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Need to feed

Re: Need to feed

Aya's mother cringed at the mention of the Goddess being her master, and cupped the sides of her face in a fury, and forced her to look into her eyes.

"Aya! Don't tell me what to do! I'm your mother!" she scolded Aya, as if she were still nothing but a little child in need of her mother's protection, "And she's not your master!" her voice started to get very angry, "One way or another, I'm putting a stop to all this! She's going to answer for doing this to my baby!"

She planted a kiss on Aya's forehead, and broke away from her hug, storming past her, walking out of the room in a fury.

Meanwhile, Bianca was only cowering in the corner, feeling intimidated by how their mother was acting.
Re: Need to feed

Aya's heart was pounding even so hard she felt it was going to pop out of her cheast. Shaking from fear for her mother Aya thought of what to do, thinking for a moment. She didn't know what to do, she didn't want to go against her mother but if she didnt then... Then things wouldn't go well for her. Paying no mind to her sister, for the moment, Aya quickly ran out of the bedroom, calling after her mother. Her voice was shaking heavily now and was full or fear, her eyes showed pure terror.
" M-mother wait! Please don't! "

Aya was going to try and stop her mother once she saw the woman. If not she was going to have to beg her master to forgive her mothers ignorence and foolishness. Otherwise things would not end well for her mother at all...
Re: Need to feed

Aya quickly caught up with her mother as she barely made any distance in the Hall, quickly on her heels in a matter of ten seconds.

Her mother turned on her, and pointed her finger at her.

"Aya, go to your room at once!" she commanded her.
Re: Need to feed

Still shaking and her heart still pounding Aya managed to catch up with her mother. The woman didn't seem happy at all, if anything she seemed mad. Seeing the woman point a finger at her and demand for her to return to her bedroom Aya felt a bit scared, in the past she wouldn't of dared to stand up to her mother like this. However... There had never been a life and death situation like this before.

Aya weakly responded to her mother, still standing her ground.
" N-no! I can't let you do this... "
Re: Need to feed

Her mother leaned to look at Aya's face, as if perching like a hawk, waiting to strike it's prey.

"Aya! Show some respect for your mother this instance!" she demanded, leaning in further to judge Aya's face, "What's wrong? Is your wonderful Goddess-" she spat the name, "-suddenly not so wonderful?"

Before her mother could continue, Bianca darted past the two with intent, quickly running towards the stairs, and trotting down them. Her mother only looked at Bianca with confusion for a second, before returning her gaze to Aya.

"Go to your room Aya," she commanded once more, "I'm not asking you, I'm telling you, go to your room. Now."
Re: Need to feed

Aya watched in confusion for a moment as her sister darted past them and down the stairs. She didn't know what to think of it. Aya trusted her sister wouldn't do something foolish so she decided not to think anything of it and to focus on her mother once more. Feeling her cold glare and voice Aya badly wanted to go to her bedroom and just give up. However Aya wasn't going to give up on her mother, not this easily.

Aya had seen what had happened to the maids, how they became totally differnt and changed because of the goddess. Aya knew if her mother disrespected her master she would do something simular to her mother, maybe the same thing. Aya didn't think the goddess changing people was bad but... She didn't want it happening to her mother! She loved her mother the way she was.

Aya stood her ground, still shaking, still having fear and panic in her eyes. Aya then spoke, her tone the same, to her mother.
" Mother... This is crazy... Please don't do this... "
Re: Need to feed

Her mother stood up straight, and put her hands on her hips.

"I'm your mother! I'll do whatever I want! What's crazy is that this wretched woman has turned my baby into something else! She has no right, doing these... Things! To my child!" she shouted.

"Do as I tell you, and go to your room," she commanded Aya one last time, turning her back on her, and walking towards the same stairs Bianca did.
Re: Need to feed

Aya's head pounded in rythem with her heart as she thought of what to do for this split second. She couldn't let her mother do this. The woman just wouldn't listen to her though! Now ever her sister was up to something. Aya couldn't stop her without using force but wasn't about to hurt the woman. Aya had to at least go with her, to protect her. Aya began to walk after her mother, keeping a few feet away from her.

Aya softly spoke then, defeat in her voice, to her mother.
" If... If you refuse to stop then ill go with you... "

Aya wouldn't budge on this. She was not about to let her mother go to the goddess alone like this. Aya only prayed that the woman had left...
Re: Need to feed

Aya's words only sent her mother into a deeper fury, she quickly spun around, and delivered a fierce smack across Aya's face in punishment.

"What did I just tell you!?!" she shouted at Aya in rhetorical question.
Re: Need to feed

Aya felt confusion as she suddenly felt a painful blow across her face. Only a moment after she felt the stinging pain and heard a shout at her did she grasp that her mother had accually smacked her across the face. Aya was shocked and hurt when she grasped this had happened. Her mother had never hit her before, never. Aya didn't say anything in response to her mother, she only stood there with shock and hurt in her eyes, her hand had reached up to feel the red mark left on her cheek. Aya continued to stand her ground silently. Even though her mother was getting so enraged with her and was accually going so far as to hit her she wouldn't let her mother go off and do this.
Re: Need to feed

Her mother shook her head.

"Aya, I'm getting sick, and tired of this. So help me God, you're going to do what I tell you, if I have to drag you by your hair to your room myself!"

Bianca was quickly coming back up the stairs, and her head was covered in sweat as she shouted at her mother.

"M-mother!" she called to her, "The-the Goddess..." she took in a deep breath, "She's in the guest bedroom..." she swallowed some of her dry saliva, "She said she'll tell you anything you want to know..."

Her mother looked back at Bianca with surprise, blinking a few times, "Oh, really...?"

She turned her gaze back to Aya, and narrowed her eyes at her. She quickly rushed over, and grabbed her by the back of her head, gripping her hair, and pulling at her head so as to lead her towards her room. If Aya didn't move her feet to keep her footing, trying to hold her ground, she'd fall to the floor, and be dragged painfully along the carpeting, keeping true to her promise to drag Aya by force due to her disrespect.
Re: Need to feed

Aya couldn't take it any more. Her mother was so bent on seeing the goddess, so fixed on it that she wasn't going to stop until she spoke to the woman. Even if Aya knocked her out here and now she wouldn't stop, she would just get back up and see the woman. Aya was tired of this, she didn't want to feel any more negitive emotions for her mother, she had to give up. Aya didn't know what was going to happen but she had no control over it. She only hoped her master didn't do to her mother what she did to the maids, whatever that was.

Silently and emotionlessly Aya just let her mother lead her, if she let go of her hair then she would just go to her bedroom herself. The only thing that went through her mind was a hope that she was wrong about all of this, that she had just been a fool and her master would never harm her mother or do anything to her mom...
Re: Need to feed

Bianca quickly followed, as Aya was led by her mother's hand on her hair to her room. Her mother swung the doors open, and led Aya inside, where she firmly planted her on the bed, and pointed a scolding finger at her.

"Don't you ever disrespect me again!" she scolded Aya, "I'm going to get you back to normal, if it's the last thing I do!" she declared, turning her back on Aya, and storming out of the room, furious at Aya.

Bianca was incredibly distressed. As their mother shut the door, Bianca ran over to Aya, and grabbed her by her shoulders.

"What's the matter with you?!?" she asked Aya in a desperate, concerned voice, shaking Aya by her shoulders, "Why would you disobey mother like that?!?"
Re: Need to feed

Seeing her sister was here, now shaking her shoulders, Aya couldn't help but let out some of her emotions as she leaned herself on her sister, resting her head on the girls shoulder, and silently began to weep. Not making a sound Aya let tears form and fall from her eyes as she kept herself in her sister's embrace. Aya kept like this for a few minutes before finally speaking to Bianca.

Aya then spoke, her voice sunding sad and drained. The volume was quiet.
" Bianca... I'm so worried about mother right now... The things she said she was going to do... The sheer anger she has for the goddess... Something is going to happen to her, something bad... I tried to stop her but I couldn't... "

Aya then got off of her sister, wiping tears from her face as she forced herself to calm down.
Re: Need to feed

Bianca rubbed her hands up and down Aya's arms in comfort, and spoke to her in a voice that tried to do the same.

"It's alright," she assured her, "I talked to the Goddess, and she said she'd make this whole thing better! She's done so much for us, Aya, I don't think she'd hurt mother..."
Re: Need to feed

Aya accepted Bianca's attempts to calm her down as she took a few deep breaths. This all had Aya so stressed out that she felt like her heart was going to stop, she felt like she was going to just burst into tears. Getting slapped by her mother like that and being screamed at... All because was trying to protect her mother. Aya wanted to hate the woman for a moment for making her feel like this, but didn't.

Aya ended up falling down on the bed a few moments after Bianca had spoken. As Aya looked off at the closed bedroom door she then began to speak, her voice still drained and defeated.
" Bianca... Do you... Do you think she is going to do to mother what she did to the maids? "

Aya wondered... What would things be like if the goddess did that? Would their mother be the same or... Would she drasticly change like the orange haired maid?
Re: Need to feed

Bianca blinked a few times, and sat next to Aya on the bed, seeming to consider that possibility herself.

"Um..." she started, "I don't know... I hope not..." she trailed off uncertainly.
Re: Need to feed

Aya continued to look off at the closed door. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen. Aya had no control over it now, her mother's fate was in her master's hands now. AYa didn't know what would happen, she only hoped the goddess ended up just ignoring her mother and not harming or changing her, although Aya felt that would never happen. If Bianca and Aya got luckly their mother would come back like one of the maids instead of drained to death...

Aya then wondered if she should tell her sister about her... Newest change. Aya couldn't hide it, not forever. She was going to have to show Bianca and trust that she wouldn't freak out.
" Bianca... The goddess really changed me during our last visit... Remember that thing that came out of her sex when she first made love to me? "

Aya sat up then. She was about to take her down wear off and show Bianca the thing in her pussy...
Re: Need to feed

Bianca looked up at Aya, blinking with confusion for a moment.

"Well, Yeah... I remember..." then, she drew back a little, catching onto Aya's meaning, "Y-y-you m-mean..." she stuttered, thinking of how the Goddess made Aya cum so passionately with that simple green tendril.

"Aya..." she whispered, "What's happening to you...? Why do you keep changing...?"
Re: Need to feed

Aya listened to her sister as she started to strip. She had no idea what was truly happening to her. She only hoped this was it, that she wouldn't change any more. Aya had never felt so differn't in her life. Aya wasn't even sure if being differn't was bad...

Aya softly and plainly answered her sister as she continued to strip.
" Bianca... I don't know... I feel so differn't now on the inside now... "

Aya was blushing when she finished undressing, her pants and pantys were off along with her shirt, her bra remained though. Aya's face was filled with fear and uncertainty as she was about too show Bianca what she thought as her true form. The reason Aya felt so afraid now was she wasn't sure if her sister could accept her now...

Aya turned her head away from Bianca as she spoke, spreading her legs as she shut her eyes.
" I'm going to show you what the goddess gave me... Please don't be afraid Bianca... "

* Aya has the green tentacle come out of her pussy and summons two red tentacles to come out of her back. *