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Need to feed

Re: Need to feed

Bianca's eyes went wide, as two large, red, thick tentacles slowly materialized from her back, coming out of her in an unnatural size, likely coming from a different plain of existence entirely, as two things as massive at that could never have fit inside a human sized woman like Aya.

Taking in all three tentacles, the two large ones, and the sexual green, little one, Bianca slowly brought a hand to her mouth to stifle a scream, slowly taking steps back, away from Aya, her eyes looking mostly at the threatening looking, thick, red tentacles forming a huge arch over Aya, having to bend around to a great degree due to the sheer size of them.
Re: Need to feed

Slowly, Aya forced the giant red tentacles to go to the ground, supporing her and allowing her to sit up. There being no change in her face and eyes Aya slowly looked over to her sister. Looking at the girls face Aya was not surprised to see how afraid and shocked the girl looked.

Her voice drained of emotion, only having a bit of sadness, Aya quietly spoke to Bianca.
" Bianca... Please don't be afraid... Ill make them go away... "

Aya made the green tentacle go back into her pussy as she tried to make the red ones dematerialize...
Re: Need to feed

As if disintegrating into thin air, the red tentacles slowly vanished, and the green tentacle, actually a part of her body, and not using essence to appear, slid back inside her pussy, leaving her body appearing normal again.

Bianca stopped her retreat, but did not approach Aya, still terrified.

"A-Aya!!!" she shouted, "Dear God! What happened to you!?! I-I thought you just had magic... Like in those story books... But... But this isn't human!!!"
Re: Need to feed

Aya didn't think she was human any more. She never felt human anyways. Whatever she was, she was the same race as her master, whatever that was. Slowly, Aya began to crawl over to her sister, trying not to look like a threat. Aya continued getting closer and closer, her eyes meeting with the girls. As she did so she softly spoke to her sister, her voice sounding not only sad but needy.

" I don't think I'm human any more Bianca... I may never have been... You arn't afraid of me... Are you? "
Aya was only a foot away from her sister now. Her arms reached out to wrap the girl in a hug...
Re: Need to feed

Bianca shook her head in denial, and made no retreat from Aya's advance.

"No!" she shouted, "You've always been my little sister! You've... You've never been... This!" she directed at Aya's recent change. Bianca made no retreat from Aya, mind for a single step back, only to stop herself due to her promise to never leave Aya, no matter what. And, no matter how afraid of Aya she was, she also honored her mother, when she made a promise to never lie, and stood her ground at Aya crawled on all fours towards her, not making any retreat from her hug.
Re: Need to feed

Aya was easily able to wrap her arms around Bianca and pull her into a hug. Her sister she didn't seem to be running away or trying to fight back. Slowly, Aya rested her head onto the girls shoulder as she silently began to cry. Aya was crying because her sister didn't seem to accept her chages, she even seemed to be in denial about it.

Still silently sobbing into her sisters shoulder Aya spoke up, her voice quiet and very sad.
" I love you Bianca... "

Aya didn't know if she could continue living without her sister, without her support.
Re: Need to feed

Bianca felt like she was on a boat in the ocean, just like some of the trips they took on vacation, swaying back and forth between fear, and love of her sister. Asides from the... Certain changes her sister went through, Bianca couldn't help but still see that it's still her sister, the one she had spent her life with, loving as a sister, then loving as a sexual partner.

She wrapped her arms around Aya in return of her hug, feeling herself begin to cry as well. She sniffles,

"I love you to, Aya... I always will..." she assured her, on the verge of crying.
Re: Need to feed

Aya tightened her hug on her sister when she heard the girl say she loved her and returned a hug back. It seemed that now... The girl accepted her for who she was, for the strang freak of nature normal human's would view her as. Aya continued to hug her sister as she silently cried, until, suddenly Aya pulled back away from her sister, looking the girl in the eyes with her red crying ones.

In an suddenly almost joyful tone Aya softly spoke to her sister.
" Ill always love you too Bianca... "

Aya then suddenly pressed her nude body against Bianca and kissed the girl with passion, trying to move the girl onto her back so she could make love to her again...
Re: Need to feed

Bianca blushed, and went down with Aya, as she was lain on the carpeting with Aya on top of her, returning Aya's kiss as her hands were wrapped around Aya's back, caressing her nude skin.
Re: Need to feed

Now blushing from the kissing and the touching Aya shut her eyes as she continued to kiss the girl, pushing her tounge into her mouth as it exsplored the girls mouth. As Aya did this her hands went and began to work into Bianca's clothing as she began to try and strip the girl.
Re: Need to feed

Pulling at the buttons on Bianca's dress, Aya's hands worked down until it split open like a shell, revealing Bianca's bra and panties underneath, as Bianca kissed Aya back passionately, breaking away for a moment to use her own hands to work at her bra, tossing it aside as she let Aya go down, and draw her panties away, leaving Bianca just as nude as her on the ground, with her unbuttoned dress under her, as she spread her legs wide for Aya, her pussy already dripping wet with excitement.

Her voice was trembling.

"Make love to me... Aya..." she beckoned her, her trembling voice filled with the desire to be drained in an erotic passion of love.
Re: Need to feed

When the kiss broke and Bianca began to help strip herself Aya felt herself starting to get wet, seeing the girls nude flesh. Hearing Bianca ask her to make love to her again in a passionate voice Aya nodded, only speaking a little as she began to make love to the girl.

With passion and love in her voice Aya spoke.
" Yes Bianca... "

Aya moved her head down to Bianca's right breast and looked down on it, drooling a bit. Much like she did when they first made love Aya licked on the right nipple, getting her saliva on it and tasting the flesh. After her first lick aya then gently began to suck on it. As Aya sucked on the nipple she moved her right hand down to Bianca's flower. Gently she began to rub and prod the opening.
Re: Need to feed

Aya felt as if her same fingers were moving into herself, as well as if she was sucking and licking her own breast, as she felt an erotic sensation from Bianca, as her energy slowly started to fill her soul, Bianca letting out passionate moans as Aya played with her body, squirming a little as she quickly felt as if she was going to cum within the minute if Aya kept brushing her sweet spot with her fingers inside her pussy, topped with the erotic feeling of having Aya suck the life out of her...
Re: Need to feed

(( I forgot, did you say nothing will happen or something bad will happen if Aya's green tentacle cums inside Bianca? ))

Aya continued to suck on the girls nipple and finger her sweet spot, slowly opening her eyes over the course of a moment. Suddenly, Aya stopped sucking on the girls nipple and stopped rubbing on the girls opening. Aya quickly thought to herself, wondering what she should do next, how she should finish making love to the girl. After a few seconds Aya decided to put herself in the same 69 position she had been in with Bianca two times already. Moving her body, getting her bottom area near Bianca's face and her head near the girls opening Aya got ready.

Aya began licking the girls opening, tasting her juices and drinking them eagerly. Only after a few seconds of licking, without warning, Aya pushed her tounge into the girl and slowly began to swirl it around Bianca's pussy. subconsciously Aya had her green tentacle slip out out her pussy, slowly moving out. It then went and began prodding the opening of Bianca's mouth, wanting to get in and be sucked on...
Re: Need to feed

( Something, "undesired" will happen if the green tentacle cums inside, "her pussy." Her ass and mouth however are free game. )

Bianca lets out a gasp as the green tentacle appears, as would have closed her mouth, if she had known it's intention, as the thing shovels it's way into her mouth, forcing her to open wide for the green shaft. Bianca moans against the shaft placed in her mouth, as Aya licks her pussy, accepting the tendril in her mouth in a heat of passion as Aya licked the insides of her walls vigorously. Bianca's moans were quickly getting louder, as Aya felt that Bianca was already getting close to climax.
Re: Need to feed


Aya was moaning now, tears of passion and pleasure had formed in her eyes from the sheer feeling Aya was getting from licking Bianca's pussy and having her green tentacle being in Bianca's mouth. Aya then began to swirl her tounge inside the girls flower, faster and faster as her green tentacle pushed itself close to the back of the Bianca's mouth, rubbing against the girls tounge. Her moans getting louder and loader Aya felt like she was about to orgasm...
Re: Need to feed

Bianca moaned against the tendril inside her mouth, choking a little as the tentacle gags her by going to the back of her throat. Bianca's moaning gets louder and louder quickly, as Aya feels both herself, and Bianca approach orgasm. Bianca lets out a loud moan as she cums, squirting into Aya's mouth with her juices, as Aya cums as well, most of her juices however, were blocked by the green tentacle, as the slowly slipped out, and leaked down her legs. As soon as Aya came, she felt an erotic sensation pass through her body, mostly near where her womb was, as she felt her parasitic egg pass through her pussy walls, inside of the green tentacle, and in the heat of the passion, pushed into Bianca's mouth.

Bianca nearly went insane, shoving Aya off of her with fear, and ripping the green tentacle out of her mouth before the tendril could push it into her stomach, only pulling it out in time to have it come out in her mouth. Bianca spit the egg out, onto the floor, and stared frighteningly at the strange looking thing.

The egg was red in color, as deep red as the color of blood. It had the shape of what one would call an organ, and even acted as such, as the egg Aya's green tentacle tried to push into Bianca was throbbing... Like a heart.

Bianca let out a scream at the sight of the horrific sight, crawling away from Aya, even more frightened than before.

"What did you try to do to me!?!" she accused Aya, crawling away from her on her back at a great speed, as if Aya cried bloody murder.
Re: Need to feed

Aya almost screamed out in fear and shock a few moments after her orgasm, upon seeing Bianca spit out the blood red egg. When she saw the blood red egg thing come out of Bianca's mouth she almost screamed in fear, instead of screaming she looked at it in horror, gasping and scooting back a foot away from it. Aya had no idea what it was or what it did. Looking down at her pussy for a moment and seeing the greem tentacle still out of her pussy, dripping a bit, Aya forced it back into her, making it slide back in as she looked back at the egg.

In shock and fear Aya spoke, her voice shaky and stuttering.
" O-oh my... W-what on earth...? What did the goddess do to me..? "

Aya had thought the green tentacle was just something used to collect energy faster, she had no idea it could pump out eggs. Seeing the thing Aya could only wonder what the egg was for. Another thing that crossed Aya's mind was what else had changed? What else could she do that she didn't know about?

Aya broke her stair at the egg and looked over at her afraid sister. Aya was shaking and clearly as confused and as scared as the girl. Her voice still shaky, afraid, and confused Aya spoke up, her voice even having some panic in it.
" B-Bianca I didn't know that would happen! I don't even know what that thing is! I'm sorry, I promise I won't ever try that again! Please trust me... "

Aya waited for a response from Bianca then.
Re: Need to feed

Bianca seemed to calm down a little, and then, a little too much. As she laid back on the floor, eyes still open, and breathing softly, raising a hand to her forehead as if she had caught a fever. Aya then remembered something, Bianca shoved her off as she was sucking in the majority of her essence in an effort to get the green tentacle out of her. Aya deducted that Bianca still had a little energy left inside her, and was starting to feel the effects of being so drained.

Bianca didn't answer Aya, simply laying down on the floor, acting as if she was on some kind of nulling drug, like chloroform.

Not soon after Bianca started calming down due to the lack of an emotional soul to do so, a knocking on the door was heard, as a maid on the other side politely knocked on the door, and addressed Aya personally, "Milady, the Goddess summons you. She is waiting with your mother in the guest room. Please try not to keep her waiting, Milady." she informed Aya, before departing from the door, and not even waiting for Aya to open it.
Re: Need to feed

Aya wished she had not fucked Bianca, she had picked such a stupid time in her mind. Now that the goddess was waiting on her Aya had to get dressed and out of the bedroom wihout keeping the woman waiting. Aya really wanted to go now and see what happened, to see what did or did not happen to her adoptive mother. Getting up Aya then did a few things. The first thing she did was pick Bianca up and place her on the bed, putting her under the sheets with care. The next thing she did was kick the egg she had pumped out under the bed, trying to hide it. The last thing she did was wipe herself off with a shirt she found on the floor, trying to get the sweat and juices off herself. She then got dressed, putting her clothing back on.

With everything done and taken care of Aya quickly left the bedroom to see the goddess.
* Leave bedroom and go see the goddess. *