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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Groaning as Ama coaxed him back to hardness, Duke laughed weakly. "Man...you're a spunky little thing, aren't you?" Despite the major energy drain, he was game for another round, her blowjob getting him hard and throbbing once again. This time though the half-elf disguised demon mounted the man, and he seemed more than happy to let her take the lead this time, content to buck his hips to her as he held her hips to keep her on his cock. "Damn! Best fuck EVER!" Duke shouted out as he blasted into Ama again. After this second energy drain he slumped back on the bed, panting weakly and unable to sit up. "So...good..." He feebly pointed to a pouch of coin under some clothes. "Take it all...earned...it"

Ama gets a full tank of energy and 30 denarii
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama smiled and kissed Duke on the forehead before snatching up the pouch and getting dressed once more. "Rest awhile Duke and if your ever back in town look me up." Winking Ama left and felt better than ever. Maybe it was time to visit Jane or spend some time with her priestesses. Thinking about it as she walked down the road Ama made a decision and quickly went to the safe house. After all she had some other work to do which needed a little planning.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Finding the priestesses taking a break from torturing and using the rapists. The day was presently hers to do with what she wished.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Cat please come here. I want you to purchase the ingredients for a rune of knowledge. I will only need the base rune as I can take care of the rest. Here is the money." Ama handed over a small sack of coin totaling 50 denari. "If you can convince the merchant to give it to you for performing your sacred duty I shall reward you." With that done Ama asked Erin about their search of the woods and if they found any new potential sisters to spread the faith.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Cat bowed to Ama, proclaiming "Praise be Amasael!", before taking the coins and exposing a good deal more of her cleavage and heading out the door.

That left Erin and Ama. "Well, we found a farm that would work nicely. Trouble is, there's a widow and her daughters who live there already. But...I suppose that's not really a problem? Not for my fair lady?"

On the question of converts Erin continued, "Well, there's the nun, she keeps coming back. I think we're making good progress with her. And those sisters you brought in, they seem to really enjoy helping us with our sacred duties. They also seem to take particular pleasure in practicing on each other.They certainly seem like they would do well in your service.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Excellent Erin your news pleases me. Now tell me more of the widow and her daughters?" Thinking a moment Ama smiled. "You do well to please the goddess keep the new convert interested. As for the sisters when the come again have them wait for me." Ama leaned in and gave Erin a deep kiss letting her priestess savor the moment. When it was done she would collect the two herms binding them so they could at lest walk and making sure they where gagged. Heading out to Lev's she would offer them as breeding slaves until the goblins numbers increased but letting Lev know that they where hers to do as she pleased and not to harm them physically. He could however enforce their new position as her slut slaves. With that chore done Ama went back to the safe house to enjoy a night with her priestesses teaching them new ways to seduce and fuck for the goddess Amasael.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

With Ama's permission, Erin proceeded to elaborate on the widow and her daughters. The daughters were blonde twins. They were eighteen and fairly sheltered, having lived and worked on the farm for most of their lives. That said, they had been to the city enough to develop a...curiosity about sex. The widow was about forty, and from what Erin said, the very definition of a milf. She was just shy of six feet tall, with long, dark brown hair, and a very curvy figure. Losing her husband twelve years ago was hard for her, but Erin sensed that she was looking for someone to fill the void of his passing. At that point Erin winked at Ama. "She didn't seem to have any particular desire for women...but that's never stopped you, has it Lady Amasael?" The priestess accepted the kiss eagerly, waving to Ama as she left.

Lev was predictably gracious when he received the two herms, both of which looked suitably terrified. He nodded attentively at her warnings, and praised her generosity numerous times, promising to get to work replenishing their numbers immediately.

Finally able to return to the safehouse and take the rest of the day off, Ama spent her time instructing her priestesses. Cat had returned with the rune as well as all of the coin she had left with, stating "He was most willing to help with my sacred duty." It seemed a reward was in order there. The two were nothing if not eager, and their training brought all three women great pleasure, the two humans making excellent use of the gifts Ama had given them. All in all, it was a very fun night for Ama.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Very good Cat very good. Tell me what do you wish changed about your body my dear priestess?" Granting Cats request would involve yet another ritual but as Ama had filled her self recently it would be no trouble. Ama took a passive roll in their training teaching as they used each other to experment and learn. They had a long way to go but Ama didn't mind her next task would be for Erin though as not to show favoritism.

The next day after a night of teach Ama headed out to the shop for a day of work. If this passed uneventfully she would check up on Jane before heading out to visit this farm her loyal servants had told her about. That is if nothing happened to derail her plans.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"My goddess, I would love a cat tail! I saw a woman who owns a sex store in the upper class, she had cat ears and a tail and I thought she looked so cute! I'd like to start with a cat tail because I think with some practice I could tease people with it!"

The next day, Ama visited Jane for the first time since she had revealed her self, in a way, and since the woman had gotten a dick. "My Goddess..." Jane bowed deeply, and proceeded to kiss Ama's pussy through her clothes before standing with a grin. She still seemed to retain some of her dominant traits. "I am your loyal concubine...my love. How may I please you today?" She was disappointed that Ama had to leave before they could have hot, messy sex, but the pregnant woman let her leave, reluctantly. "Come back later! I want to try out this great new dick on you, Goddess Amasael!"

Arriving at the farm, Ama found it was a great place for her needs. It was out of the way, there was a very large main house, a separate barn, and wide open fields. Knocking on the door, a middle aged woman opened the door. She had the curves and extra body fat expected of a middle age mother, the large breasts and ass as well. Though to Ama's practiced eye, that might just mean there was more of her to fuck. "Yes? Did you need something, dear?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama caressed Jane's cheek she had been worried that the woman would freak out and flee but as she stayed Ama felt at ease. Drawing close she kissed her concubine assuming her true form. "Jane my first concubine you have turned out as I hopped. How is your other gift I granted you?" Ama's hand trailed to the bulge in Jane's body. Caressing it she smiled "This is our child and you will be her mother and that pleases me." She spent a great deal of time with Jane discussing her new duties as her concubine the first of witch was to meet up with Claire and discuss their new duties. "Your great strength drew me to you my love and with that strength you shall protect our children and your fellow concubines." Ama smiled at the mention of trying out the cock on her later. "Yes your skill with a dildo made me wonder if you would be talented with the real thing. Oh before I forget Jane remember my magic has infused you and changed you if you lay with others they will change as well do you understand?" Explaining if she didn't Ama would kiss her lover goodbye as she proceeded to the farm.

Ama had adopted the form of Amy as she knocked on the door and was greeted by the older woman. "Hello my name is Amy and I was wondering if you wanted to hear about the goddess Amaseal?" Ama's eyes flashed a slight purple as her charm magic worked its way to the woman trying to coax her into hearing Ama out.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Charm: 13+25= 38 Success, milf lady charmed

Smiling, Jane leaned in to Ama's touch, seeming to take comfort in the touch and approval of her goddess. "The baby is growing fast. We'll both be mothers before too long!" Jane listened attentively as Ama explained her new duties. At the end she said, "I will do my best to grow even stronger, that I may better protect them." She grinned when Ama mentioned her skill with dildos. "I think I'll manage just fine... Come get some of it whenever you want, my lovely goddess. And don't worry, I'll be careful with it."

When she reached the farm, Ama had no trouble charming the milf. "Uhmmm...sure? I guess I have a few minutes...come on in, it's been awhile since anyone has come by..."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"You have a lovely home Ms?" Getting her name Ama smiled. "Anyway I hear you live alone with your two daughters on this farm?" Getting the confirmation of what she already knew Ama continued on. "It must be hard to be alone with only your daughters as company. Every woman should be love and be loved am I right? You see I came here to spread the word of my Goddess Amasael the divine courtesan. Its merely a title and I know it may seem odd or even a little risque. But my Goddess only wants to share love and desire to those who deserve it. Those who are alone and want companionship should not be left to suffer." Ama looked at the woman with a slightly seductive look. No doubt her charm and pheromones had the woman on edge feeling things she had perhaps long been without. "This is what lead me to you. Are you alone Ms? Do you desire passion in your life once more?" Ama looked to the woman trying to see if her words where having the desired effect. "If you want to know more just visit this address in the city. There are priestess of the goddess willing to speak with you and answer any questions you may have."

Bidding goodbye to the Milf Ama made her way back to the city and the safe house to instruct her priestesses about the potential visitor they may have and teach them how to answer her questions. Afterward Ama made her way to Claire's in a different disguise to see the shop-woman at work with her knew mutations. If the shop was closed Ama would head to Claire's house instead.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Cook. Call me Miss Cook." She showed Ama in and they sat down in a comfortable living room to talk. She listened to what Ama had to say, a confused look on her face. It wasn't that she couldn't understand what Ama was saying, because she could. What it seemed like, as she gripped the hem of her skirt and twisted it a little, was that she wanted what it was Ama was selling, and she didn't know why. "Ever since my husband died....I've been so alone...It's been so long since I've had any companionship..." While she wasn't overwhelmed by lust or anything of that nature, Ama's words had clearly had a strong impact on her. She seemed to desire gentle companionship now, Ama's expert eyes picked up on her sense of loneliness and knew what she really wanted was a warm body to hold tight to. When she left, there was no doubt that the woman would be by to see the priestesses.

Upon arriving at the safehouse, the priestesses listened attentively to Ama before alerting her to the presence of the sisters she had wanted to speak to, inquiring what she wanted done with them.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Good send them in I would speak with them. They shall serve as divine messengers." Ama waited for the incestious sisters to come to her and spoke to them alone. "The goddess Amasael desire that you two be her prophets to spread the word among the people. To let them know of the goddess and share her blessings freely. Do you wish to serve your goddess?" Ama awaited the answer from the two sisters hoping they would willing serve after all she had ways to make them serve. If things went according to her desires she would proceeded to Claires to check up on her concubines.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Of course we will serve Her." "As long as she will let us show our love for each other, we would love to tell the world of her glory..." The sisters grinned lustily at each other and at Ama. "But...what exactly are we to do to spread the word?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"My dears the goddess would never stop your love. All you have to do is share it with others. Let them know the touch of the goddess threw you. Do you understand?" Hopefully the girls had understood what Ama wanted she didn't want to spell it out for them. "I want you to share your love with everyone and anyone who would be interested."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The girls grinned and nodded happily, both going in to kiss Ama, but lowering at the last second so that they each kissed a breast instead of her cheeks. Giggling, they embraced each other for a passionate kiss before walking out of the safe house hand in hand, going forth to spread the word of Amasael.

With that business taken care of, Ama shifted into a new form to go spy on Claire at her store. Watching her work undetected, Ama saw how happy Claire was. Her more inhuman mutations were successfully hidden away, but the bulge of pregnancy was obvious. From the way Claire fondly caressed the lump in her abdomen periodically, it was easy to tell she was quite fond of the unborn baby.

Even as Ama watched, Claire got many congratulations, to which she happily replied that her shop assistant, Amy, was the lucky father. Of course, she acknowledged that they had had a little help from above as well, referencing 'Amasael.' All in all, Claire seemed over-joyed to be carrying Ama's child in her womb.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Humm Ama was pleased but she would have to some how reenforce that Claire's was hers not Amy's. Still that could wait it was best to get to work. Ducking behind another Allyway Ama shifted once more before heading into the shop to start her work.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire beamed at Ama when she came back disguised as Amy. "Oh hey Amy!" She stroked her belly fondly, looking happily at Ama. "Our baby is growing so fast! I'm already showing!" She giggled and pecked Ama on the cheek.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama kissed her deeply in return. "Praise the goddess she has blessed our union." Ama rubbed the tummy lovingly. "Well I best get to work." Smiling Ama began her errands in the shop as usual keeping an eye out for interesting things.