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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Poor Claire was soon lost to the pleasure as she was at the front of the sex train and received the full force of the two women pressing into her vagina. It wasn't long at all before she was reduced to moaning and grinding her hips back. However after a few minutes of the treatment, she was unable to push back against the combined might of Ama and Jane, so she simply sprawled out on the bed, her tongue hanging out and her tail hanging limp as Ama's thrust into her, pushed along by Jane's thrusts into her demonic pussy.

Jane of course was slipping into her dominant role, Ama's cries for her to go harder spurred her on and she eagerly complied, her hips thrusting against Ama's, causing the bed to protest loudly and Ama's beautiful ass to jiggle. While her rod continued to plunder Ama's hot, wet pussy, Jane also started to spank the demon, something she likely wouldn't have done if she wasn't so turned on, considering she was her mistress and goddess and all. "Yes! Take my seed! Ohhh it's so hot down there! Aahhh! Take it all! Into your baby garden! Yesss!" Her hand continued to fall on Ama's jiggling ass cheek, making it turn a bright red. It was easy to tell that the pheromones filling the room, the sex, and the pregnancy hormones were getting to Jane, babies seemed to be on her mind. She continued thrusting away at Ama, beginning to alternate which ass cheek she slapped if Ama didn't protest.

In the meantime, Claire continued to lay on the bed and simply take it. She couldn't push back against all of the sexual energy behind her. While all this happened, the bed creaked back and forth, sounding like it was on its last legs.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Working her lovers Ama held back her own orgasm waiting for the right moment for June to explode into her before letting her own cock spend its load. Thankfully she didn't have long to wait as Jane reached her peak quickly followed by herself. This however was sad news for the bed as the last passionate thrusts ended its existence as furniture. Creaking one last time the bed groaned and collapsed its legs having given out. Resting and panting a moment Ama smiled and simply asked "Again?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire predictably came before Jane and Ama, she did have lower stamina than the other two. Though by the time Jane was about ready, the shopkeeper was ready for her second orgasm, and with a bit of effort on Ama's part, all three of them were able to experience a simultaneous orgasm. Their cries of ecstasy were accompanied by the sounds of the wooden legs on the bed cracking as the frame fell to the floor. Fortunately, only the legs were broken, not the frame itself, so it was perfectly suitable for sleeping, and fucking. It was just a good deal closer to the floor.

The two women were silent for a moment, surprised as they were by the bed breaking. Then they burst out laughing at Ama's not so innocent query. "Well..." Claire flipped around, wrapping her legs around Ama's back and her arms around her demonic mistress' neck. "I'm game, but I'm going to be more involved this time around. Just watch the baby bump if you don't mind..." She giggled and Ama felt Jane's hands caressing her thighs and ass with a gentle, though firm touch. "I know I have another round in me, my mistress."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama's eyes sparkled as she let Claire change position. "I wouldn't expect anything else Jane." Moving herself she let Claire saddle her. Using her tail she probed Jane's female sex. "But this time I Get to reward you."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire cooed with happiness as Ama made ready to penetrate her. In the meantime, Jane shivered in obvious desire, her legs weakening as the tip of Ama's tail teased her wet pussy. She leaned forward, resting her weight on Ama's rear end. "Mmmm...thank you...my mistress."

One of her hands slipped in front of Ama and scooped a mixture of corrupted jizz and femcum from her demonic slit before withdrawing so Jane could taste it. "Shall I insert now, mistress?" Despite the subservient words, Jane did not actually wait for Ama's permission before thrusting back into her hot, demonic quim, groaning in pleasure all the while.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"OH!" Ama smiled "Jane dear a little control." It was said teasingly. Still she grinned feeling out Jane's length before plunging her own into Claire and her tail into Jane. "So good...."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Jane just groaned in some form of acknowledgement before moving her hands up to cup Ama's breasts, her rapid thrusts becoming more prolonged. Instead of immediately pulling back for another thrust she would leave herself hilted in the demon and wiggle her hips around, stirring her dick within Ama to massage the depths of her vagina. "Aaahhhh...so tight..." Her legs quivered as the tail brought her even closer to orgasm, she wouldn't last much longer.

Claire wrapped her arms around Ama's neck, pulling the demon into a french kiss as she bucked up to meet Ama's thrusts, her pregnant belly moving against Ama's flat stomach, well on her way to another orgasm.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama sped up both her assaults allowing herself to moan in ecstasy. Feeling her own orgasm building Ama held nothing back deciding to make it as messy as she could manage. "I love it I love it I love IT!!!" Screaming as she reached her peak Ama felt her combined loads shoot forth into thankfully already pregnant wombs. Sighing as she came down from her high Ama finished off her lovers before drawing them into an deep embrace to rest.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Both of Ama's concubines responded well to her enthusiasm, feeding off of it to keep themselves going as, thanks to Ama's cock-tail, they reached a simultaneous and very messy orgasm. There was sperm fairly streaming out of both Claire and Jane's well-used pussies, and a fair amount leaking out of Ama herself thanks to Jane's softening endowment.

After pulling out, Jane slumped against Ama and letting the demon pull her down onto the bed. "You're wonderful, mistress, the best anyone could ever ask for..." She gave Ama a kiss on the cheek and pulled one of her demonic wings across her like a blanket as she snuggled against her, her baby bump pressing gently into her. Claire turned with a simple, beautiful smile and did likewise, kissing her and wrapping herself up, her pregnant belly pressed against Ama as well. Her two concubines reached across Ama's stomach with their free arms and held hands as they rested their heads on the demon's shoulders.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The smell of sex not to mention the mix of pheromones in the air made sure that the trio's dreams where lusty. Even Ama dreamed though she found it slightly disturbing. Still once she realized what was happening she let herself be washed away in its fantasy. Waking first Ama carefully slipped past her concubines given each as kiss on her forehead before assuming her disguise as Selina and heading out and about. She had no real goal as to where she was heading simply letting her feet wander where they would while she thought about the current situation.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

After Ama extricated herself from her sleeping concubines the two women snuggled closer to each other, intertwining themselves together in their sleep. If the glistening trails of arousal between the both of their legs as well as Jane's swollen cock were accurate indicators, their dreams were just as pleasant as Ama's had been.

Leaving her building, Ama spent a good deal of time just walking and thinking about the Inquisitor threat. She could always ask the aliens for help...thought the thought was somewhat repulsive. After awhile, she found herself back near the religious district, once again in sight of Lucia and her friend. What's more, she could see the top of the building the Inquisitors were in poking up over the roofs of the lower houses, though she couldn't see anything else about it from where she was.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Finding herself once more in the religious district brought a frown to her face. Likely the inquisitor's spies had picked up her aura already. She was half tempted to level the place at night but she doubted it would get them and it would raise far to many questions not to mention if Lucia could pick her up threw her disguise then someone trained to hunt her kind would easily find her out. Sighing she watched Lucia from a distance. She didn't dare speak with her lest the inquisition decided to question her. No it was best to avoid her for now besides its not like she would be willing to help with this issue anyway. Muttering to herself and doubting the wisdom of her choice Ama found a quite corner to duck into and change shape. Taking on the form of a small girl child Ama went forward to at lest scout the building from a distance before heading to see if she could arrange a meeting with her allies.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Leaving before Lucia could spot her, Ama found a spot to change without difficulty and made her way to the government district. The entire area had a dull, repressed feel about it, but nothing felt inherently dangerous. At least, nothing until she found herself in front of the Inquisitors' building.

Around all of the other buildings, there was a bustle of government workers, various bureaucrats, and military officers going about their business, seemingly oblivious to the child among them. Everyone steered clear of the Inquisitors' building though. The very air around it seemed...malicious. The Inquisitors had created such a foreboding atmosphere that it would make even the demonic princes with their hellish castles built for just such an effect jealous.

From the outside and as close as she could get without stepping out from the stream of government workers, it looked like any other building. Tall, five stories, but also thin so there wasn't that much space on each floor. Still, she couldn't tell anything about what might lay inside, there were no windows near ground level for her to see through.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Moving along as to not stare to long Ama left and headed out of the district. She had decided to consult with her allies about the matter before she took any action on her own.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

It did not take long before Ama found herself at the false-Inquisitors' hideout in the lower class district. Standing outside of it in her child-like form, the man at the gate nodded to her politely. "Welcome, demon." It seemed his spirit sense was adept enough to pick her out despite her change of disguise.

He allowed her inside, showing her once again to the apparently blind woman. "Greetings young demon. What brings you to our residence today?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Taking a seat Ama smiply smiled. "No doubt you heard about more inquisitors arriving?" Ama waited for a response but figured she would not get one. "Do you have a plan in motion for them or are you going to lay low?" If they had a plan then Ama would hear it out and see if she could add anything after all her fist instinct was to just fly over it at night and nuke it from the air but that would just draw more attention then she needed.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Hmmm..." The woman appeared deep in thought for some time before she continued speaking. "We have decided that the best option here is something discreet. We cannot risk open action that would reveal our presence or otherwise put the local guards in a state of heightened alertness. We believe our best chance is to draw them off in small numbers, no more than one or two at a time, and assassinate them...however there are so many of them that we would likely not be able to get all of them before they become wise to our attempts and become too cautious to be lured away."

The woman paused for a moment, inviting comment from Ama before she continued. "There is however another option that would involve someone infiltrating their compound and eliminating them all at once in a subtle manner...unfortunately our girls are too broken for it to work and we dare not send one of our agents and risk revealing that we have corrupted their brethren." She paused for breath before continuing on. "What we would propose is that you get this," she held up a small orb, no larger than a chicken's egg, "inside their compound. It is magical in nature, so their wards would prevent you from simply carrying it in, throwing it in, or using magical means to transport it in. However, if it were placed inside a magical being such as yourself...it would be unlikely their wards would detect it."

She held up a hand forestalling the obvious question of what the object actually was. "It is an arcane sleeping bomb. If you get it inside the building, it should take effect on its own and put everyone, yourself included, to sleep for a short while. In the meantime, we know of a secret entrance from the sewer that leads to the basement of the building. Once the device has gone off, we will infiltrate from there and make quick work of the Inquisitors." She faced Ama, despite her eyes being covered it was clear she was looking for Ama's input, and hoping she would accept her nomination as bomb-runner, though it would mean handing herself over to a most fearsome enemy.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama didn't trust this woman with her life let alone anyone elses. "Humm no I think not but I might know of a better way." Ama looked at the woman her distrust growing even more. especially the comment about having corrupted their brethren meaning that they where not just corrupt inquisitors. "Do you have any girls severely effected by magic? As in no longer human but not alien?" Ama had little doubt they had such a person at their disposal and as long as they where not an Alien she could work her magic on them to suit her purpose.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The woman did not seem surprised by Ama's refusal of her offer, however she did seem reluctant to hear Ama's proposed alternative, as she sat in silence for a few moments. However in the end she relented and gestured to the man who had escorted Ama in, "Bring up one of the corrupted."

The man left and a short while later brought up a woman who was heavily warped by the corruptive power of the aliens. Her skin was grey, her eyes yellow, two tentacles stuck from her back, and Ama sensed there were even more corruptions about her that were not immediately obvious.

"What is your suggestion then?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama got up from her seat and looked at the creature before her. "Do you have one that is less alien in appearance?" Ama pitied the poor woman, truly she would be better off dead. "I intend to make a demon for you but it won't work if they are to far gone or look to alien." Ama looked over at the woman I can even restore a little sanity to it." Ama awaited her answer. She of course could always make her own from some random passer by but that would take to long and invest to much of her power.