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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"I'm fine...just beginning to rethink my association with you, given all of the trouble I keep getting into because of it." Lucia sighed and pulled at her sealing collar for a few moments. "What did you, anyway? I was just filling out the report and suddenly inquisitors stormed in and I was slapped in a sealing collar and marched down here before I knew what hit me."

Testing her collar, Ama couldn't tell what exactly it was made out of, but it was probably iron.

There wasn't much to see in her cell, just bare stone walls and stone floor. The cell was extremely austere and hopefully not meant for long-term habitation.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"It was a trap, you just got caught along for the ride." Seeing no way out for the moment Ama sat and bandaged herself as she thought for a moment before speaking again. "If we do get out of this I wouldn't blame you." Ama gave Lucia a serious look before it shifted to a slight grin. "But if you do I would win the game and you would be the loser. Though..." Ama put a finger to her lip "That would really just make you a quitter not a loser but I would still win either way."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lucia just shook her head, grinning despite herself. "You are just impossible to work with, you know that?" She laughed for a moment, then seemed to remember the sealing collar around her neck and promptly started sulking again. After a moment she asked, "How did they trap you?" Before Ama could answer, the door to their hallway opened up, and a large and very imposing man ducked under the doorway and stepped in.

"I believe I can answer that, sister. Please, allow me to introduce myself. You may call me Minister DeGraff, and you two are in quite a bit of trouble indeed." He paused, looking between the two women. "Allow me to explain the nature of your situation. Both of you stand accused of witchcraft, that being the use of spiritual powers by beings unaligned with the state and in a manner not in line with the interests of the state." He gave both women a moment to consider the circumstances. "This, as I am sure you know, is grounds for execution. However..." He looked at Lucia. "Given your aptitude, your sister's service with The Inquisitors, your own history of service to the people as a nun, and a certain shortage of manpower currently, I am sure we could come to an arrangement whereby you would cease working your work as a sister of the faith and instead work for the Inquisitors to destroy rogue elements that are a threat to the people's safety. I will give you a moment to consider this offer."

DeGraff's gaze then turned towards Ama. "Of course, you complicate the matters. Demon. Don't bother denying it, I am very much aware of what you are." Even with the sealing collar in place, Ama was able to sense that the man, Minister DeGraff, possessed an incredibly strong spirit, though whether he was a mage or a spirit wielder she could not tell. "The only way you could save yourself from death is to tell us who you are currently controlling and reveal any accomplices you may have. You will also confess who told you to contact Lieutenant Colonel Barns. That name is a distress code implanted in all of our officers that is specifically designed to catch infiltrators like yourself. At any rate, you will turn over their identities, and in exchange you might live out your days in prison as opposed to a more immediate execution."

Lucia looked more than a little stunned and overwhelmed by what was going on, leaving Ama time to respond first to the authoritative Degraff.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Prison or death.... so either I die slowly by starvation or quickly how lovely. But I will tell you this. I'm a freelance contractor I don't work for anyone specifically. As for the man who told me to contact Mr. Barns hes already dead. My current employer took care of him and simply passed the information along to me. Probably to get rid of me, how distressing." Ama pouted of course she was lying and she would deal with her contact as soon as she got out of here. "Of course I would be willing to tell you something but you have to her go. After all she has nothing to do with me. I just like picking on her. And before you get all holy warrior on me its about your beloved inquisition."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Minister DeGraff gave a short and gruff laugh before dismissing Ama's offer. "We'll find anyone you've turned, with or without your cooperation. And even children know not to make deals with, let alone believe, demons." He turned an intimidating gaze on Lucia. "And you, Sister Lucia? Will you accept our offer?"

Lucia was quite and kept her gaze averted for a few moments. "I...." She finally looked up and met DeGraff's gaze. "If you let her go, then yes... I will join..." She averted her gaze back towards the floor.

"Hmmph..." DeGraff gave a dismissive sigh. "You know very well I won't do that. Now sister, I would very much prefer it if you joined our cause, however if you keep insisting on such things then I will be forced to consider you lost to demonic influence and you will share the demon's fate." The minister whirled around began striding out of the hallway. "I will leave you here to consider your...options. When I return I will expect your final answer." He exited the hallway and slammed the door behind him.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama watched the man go. "Humm hes very angry... probably because he has a tiny cock." Turning to Lucia Ama gave her a genuine smile. "I do appreciate the effort Lucia but don't sell your life so cheaply. I am after just a demon. Though if you do accept just keep this in mind the inquisition is corrupt on more than one level. Not that they would believe me if I told them anyway." Looking around Ama once more tried to see if there where anything she could use to effect an escape. Most of her spirit powers where sealed but she did have some things available to her she just needed to think.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

If DeGraff heard her, and he probably did, he showed no signs of it. In response to Ama's remarks to her, Lucia spoke up. "Well I hardly think it's that simple, Salina. You saved my life multiple times, I certainly owe it to you to help you get out of this bind, demon or not...I don't know that we can count on my sister to save us this time though..." DeGraff had not yet returned, so Ama had a bit more time if she wished to do or say anything to Lucia before she met her judgement.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama nodded having come up with an idea and quickly put a finger over her lips to show silence. With a little effort Ama let her tail grow out of her body. Holding it a moment she focused once more taking the phallic looking end and changing it into wicked looking bladed shape that began to glisten with purple substance. Focusing again Ama sharped her fingers into wicked looking claws and hid them behind her back along with her tail. Once that was done she spoke again. "Yeah... I think your sister has bit of more than she can chew but we are in little position to do anything about it." Winking Ama waited for the next person to come threw the door. Resting against the bars with her tits pushed threw them on clear display.

Using shapshifting Ama changes her tail from its normal cock like form to a bladed version with venom that causes horny. If that's to much then its just a neat effect. She also is using her shape-shifting to gain claws though she lacks the beginning mutation so they are just the normal version.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lucia's eyes widened as Ama granted herself some useful new mutations. She looked a little scared, but she did as the demoness asked and remained quiet.

Perhaps fortunately for the two captives, the first person to come through the door was not DeGraff, but a younger male guard bearing food. He walked down the hallway and approached Lucia's cell, but as he got closer the sight of Ama's breasts distracted him and he tripped. Most of the food spilled onto the floor in the hallway, though a piece of bread did manage to tumble its way into Lucia's cell. She nibbled on it appreciatively as he the guard clambered to his feet, still unable to take his gaze off of Ama's perky bosom. "Those sure are nice..." He mumbled to himself as he drew closer to her cell. "You wouldn't mind if I took a little feel of them, would you?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama shook her head cutely letting the guard touch them if he wanted. When he did so she would cry out cutely and blush to turn her head away and slightly tremble. She needed him a little closer so her tail could do its work. Once he was close enough she would grab him to hold him close while her tail poisoned him. She wasn't trying to kill him and any injuries she gave would be easily cared for.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Guard's perception check: failure
Gains horny, loses common sense.

The guard seemed entranced by Ama's breasts, stumbling over to her cell door and fumbling with her breasts. He never even saw Ama's stinger-tipped tail and was quickly pumped full of her arousal-inducing venom. He stripped down in a remarkable amount of time and started trying to thrust his penis through the door. There was desperation evident in his eyes as he offered her his penis, grunting as he humped through the cell door. He wasn't even touching her, just desperately thrusting his penis in the direction of her vagina.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh dear you look so hot an bothered." Ama stepped back from the door. "You look like you want to have some fun but... you need to open this door to have it." Smiling seductively Ama waited to see what the guard would do. After all there was no way he could have gotten good to Lucia with out opening the door. Hopefully this ploy worked.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama's words seemed to jolt the man into action, he ran back out into the hallway, still naked as the day he was born, and was back in a flash. Ama's body seemed able to tempt men into great feats of skill, even when collared.

Unfortunately, the man hesitated when he came back, he looked between Ama's cell and Lucia's, seemingly torn between the nun and the demon. Fortunately, Ama's beauty won out and the guard unlocked the door, advancing on her with a painfully erect-looking penis.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Obviously the man had good tastes even as he paused to look at Lucia Ama didn't fault him. Ama was supernatural beautiful to the point of being almost artificial, Lucia however was naturally pretty. "Good boy, come to mama." Not holding back Ama took the man into her hot sex. Sadly she wouldn't have time to enjoy it like she normally would. Instead she focused on brining him to his peak and nearly draining him dry. Once that was done she would alter her shape change into his cloths and move to unlock Lucia's prison. Looking like the guard would hopefully help her get out and give a reason to why Lucia was with her.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama Resistance check 39, seal holds
Soldier deals 15 pp damage, 40 remaining, Ama makes soldier orgasm because succubus

Soldier stunned one round because of orgasm
It was all too easy for Ama to take the man into her and to control the pace of the lovemaking like she always did. Unfortunately things weren't going to go quite as planned. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't actually feed off of the man's soul. Because her own soul was sealed off, she was unable to latch onto the man's soul and draw any of it into herself.

She still managed to temporarily exhaust him with his orgasm, however he wouldn't be down for long before he was coming back at her for more. She saw the ring of five keys laying on the ground, it would be possible for her to take them up and possibly unlock Lucia's door before the man was up. Of course she would need a little luck for that, seeing as there was no way she could try all five keys at once.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama looked down and frowned at the man. "Sorry hun I didn't want to do it this way but...." Raising her fist Ama punched the man hard in an attempt to knock him out cold. She was strong her demonic body more than suited to physical combat or rather keeping prey in line. Still if one hit didn't do it hopefully a second one would. After all she wasn't trying to kill him just knock him out. If she was successful she would go threw with the rest of her plan.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

In his blissfully lustful yet tired state, it was easy for Ama to give the man a strong knock on the jaw to knock him out. Leaving the man out cold and also mostly naked on the floor, the demon took the keys and managed to unlock Lucia's cell without too much trouble. Lucia took a minute to look her over, surprised at how she looked just like the guard. "So do you have a plan for getting us out of here? I'd rather not stick around any longer than I have to."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama smirked "Yeah getting locked up in jail by the inquisition was all part of my plan for a daring rescue so you could fall in love with me." Ama winked at her before locking the cell door with the guard inside. Looking over at Lucia she inspected her collar for a lock or something that she could undo. If not then she would try to hid hers as best she could with the guard uniform before heading to the room he came running from to see what it had to offer. "The plan is to walk out hopefully unchallenged I might have to put some chains on you to make it look good if I can't unseal your powers.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lucia snickered at Ama's joke. "I actually don't think I would put it past you. Silly." Unfortunately none of the keys fit the lock to the sealing collars the two women were wearing. "What do you want to bet that DeGraff guy is the only one with the keys to these? Do you think we should leave if we can't find others to get them off, or should we try to find Minister DeGraff? I've never even heard of the guy before, now that I think about it..."

Going out the only door in the hallway, the one that the guard had come through, there was a split. One went way went up the set of stairs Ama had been led down on and the other went down a dimly lit hallway with a number of doors on both sides of it. Lucia peered down it nervously. "I know I was brought from that way, but I don't know where exactly. They kept me blindfolded and there were a lot of turns....sorry."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Yeah I came from above that would probably be dangerous given the man who caught me had his office there. Well I guess we follow our nose and see if we can find help along the way." As they moved along Ama peered into the doors that they passed trying to see what was inside them. There of course had to be away out. They just needed to find it or get lucky.