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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Like i mentioned previously, yatsufusa uploads to DMM very slowly if at all for this particular game. I'm not too sure whether they have a new protection service like Dlsite, but a majority of time they don't. So it's waiting game to see whether or not it has encryption/security on DMM or not.

Then the other waiting game begins, since very few people actually use DMM it might not even be uploaded even if it is security free. Either way its not going to appear anytime soon or at all for that matter.

There was a couple of instances this was the case where you can avoid protection this way, so hoping for the best scenario. Or if enough people have problems then the protection is removed, although when reading his blogs recently he's all for protection/encryption and will not likely remove the security.

Would realy be a shame, cause then again another artist/studio goes out of my reach, wich has happened with so many wich I have been a fan off...

Some artists with free sites making them into pay sites...
like for instance: Cutepet.org (was a big fan... but cant get their new stuff due to paysite..)

And alot of the game designers are also heading that way, wich I hoped it didnt.... but nothing I can do about it....

Definitely do hope its the best case scenario, that people just keep complaining and he makes up his mind and changes to take out the protection....

on another note: those with DRM/DMM protection get less sales in most cases then those without it....
so I think its a bit of an odd move to go towards more protection while it wil make you sell less.....

I might be wrong in this though, but I believe alot of those without protection sold better then those with...
(from the ones I have seen at least..)
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

If someone wants to try, let me know and I'll send you a link to the DRM'd files... I don't want to just up and post it since it might be considered loli, and is pretty useless unless someone can crack it.

Sent a PM. Aside from the loli, people should be encouraged to post DRM'd stuff.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Sent a PM. Aside from the loli, people should be encouraged to post DRM'd stuff.

Go look around hongfire, they had a few projects if I recall on dealing with dlsite DRM on the side.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

would be nice if it would be tagged "uncracked" or something if drmed stuff are uploaded but aren't cracked. i remember that loli game by studio cooly that kept on being uploaded by those h blog sites, eventhough it wasn't cracked, and people kept falling for it
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Go look around hongfire, they had a few projects if I recall on dealing with dlsite DRM on the side.

I would check Hongfire, but I think I can no longer get on there....
(not sure why not, since it went down my account no longer works there it seems...) :rolleyes:

Ps. I would like a copy of the DRM protected, just to see what it might be like... and see what I can maybe do with it...
(not that I am that great at programming btw...)
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Hey there just wanted to say I second the copy of the game too, I want to try something
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

ill need a copy too. id love to take a crack at it.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Alright, I've sent out a few links in PM's. Let me know if you guys get anywhere with it. If there is success, I'll dig out the other DRM games I've bought and unleash them upon the unwashed masses.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Alright, I've sent out a few links in PM's. Let me know if you guys get anywhere with it. If there is success, I'll dig out the other DRM games I've bought and unleash them upon the unwashed masses.

Are you talking about this game?


Hmmm, I need help on how to get past the 1st Floor (Down the two stair wells.) I am stuck in the hallway with the multiple fences and slowly turning guys. There are three black clothed students that are asking me for things and I have no clue on how to get past them. Help anyone?

Also, could anyone mind helping me get past this part with the 3 guys? There is no walkthrough out for it yet which is irksome.. ALso considering it is DRM protected.. yeah I'll understand if none of you can help me.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Marion's game book, world 7, stuck in the pyramid.
I activated 2 switches and flooded a floor.
The boat leads to a closed door.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Alright, I've sent out a few links in PM's. Let me know if you guys get anywhere with it. If there is success, I'll dig out the other DRM games I've bought and unleash them upon the unwashed masses.

I got the one you sent, but when extracting it doesnt show me the other files.... (dont know how to show them, they seem to be invisible....)

(cant find how to get them to show in Windows 7, I knew how to in older Windows version.... realy retardet in Windows 7... :()

So cant realy try to crack it, cause the folders and files wont show, is it maybe what unrarring/unzipping I use???
(used 7zip and winrar though...)
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I got the one you sent, but when extracting it doesnt show me the other files.... (dont know how to show them, they seem to be invisible....)

(cant find how to get them to show in Windows 7, I knew how to in older Windows version.... realy retardet in Windows 7... :()

So cant realy try to crack it, cause the folders and files wont show, is it maybe what unrarring/unzipping I use???
(used 7zip and winrar though...)

Explorer (or whatever you use to navigate your file system) -> Folder options --> view all files (or maybe view hidden files)

In XP anyways.

They are just set to hidden.

Btw if someone can't write a crack, they can always try to reverse the encryption algorithm since the data is just encrypted.

The encrypted files are listed in index.bin (game.rgss3a, Audio\ folder)
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I got the one you sent, but when extracting it doesnt show me the other files.... (dont know how to show them, they seem to be invisible....)

(cant find how to get them to show in Windows 7, I knew how to in older Windows version.... realy retardet in Windows 7... :()

So cant realy try to crack it, cause the folders and files wont show, is it maybe what unrarring/unzipping I use???
(used 7zip and winrar though...)

The files are hidden, head to the control panel, go to folder options, go to view and then look for hidden files and folders and change from don't show to Do show. (Windows 7 )
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

The files are hidden, head to the control panel, go to folder options, go to view and then look for hidden files and folders and change from don't show to Do show. (Windows 7 )

same as winxp :)
if u cant see the Tools > Folder Options ... just press ALT
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Thanks all, I got that fixed... ^^

Am messing around with this atm.... (so far no luck though....)
Hope others wil get something working with this....

As I said, am not that great with programming and such, but I thought to give it a try at least.....

Realy do hope that someone can get this 'cracked' :rolleyes:
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I searched "http://virgo.cypherlicense.com/simon/servlet/CypherServer" since it showed up in index.bin and on HF it says

Possible that if it uses a variable decryption key, it's only available after the server computes it from some information stored in one of the files here.

So maybe decrypting it manually isn't an option lol
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

It has been said several times that the encryption is very good hence why no-one is willing too attempt to make a legitimate crack and those who can realised that they are not interested/it's only a pron game it's too much :effort:

It's why people hope for uploads onto DMM the rival to dlsite with less encyption or even better no security at all. (see my previous posts)

(also not to be a dick but really why bother asking for the game to "lolcrack" if you couldn't locate the files in the first place by yourself......*facepalm*)
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Can anyone tell me how to get out of the first town in RJ072384? The only way out I've found puts me against a boss that oneshots me.

This game is collect item to alchemy then make item or armor, and talk to dog to change equipment for power up, first quest possibly is make a item then report for reward, after first boss and event can learn skill from mob by GoR.

If want walkthrough if u can transfer
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

eiri- you need to put on the mummy clothes to open the door past the boat, it also opens a door deeper in the pyramid where you encounter a woman.- You might need to encounter the woman first.

The mummy clothes will drop your stats significantly, I could be wrong about them being mummy clothes- they are dark and tattered.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Playing RJ098654 im on the second floor and have the fourth skill. I cant figure out what to do next. ive ran and talked to every one i think.
Not being able to use Translation Aggregator really makes this hard.

Any help is appreciated
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