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ACT Nanocrisis

Re: Nanocrisis

I appreciate the translation. Thank you. Also, it seems that the dialogue when the heroine is being raped is not appearing while in earlier updates in this thread had those translated.

If i can help in anyway let me know. I will be happy to be a proof reader. I can also image edit a bit, not alot of experience with that field.
Re: Nanocrisis

you mean the little text box in the left hand corner?

i dont think that was ever translated.
Re: Nanocrisis

We're not dead!

.... yeah, I just wanted to say that.
Anyway, even though it's a bit late, the translation is completed, technically. There's still something that need to be done, so it'll be released tomorrow.

What have been translated:
  • The red intro
  • All the missions cut-scenes*
  • All the intermissions scenes
  • All Medical Center scenes.
  • Birthing Game Over scene.
* Due to some technical problem, you can only read Stage 1 intro and Game Over scene in a text file. They're not incorporated into the game.

What haven't been translated:
  • All the images except the intro (which means everything that appears in the small dialogue, and the enemies's "skills"). Will only do if there's an image editor.
  • All the included documentations (readme, changelog, manual, etc). Will only do if there's explicit request.

Let me make it clear about the image editing again. I can translate all those images by myself, even without looking at the dictionary (most of them are incomprehensible moans anyway). We only need someone who can put those back into image. It's an extremely simple job, but it's also an extremely tedious job. You have to open each image file, clean them, type the text in, save and close, rinse and repeat. And there are some hundreds of those images. So, I'm not going to do that myself.
Chances are, those will never get translated, I guess.
Re: Nanocrisis

Would you be willing to put the translations for the images into this file? I see most of them use the same font/dimensions, which means it should be possible to bulk-generate them.


  • Image Translation List.txt
    5 KB · Views: 4
Re: Nanocrisis

Let me make it clear about the image editing again. I can translate all those images by myself, even without looking at the dictionary (most of them are incomprehensible moans anyway). We only need someone who can put those back into image. It's an extremely simple job, but it's also an extremely tedious job. You have to open each image file, clean them, type the text in, save and close, rinse and repeat. And there are some hundreds of those images. So, I'm not going to do that myself.
Chances are, those will never get translated, I guess.

Well if you post the translation what image say want I do the editing. It wont be done in a day but I don't mind doing it. Beside I do it for myself too not jut for other fans.
Re: Nanocrisis

you mean the little text box in the left hand corner?

i dont think that was ever translated.

The other fan translation had it translated. Which mainly consisted of "kuuuu no no no non, no zombie sperm" and things like that depending on the creature.
Re: Nanocrisis

The other fan translation had it translated. Which mainly consisted of "kuuuu no no no non, no zombie sperm" and things like that depending on the creature.

huh, i never saw that... i thought there was only 2 translations (3 now) the original, my crappy google translate then this new one.
Re: Nanocrisis

Would you be willing to put the translations for the images into this file? I see most of them use the same font/dimensions, which means it should be possible to bulk-generate them.

Yeah, it's nice that we can simplify the most tedious job. But it doesn't simplify my work at all~~~ T_T
Whatever, I'll do my best (against laziness and school schedule)

Anyway, as per promise, the first full release:


There may still be some errors/mistakes somewhere. If you find any, feel free to tell me (post, PM, whatever). I'll fix them in the next update (if that ever comes around).
Re: Nanocrisis

about to try it now, but for some reason SS2_0 was not in the SS folder at all,

any reason for this?
Re: Nanocrisis

about to try it now, but for some reason SS2_0 was not in the SS folder at all,

any reason for this?

I checked my file, and for some reason SS2_0 (stage 2 game over scene) does exist in AND out of the SS folder. They're the same file. It's probably some mistake when I moved the files and folders around to the rar.
So, if that's what the problem you encounter, it should cause no problem. Delete the one outside the SS folder if you want.
Re: Nanocrisis

Hmm. Looks like he stopped working on Nanocrisis, or at least that I can gather from machine translation.

Good thing is he moved on the new project, there is a small demo for download. No H yet, tought.
Re: Nanocrisis

Hmm. Looks like he stopped working on Nanocrisis, or at least that I can gather from machine translation.

Good thing is he moved on the new project, there is a small demo for download. No H yet, tought.

Okay... To me the newest post is completely empty. No text dl link or even date of when was it posted. Or did you find this somewhere else?

Edit: Never mind it showed up

Anyway as much as I understand NC was only meant to be a study work. To learn how to do things. And now he make the project what he really wanted at the first place. OFC not 100% sure of that.
Last edited:
Re: Nanocrisis

He included a zip file for the demo of a game he's working on. This can be found in his most recent blog post ( )

The password for the file is 'inui'.
Re: Nanocrisis

Just horrible that there will be no more nanocrisis but the new game do look like it could offer allot more fun in terms of gameplay. Just have to hope that we don't have to wait months or even years before we get something real to play with.
Re: Nanocrisis

Sure about the password?

Can't dl it at all tried 5 times or so (yes I also used the captcha)
Re: Nanocrisis

If you get a password box AND a Capcha, you've clicked the wrong link. Run his blog through a translator engine and you'll see that the most recent post/link is actually Nanocrisis, the final version. The demo link is one post below, and should only have a password field - not a Capcha.

Re: Nanocrisis

If you have trouble running the demo just try renaming the exe, I run it fine without jap settings or applocale.
Re: Nanocrisis

Curses, I can't play the demo.

You aren't missing out on much. Nothing in it. Just running around in a room with lots of platforms that aren't actual platforms - just collision boxes. The animation is nice and smooth though and the model is lovely c: