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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Amasael the Corrupter: HP:70/70 PP: 55/55 EP: 49/55
Ama vs. Guard Captain
Resistance check: 45, guard is charmed

As Ama's eyes glowed, the Captain swore and pushed back from his desk, attempting to rise and draw his sword. Unfortunately for him, Ama was very good at what she did, and he rapidly found himself under her charm. Both he and the guardsman stood by, awaiting her command.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Goodboy let your Goddess reward you for your good behavior. Come set your weapon's down and stand before me. Festus make sure me and the captain are not disturbed." If everything went according to plan Ama would undo the guard captains pants and start giving him a hand job while asking some very important questions. "Tell me Captain what are you and your men preparing for?
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The Captain gave a pleasured grunt as Ama took his penis in hand and stroked it. It seemed he was putty in her hands for the time being. With a slight moan he replied, "We're marshaling for a suppression effort. Officially its to stamp out crime, especially around the refugee district, but there are also unconfirmed reports of alien activity that we are supposed to find and destroy."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Aliens humm is that all?" Ama would await that answer before asking her next while she thought on it. "How many woman do you have in your command?" Aliens in the refugee district.. how annoying not to mention that is where her followers where growing the fastest it could also be dangerous to her growing power base. Still using the army to stamp them out would help her quite a bit she would just have to make sure her followers where scarce when then hammer fell. Getting the next answer Ama speed her ministrations up using her supernatural skill to tease the man if he drew close to his orgasm. "So firm and thick my pet how pleasing." Admiring the tool and being more pleased with it than Festus's endowment Ama smiled she would feed of the guard captain and he would make a great spy. Still she had more questions but she had to reward the man thus far. Getting on her knees Ama took the member into her mouth her tongue wrapping around the sensitive head.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"I don't know, maybe ten?" The captain gave a pleasured gasp as Ama sped up her strokes. When she took him into her mouth, he groaned again, his cock twitching against her tongue. Still, he was more disciplined than Festus, and it took a minute before the succubus could tease an orgasm from him. After he had disgorged his seed and replenished her energy, he stood where he was panting. His dick still in Ama's hold, he was ready to answer more questions if she had any.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Enjoying the rush of energy Ama pushed the man down and mounted him. Slowly she would thrust herself up and down the shaft feeling the man out. "When are you going to raid the refugee district?" Timing would be important she needed to make sure that her worshipers would be out of the camps before things got crazy. Hearing out that answer Ama couldn't think of anything else to ask at the moment. "Have the woman under you command report to this house everyday. If any refuse make it an order and tell me. Also Festus and yourself must report to me after the dawn everyday at this location." Ama smiled inwardly as she sped up her actions on the captain of the guard telling him of her safe house. Sure the charm spell had swayed him to let her get this close and their coupling would ensure his loyalty for a day. It was a pain to renew but her corrupt family needed some toys to play with everyone in awhile. Not to mention her budding priestesses could start a seed in the army.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Captain Resistance check: 29 vs 37 fails to break charm

"Two days time!" The captain groaned languidly as Ama slid down on his penis. Her hot depths tightly constricted the rod, and he continued to thrust up into her.

However, at the demand to have his female soldiers report to her house, something flashed in his eyes. Ama could sense conflict brewing in his mind. This appeared to be strongly against what he would normally do. Whether it was because he was an honorable man who would be appalled at sending his soldiers to be taken advantage of, or a lecher who wanted to be the only one taking advantage of them was not exactly clear. It proved a moot point, however, as Ama tightened her pussy's grip on his vagina and his resistance was easily broken. "Yes...mistress..." It was clear that he would comply with both of her orders. He resumed his thrusts into her, and would finish when she willed it.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama grinned wickedly as her voice slipped back into its seductive tone. "Good boy I am a much better mistress than your current leader. The rewards of service can be great if you do everything your mistress says. Tell me pet.. is there something your mistress can do for you. A wish your Goddess could grant?" Thinking back to the man's resistance she smiled. "Maybe one of your female soldiers has caught your fancy? She can be yours if you ask. I can make it happen. Though such gifts come at a price." Ama sped up her efforts using her powers to deny the man his release leaving him on the verge of orgasm.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The captain gave a tortured groan as Ama rode him to the brink of release then kept him there. Unfortunately for her, it seemed like the captain was at least virtuous enough to care what happened to his soldiers.

"I want...nothing...mistress" He continued to wince and groan as he held the succubus' hips. However, it was clear vestigial mental resistance was crumbling and another minutes grinding yielded an answer.

"Well..." The captain said haltingly. "I...I..guhhh...I would like to put...haaa...a child in your belly." It seemed the captain had a strong enough will to want to pull a power move on his mistress by filling her with child. Certainly not a simple request to fill.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Such a naughty man." Ama ground her sex onto his sex hard. "Is that what you really really want. Is that your deepest desire to put a baby in my belly?" Grunting Ama scoffed a little. "I thought you were a more ambitious man. A child in my belly is all you want. Is that your true desire." Ama moved in and kissed the man deeply. If he truly wanted to make Ama pregnant it was in her power to grant. "If such a short sighted desire is what you want then it will be yours as long as you swear your absolute loyalty to me and me alone. Forsaking all other vows. I will be your mistress forever after. Understand? If so are you sure you don't want something else instead of a child."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"I would rather put my child in you than one of my soldiers...." The captain took a minute to regain his breath as Ama continued to keep him on a torturous edge. "But if you would mean that I could have anything...that is something else entirely.

"I do still want you to bear my children, but instead of that I would ask that you kill my commander, Lieutenant Colonel Barns and ensure that I receive his position." Ama's resumed grinding forced him to break off his request to gasp buck and strain against her hips before he brought himself back under control. "Do that and I...ahhh...I will be your forever, mistress."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Humm and where is your commander now and do you have anyone else that will be promoted before you?" Ama kept her efforts up not letting the man find release she needed more information. She was even tempted to let him have his wish but for now she needed to remain child free. "Maybe Ill bare your child if you please me enough but first I will keep my end of the bargain." With a grin Ama let the man find his release drain as much as she wanted from him. She had no intention of killing him for sure but it was best if she left while he was out. After all he seemed strong of will and might be playing a trick on her.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The Captain told Ama how to find the Colonel in a government building in the center of town, close to the Inquisitor's headquarters she had invaded not too long before. There were no one standing in the Captain's way of promotion. It didn't take long for her to take the Captain over the edge, and he gave a load groan as he finally came in her mouth. The energy tasted delicious to the demoness, and it filled her nicely.

She left the Captain on the floor and found Festus outside. She would find the soldier generally compliant if she wanted to leave him and continue on her way, and equally willing to accompany her should she wish it.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Adjusting herself and cleaning up a bit Ama headed out and ordered Festus to make sure the captain wasn't disturbed until he awoke. Heading out she would make her way to the government district to eye her target for a bit.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama didn't run into any trouble on her way to the city's center. Looking at the building the Captain had told her about. It was a single story, white stone building with two terse looking guards posted out front and officers walking in and out every couple of minutes. There was a certain tension permeating the area, as the Inquisitor massacre had occurred only a few blocks from where she currently stood.

While she watched the building, she caught sight of Lucia coming her way.

"Hello Salina. What are you doing here? Isn't it a little soon to be back here after what happened last time?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Lucia....." Ama eyed her abit having missed whispering her name as the nun approached. She could feel her own desire rising. Damn the priestess was so hot. Still Ama didn't get this far by heading ever desire that filled her head. "Oh no worries Lucia no one hardly every notices the poor, and fine folk often ignore prostitutes as they offend their sensibilities. However an attractive woman speaking to one always draws the eye." Ama flashed a devilish grin. "Oh what people think when they see you speaking with me. I bet a good number of them are picturing us making out. I might even put money on it that those guards over there are imagining you naked with me right now."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lucia cocked a skeptical eyebrow at Ama's remarks. "I'm sure it's not so many as you think. In any case, I try not to think about it." It seemed she would not be swayed by Ama's talk as easily as the other girls had been.

"So what brings you hear? Are aliens going to destroy another government building? You sure seem to have a knack for finding trouble."

So far there didn't seem to be anything more than Ama had already seen going on at the building, so she could probably spare a moment to talk. Of course, there didn't seem to be any easy way to sneak in. There were only a handful of doors, all of which had two unfriendly guards posted. Unlike the taller inquisitors' building, there did not appear to be a door on the roof either.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama smiled a bit maybe Lucia was right but Ama had been doing this for a long time and she knew the harts of men. Most where unthinking brutes who only cared for their own pleasure. Smiling at the priestess Ama adjusted her position to lean against the wall. "Oh I do tend to find trouble don't I." Taking a finger Ama tapped her lip while looking slightly up and away as if thinking. "But then again what if Im the one causing trouble this time?" Looking back down Ama waited to see Lucia's expression. It was a dangerous game she was playing. After all she was hear to eliminate someone in the way of her servant or well future servant.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"I have to say, I'm not a big fan of the trouble you seem to get into, or cause as you say it. People seem to wind up dead or missing, more often than not." She frowned at Ama and gave her an inquisitive look.

After a moment she added, "What do you mean by 'causing trouble'?" The nun seemed a little bit on guard at Ama's tone.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama cocked her head keeping her finger on her lip. "Humm I don't know. Isn't that what demons do?" She knew that this answer would probably frustrate Lucia all the more, but keeping the nun off balance was part of the game. Though it was strange that the nun was here as well. "So my cute little nun what brings you here if I may ask? Or are you stalking me?" Ama grinned seductively. She wasn't directly lying to Lucia after all she hadn't decided exactly what she was going to do to remove the captain as of yet.