would load has happened. Mostly in the new level. Also in that level, when the dialogue would play, the portraits wouldn't show. Haven't beaten the game again yet, but so far other than those issues with the new level, it's been going alright with my playthrough. I would like to mention that I'm having a blast with the game. I'm really enjoying it right now, and that's just from going through the game normally. The new animations are just icing on the cake, and some of them are just really good. I'm a little disappointed that the succubus boss didn't have any sign of belly bulges after using her tail to eat youki, akin to how the wolf lamia sort of has a noticeable one. But I recall that's how Camel does their scenes for the most part. A bit of a downer, but it's still a good scene regardless.
I recall in Nana's ci-en post that there's about 6 Game Over CGs in the game right now, and they do plan on having more in (I think).
The first is just losing regularly.
Second is losing to an H attack.
Third is losing by being eaten.
Fourth is getting petrified.
Fifth is losing to the Minotaur's H attack.
Sixth and last so far is losing to the (first encounter) final boss' H attack.
Except for the H-stuff (didn't check that), I can confirm that the build I was directly given by the game dev as thanks for bug testing doesn't have any of the aforementioned issues. After purchasing a copy off DLsite, I encountered the black texture bug for the new stage with the DLsite copy. Furthermore, after restarting my PC, even more portions of the stage were stuck as black textures, instead of resolving the issue. Starting up the copy I was directly given, the textures were fine. Still trying to figure this one out.

About stage EX's lack of character portraits during some of the events, that seems to be a deliberate decision as far as I can tell. The event with the goblins and the gargoyle does have character portraits, but the ones with Nyara do not. It might have been an oversight, I'll ask Nana next time I talk to him.
I was curious so I figured I'd test this out. Feels a lot like optimization issues in the 1.0 release with the EX stage.

On my main machine (Ryzen 3700X, GTX 970, 32GB of RAM, game and system drive are located on an NVME SSD) I have not had this issue and have not been able to replicate it, so I figured I'd try my lower-end laptop (i5 8300H, 8 GB RAM, GTX 1050, HDD only, to my shame), where I was able to replicate it pretty easily..

Running it with the onboard graphics, it would consistently crash with a memory access violation error (0xC0000005) on loading the stage, with the faulting module being libcocos2d.dll. However, running it with the GTX 1050, it would instead just not load certain assets. Sifting through event viewer logs, I found that NVidia had a few warning messages that it was out of memory and unexpected behavior might occur.

After restarting the machine it worked "okay" but slowly, though I think this is because Windows Defender was absolutely thrashing my HDD scanning the game files. Seems to point to the game trying to get more memory that just isn't available to it until on a fresh restart.

It's worth noting that if it is memory issues, then restarting and running it with fewer things open really might fix it (for a while). However, if you're using Windows 10 you'll want to make sure you're specifically restarting instead of using shut down and manually powering it on because W10's fast startup behavior will likely not fix this issue (see for more details).
As there have been other reports confirming that restarting fixed the issues, I'm inclined to agree that it is some kind of optimization/memory issue. This wasn't the case for the bug test builds, so there must be something specific to the DLsite release that is causing the game to run less efficiently. Camel/D-Gate's speculated that it might be an issue with the "DLsite tool", but I have no idea what that's supposed to be, tool being a loanword in this context (usually for software). The DRM? I don't know enough about DLsite to guess at the cause.


On the topic of the English DLsite coupons, Nana was telling me that he got into contact with the EN DLsite management and they said it was some kind of regulation that kept the coupons from being distributed. It seems they weren't very informative on the matter, when I asked about the reason for it Nana didn't seem to know either. His first reply was to ask if EN DLsite even does coupons (told him it does). No idea what the issue here is. In the first place, isn't it logical to think that the coupons would be distributed for the EN version if they were for the JP version? I don't know if they just plain don't distribute coupons in this fashion or what the deal is, but the key takeaway is that it seems to be out of Nana's hands, though I'll update if more information comes out about it. I think just about everyone that would buy it on EN DLsite would have already done so by the time it gets fixed though...there have been a lot of unexpected issues that will take time to figure out.
How come after beating stage 4 it goes straight to stage 6?
How do you play stage 5? Is there a stage 5?
Stage 5 is R-15 only. There was little value to it in terms of potential for H-content, so it was cut.
As there have been other reports confirming that restarting fixed the issues, I'm inclined to agree that it is some kind of optimization/memory issue. This wasn't the case for the bug test builds, so there must be something specific to the DLsite release that is causing the game to run less efficiently. Camel/D-Gate's speculated that it might be an issue with the "DLsite tool", but I have no idea what that's supposed to be, tool being a loanword in this context (usually for software). The DRM? I don't know enough about DLsite to guess at the cause.

Sounds like they're referring to Startup.exe, which is the DLsite DRM part? Not very familiar with how the modern incarnation works but given that it integrates with the actual player.exe to render it impossible to launch until the DRM step is fulfilled, it seems entirely possible. Especially if the issue doesn't happen on your gift build without the DRM.

Will be interesting to see if Steam has the same issue since it wouldn't have the startup.exe component. If it doesn't, then it pretty clearly points at DLSite's DRM as the cause.
Stage 5 is R-15 only. There was little value to it in terms of potential for H-content, so it was cut.
It was a fun little sidescrolling shooter section, but it did take a bit of time to get through. I recall not having any checkpoints through that whole section, which may have added more time for me to that section. Maybe that's why I felt like I got through the game a bit quicker than last time.
Ah, stage 5 is the snowy mountain stage, but stage 4 did have the shooter section and the hand crank elevator cut out too.
TFW you get your card ready, go on DLSite
>Card doesn't work for international payments
>Paypal doesn't work for adult content