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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire seemed caught by surprise when Ama hugged her, taking a moment to collect herself before returning the hug a little hesitantly. "Well..." She blinked at the way some of Amy's words evoked strange thoughts in her mind, but dismissed them as just errant thoughts. "Today is going to be pretty similar to yesterday, you can pick if you want to be a clerk again, or you can fold and organize the clothes like I was doing yesterday and I'll handle the customers. Whichever you feel more comfortable doing. Oh and I'll be getting an inventory shipment in a few hours so you will be able to take a lunch break then."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Humm both jobs where kind of boring but folding the cloths would let her pheromones soak into the stock giving everything in the shop a slight scent of her. "Ill fold cloths to day. It will help me remember where everything goes." Ama smiled "I want to do everything to help you as best as I can." Ama tried her best to slip seductive words into her sentences she wanted Claire to think about it not become uncomfortable so she needed to be careful.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire smiled, even as another strange, foreign thought seemed to start bouncing around her head. "Well okay, shame, your a great saleswoman. But you're right, you probably should learn where everything goes in case I have to take off a day."

The early afternoon passed uneventfully, 'Amy' folding clothes and allowing her pheromones to permeate the store. All the while, she attracted quite a few interested looks, and in fact there were a couple of repeat customers from the day before. They spent some time browsing in areas that allowed them to observe Ama, before buying something offhandedly and leaving.

After a few hours, there was a knock at the backdoor. "Oh, that will be the supply shipment. You can go ahead and take your break Amy, just come back in a bit m'kay?" Claire hung a sign on the door, "Lunch-break, be back soon!" She held the door open for Ama, closing it behind her and starting towards the back of the store.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama folded cloths for awhile noticing that she was getting many odd looks and several people from the day before returned. That could be good or bad she didn't think she had blown her cover but then again someone with experience dealing with her kind might be able to see threw her disguise. Maybe taking a walk wasn't a bad idea after all if she looked alone maybe the fools would show themselves after all she was hardly defenseless. "Do you want me to help out? If not I'll go for a walk maybe grab a bite to eat. How about you? Do you want me to get you anything while I'm out?" Ama smiled sweetly waiting for Clair's answer.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The looks Ama was getting didn't seem malicious or suspicious, more like shy and abashed. But one never knew, the ones who hunted her kind could well adopt the guise of prey in order to lure her out, so some caution was likely warranted.

When Ama asked her less-than innocent questions, Claire replied, "Oh ah, no um...no, ah it's fine yea! I mean no thank you, I don't need anything. Thanks for asking though, see you in a few!" She had a confused look on her face, wondering what had just happened, though Ama was probably glad to see that her subtle insinuations were having an affect.

As she was walking away though, her keen senses picked up a muffled 'eep' sound from inside the store, accompanied by the sound of something being knocked over. Additionally, there was the click of a lock, and when Ama turned around, she would see that the window shades had been drawn, preventing her from seeing what was going on in the store.

That was strange, why would Claire do that? She probably had a reason for locking the door and drawing the window blinds, right? Regardless, something didn't sit right with Ama. Maybe the back door was open? Though maybe she just wanted to mind her own business on this one...
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Something didn't seem right and while she could care less about most mortals she already viewed Claire as hers. Narrowing her eyes Ama decided it was best to have a peak around the back of the store. If everything turned out alright she would simply say she wanted to ask Claire about a little traveling she was planning to do in a little while.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The back door had indeed not been locked, and as she edged the door open, she could hear a rough male voice. "What do I want? I want you to be my BOB. Bend Over Bitch!" There was a cruel laugh. Peeking through the door, she could see a rough-looking man bending Claire over a counter, pajama bottoms knocked to the floor. Though her face was turned away from her, Ama could tell Claire was crying.

This really wasn't an expected situation, but if she played her cards right, Ama could win Claire over right here, right now she had the jump on the man who was in the process of letting his pants down. It was up to her what she wanted to do.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

No no no this wouldn't due this woman was hers not his. Opening the door Ama rushed the man and pulled him off Claire. If she was successful she would tell Claire to run get a guard. Ama of course had little to fear from a common thief or rapist an despite her petite appearance her muscles surged with hidden demonic strength.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama out-grapples the rapist because...demon

The man was obviously a sleazy predator, doubtless he had watched the shop and learned Claire's routine. He probably knew she would be expecting a delivery, and he would be able to take advantage of her then. He just hadn't counted on her hiring a demon.

Claire could only stare in amazement for a moment as Ama had the man on the floor and was choking him out with his own arm, though after a moment she fled out the back door to get a guard.

Ama had a minute or two before Claire returned with a guard, she could do what she wanted with the man during that time. Once Claire returned, she pointed to the man, saying "That's him sergeant! He pushed his way in and tried to rape me, if my assistant hadn't come back, I don't know what would have happened!"

Good pics you added to Amasael's sheet! I can't see the one of Salina though, gelbooru is kind of weird about link sharing. If you save the picture to an album on this forum though you can link it to your sheet no problem. That's what I do for my gelbooru pics.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama waited till Amy left to get help before turning her attention to the would be rapist. Ama had decided to punish the man in her own way as mortal justice would be lacking for the crime of hurting her property. Using charm she would try to steal his will so she could punish him at her own discretion and with out witnesses later. "You will listen to me because Im your Mistress. You will meet me outside the city near the farms at 6pm and you will be alone." Ama repeated herself till the charm took and let the man go with the simple command and using her shape shifting power made it seem that the brute had gotten a sucker punch on her aiding in his escape. The final step was to knock over another display by falling backwards on it rubbing the fake bruise waiting for Clair to return.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Yes mistress..." With that the man took off out the backdoor, the charm in place, he would do as she commanded.

When Claire arrived with the guard, she gasped at the apparent bruise on Ama's skin. "Oh Amy you saved me! Thank you so much! She ran to Ama and embraced her without a second thought. The women both gave the man's description to the guard, and he departed, leaving the women alone in the shop.

Indicating a box of women's shirts on the floor Claire said, "Well, we did get today's shipment, so that's good I guess...But I just don't think I can focus on running the store today after what just happened so I think I'm going to close early. Don't worry I'll still pay you for the full day."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh you don't have to do that Claire how about you buy me a drink and we can call it a day?" Ama smiled sweetly at Claire letting her help her up. A drink sounded nice and not to mention being seen with Ama may very well push Claire into a more intimate encounter later after all being in such close proximity could only help her attempts.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"I...sure that sounds nice..." Claire led the way to one of the nicer bars in the district. She grabbed the two of them a booth and tossed down a few denarii on some good beers for the two of them.

"Again, thank you Amy...I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't shown up..."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Best not to think about Claire it will only upset you." Ama shifted closer to Claire letting her body language subtly show the others in the room that Claire was hers. Sipping her beer Ama frowned "Dose this taste funny to you Claire?" Ama offered the mug for her to taste it was of course fine but Ama was testing how far Claire was along to succumbing to her intent.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Yea...you're right, lets just enjoy these beers hmm?"

She didn't seem aware of Ama's subtle body language, appearing totally unbothered by the closeness, while the other patrons of the bar seemed to get the message and didn't bother the two of them.

When Ama remarked about her beer, Claire frowned and tasted it. "I don't know Amy...I guess it is a little different tasting from mine. Here, switch beers with me." Swapping beers with Ama, Claire scooted a little closer to the demon on accident, but didn't seem to notice and remained that much closer.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Yes she was coming along very nicely it wouldn't belong now. Content for now with the progress she was making Ama enjoyed the beer with Claire and would order another round for her and Clair paying for the new drinks herself. She did have a meeting to keep but having closed fairly early she still had plenty of time. Each successful round she would scoot closer to Claire till she had enough or it was time to enact her punishment on the would be rapist.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama's tactics were working quite well on the hapless shopkeeper. After a few rounds, the apparent light-weight had a faint blush from being drunk, and was leaning against Ama without really seeming to mind. Still, after a bit she said slowly, "I think I need to *hic* be getting home...*hic* would you mind walking *hic* me back, Amy?" A golden opportunity if ever there was one, it was close to time for her to meet the rapist, but she at least had time to walk Claire home so she would know where it was for future reference, enabling her to make...house calls later.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Of course Claire come on let me help you back home." Ama helped Clair out of the tavern and out into the street letting the drunk woman use her as a leaning post. Ama of course had one hand on Claire's butt making sure the woman stayed up right though she couldn't help a little squeeze now and then. Still she would guide the woman home being sure that she did nothing that would cause Claire regret in the morning. When Claire was safely at home Ama made her way to her Dinner meeting with the Rapiest she almost hopped he was dumb enough to bring a friend after all two whores are better than one.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Thanks Amy you*hic* you're the best. I *hic* don't know what I'd do without you..*hic*hic*"

Claire was leaning heavily on Ama as they walked, in fact the demoness was almost carrying her by the time they reached her house. Though Claire definitely didn't mind the occasional butt-squeeze. In fact, she had her head on Ama's shoulder, breathing on her neck. Was it lust, or was she just drunk? Maybe it was a little of both. Regardless, Ama had to help Claire into her two-floor condo and up the stairs to get to her bed.

In a drunken stupor, Claire kissed Ama's forearm before passing out in bed, leaving Ama to to lock up the condo on her way out. This would surely make for an interesting day tomorrow.

Getting to her assigned meeting place, the would-be rapist was indeed present.

"I am here mistress, what would you have me do?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Come here like a good boy and drop your pants." Its not like the man could resist after all Ama's current form was drop dead sexy and given his intentions for Claire he probably wanted this bad.

Ama looked at the man's pitiful cock its short length already hardening. No wonder he had to resort to forcing himself on woman she almost felt pity for him. Still he had threatened what was hers and he needed to be punished. Getting on her knees Ama took her hand and gave the cock a few strokes trying stiffen the member more before letting it enter her mouth. Once in she would bring the man to his first orgasm quickly before getting up to kiss him pushing his own spunk into his mouth. "Swallow!" with that done she went back to sucking him off this time draining his energies so he passed out.

"Now we punish you for your transgressions against my property." Stripping him naked Ama began her preparations for the Ritual. She had often used it in part of a bargain to give people something they wanted in return for their soul usually it was a sexy figure or bigger cock but this was a special case. The ritual wold drain a good portion of her reserve but she had little doubt that Jane would be more than willing to top her off. The Ritual itself was slightly disturbing as it involved shaping the flesh of the subject and Amasael never quiet got used to the felling of shifting bone and bubbling flesh. Not liking the feeling Ama continued anyway and two hours latter the rapist had her own female form to deal with as well as an unhealthy desire for sex. (Ama uses the Forced Mutation Ritual twice spending 40 ep and 2 hours to give the rapist two mutation of her choosing. Futanari unless she can complete gender bender the subject and the mutation version of Lustful.) "Phew done my little whore now remember this command you will meet me here again every day at 6 if Im not here you are to offer yourself up to the nearest person for sex." Ama wasn't sure if the last command would work on her now but she would give it a try. Smiling at her own deviousness Ama wiped the rapist's mind of their encounter leaving her last command firmly intrenched and lurking in the back of her mind. Now for the next part getting her back to the city. Ama checked the skys hoping they where over cast and dark if so she would just fly her and the new woman to the bad part of town if not well she would just have to be creative with the guards on her way in.