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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

When they reached the rooftop, Lucia appeared unsure of what to do. "Wait, what are you going to dooooo!" It was clear she wasn't a fan of getting flown, but that didn't stop her from clutching to Ama very tightly. "Well, I suppose that is true. Thank you for getting me out of there. That's twice you've saved me."

After they had safely landed and Ama told her to go, Lucia seemed a bit conflicted. She was non-to eager to remain near a hungry demon, all the same she hesitated. "You aren't going to kill somebody...are you? If you must take your energy from someone, perhaps..." She seemed to choke on her words as she tried to get them out. As though what she were about to say went against everything she had been taught. "Perhaps...you should take your energy from me? I have greater reserves than the common traveler, I would be more likely to survive. That and it's because of me that you're as...hungry as you now are..."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Those words.. she wanted Lucia so badly but it wasn't the right time. The offered energy called to her the tasty pure essence of the spirit user demanded her to feed on it. Heading over to Lucia Ama brought herself in closer to the spirit user and smelled her and took in her sent before pulling away. No not like this if she was going to have Lucia it would be off her own free will not in payment for a deed. "Ill be fine no worries I will not kill anyone to feed. Besides I have my own resources. You should go though your friend was worried and I promised her no harm would come to you." Ama looked at Lucia and smiled confidently before heading off to a certain farm.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lucia looked nervous, but resolute as Ama drew close and inspected her, determining if she would feed. When she moved back, the nun seemed to breathe a little easier, but she didn't seem to be overly afraid of Ama."I...thank you. One day I will repay this debt. And one day I hope you will tell me your real name. You may be a demon, but there are not so evil as the Church of the Star God claims you must be. Farewell, and thank you again." With that, Lucia departed.

It wasn't long until Ama found a rather welcoming reception as a blushing, very attractive widowed mother, Ms. Cook opened the door for her. "Welcome back...I was wondering if I would see you again. I visited the priestesses of the goddess Amasael. It was...intimate and...I...I liked it."
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Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama smiled at the widow. "Im glad the priestess treated you well. May I come in?" Ama was hungry but she would not force herself on the woman. Instead she placed her need at the back of her mind ensuring their encounter would be sexually explosive when it did occur. "What do you think of the Goddess and her servents?" Ama let a stray hand brush teasingly down the woman's leg. At this distance the woman would have the force of her pheramons.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Of course, please come in. Let's have a seat on the couch." Miss Cook led Ama to a small couch and sat down very close to Ama. The succubus noticed that the woman seemed to breathe through her nose, and timed her inhales with when she was leaning close to the succubus. The poor milf certainly seemed to enjoy the pheromones.

When asked about what she thought of the goddess and her priestesses, Miss Cook blushed again, though she smiled shyly as Ama teased her leg. "They were quite skilled in their ministrations. I came in need of companionship, they gave me that and so much more. This goddess must be someone truly special to inspire such her followers to give so much of themselves so freely." Miss Cook shifted a little in her seat, adjusting herself so that the exposed skin of her leg was barely touching against the skin of Ama's leg. She had moved just a little bit closer to the demon. "I can't thank you enough for telling me about Amasael. I never thought I would feel whole again after my husband died. But when I was at her shrine, with her priestesses, I felt more loved than I ever had before..."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama never thought about it that way still what Ms. Cook didn't know wouldn't hurt her. "It was my pleasure." Ama adjusted her seating so she was somewhat faceing Ms. Cook. "Im glad you where treated well." Ama smiled and placed a comforting hand on Ms. Cooks leg far to close to be nothing more than friendly.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"So-ohhh am I..." Miss Cook exhaled heavily and shuddered with barely contained arousal when Ama placed her hand high on her leg. She shifted herself again, pushing her leg farther out so that Ama's hand was resting even higher up than it had been earlier.

"You...you wouldn't happen to practice the same...rites...as the priestesses, would you?" One of her hands traced up her shirt and was fidgeting with one of the buttons, undoing it after a moment.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama leaned up and kissed Ms. Cook while her hands expertly undid all the buttons on her blouse. Breaking away Ama smiled again. "I may have given them a few pointers." Leaning back into a kiss Ama unclasped the milfs bra. If no protests where given Ama would slide the blouse off the woman's shoulders freeing her breasts. Breaking her kiss again Ama would inspect the woman's shape before leaning in and kissing the nipples of the bare breasts.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ms. Cook's breath caught in her throat as Ama finally gave her what she had so desperately wanted but was too afraid to ask for. When her chest was bared, Ama had a great view of the milf's exceptional breasts. The large pale orbs swung gently with her movements, displaying some sag in her age, but it was actually a rather attractive look. Ama was met with no protests as she bent to her nipples, Miss Cook was actually moaning very appreciatively as she held Ama's head to her bosom, gently stroking her hair as milk began to leak out rather unexpectedly. Apparently this woman had been exposed to some corruption some time in the past.

"Mmmm...I've not done this since the twins were but babes...Though I must admit, you make this feel much better than I remember it..." She gently lay back on the couch, pulling Ama down with her and keeping her head to her breast.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

To each their own Ama thought though this lactating woman would be a great boon in other endevors. For awhile Ama nursed at the woman's breast treating each equally. Pulling away from the milk sodden nipples Ama licked her own lips and undid her own top while using a free hand to lower Ms. Cooks dress. "You taste great no wonder your twins grew up to be such beautiful young women." Pulling on the dress with one hand Ama slipped a finger under her own to get a heathy amount of her juices on a finger. Looking at Ms. Cook while she moaned during the collection process Ama brought the finger to Ms. Cooks mouth. "Tell me how do I taste?" Slowly pressing the finger between the older woman's lips Ama waited for the woman to her juices off the offered finger before bringingint to her mouth to suck on them herself. Smiling she brought them down again and slipped them into the aroused woman't sex in a slow exaugerated manner.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Mmm...thank you...by the goddess! It's been so long since I've had someone suck on them for me! You do your goddess a great credit!" Ms. Cook groaned pleasantly as Ama milked her, a low trickle of energy coming out with the milk. She didn't fight it as Ama removed her dress, and when the demon offered her a taste of corrupt juices, she could hardly refuse. She took the offered finger into her mouth, sucking on it and looking up at Ama in a cute, bashful way that suggested she remembered a bit about giving blowjobs from when her husband was still alive. She released it and continued to lay back as Ama removed it, watching wide-eyed as the demon tasted her own juices while her face flushed in a heavy arousal.

The matron pushed her hips against Ama reflexively as she pressed her fingers into her damp, loose twat. "Yesss..." She moaned aloud, putting her arms around Ama's neck and pushing her hips against the invading fingertips. "Amasael is truly a worthy goddess to have such proficient and devout-haaa...followers..." Her moans intensified as Ama continued to plumb her depths and extract a slow stream of energy from her, Ama could tell the woman still had enough energy in her for quite a bit more fun.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The woman's sudden exubrance almost surprised Ama and she made a mental note to reward her priestess greatly for their efforts. Leaning in Ama kissed the woman as she slipped yet another finger in with the first. "The goddess is lucky to have such loyal and lovely patrons." Ama kissed her again tasting the woman's energy savoring it. Speeding up Ama finger fucked the woman to her first orgasam. "I happen to know the goddess also favors such devout whorshipers. Tell me lover what if Amasael could hear you right now what would be your wish?" Ama asked this question just as the woman peaked holding on to her as she rode out her orgasm. Getting answer she could hopefully fulfill Ama switched positions so that Ms. cook was sitting in her lap while she massaged her breast waiting for the woman to recover.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The lovely Miss Cook cried out loudly as her orgasm washed over her, bucking her hips again and again against Ama's fingers. "Mmm-my w-wish? Ohhh...I'd wish for a woman to share my love with...My bed has been so empty for so long, and the nights-haaa...the nights get so cold, so lonely..." In no time at all, the busty matron was in Ama's lap, leaning back against the her nude, half-elven form while the demon could feel her pussy leaking femcum onto her legs. She moaned idly enjoying the breast massage. Reaching back, Miss Cook softly caressed Ama's cheek and leaned her head against Ama's. "Oh Amy...this is so wonderful...and from now on, call me Ellie."

"MOM?!" Miss Cook's, Ellie's head jerked forward towards the doorway to another room in the house. Standing there were her attractive twin daughters, certainly of age to marry, among other things. Their mouths were agape as they saw her mother and the religious person who had come by once before sitting naked on the couch, her mother relaxing in the lap of the half-elf in a clearly post orgasmic state. It wasn't clear exactly how much they had seen or heard, but it was obviously enough.

The twins are over 18, not sure if I defined that earlier or not, but they are.
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Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama looked at the twins trying to gauge their feelins. Obviously the fact that Ama was here having just done questionable things with their mother would provoke some outrage but Ama was trying to see deeper. Did this excite them at all? Where they shocked but happy? It was hard to tell but she at lest decided to take command of the situation. "Hello girls me and Ellie where making an offering to Amasael." Ama looked to see if the girls knew of or at lest heard of her cult. Looking at the two Ama slid her fingers down to Ellie's sex and began to finger it slowly while whispering to Elli to stay calm and let her handle this. If the two seemed appalled Ama would work up her magic first charming the more passive twin before moving to the secound as she spoke. "Your mother is a very devout follower. Me and the other followers of the church of Amasael welcome all. We find joy in obeying and sharing the tenants of free love that our whorship embraces. Its a joy me and your mother share."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The twins both looked shocked, the twin who had shouted had at first seemed appalled, but after a moment she calmed down. They both seemed extremely surprised, but also a little curious. "Mom, is this true?" The first twin asked, to which Ellie embarrassed, nodded. Both twins slowly walked into the room, apparently not going to ask the awkward question of whether or not the two would put some clothes on, or if Ama would stop masturbating their mom in front of them. They also unwittingly put themselves in range of Ama's pheromones. "Girls, this is Amy...you saw her when she came here once, she's the one who told me-oh-about that new...church in town..." Ama had hit a sensitive spot partway through, making Ellie jolt from the pleasure.

"Oh sush mom, we know what that church is!" One of the twins said accusingly. "Yea, frankly we're surprised you didn't go sooner!" Chimed in the other.

"Wha.. What do you mean?" Blustered Ellie, clearly shocked that the twins new her secret.

"Well geeze, it's not like we have a huge house. Hard to miss you jilling yourself every night!" The other girl laughed at her sister's response before adding, "Yea, it got so loud we just gave up on sleeping and decided to join in. A little family bonding!"

The other one looked a little sullen at the mention of how Ellie had stopped masturbating in the house at night. "But ever since you joined up with the church of Amasael it's gotten quiet around here at night, no more family bonding...Didn't even offer to take us to church with you..."

Ellie looked like she didn't know what to say, all of this talk from her two precious daughters about masturbation, and wanting to go visit a temple to a goddess of sex and love with her... There was a faint hint of a blush forming on the faces of both twins, though neither one realized it yet.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama's eyes sparkled "Is this true Ellie?" Ama tweeked her clit as she was about to answer. "Now now its all about shareing love Ellie." Ama increased her teasing in front of the two daughters. Ama looked at the two girls as she continued to masturbate their mother. "You know girls your bonding time dosn't have to end. After all one can worship Amasael any place they desire."

How fortuitus if Ama could get the daughters to share in their mothers debautchery not only would she increase her power base but answer the mothers wish without finding a woman to convice to join with Ellie. "The goddess would be saddened to hear this news. Of course you girls may join in on our worship. Its easy after all your mother is currently worshiping right now." Ama was trying to time her words with another build upi from Ellie in a hope to acentuate her words.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"YES!" Ellie replied, her voice squeaking and hips humping upwards noticeably as Ama pinched her clit. "Sorry girls, Amy, I should have been more inclusive. I was just...embarrassed about-oooohh...my loneliness...ahhh." Ama's increased rate of teasing was certainly bringing her arousal right back up. Droplets of milk were beginning to drip from her breasts.

The daughters looked a little surprised when Ama offered for them to join in the 'worship'. They looked first at each other, then at their mother, then Ama, and then their eyes were drawn to the wet sex of their mother as she cried out in orgasm, lightly squirting juices out onto Ama's fingers. Ama's pheromones and the heady smell of fem-cum filled the room. For a few moments after, the only sound in the room was the wet schlicking sound of Ama's fingers sliding in and out of Ellie's trembling sex.

One twin's breath hitched in her chest, breaking the silence, and then the twins silently began to disrobe. Both seemed surprised that they were taking off their clothes. But that didn't stop them. Soon they stood before Ama and their mother bashfully in their underwear, their confidence somewhat diminished now that they were on the verge of giving in to something that they had always thought of as taboo. "So, errr..." Began one. "What do we do to worship? How do we do it, exactly? Where are we even supposed to start?" Continued the other.

Ellie continued to lay against Ama, completely relaxed and completely motionless except for her breathing and occasionally humping her hips as milk continued to run down her chest from her leaky nipples. It was safe to say that she was comfortable letting Ama direct them.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Just relax let the moment carry you. Breath in the air and feel your desires stir you in. Let them carry you where they will." Ama continued to finger their mother letting the sights and sounds do most of the work. "This is how we worship our goddess feel the love of our flesh as it lifts our spirits to the heavens." Ama watched the girls a moment before whispering to Ellie. "Ellie dear your daughters need a little motherly encouragement. They need to know its alright." Ama didn't let up her pleasuring of Ellie drawing energy from her threw their act. It was a meagar supply but enough that Ama was feeling much better. Well enough in fact she looked at the daughter who had admited joining in. Using her telepathy Ama suggested that she drink from her mothers swollen tit.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The twins breathed in more of the pheromones, and though the twin initially didn't respond to the telepathic suggestion that she suck from her mother's breast, after a second her eyes trailed up to it. The young girl moved as if in a daze, removing her underwear while her sister looked on, surprised. She was even more surprised when her counterpart climbed onto the couch, naked, and straddled her mother's leg, letting her pussy rest on it. "Go...ahead, girls..." Her mother encouraged, her voice sounding like she was in a trance. When the twin started sucking, the other twin finally dropped her underwear as well and looked for a way to fit onto the couch of love as well.

Rather than sit in front of her mother, this twin, maybe more hesitant to jump into an incestual situation, maybe just looking of the best place to join in, wedged her way in between her mom and Ama. Her mom didn't seem to mind, what with Ama's hand taking care of her twat and her other daughter on her breast. This second twin seemed to instead have a mind for Ama's pleasure. She leaned in close to Ama, her lips almost touching the demon's and shyly whispered, "Thank you...", before her hand trailed down to Ama's own pussy and began to finger it slowly. Ever the shy one, she didn't initiate a kiss with Ama, remaining only an inch away until the demon initiated something else.

In the meantime, the first twin was enjoying the milk of her mother's breast for the first time in nearly two decades, and was beginning to slowly grind her pussy against Ellie's leg, leaving a damp streak as she moved back and forth.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama bit her lip surpressing a moan. Seeing the hesitation Ama moved into the kiss. She could tell both twins would eventually share in the love of their mother but for now she had to encourage them alone. "Ellie dear you should reward your daughter for being so nice to you." Ama took a free hand and guided it to the nursing daughters sex. It was important for Ellie to take charge of this little endevor after all she was the mother figure and head of the household. This also let Ama focus on the other twin. "You have such skilled hands no doubt the priestess could teach you more." Ama let that suggestion hang as she moved from pleasing the mother to pleasing the daughter. Together they fingured each other and Ama waited for them to sink deeper into their lusts and turn this into a proper orgy.