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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The older girl grinned. "Ohh those look good on you May!" The younger girl, May, had stepped out of the changing station and lifted her skirt, exposing the tiny yellow thong to them, and showing the both of them that she had a bald pussy. "Thanks girl! How do yours fit?" The older replied, "They feel great! You like them?" It was her turn to expose herself, bending at the hips, hiking her skirt up, and sticking her butt at May, who promptly gave her a firm swat on the ass, giggling. "Of course silly! Let's go!"

When Ama asked about the party, the girls looked at each other and giggled. "Well..." replied the older one, pretending to think on it for a moment, "Here's the address, it's at my house. My name's Sally, and this is my friend May by the way. The party is in three days, wear something nice! Oh, and bring your friend too..." She waved flirtatiously at a surprised Claire after scribbling an address down on a piece of paper and throwing down the denarii for their underwear. The two girls ran out of the store, still giggling.

"Well that was...unusual..." Claire stood off to the side, a little confused by what had just happened. Of course now Ama had the older girl's address, an official invite to the party, and permission to bring a date...
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Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Im sure they are nice girls." Ama grinned inwardly while keeping her sweet smile on her face. Yes very nice girls just needing a push in the right direction. Turning to Claire Ama got close and placed a hand on her shoulder. "So how did I do boss?" If Claire was going to be her date then she need to accelerate her plans slightly.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Despite the pheromones, Claire still seemed a little surprised with how touchy-feely Ama was. It didn't seem to bother her all that much. "Oh well..." Claire paused for a moment and then grinned. "You did great Amy! They even wore the underwear out of the store, so I guess you did a great job selling it to them!" A thoughtful look came over Claire's face as she continued. "Though they were a rather curious lot, I'm not entirely sure why that one girl was waving at me as she left..."

It seemed Claire had missed hearing her party invite, Amasael was going to have to do all of the work, it seemed. Claire broke off from Ama and went to the lingerie section and started folding some risque undergarments. It was up to Ama whether or not she wanted to stay at the register or follow Claire and keep up the pressure.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama got right up behind Claire speaking as she went so as not to frighten her. "Oh they invited us to a party. I think we should go we might even be able to get a few new customers." Ama wanted to take the woman right now but she resisted the urge after all this was hardly a safe place for such things. If Claire seemed reluctant Ama would step up her game and use charm on the woman while she wasn't looking.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire seemed a little reluctant at first, but seemed to come around without the need for Ama to use her charm. "I...I...well... Okay, yea I think that's a very good idea! I'm already glad I hired you! You're a great saleswoman, and you even have some business sense!"

At that point an older, more matronly woman came in. She was rather round, and about thirty five years old. All in all she wasn't unpleasant to look at, there was just so much of her to look at... It seemed she only maintained her looks a little over the bear minimum, and there was a somewhat odd air about her, though nothing Ama could place. She was looking around at the average casual clothing, seeming to mind her own business. "Well, looks like you have a customer, Amy!"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama eyed the woman briefly something was off about her maybe it was best if Claire handled her. "Oh but Claire I have to use the bathroom." Ama squiezed her legs together and bit her lip hoping Clair would let her off the hook with this one. Besides she wanted to see what this woman was about with out exposing herself to much.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Perception: 27
Claire just gave a friendly shrug and pointed Ama in the direction of the bathrooms. "No worries Amy, I can handle things up here." She didn't really seem all that bothered by the woman, but that could just be because she was all kinds of polite because salespeople had to be courteous to everyone. Either way, if Ama watched, the sale proceeded fairly normally, the woman buying a few regular cotton shirts and leaving. Although she had definitely given a strange look to Ama before she had gone to the bathroom. Aside from that though, nothing really stood out about the rather unremarkable middle-aged woman, she just couldn't put her finger on what had been strange about the woman.

If she wished to ask Claire about the woman, she could, but otherwise the afternoon passed without incident, or any other interesting customers, though the shop did get a good amount of business.

"Here Amy, catch!" Claire tossed a pouch of denarii at Ama, and if she looked inside she would find twenty denarii. "I'm closing up for the day, there's twenty denarii in there. I know it's more than we agreed upon, think of it as a 'thank you' for starting work right away." As the two stepped outside, Amy pulled out her keys and locked up the shop. "Not bad for your first day Amy, can I assume you will be back tomorrow? Around noon perhaps to start your next shift?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama caught the coin purse and smiled. "Thanks Claire this should be enough for a room. I hope they still have vacancies" Putting the coins purse in her own she smiled at Claire. "Of course Ill be back I wouldn't miss out it was such fun." With that Ama would say her goodbyes unless that is Claire wanted her to visit her place though it might be a little soon for that.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Well, goodbye Amy, see you tomorrow!" With a cheery wave, Claire set off towards home, though she definitely looked over her shoulder once. Seems like Ama had made a good first impression.

It was roughly five o'clock in the evening, so there was still plenty of time for Ama to explore the city if she wanted. She could look for a tavern or perhaps a nice hotel to her liking, maybe explore the religious district and check out the...prospects. She could even go explore the grounds outside the city if she wanted. Of course, there she could always go to any of the other areas, maybe find someone to sate her appetite on, or do any of a number of other city things.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama waved cheerfully as Clair went on her way. All in good time all in good time she thought to herself. Heading off once more Ama found a nice secure and empty location to change her form back to her favorite; A busty blonde half-elf with purple eyes. Walking back to the main street she thought briefly about seeing the religious district but decided against it after the tease at the shop she might not be able to contain herself. Heading for one of the lower class inns she decided to see if she could get two birds with one stone. Heading in to the tavern she would see if they had a room and then order a drink before finding a visible spot in the room to look provocative.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Amasael found an okay inn. It wasn't one of the seedest imaginable, but it was still a little sketchy. She handed over three denarii for the night and found herself in the downstairs bar. Spending another denarii on a cheap beer, she started showing herself off in the middle of the bar, getting more than a few interested looks. There were a number of rougher looking men giving her the lewdest of looks, as well as some rough women eyeing her up as well. Additionally, some of the more gentle-seeming folk were admiring her as well, though nobody made any moves on her...yet. She had time to pick her entertainment and meal for the night, or she could just sit back and take whoever came her way.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama looked about the room no doubt one of the rough men would be emboldened soon by his drink but as she knew from experience many of the rough men tried not to pay. Which was normally fine as she would just finish them off for such things but here it was a different story she had no demon realm to return to in case things got rough she would have to build up a reputation first. Picking out one of the rougher woman Ama smiled at her seductively hinting with her eyes at what she was offering. Yes most woman where not as physically dominate as men and sense her goal was some fun and a light meal the other benefit of her choice would come into play. After all woman shared at lest one common thread gossip. Undoubtedly she would tell her friends and the word would spread. Yes it was a good choice but now she just needed the fish to take the bait.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama's smile seemed to be all it took for a muscular woman about the same size as the demon's current form to decide to approach her. She plopped down right next to her, with a grin. The had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and was somewhat dirty and grimy smelling. She probably worked in a factory in the industrial district.

Waving the barkeep over, the woman tossed down a couple of denarii, saying in a strong voice, "Something nicer for the lovely lady!" Brushing a strand of her shoulder-length hair out of her face she smirked at Ama. "So sugar, what's a sweet thing like yourself doing in a place like this? Surely you don't want to hang around these rough idiots who call themselves men?" The barkeep returned and placed a more expensive and better tasting beer down in front of Ama.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh I was looking for some fun." Ama sipped her beer that she got from the woman. She leaned a little closer to her drink buyer letting her body do most of the work. "Do you work in the factory?" Ama let her eyes do some wandering clearly examining the woman's assets.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Fun, you say? Well, I have a little place in the lower class district. Maybe you would like to come back with me for a little night-time entertainment?" When Ama asked if the woman worked at the factory, she grinned in an amused manner, saying, "Why as a matter of fact I do. Why, do you like factory girls? Or does machine talk turn you on?"

The men looked a little discouraged, as it seemed the newcomer was more interested in women than men, and the other women at the bar, while bested this time, still seemed interested in Ama. All the while, her yet unnamed beer-buyer and potential mark had also edged closer to her and was in the process of putting an arm around her.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama leaned close and whispered to the factory girl. "Oh I like all people for the right price but you. You are a pretty creature and their is just something about a woman who can stand toe to toe with men that just gets me all hot and bothered." Ama let the woman put her arm around her if she wasn't turned off by what she had said.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The woman didn't seem at all bothered by what Ama said. She didn't pull away, in fact, the more Ama said, the more she smiled, and when she finished, the woman slowly reached down with one hand and gently ran a finger along Ama's thigh.

Leaning in so that her warm, booze-scented breath washed over Ama, the woman whispered next to her ear, "So you like your women strong, do you? Well how about we ditch this place and go back to mine? I think I could make you a lot more hot and bothered there. The woman leaned back, a confident look in her eyes, daring the demon to come back with her. Granted, she may have been a little more hesitant if she realized she wasn't dealing with the pure, innocent, half-elf she thought she was. But as things stood, the woman seemed fully willing to have a night of fun with Ama and provide her an unwitting meal. In fact, she seemed to be ready to carry the demon out the door to the untold adventures that awaited the two at her house, which even though it was in the lower district was probably nicer than the room she had rented. Of course, she had already paid for a room, and the tavern didn't really do the whole 'refunds' thing...but it probably wouldn't be hard for Ama to get the woman to give up some denarii after the night was over.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama leaned in teasing the woman with the closeness of her lips. "Mines closer" grabbing the woman's hand she forced it a little closer to her treasure. "But then we might have to many Jealous people watching us."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh my..." Whispered the woman in return, with a deep, sultry voice. "Well...if you want an audience, I have nothing against staying here...but I do have a lot of fun toys at my house..." Emboldened by Ama's actions, she moved her hand over the elf-appearing demon's treasure, gently pressing into the fabric. "How about you tell me where you want it...hm?" There was an very obvious double meaning. She was leaving it to Ama to decide both where they would spend the evening, and how the sex was going to go.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

At the mention of toys Ama brightened. "Oh.. lets go to your place and see what fun we can have." Ama slide of her barstool downing the rest of the beer in one go before gently pulling her would be lover from her own stool and headed for the door.