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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama: HP:70/70 EP:43/55 PP:55/55 Special Effects: Faerie, Immune to fire, hidden demon special mutation
Resistance Check: 25+11=36 Pass
Stalker is charmed!
Ama's voice caught the creature midair and seemed to confuse it. It landed poorly and tumbled into a table. After a second it slowly raised to its feet and bowed its head to her submissively.

Now that the creature was under her control, Ama had a second to look around the room. There wasn't much up here other than a few long, plain tables, a lot of overturned chairs, a few dead inquisitors and a handful of dead stalkers. It seemed like there had been quite a fight in here, and the stalker had just been poking about the remains when she found it. Other than the stairwell she had come down, there was only a single door leading out of the room.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Thank the abyss that worked it was one of the first powers she had learned but one of her weaker ones. "Tell your friends that I'm not to be attacked. Also have you found any prisoners?" Once her questions had been answered she would either make her way to the cells or continue her search.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The stalker hissed and nodded its head. "I will tell my kin that you are a friend..." When Ama asked about prisoners the thing cocked its head to the side. "Yesssss... there was a prisoner....but she was locked away in the basement. Some of the othersss are trying to get her out. There is no one up here but Inquisitorssss."

When Ama was satisfied with the answers, the stalker would walk out the of the room and dash off, doubtless to tell its kin to stay away from her. In the meantime, she peeked out and saw a staircase directly across from her. Looking down, she couldn't be sure but it looked like it would take her down multiple floors, perhaps even all of the way to the basement.

There were a couple more rooms on her current floor if she wanted to explore them, but she got the feeling time was of the essence for Lucia.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The stalkers efficiency in death was truly a wonder to behold but still if Lucia stood any chance she would have to act fast. Heading for the stairs Ama started down keeping an eye out for any foes that might wish her harm.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Advancing down the stairs, Ama was slow and cautious. There were likely more aliens in the building than she could take in a fight, and it was impossible to know how many of them would actually listen to the stalker she had charmed telling them to let her pass peacefully.

She got to the fourth floor and was passing the door without incident when it occurred to her how long it would take for her charmed ally to make its way through each floor telling its comrades to leave her alone. If she wanted to minimize the chance for conflict, she would need to go slowly between floors, taking a few minutes at each landing to let the stalker spread his word ahead of her arrival. However, time was very much not on her side when it came to Lucia...Should she wait at the landing or continue down towards the basement?
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama cursed herself, she should have kept the stalker with her to clear the way. Well to late now she thought as she decended the stairs. Bringing up a hand Ama moved down the stairs quickly. She had little time and besides she at lest knew where she was going. No need to stop at every floor.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama: HP:70/70 EP:43/55 PP:55/55 Special Effects: Faerie, Immune to fire, hidden demon special mutation

Stealth: 29, no encounters en route to the basement.
Perception: 36
Stealth Check 2: 27 vs 29 Spotted

Ama carefully and successfully negotiated her way down the stairs, managing to avoid contact with any of the aliens or inquisitors that might still be alive. After a few minutes she found her way to the basement, where the path was blocked by a large wooden door. Try as she might, she couldn't hear or sense anything on the other side of it, no doubt the Inquisitors had designed it that way. The only way she would be able to find out what lurked in the basement was to open the door.

Once she opened the door to the basement, she found herself facing an adult grabber and a hunter looking directly at her. From the surprised expression on the hunter's face, it seemed clear they weren't expecting an angel to just show up. Both creatures started to tense, but the first move would be Ama's.

It was troubling to note that there was a thunderous banging coming from a room off to the side. She couldn't see what was causing the racket, but it probably wasn't good. Additionally, now that the door was open she could sense some powerful magic-wielders nearby, though she didn't see anything but the one adult grabber and hunter.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama looked at them her hand exstended as she let loose her power. If they where surprised to see an angel then their surprise would be doubled. Profane energy arched around her hand building a static charge as black lighting shot forth from Ama's hands. There was a chance the two could survive or her attack might miss but Ama was sure that the two would be in no condition to fight afterwards.

Ama uses Devil's lighting X= 11
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama: HP:70/70 EP:32/55 PP:55/55 Resistance:18/25 Special Effects: Faerie, Immune to fire, hidden demon special mutation, grappled
Attack vs adult grabber: 31 vs 40 miss
attack vs hunter: 31 vs 30 hit
damage: 1+4=5*11=55 (dat minimum damage roll :( )
But it's enough and the hunter is deep-fried and extra crispy! :)

Adult grabber attempts grapple: 59 vs 50 Ama isgrappled
Alien aphrodisiac resistance damage: 6,1=7

Ama's perception check: 25

The black lightning issued forth from Ama's hands, and the two aliens attempted to get out of the way. The grabber actually managed to curl into a ball and roll to the side, evading the blast. The larger hunter was not so fortunate. The devil's lightning surged through the reptile, cooking it in an instant and causing it to fall to the ground as a sizzling, charred, husk. The lightning continued on its destructive course, smashing into the wall behind the aliens and causing extreme damage, shattering the stone face of the wall and causing a good portion of it to collapse, however the wall was apparently quite thick, as several solid feet of stone crumbled but the lightning did not completely destroy the wall.

The grabber that Ama missed unfurled its tentacles and launched itself at her before she could react. Its tentacles started wrapping around her arms and waist, sliding over her clothes and bare skin, coating everything with its alien slime, causing an involuntary warmth to flush her skin. And that wasn't the worst news.

The loud crashing coming from the side room, a room that was on the same side as the wall Ama had damaged, stopped. Out of the room came a grabber that was significantly larger than one currently molesting her. What's more, the source of potent magical energy revealed itself to be two dark slimes that oozed out from the room. All three started towards her.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Of all the worst luck. Ama frowned she was grappled and while normally she wouldn't mind some tenticle loving this was hardly the time nor the place for it. Not to mention if the slimes got ahold of her they would never let her go. Summoning her extra strength Ama tried to force her way out of the grapple to retreat up the stairs. That confined area would surely be enough for another bolt of lighting to finish off her attackers.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama: HP:70/70 EP:21/55 PP:55/55 Resistance:18/25 Special Effects: Faerie, Immune to fire, hidden demon special mutation

Ama tries to escape grapple: 67 vs 55 escaped successfully

Ama casts Devil's Lightning x=11: 32 vs 40, 45, 45, 45 misses all

Perception: 41

Dark Slime 1 casts Force Wall: Succeeds
Dark Slime 2 casts ???: Succeeds

While her spiritual powers needed some work, Ama's muscles certainly didn't. Perhaps it was all of the time she spent performing various kinky acts in bed or perhaps it was deliberate training in grappling. Either way, she easily pushed the grabber off of her and into the ten-foot tall grabber behind it. From there she made a break for the stairs. Her attempt to lure her opponents up the stairs was largely successful, and she loosed another bolt of devil's lightning at the lot of them, unfortunately it missed all of them again as they dove out of the way. The bolt punched into the wall once more, this time bringing it down completely. On the other side of the crumbled wall was a very surprised Lucia in a cell to herself.

Fortunately for Lucia, the aliens were too focused on Ama to bother with her, though this news was not so good for the demon in disguise. The dark slimes lit up in unison, giving off pale violet glows as they were casting their spells. This hearing a noise behind her, Ama turned and saw a shimmer in the air, indicating a force wall had been placed behind her in an attempt to block her from retreating out of the basement stairwell. It would be possible to get through, but she would essentially have to fight her way through against the will of the casting dark slime. The second dark slime cast a more subtle spell. She almost didn't notice a change, except for a shimmer on the surface of the dark slime that wasn't on the one that cast a force wall. The shimmering dark slime almost seemed to have a semi-reflective coat...

The aliens had changed tactics at this point, now the smaller grabber was advancing up the stairs behind the shimmering dark slime while their companions remained off to the side at the base of the stairwell so they would be in better position to dodge her attacks. The only upside at the moment was that the slime was slow enough that she had time for something before it was on her.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Well shit... this was not going as Ama had expected. Refusing to waste more energy than she already had Ama ceased the magical lighting attacks. Instead she looked to the purple slime that had cast the force barrier. For a moment her eyes lit up red as she intoned words of power. "Defend me"

Cast charm on the back slime
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama: HP:70/70 EP:15/55 PP:55/55 Resistance:25/25 Special Effects: Faerie, Immune to fire, hidden demon special mutation,
Ama uses charm on slime 1: 37 vs 21 slime 1 is charmed!

Slime 1 attacks adult grabber: 44 vs 40 hit 1,2+7=10 *5=50 Adult grabber is dead!

Slime 2 attempts to grapple Ama: 47 vs 45 grapple successful!
Slime 2 aphrodisiac damage:3,5=8

Greater Grabber attacks dark slime: 69 vs 45 Hit!
6,8+17=31 damage to dark slime 2

Not surprisingly, Ama's succubus charm once worked like a charm. Even an alien slime couldn't resist her. The slime glowed again and this time it shot a large spike of ice at the adult grabber advancing on her, impaling it and killing it almost instantly. As its smaller comrade slumped to the ground, the larger one turned on the offending dark slime and started to bludgeon it relentlessly with its tentacles, causing substantial damage to it.

Meanwhile, the closest dark slime to Ama surged up to her, adhering to her legs, and managing to get on her arms as well, slowing her down and making it more difficult for her to defend herself. As expected, more alien goo seeped under her clothes, igniting a trail of lust wherever it touched her skin. She could feel her resistance to the effects of the slime weakening dangerously. If this kept up, she would be begging for an alien baby in no time at all.

Hunter: dead
Dark Slime 1: Moderately injured, charmed
Dark Slime 2: Fine, grappling Ama
Adult Grabber: dead
Greater Grabber: Fine, attacking Dark Slime 1
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama growled as the slime continued its assult. However it had yet to fully secure her and at this range it would be easy prey. It would mean spending nearly all the remaining amount of her energy leaving her dangerously hungry. Still she was not going to lose to goo. Drawing on her energies once more Ama unleased the black lighting.

Ama uses Devil's lighting on the slime crappling her X =7
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama: HP:70/70 EP:8/55 PP:55/55 Resistance:4/25 Special Effects: Faerie, Immune to fire, hidden demon special mutation,

Ama casts devil's lightning 38 vs -, 45, 45 auto hit DS 2 in grapple, miss, miss

Slime 1 attacks Greater Grabber: 55 vs 45 Hit
Damage: 1+2+7=10*4=40
GG Resistance check: 37 vs 33 GG resists additional effects

GG attacks Slime 1: 62 vs 45 Hit
Damage: 6,9+17=32 Slime 1 is dead

Slime 2 casts spell: Success
Aphrodisiac damage: 2,4=6

The third time was the charm for Ama. The slime that was grappling her had no chance to dodge the lightning and was looking a little beat up at this point.

The charmed slime cast some sort of water bolt at the grabber, sending it reeling. When it hit, it adhered to it for a few moments before a tentacle knocked the water away. Only a few seconds later, the large grabber retaliated and pummeled the dark slime into oblivion. At the same time, the force wall behind her faded away.

In the meantime, the slime grappling Ama glowed violet again. Rather than casting an offensive spell it gained a shiny coat once more. Despite its lack of aggressive action, Ama still felt the aphrodisiac eating away at her will to resist. Additionally, her energy reserves were reaching critical levels.

Dark Slime 1: Dead
Hunter: dead
Adult Grabber: Dead
Greater Grabber: Moderately Wounded
Dark Slime 2: Moderately Wounded
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama had enough of this creature. Her intinct to feed was rapidly growing as her energy depleted. Almost on instict her hands shaped into claws which started to tear into the slime attempting to rend the foul goo off her.

Use shapeshifting to gain claws and attacking the slime
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama: HP:70/70 EP:6/55 PP:55/55 Resistance:25/25 Special Effects: Faerie, Immune to fire, hidden demon special mutation, Horny
Ama grapple check: 48 vs 62 pass
Unarmed claw attack: 2,2=4*12=48+2=50 slime is dead (I'm not sure if the 2 is added before or after multiplying by body/4, but it doesn't matter since you killed it with the lower value)

Greater Grabber attempts grapple: 65 vs 45 grappled
Aphrodisiac resistance damage: 6,2,2=10
Resistance drops to zero and is reset to 25, Horny status acquired as per easily aroused flaw

Greater Grabber bursts into white flames and dies

Aided by claws, Ama tore into the slime, literally shredding it beyond its ability to withstand and it collapsed into a puddle of muck. That still left the grabber though. Not to be ignored, it rushed Ama, swiftly binding her in its slippery tentacles. And it was just too much to resist, Ama felt herself slide completely into her lustful nature, she wanted to breed, and eat. She was so hungry, she needed energy desperately. She also needed someone or something in her womb too though. Her mind was frantic with lust when the grabber holding her suddenly burst into divine flames that consumed it in moments. Ama may or may not have been too aroused to notice that despite the thing bursting into flames while holding her to itself, she was not burned.

As the greater grabber crumpled, the lust-crazed, hungry succubus saw Lucia standing there. The nun recognized the look in her eyes and raised her hand, a divine glow forming, and a burst of healing energy washed over her, and suddenly it seemed like her desire to fuck was put down to a more manageable level. Though she was still running very low on energy.

Also, I realize I fucked up the AoE, as it turns out they do 1/4 damage on a miss. I will correct that going forward and give Ama a little something to make up for the mistake in the meantime.

EDIT: And I now realize a messed up unarmed. I guess it sort of balances out since that one was in favor of Ama...
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Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Her body under her control Ama smiled. "To think I came to rescue you ha." Righting herself Ama looked at the nun her own hungry growing. "We should go quickly before more company arrives." The brife thought of her daughter did cross her mind but it was far to dangerous and she had no idea where she would be. Heading up Ama muttered to herself about alien filth and doing her best to keep a good pace to the roof.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Well it's the thought that counts." Lucia smiled but still looked a little worried at the hunger in Ama's eyes. "I'm curious to know why you have adopted the disguise of an angel, but I suppose that can wait..." The two women reached the top of the stairs and were faced by an unexpected sight. "Tamara?"

The wall that had separated the first floor from the stairwell when Ama had gone down had crumbled away offering her a view of the inside of the room. The inquisitor who had so recently challenged the Ama to a sex contest stood in the first floor lobby, a large number of smoking, charred, or completely burned alien corpses laying around her, portions of the large room were on fire.

Tamara looked rather surprised to see Ama and Lucia. "Oh hey there sis. You know, I had just heard you were here and was on my way to come-" She blasted a cone of fire through a doorway, the agonized screeches of several hunters being roasted alive followed before withering away. "-rescue you, but it seems you're in capable hands." The inquisitor made eye contact with Ama, and it was clear she saw through the disguise as well. "You two should run along now, I'll handle things here. Bye! Love you Lucy! Oh and make good decisions Lucia, don't give it up on the first date!" She giggled a little and then added slyly, "Or maybe do...you really don't know what you're missing out on..."

Lucia rolled her eyes in irritation despite the situation they were currently in "Whatever Tamara, love you too just don't get yourself killed. That would mean I wouldn't get the chance to sock you later!" From the way they talked there seemed to be a good-natured sisterly rivalry between them. Part of the ceiling giving way to burning rubble, and dropping some more aliens down into the lobby for Tamara to scorch reminded Ama that it was time to go.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Well this was both promising and disturbing at the same time. However Ama didn't have the luxury of time at the moment. "Lets go!" Continuing on her way Ama lead them to the roof. Picking Lucia up in her arms Ama spread her wings and flew off to the cover of the woods outside of town. "If you must know Lucia. Angels draw less bowfire than demons." Landing hopefully in a safe spot Ama would revert to her prostitue elf disquise while she was dealing with Lucia. "You best go now Lucia my hunger grows..."