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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lost as she was in her lusts, Ellie automatically started pleasuring her daughter when Ama moved her hand to her snatch. Still, as if somewhat attuned to Ama's will, she started to assume more of her role as head of the household, by directing her daughter in pleasuring her. "Here baby...stick your fingers here...ahhhh yes, that's it...now switch nipples. Yessss, oh yesss..." Now that Ama had released her, Ellie brought her daughter into an embrace, careful not to disrupt her nursing, and rolled over so that she was leaning against the far arm of the couch from Ama, pleasuring her daughter while she suckled her breasts and fingered her in return.

Meanwhile, Ama was making out with the other twin who seemed rather shy about everything, but was doing a remarkably good job of pleasing Ama with her fingers. She was also moaning helplessly as Ama teased her pussy, bucking sporadically against the invading fingers, though still somehow expertly pleasuring Ama as well. Though she didn't say anything when Ama dropped a hint about her joining the priestesses, she did smile and give Ama another kiss.

As the incestual lovemaking session continued on the couch, Ama could tell the situation was ready to shift into a four-person orgy, there was just one problem. The couch was too small, not wide enough for the all out passion and play that an orgy would bring. Since no one else seemed to be doing anything to fix it, it once again fell to Ama to save the orgy. She would have to get the family moving to a bedroom if she wanted a full-family orgy.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

It was tempting for sure but maybe a bit to much all at once. She didn't any of the parties involved to have sudden regrets when they woke in the morning. Content at lest for the moment Ama took a dominate role with her twin. Forceing a change in position Ama brought the girl to the floor and parted her legs with her hands. "So pretty." Ama admired the soft flesh in front of her before moving her hands to part the sweet soaked pussy lips. Smiling she brought her tongue into play taking long slow licks. She would tease the other girl like this for a good while hoping she would start to cry out.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The girl Ama had paired with seemed nervous as the dominant succubus brought her to the floor, unsure of what was to happen next. She sat there silently as Ama appraised her wet pussy, nervously waiting her verdict. When Ama started to slowly lick at, she tensed and groaned appreciatively. It wasn't long before the girl had her arms around Ama's head as she occasionally bucked her hips in the direction of Ama's face. Not long after that, she started to be more vocal with her pleasure, her moans gradually becoming higher and higher pitched as she thrust her hips upwards harder and harder, certainly nearing her climax.

Meanwhile on the couch, Ellie was kissing the other twin who had apparently finished draining her breasts. The two were gently fingering each other while the twin lay on top of her mother. The mother gently broke off the kiss when her other daughter started moaning at Ama's touch to give her praise. "You're doing well sweetie, both of you are...mmm The goddess will be so pleased with your offerings, I just know it." She went back to lewdly french kissing her daughter as Ama's partner was rapidly nearing a loud orgasm.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Pleased indeed Ama grinned inwardly. What she wanted to do was fill all three up wither baby juice but such desires had to be tempered after all she has two little ones on the way already. Sadly it seemed Ellie had no toys for her to play with but it mattered little. Ceasing her licking Ama moved up and kissed the girl letting her taste her own juices before slipping her fingers in once more to finish the girl off. Ama moaned letting herself go and tasting the energy from her new partner. Letting the girl cream herself Ama rested on her kissing her gently. "Well done you have the fine makings of a pristess of Amasael if you wanted." Wether of not the girl considered this Ama didn't really care, but a tempting offer was a tempting offer and having one of her direct followers in this house would surely lead to its complete and utter corruption to her cause.

After resting a moment Ama got a lovely sinful plan in mind. "Ellie dear please come here." If the woman did what she wanted she would move her to where Ama sat near her daughters waist. Looking to her sister Ama motioned for her to come along as well. If she too obyed Ama would guide her so her sex was withing easy reach of her twin and facing her mother. "The goddess would be pleased. I leave you now so you may continue to pleasure the goddess with your love. Ama moved and kissed Elli on the cheek before whispering in her ear. "See the goddess approves of your worship she has given you two lovers so you may never have to be alone again." Ama brought herself up watching the family go at it before gathering her cloths and heading back home undoubtly Clair and Jane where worried. Though on her way home she would check in with Lev and her pristesses.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama's encouraging words and fingering brought the twin to orgasm. The flow of energy into her tasted delicious, and the girl's orgasm was enhanced significantly, leaving her breathless. "Thank...thank you..." She whispered, seeming to give a good deal of thought to the offer.

When it came time for Ama to initiate her plan Ellie and her other daughter were too happy to obey. They sat in their assigned positions, looking expectantly at each other and Ama. When the demon announced how the goddess was pleased with them, they all broke into wide grins, proud of their worship. And when Ama revealed to Ellie that her wish had been granted, she tearfully kissed the succubus on the lips. "Thank you..."she whispered in her ear, "you are always welcome here, Amy." With that, the family of three devolved into a mix of women fingering, groping, and sucking on each other. Their moans filled the house as Ama left.

Lev had little to report. His people had caught wind of a few leads on a secret entrance into the governor's estate, but the search would be slow until his group's numbers were replenished and even still all they had were leads concerning potential leads. Nothing concrete or useful just yet.

Returning to the priestesses, she found them looking much the same way Ellie had when she was in her grasp, except both priestesses were laying nestled against Tamara, cooing happily as the woman reached around their waists to finger them.

"Hello again...did you miss me?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama thankfully kept her composure after all she did tell her pristesses to please the woman should she stop by. Looking at the two Ama moved to sit in a chair. "My dear you would have made an excellent succubus." Ama watched to see if this provoked a reaction. "Tell me was the raid a success?" For now Ama kept the mood causual limiting the topics to buisness. Though she couldn't help herself as she stared at Tamara. She indeed had an exceptional form and was powerful in both spirit arts and in bed. To bad she worked for her enemy Ama could use her more effectivly then even they dared.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Tamara shrugged but did not stop pleasuring the priestesses. The women seemed to be under her spell, though whether that was literal or figurative was anyone's guess. At Ama's comment about her making a good succubus, she looked at the priestesses and shrugged non-committaly. "Looks that way, doesn't it?"

Ama's question about the success of the raid got a rather more detailed response. "It was, if you can call that slaughter a success. Pretty much both sides were wiped out, thanks to you I suppose. Or perhaps it's my sister we have to thank for that..." She paused for a moment, looking uncharacteristically solemn. "The mistress is none too happy with me right now, I would imagine. Still, family comes first, and as soon as I knew where my little Lucy was, I knew it was time to...part ways with them." Another shrug, "Still, the Inquisitors all died and while the loss of her troops will set the mistress back, it really won't take long for her to breed another, larger assault force." There was a turn of events, it seemed that Tamara's efforts to save her sister had put her on the wrong side of the conflict with the alien-tainted Inquisitors, at least, it did if Ama believed what the rogue Inquisitor was telling her.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"I see.." Ama watched the woman a moment. "So if I may ask. Why are you here then? Undoubtedly this mistress know's where you are. I doubt she's not watching this place." Ama crossed her legs looking at the situation trying to read the woman to which she had trouble. She was attractive for sure but Ama wouldn't be taken in by her looks. This was almost to good to be true which made Ama suspicious.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Tamara laughed lightly at Ama's query. "I'm here because that was our deal, remember? One day of pleasure, minus the time for the raid on the Inquisitors' Compound. I lost, you won, you left me here so you could do other things. And now I'm here again. Besides, the mistress doesn't have the strength to fight both of us right now. The aliens were her shock troops and they've been mostly eliminated so she'll have to breed another force. And I don't think she wants to risk losing human assets at this point."

The odd, older Inquisitor giggled as she continued to pleasure the priestesses. "What's the matter, I'm not making you nervous, am I?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Ahh the game I nearly forgot. Please forgive me its been a long and eventful day." Ama got up and streched. "No worries about full filling the rest of the payment. I release you from our agreement your free to go." Ama looked to the fallen inquisitor "So what will you do now?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"No need to apologize, I quite enjoyed it. Even if I did lose. When Ama released her from the challenge she frowned and cocked her head, clearly not having expected it. Slowly, she extricated herself from the nude priestesses, giving both of them a longer-than necessary kiss goodbye and leaving the two blissed out young women to curl up together in the nest of blankets and sheets. They had peaceful smiles on their faces as their bare legs entertwined as they fell asleep.

Still nude, and apparently willing to take her time putting her clothes back on, Tamara looked at them with a measure of affection, saying, "That's a bit of a specialty of mine. Those two lovely priestesses looked like they weren't getting enough sleep, but they still insisted on following your directions, so I gave them a nice, relaxing, internal finger massage. I'd be happy to show you sometime."

Finally, Tamara began to put her clothes back on and made ready to leave, when Ama asked what her plans were her reply was quick. "I'm going to find out if the mistress knew my sister was in the compound and would really let the aliens take her. I suspect she did, but I want to make sure before I rain hell down on anyone." After a moment she gave Ama a soft look that she had never shown before. "Thank you...for rescuing my sister. I am in your debt for that. Though I would ask that you not...do to her what you have done to these girls, even if she does end up thinking she wants it. I know how...persuasive demons, and succubi in particular, can be."

After Ama gave a response, she went to the door to leave but turned around as she was leaving, a more enigmatic expression on her face, more like what Ama was used to seeing from her. "Oh and I left you a couple of presents in the bedroom back there." With that she turned and left, but as the door was shutting she called back, "By Amasael, see you later!"

Her priestesses were totally obedient to her and her will, Ama knew they would not have disobeyed her and given her name to the Inquisitor. That woman was sharp though, and somehow she had figured it out. And what's more, when Ama went to check the bedroom, two things. A sword with some sort of magical properties added to it, and her 'daughter', the woman she had forcibly turned into a demon for the woman apparently known as 'The Mistress." The demon was currently passed out on the bed.

2XP for completing the encounter
1 sword with 1 enchantment, you can choose what it is
1 demon babe asleep on the bed
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama frowned "What do you mean?" Ama looked at her two obidiant tainted nuns. "Do you mean altering her mind or tainting their bodies? If you must know... your sister she is special... I would never take her against her will or alter her mind." Ama looked over her shoulder at the bombshell of a woman leaving. "You should stay and rest... it would be a shame to lose you." Ama doubted she would listen to her and quickly brushed the moment of weakness away. "If you survive your encounter Tamara.. just know that Im far kinder mistress than your former one." With that Ama went upstairs and saw her daughter and a blade. "Humph I must be getting soft." Ama was speaking to the slight welling of joy in her at the sight of her demonling. For now she would sit and brush the woman's hair waiting for her to wake up on her own. Besides carrying a body around the streets would be suspicious.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Her mind, it must remain her own." Ama's response of how Lucia was special seemed to surprise Tamara, but she quickly recovered and continued out. Though asking her to be careful and offering her a place to return earned her a blown kiss from the sorceress.

Upstairs, her blue-skinned 'daughter' slowly awakened to her soft touches. "Mommy?" Her voice was soft, timid even. She slowly curled up, closer to Ama, wrapping her tail around her gently. "So scary...Bad people and mean monsters...everyone was so mean..." It seems like the transformation, soul-ripping, and likely alien brainwashing had set back the poor demon-girl's mind set. She was probably still recovering from all of the mental and emotional trauma she had been through, resulting in a very simplistic mindset. But it seemed that Ama's programming had worked, the girl remembered her 'mother.'
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Shhhs its okay mommy is here." Ama brought her daughter up to an embrace feeling a slow tear make its way down her cheek. The erie sensation returned but thankfully no visions plagued her. Ama kissed her child on the forehead and sat with her a moment holding and comforting her. After awhile though she knew she had to get moving. Grabbing a cloak Ama drapped it around her child. "Come now daughter lets take you home to see my wives. They will surely love you as I love you." Grabbing the blade Ama guided her child out the door after adopting a disguise and headed home to Claire and Jane.

Once inside if they remained unassulted Ama would explain to her concubines the nature of her daughter and while not of her blood she was of her spirit. In turn Ama told her daughter that she must treat Claire and Jane as she would treat her. To be mindful and a good little girl. Hopefully the girl would recover some if not Ama would have to think of a name for her new charge not to mention start her training.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh dear! You poor thing, just let Aunt Clair and Aunt Jane take care of you!" As soon as Ama had explained the situation to them, the pregnant woman were fawning all over the demon-girl who was likely in her early twenties. The girl responded quite well to the affection, giggling and even going so far as to latch on to a surprised Jane, kissing her mouth instinctively and beginning to draw some energy from her, though a quick, if gentle, reprimand and telling her it was impolite to feed without asking made her behave.

When asked about her former life, she couldn't remember her name. It probably had a lot to do with the brainwashing inflicted on her before Ama had torn her soul. The memories were probably there, but it could take years for them to come back. In the meantime, Jane had questions about raising a newly-minted demon. "So, she's probably going to need food soon, and by that I mean energy. How should we do that? We definitely need to train her so she doesn't accidentally kill us or someone else..."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama gazed at the demonling and sighed. "We must get her used to feeding in a controlled manner. Its important that she understands that she can hurt you if she takes to much. Untill she knows that we must not feed her alone." Ama guessed the demon was hungry and with her guidence Ama let her feed from Jane and Claire both if they where willing and to not drain their resources overly much. With the first feeding done Ama would usher them into bed letting her newest daughter sleep with her if she felt alone. It would be obvious they would need a bigger bed. Untill then however Ama would make sure none of her lovers would feel left out.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire and Jane were both happy to help Ama's daughter learn to feed by offering themselves to be fed upon. The demonling was also quite eager, suckling nipples, kissing lips, and eating the pussies of both girls with quite an appetite. Still, with Ama's expert guidance, the demon girl was soon acting very conscious of how much energy she drained and didn't take too much energy from the girls. Despite her care, both women were exhausted by the efforts and their wide-eyed, panting forms lay sprawled in a pool of sex fluids at the end of it, clearly stunned by how good the new demon was. Speaking of her, the poor girl actually seemed quite content now, sleepy after her meal. "Wow...she's not as skilled as you Ama, my love, but damn...energy drain really does make it feel a lot better!"

"Yea, it's kind of scary how much I wanted her to keep going, even though I knew it was bad. I don't think I could have stopped her from sucking me dry if she wanted to..." Claire grinned up at Ama. "But with you for a mommy, there's no way she won't turn out alright!"

Jane and Claire roused themselves at Ama's urging and headed to the bedroom with the two demons. As they lay down, the demon curled herself against Ama, making Ama the big spoon, while she pulled Claire to her and held on to the woman like a child would a stuffed animal. Of course Claire was well suited to the role, given her cat-like mutations. The demonling fell asleep almost instantly, leaving the three women to talk amongst themselves. "It's getting a little crowded in here..."grumbled Jane. "Tomorrow I'm making us a new bed. It'll be bigger...and circular...it'll be perfect!"

Claire giggled, "I can't wait!" She looked over the top of Ama's sleeping daughter and smiled at her demonic mistress/wife. "Goodnight lover..." Everyone soon fell asleep.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

It was indeed crowded and it seemed Jane was feeling left out. This was remedied by Ama wrapping her tail around her concubine. "Im sure it will be a master peice." Ama let herself drift off deciding to treat her lovers to an all day Ama event. Not to mention her little one's lessions would have to begin.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Wakey, wakey sunshines!" Claire had gotten up before the rest, and from the smells coming from the kitchen, she had cooked some marvelous food for the four of them. Jane and the demonling were up quickly, heading to the kitchen to inhale food, while Claire grinned at Ama. "So, my mistress, what do you plan to do today?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama moved up and kissed Claire. "Well my sweets today I plan on teaching our little girl some things. And.. I think Im going to call her Amy untill she can remember her own name." Ama smiled at her daughter see if she liked the name. "But after you get done with the shop today we can have all sorts of fun humm? I know Jane will get me nice and warmed up for a day of fun." Ama let her tail slide aroud Jane's legs and tease her slit while she ate.