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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lucia sulked at Ama's continued evasive answers for a moment before responding. "If you must know, I've come to file a report with the guard about my recent stay with the Inquisitors. Both for the way they snatched me up off the streets and the way the aliens took over the place." She paused momentarily before quietly adding, "I do intend to keep my having spirit powers out of the report, given it's dubious legality here in Badaria... So I was coming here to do that and then I saw you!"

Ama was able to tell that the nun wasn't lying, but something told her this wasn't the whole story either.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Aww so sweet. Im flattered that you spotted me from the crowd. Still I had no idea spirit powers where illegal in Baradia." Ama mentally filed it away it could be a useful tool later, not to mention when she took power that would have to change. "So came to report to the guard on the incident with the inquisitors. Well I hope they treat you better than the other supposed authority. But... tell me Lucia what else are you doing here? Surely you don't have to make that report in person? Come one you can tell me I promise I won't tell a soul." It didn't seem like Ama would be gaining access to the officer anytime soon and a discussion with Lucia was always pleasant. Though the evasive answer from the nun made her smile inwardly. Maybe Lucia is starting to play the game to. If so then it was step in her direction.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lucia chose to ignore Ama's needling comments before elaborating on the law against spirit powers. "Well, the national government outlawed them, but now there isn't really a national government to enforce the law, so it just kind of depends on what lord, lady, or governor's territory you're in. Unfortunately the governor here clings to the old ways, and quite a few people still harbor very strong xenophobic tendencies as well as a fear of spirit users, they would brand me as a witch if they knew about mine."

When asked about her true intentions, Lucia turned up her nose in a haughty manner that seemed more joking than serious. "I believe I will take a lesson from you and keep my business to myself, thank you very much!" Her features softened and she added, "But you are more than welcome to come with me while I give my report, assuming you do want into the building you've been staring at so intently." It seemed the nun was certainly a perceptive one after all.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh dear that probably wouldn't be wise. No doubt they would want to know why Im there and I would rather keep my actions that day to a few select people. Not to mention what would they think of me walking in with a nun." It would be to risky for her to enter that place for little reason though having a chance to scout it out would be beneficial. "Besides there is no law against admiring well muscled men is there?" Lucia had her there. She could not deny that she was staring at the guard house, though maybe Lucia would buy the lie she offered.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lucia arched an eyebrow at Ama, clearly she didn't buy a word the demoness said. She shrugged and said, "Well if that's what you want, I'll just go on in then. Have a good day Salina." With that, she continued on to the officers' building, disappearing past the guards and inside if Ama did nothing to stop her.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Chewing her lip Ama hesitated a moment before running to catch up with Lucia. Damn it what was she doing, this was so unlike her. "Humm well I guess I should go along to make sure you keep my secret safe. Besides its not like these fools stand a chance against me." Still it was obvious that Lucia had one this encounter and for the moment they where tied. Chuckling to herself Ama thought the game had just gotten far more interesting.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

It was close, but Ama caught a slight pull to Lucia's lip, like she was hiding a smirk. "I thought you might come around. See how much fun we're having?"

In moments they were past the guards and inside, they barely gave the two women a second glance and they were inside. They found themselves in a lobby with a junior officer sitting at a desk that dominated one corner of the room. There were three hallways departing from the lobby they were in. He looked quite bored and gave them a glance as they came in. "Yes?" His bored tone carried the question of what their business might be. There was another guard in the lobby against a wall, and men and women in uniform, some in cloth and some in armor came through the lobby periodically and traveled down other hallways.

"I would like to file a report of criminal wrongdoing and a great threat to the city!" Lucia declared this defiantly.

"Mhmm...okay, down the left hallway from the entrance, first door on your right." From his tone it was clear the officer couldn't care less and took her even less seriously. Lucia huffed and dragged Salina to the indicated door. Inside was another, older officer at a desk. Lucia began relating her report to the officer, leaving Ama to stand bored as she answered questions and filled out paperwork.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

As Lucia pulled her away Ama winked at the bored guard and gave a kissy face to him before the nun pulled her away. Heading for the indicated door. Here she waited leaning against the wall as the officer took Lucia's report. So bored in fact Ama started to release extra pheromones and using her absolute control of her body to add a bit of sex in the air by stimulating herself while keeping her hands free. All the while she kept the face of innocent boredom while her efforts took place. Still none of this was really catching her attention. Human bureaucracy was just so... tedious.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

It took a few minutes, but Ama did notice the officer and Lucia start to get a little uncomfortable. Unfortunately for her, or perhaps fortunately depending on whether or not she wanted the nun to save herself for the demon, they were both professional enough to work through it. Still, it seemed like they would be at this for awhile.

The officer pulled out another large stack of paperwork and he and Lucia started on it. It would definitely take awhile. She could chip in if she wanted to, but they also appeared to have almost forgotten her, so it could be a good chance to inquire after Lieutenant Colonel Barns.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

She could slip away and see her target but what would she do to him. Starting a fight would be paramount to suicide and while Lucia's sister had given her a powerful blade it didn't really fit her disguise.... Oh... oh that gave her an idea. Smiling Ama watch the nun and old clerk work on some more paper work. Slipping out into the hallway Ama walked along the corridor looking at the various departments listed and perhaps maybe run into the captain.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

As Ama ventured down the hallway she was able to glance in a few doors. There wasn't much to look at, just people writing away at desks. On the whole it was a rather boring hallway, and there weren't any marks on the doors other than a letter followed by a number. The doors here were all labeled with the letter 'A', followed by numbers going up sequentially as she moved down the hallway.

Ama's venture was short lived, however, as a kindly looking bald man poked his head out from one of the doorways she had walked past. She couldn't tell what rank he was by looking at him.

"Excuse me, miss? Is there something I could help you with?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama gave the olderman her most winning smile. "I'm looking for Lieutenant Colonel Barns." This she said in a low enough voice that Lucia wouldn't hear of her mischief. She was still forming a plan in her head about what exactly she was going to do but being distracted by this seemingly kindly old fellow would buy her some extra time.
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Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh are you? I'm afraid you're in the wrong hallway, my dear." After a quick glance back into his office he stepped out and shut the door. Shorter than Ama by a head and of slender build. He took a minute to fasten his sword, still in its sheathe to his waist and led her back towards the main lobby. "I'll take you to his office, it's dreadfully boring just sitting around that office all day. I could use the chance to stretch my legs."

The kind old man walked into the lobby and turned left to go down another hallway. It was the hallway that was a straight shot from the entrance to the building. As he went he glanced at the bored junior officer who straightened up his posture abruptly as the man looked at him. "I'm just showing this young lady to Lieutenant Colonel Barns. I'll be back to my office in a few minutes if anyone need me.

"Y-yes sir!" The man nodded respectfully to the old man and Ama as they walked down the hallway. Ama saw him hurriedly straightening papers and organizing his desk drawers as they left.

They reached the end of the hallway and there was a single door isolated from the others, looking around at the others it seemed LTC Barns was the highest ranking officer, at least in this hallway. The old man knocked on the door loudly, calling in, "Lieutenant Colonel Barns? I have a pretty, young woman here to see you!"

A gruff, distracted voice answered from the other side, "Yes yes, show her in."

Opening the door, Ama found herself in the doorway to a large, fairly open office with a man at a large desk in the center. The man was older looking, but not as old as her current escort but a fair bit stockier he looked up at her as she walked in. There as a greatsword propped up on the desk next to him. "Yes?" He inquired.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh hello sir... there seems to be a mistake. You see I was payed to have a special visit with Lt. Colonel Barns by some of the soldiers that umm frequent my usual haunts. I can see now that man of your stature would never indulge in such things. If you'll forgive me honorable sir I should get going." Ama eyed the man discreetly taking in his appearance before attempting to leave, putting on a much embarrassed show. She had to admit the man was a fine specimen and she wouldn't have minded a go with him, but he hardly seemed the type.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh is that so? And who was it that referred you to me?" The man stood up behind the desk and rounded it towards her, his plate armor clanking, and there was something distinctly off about the whole situation that Ama couldn't quite put her finger on. In a flash the man had drawn up his greatsword, leveling its pointed tip at the demon and advancing on her. It was then that she realized she couldn't sense the man's spirit. That in and of itself was alarming, as nearly all creatures had a soul that she could typically sense when in close quarters with them. She knew that there were techniques for sealing away souls, but they were difficult and if he had taken the time to seal himself then he had known she was coming. That was probably bad.

At the same time as she realized that, she felt a hot flash at her back, and saw that the door behind her was blocked by a radiant wall of holy magic. The kindly old man suddenly looked a lot less kindly as he maintained the wall, his longsword in hand.

"Speak! Or die!" The Lieutenant Colonel advanced within striking range, forcing Ama to focus on him.


Perception Check: 28

It's a TRAP!
LTC Barns: Challenges Ama, Ama is unable to attack other enemies while within 30 feet of the LTC.

Kindly Old man casts Holy Wall, the way is shut!
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

No soul? Ama was stunned for a moment but thankfully she was not to easily intimidated.. well maybe a little it was an awfully big sword. Looking down the blade she decided that this Colonel was obviously compensating for something. Still danger was afoot especially if he had no soul. Even if he had it sealed she would still feel it. "You've been a naughty boy Colonel selling your soul to some vial creature for a measure of power I bet. I hope your friend behind me was a bit wiser." Moving to the side quickly as to avoid the door Ama brought her own spirit powers to bare against the Colonel. She would bind him and slowly crush the life out of him. Once that was done the kindly old man would be next.

Ama Uses Teleknisies to bind the Colonel x = 11
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama uses telekinesis: 30 vs ? Failed
LTC Barns attacks 72 vs 49 HIT damage: 38
Old Man casts Binding: 47 vs 55 Miss
"Oh a witch, are you? I'm going to make you regret coming here." Ama attempted to prevent him from following up on his threat with telekinetic binding. Unfortunately, the man shook it off with ease and swung at Ama, drawing a bloody gash across her arm. It was incredibly painful, and as the blood poured from her arm she doubted she could take another hit. In the meantime, the officer behind the holy wall tried to call holy chains to bind her, but Ama managed to avoid the attack.

"Last chance, surrender or I paint the walls with your blood!"
Ama:HP: 32/70 EP: 44/55 PP: 55/55
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama could not win.. not against two opponents. Raising her hands up Ama offered her surrender. "I give up you win." Well that was that now she had to hope that they would want to question her before executing her. It was a well placed trap but she still had some tricks up her sleeve. For now though she was at the mercy of her enemy.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama: HP: 40/70 EP: 44/55 PP: 55/55 Status: Sealed
Old man places sealing collar on Ama, Ama gains sealed status

The Lieutenant Colonel smirked at Ama as she raised her hands, but kept his sword leveled at her. Ama felt the other man place a collar around her neck, and as it locked into place she felt an immensely strong barrier come down between her and her spirit, effectively halting any control she had over her powers. The old man then manacled her hands behind her back as Barns wiped her blood off his sword before returning it to its sheathe.

Once Ama was secured, Barns pressed a tile on the windowless wall and a section of the back wall opened up to a dark staircase that led down into the bowels of the building. The old man led her down, with Barns bringing up the rear. As the wall started to close behind them Ama had time to see some attendants enter the room and begin cleaning and straightening it before the wall closed off completely, leaving the trio in a dark staircase illuminated by glowstones.

They reached the bottom of the stairs and proceeded through a number of hallways before finding themselves in a row of stone cells with iron bars caging the front. Ama saw that Lucia was bound in the same manner as herself, sitting down in one cell. She appeared unharmed, though she glowered at her captors. Before they tossed Ama in a cell, the old man used some holy power, his hands glowing with white light to mend the worst of her wounds. Then she was tossed in the cell across from Lucia. A roll of bandages followed her in. "Bind yourself up, witch."

With that, the two men slammed the cell door and left her there. A few moments after they left, Lucia looked at Ama and sighed. "We really need to stop meeting up like this. Are you okay?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh Ill be fine until they execute us anyway." Ama looked around the room trying to see if anything would be of use. "How about you are you okay?" It was a bad situation still Ama felt the collar on her next to see what it was made of as she wandered about her tiny cell. Now would be the time for Lucia's sister to show up and save the day.. but given the situation it was probably not going to happen.