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Re: Niflheimr

I'm not trying to start a full-blown conversation with anyone, I merely posted this in hopes that someone would have a solution.
Re: Niflheimr

So this is how you go about asking for a sollution then? You ask a very unspecific question to a crowd of people in the hopes that someone comes out and helps you?

Here's a hint: the quality of the answer depends on the quality of the question, ask a good question and you shall be far more likely to get a good answer.

Try providing some actual information or context for your question, your problem might be utterly generic or very specific to the game you mentioned, having played lots of japanese games over the years I've encountered the gamut of technical difficulties, but just listing a title and nothing more gives me nothing to base a sollution on, and you would be lucky if there's someone here who had the same problem with the same game and is willing to help you out with the way you asked for it.

Little tip:
Game name + link to game on dlsite if possible
Screenshot of problem
Previous experience and/or sollutions you've tried so far
Any other relevant information you can think of, remember the more information you provide the better people can help you
Re: Niflheimr

this page has all the info you need. you probably just need to download and reinstall the RTP. I believe Niflheimr is an XP RTP so try downloading that and installing it and see if that works. If not then there are some other tips to help you on that web page as well
Re: Niflheimr

He reminds me the average n00b who'd call in for tech support back when I worked for the isp out here.

Me: Thank you for calling blah blah, how can I help you today?

Them: My internet doesn't work

Me: Well whats going on exactly..

Them: I have no internet..

I usually wanted to toss them in an oven but I was being paid well so I dealt with it. But when people are looking for free help and fail to elaborate on the issue, I find it best just to ignore them. It's kind of like tough love only without the love.
Re: Niflheimr

Link to site:

Where I downloaded it:

This is what the text box looks throughout the whole game:

There's also some kind of scrambled letters, which I think is meant to be something else entirely.
Eg.: ƒ“ƒ^ƒCƒ€ƒpƒbƒP￾[ƒW

There's that, or just a bunch of box things, such as [][][][][][][][][][][][][]audio[][][][][][][][][][]

I've put pretty much every single option on my computer to Japan or Japanese. Other then that, I dunno what else there is.
Re: Niflheimr

Try unzipping it with a different compressing program. That happened to me once, and I realized that the text files weren't unzipping properly, so I switched from winrar to winzip and it worked.
Re: Niflheimr

This issue is most likely because of outdated files for your rpg maker, you can download a more recent rtp (doing so solved a similar problem for me a while back) from a link that was provided some posts before mine (to hongfire) which should fix the problem

long story short: update your rpgmaker/associated files and it should be resolved
Re: Niflheimr

and make sure you have japanese unicode settings on. before you unzip the file, and while you play the game
Re: Niflheimr

the game is missing the rgss103j.dll just copy it from another rpg maker game into the folder
Re: Niflheimr

BTW Just for the record wasn't there a topic about this RPG Game already? I could sworn I saw it somewhere on the forum, or was it just part of the RPG Maker Hentai Games topic and not a separated topic?

On another note if we are talking about the dll's responsible running the RPG maker. Is there some way to prevent them becoming corrupt after each game start.

I mean after I play once they size changes and I when I try to start the game again it say incorrect or corrupt dll's reinstall rtp vx.

It getting pretty annoying that I have to replace them every time. I am talking about the dll's found in the program files/common files/enterbrain/RGSS2/RPGVX/
Re: Niflheimr

Personally I think the question was rather straightforward. Being that the thread title is Niflheimr, it could be assessed that he was having issues with text appearing while playing this game.

Why the fuck do people think that just because someone didn't go the whole nine yards and provide references, screenshots, and other various information when you can -understand- what they are talking about is cool? Seriously, stop being such big chubby chodes, people. Thanks for helping the guy.

Also, though that may have reminded you about people calling about stuff that you really cannot help them with, this still had enough information for someone to assume the proper path to fix it if they knew what he was talking about.

Instead of being such douchefags, why not just ask the guy 'What is this game you speak of' or for more information like well a mannered human being, you assholes. Seriously.

Again, thanks to those who actually ASSISTED in helping the guy rather than take the time to hop on the bandwagon and try to shoot him down.

Anyway, as Moonchaos pointed out, the Japanese versions of these games tend to require a specific file that is only located in the Japanese version.

If you do not have the Japanese version installed, try installing the trial of it here.

I have seen no solid fix on this issue. Sometimes it seems to fix and other times some computers simply refuse to show text on them, period.
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Re: Niflheimr

Or maybe you should realize that this ISN'T a tech support forum. This is a hentai sharing forum. He made a thread in the Hentai Games section asking for a specific question for a game that assumedly people do not have. What he SHOULD have done is shared the game with us, gave us the basic information, and THEN asked us his question so that not only would we know what he was talking about, he would also be contributing to the forums rather than forcing everybody to scratch their heads and wonder why there's no game in the place where there's supposed to be games.

None of us expect a five page essay on the game they're talking about. What we ARE expecting is "This game is about [x]. It contains [y]."

Does this:
This game doesn't show any text at all, except for the credits. Is there anyway to fix this?
Show ANYTHING about the game at all? No. In fact, it's rather presumptuous of him to think that we all know what he's talking about and expected us to give him a straightforward answer. That tech support analogy is perfect here; you're asking US for help, and yet you don't have the common courtesy to at least show us what you're talking about. Instead, you give us a name and force us to investigate by ourselves and then hand you the answer on a silver platter.

And to the people who actually did answer his question, thank you. It's polite of you to do that. But I'd like for people to realize is that the more you answer these random threads for single tech support questions, the more these will show up. Then more people will think this is allowed, which it isn't. If anything, nudging them by giving an answer AND telling them that they need to share more information would be the best option.

So Nanie, get off your high horse. What he did was wrong and people are telling him that so he doesn't do it again in the future.

I'll keep this thread open because it's still salvageable and can turn into a discussion on the game itself.
Re: Niflheimr

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Re: Niflheimr

So Nanie, get off your high horse. What he did was wrong and people are telling him that so he doesn't do it again in the future.


The law of this information generally goes that with more accurate information provided the chances of him having someone who can identify what is going on is able to be more accurately provided. Unlike a Tech Support forum, this is not in any way a Tech Support forum. None here are getting a paycheck and should not act like this is such a big deal. All the man did was ask an obscure question. Instead of asking him to elaborate, people were being big chubby chodes about it. There is no reason to shoot the guy down in an assholish way over something so insignificant is all I am declaring firmly. I get where you are coming at, but NOT ONE MEMBER should 'fear' asking a question about a game here. They come to us for help because they think we are reliable. If you want to answer about the game you can answer about the game, but adding in that additional insulting seasoning is something against the person himself and is intolerable in my opinion.

You all make me sick when you act like that, and you should feel ashamed for defending them. You are smarter than this.

@Nucleargum: Sweet, what fixed it?

Edit: Also, the comment about having no text is actually incredibly common in regards to RPG Maker XP games. Being that most of our members know about this, it also is a very general question because of how common it is. Even without knowing anything about the game itself just reading about that it immediately hit my mind that this was the exact problem. So this really wasn't that absurd of a question anyway. I will help whoever I damn well please, thank you very much. Instead of being cocks about it, how about you guys just say 'hey man, if you could like, provide some reference material so we know what you are talking about that would be cool?' The only issue with this I have is your shitty approaches.
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Re: Niflheimr


You all make me sick when you act like that, and you should feel ashamed for defending them. You are smarter than this.

funny how some self-righteous douchebag defending ignorance says he's being made sick and others should be ashamed, I pointed out to the man why what he did was wrong and how to correct it, I in no way offended him and instead gave him the gift of knowledge.

And then here comes you, riding your high-horse, how dare I speak to other people and inform them of their mistakes, how dare I inform people on how to more accurately get their questions answered, how dare I share awareness with others.

What makes me sick is pathetic little ass-wipes like you who cant stand even a hint of criticism, who get all squeamish and defensive the moment you catch what you perceive to be criticism, so explain to me then, using your so enlightened mind, how would you combat ignorance? Should we just let it all be? Should we just ignore problems and mistakes we could easily solve so that we aren't "mean" or "condescending" to people? Dear gods I hope you never get any children, how the hell are they ever going to learn anything if you don't teach them the concepts of right and wrong, how will they know what wrong is if you never tell them.

The man in question here made several mistakes, he had the goal of acquiring information regarding his tech problem, and the methods he employed were obviously flawed and unlikely to gain him any positive results. Due to that, I was unable to help him achieve his goal directly, but I was able to provide the technique that would help him achieve his goals, and yet here you are acting like that's the worst thing in the world, what the hell is wrong with you?

God I'm sick of ignorant morons acting like I'm the bad guy all the while behaving like cunts themselves, I can't stand ignorance, and you sir, are an excellent personification of it.

Sorry to have kept the thread off topic, if anyone feels the need to continue this particular conversation, feel free to PM
Re: Niflheimr

Is this how you usually start a conversation or just when you're really drunk? o_O

That was your line to ask for more information? I highly doubt he even understood what you were saying. A lot of how you replied (Including Little Tip) will generally be read like you're being a total douche about the topic. You can 'give the gift of knowledge' and not be an asshole in the process.

What makes me sick is pathetic little ass-wipes like you who cant stand even a hint of criticism, who get all squeamish and defensive the moment you catch what you perceive to be criticism, so explain to me then, using your so enlightened mind, how would you combat ignorance? Should we just let it all be? Should we just ignore problems and mistakes we could easily solve so that we aren't "mean" or "condescending" to people? Dear gods I hope you never get any children, how the hell are they ever going to learn anything if you don't teach them the concepts of right and wrong, how will they know what wrong is if you never tell them.

You could have just asked him for more fucking information rather than telling him in round-about ways which, as evidenced by his response, totally eluded him and didn't serve your 'giving the gift of knowledge' in the slightest. My only point is you don't have to be such rude mother fuckers when you are replying to someone who didn't go out of their way to wrong you in the first place.

The entire way you addressed his question was in a total asshole manner. I am saying don't be such an asshole. Can you not understand this concept? Anyway, this problem was solved but this issue in general I think needs to be looked into more. For some reason some people simply cannot solve what is going on with this or will have strange results. When I had Succubus Quest up and running and finally got text in it, it would freeze during the intro after the first battle started randomly.
Re: Niflheimr

I see this silly thread keep going up and some people argue for the sh!t that don't care what other talk except their silly answer that can easily solve just only try a bit.
p.s. hey, guys cheer!

btw I have the same problem on this
I try all I can do except change my setting to japanese(cause I don' have window disk lol) does't matter, I give up already.
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Re: Niflheimr

I am saying don't be such an asshole.

Oh the irony, make the funny stop

Sorry for not living up to your standards bud, I could explain my methods in greater detail but you have shown no initiative in trying to understand the situation, you've passed judgements and by your will shall it be so.

Im not going to hold someone's hand and slowly and quietly explain things to him, stop being so offensive to the guy and implying he's a child incapable of interpreting context, sounds like you're just projecting your own incompetence and frustration on that field on someone else.

In case your head isn't entirely up your own ass yet, allow me to explain, the first question I asked would be considered a "probe" basically, its a question to which the answer will give many details about a person's mental capacity which will allow me to provide much more specific and information based on the recipients capacity of understanding, this ensures that I don't just project my own interpretations, but have more of a factual backing to the interaction. As you can see from my second response, I provided the technical information he needed to know in order to procure the answers he was looking for in more scenario's than just this one, side-stepping the issue you would rather see where i help him solve this problem but allowing him to make many similar mistakes in the future, your wishes being fulfilled here would mean coddling him into being incapable of handling himself, something I absolutely despise.

You can comment on me sounding condescending all you want, that's your interpretation, not once did you ask after my intentions and you are merely prosecuting me based off your own interpretations, how naive, childish, selfish and egotistic of you, if I were a career councillor I would delegate you to medieval witch hunts, they employed those characteristics you project so readily.

If you take anything from this wall of text, let it be that you shouldn't assume your interpretation of something is correct, verify that what you perceive is true before jumping to conclusions or worse; action
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