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Nigeria, Africa.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen managed to scrounge up one of the devices as she was investigating the bodies. She also risked a quick taste, putting a finger in a wound, then in her mouth when the others were looking elsewhere. It wasn't one of her particular skills, but perhaps something could be gleaned...

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger sighed, putting a hand to his forehead, "No, I said it gently patted them on the head, and politely asked them to leave-Yeah that's what I fuckin' said!" he announced loudly, "That thing is deadly, and it seems like it can kill a man instantly in it's gooey shit, so if Chris and his buddies from Thirteen are attacked while unaware of it's presence, they're dead. Did you hear that? They. Are. Dead." he said grimly to Helen.

"This thing doesn't fuck around, and neither should you. Make it aware, I don't give a shit how, to every one of your buddies in the area, that a giant blob of black goo is running around, and engaging it will result in high casualties. Even if the only thing you can do is send smoke signals, do it. Or else they're likely going to be attacked and killed."

After his little tirade, Roger pulled the radio away from his mouth, letting out a sigh as he clicked the outgoing sound off, and waited for a response. "Please don't tell me I have to warn them myself... I really don't want to them to find me out..." he thought wishfully.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Kevin had taken to examining the room that had been busted open, devoting his talents to his true specialty, investigative work, trying to find any information on who had been here, and what had transpired


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah traveled further into the facility, searching from shelves to desks for the devices, holding a hand to her shotgun the entire time, not quite sure what may happen should she fail to defend herself...


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

After a moment Roger got his reply.

"We're still unable to directly communicate with Chris and his team, but Henry has managed to get one of the incoming chopper pilots on lowband waves, and is currently advising him of the danger. Dammit, if that thing took out those soldiers then Uroboros is much more potent than we first thought, Roger, they are specially trained to KILL the most powerful of Abnormals other than source blood created ones. If it took them out that fast ..."

She trailed off, the implications clear. Finally she added, did they manage to do ANY damage to it at all, or did it ... slither away unscathed?"

Ellen saw a brief flash of SOMETHING coming through one of the doors, slaughtering everyone, but it seemed messed up somehow. It didn't even appear to have once been human, but something else. It had clearly been infected with something, but it hadn't been made by a virus for sure. Behind it had been a dozen or so human infected plaga, and it seemed this behemoth of a creature had somehow made them work with it.

((Assuming that's what she's trying to do there.))

Kevin found evidence that there had been something other than humanoid life in this room, as evidenced by a patch of THICK hair left behind, and greenish colored blood. It was now drying, but still visible. As he investigated further, he'd find another of the devices by a body.

Sarah moved deeper into the facility, soon finding herself out of sight from the others. As she rounded a corner, something caught the corner of her eye, and when she turned, she saw a dagger come flying at her throat!

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira starts to look at which monitor works, then slowly turns to Regina and pulls up the bottom of the shirt, revealing the bulging stomach, "I got this when one of the infected outside managed to well... y'know... if I start turning, please don't hesitate to kill me..." Akira quickly turns around again and starts to check out any monitors that did not work as well as quietly wondering what the point of saying that to Regina was...


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Regina's eyes widened and she spoke low.

"Have you mentioned it to Chris yet? That device is designed to remove them."

Meanwhile, Akira found about half of the monitors still worked, and saw several choppers land outside. She also took note that a large mass of black goo was moving towards the building from the back side, heading for the door they'd left Clara and the others at.

About the same time Akira's radio came to life.

"This is Colonel Abrahms calling the WH 13 team, if you are getting this message, be advised of danger. Passing this on from Dr. Helen Magnus. Confirmed release of Uroboros specimen in your general vicinity. Subject is a mass of black goo, uses tentacles and consumes it's enemies, adding them into itself. Subject has already consumed several Cabal soldiers and appears to have left on a course taking it straight for your team. Original Message received at UK Sanctuary, Thirteen Twenty Two ZULU. Will be in position to rendevous with you in ten minutes. Good Luck."

A quick glance at the watch confirmed that the message would have been received at the UK only five minutes ago. Which meant, that thing she'd seen on the monitor was what they were being warned about most likely.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Seeing the flying dagger, Sarah dodged to the side, shotgun raising instinctively. "Ok, friend or foe!?!" she growled.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira picks up the radio and relays the message to the rest of the team, "We've got some kind of black goo called Uroboros headed towards you guys from the back door, where Clara is, get her out of there, and don't engage!" Setting the radio back down, Akira looks at Regina, "You should go down there and help the others, just try to block the door on the way out, don't want some ugly to add more eggs to me... and I don't really want to destroy them yet, I mean, it's apparently a mutation that's never been seen before, isn't that worth some study?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Regina shook her head.

"It could very well kill you Akira. We don't know for sure, and simply extracting them isn't an option. I'll be back asap!"

She took off down the hall, making sure to block the door as best as she could, but leaving enough for Akira to get out if she HAD to.

Clara got the message, having moved away while Akira wasn't looking, and repeated it to Chris, who turned white when he heard.

The creature, sensing other movement elsewhere had altered course, now heading for two figures alone.

Sarah found another dagger come flying at her, then the sound of glass shattering and then slurping sounds. Then all was silent, at least until a mass of black goo came around the corner, fixing it's sights on her and lashing out with a tentacle like arm!

Chris spoke on the radio to the rest of his team, warning them of the creature as fast as he could, unaware at the moment that elsewhere in the building, Sarah had already come across it.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The second one she wasn't soo lucky- the blade managed to slam into her left shoulder, causing her to give a yelp of pain as she fired a shotgun blast in the direction the knife came.

And then she heard the slurping sound.

Slowly she turned, the knife hilt still hanging out of her shoulder, left arm startiing to hurt like hell. Seeing the mass, her eyes widen in surprise, and a nervius step back soon follows more shotgun blasts, this time at the beast. "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!!"

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger quickly stated, "Just shooting it madly only seems to piss it off." he told her simply, before quickly wanting the rather drawn out exchange to come to an end, "Look, I'd love to chat, but I've a cave to explore. Jacklin out." he finished as he tucked away his radio safely so that it wouldn't fall out, and went at a steady, yet quick pace through the cave in hopes to find something of interest...


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

(Not particularly, but that definitely works ;))

Ellen blinked, surprised at the clarity of the visions. It was one of the skills that she used to possess, but she didn't believe she had had it any longer. Perhaps some of the time she had spent helping Tesla...

She was snapped out of her reverie by Chris' anouncement, quickly looking up and around for any signs of threat. Her pistol silently left it's hidden holster again, held easily in her left hand as she stood, making her way back towards the group.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Copy that, good luck and good hunting."

Sarah found that the shotgun blasts had hardly any effect on it, and the beast swung for her again, letting loose a roar that was audible throughout the entire building.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger heard the response, and he did in fact, keep his pace. Not altered in any way by her response.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Fuck this, gotta get to the others and tell them to clear out... no, that wont help... aw fucking hell!" she yells, running in the opposite direction of the team, trying to lead Urobolis away.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Kevin looks over, picking the device up and holding it in his right hand "Curiosities like this make me wonder why man has not taken to the stars." he says, then stands, making note of the blood and hair, exiting the room and then searching through the floor he is on.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris just shrugged, though his head tilted at a noise.

"Hmm, strange. Thought I heard something."

Sarah found that the creature had indeed followed her, though it was much faster than she had thought. She was barely keeping ahead of it, and one slip up could mean disaster.

After several minutes, Roger found himself exiting a cave, and entering what seemed to be some kind of under ground lab network. The entire area was lined with hundreds of pods, some that seemed to have people in them.

As he got closer, one pod opened up, spewing it's contents, liquid and human, over a hundred feet to the bottom of the chamber, likely killing whoever was inside. It was impossible to tell if this had been a malfunction or not however.

He spotted a computer terminal off to one side, lit brightly. It seemed to be unlocked, so maybe he could find something out about this place?

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

As Roger descended into the sudden change of scenery, he looked all around at the high tech masonry around him with close examination, before letting out a growl, "Jesus Christ, smells like Wesker rubbed his dick all over this place." he cursed. And after going further, into the strange room with the tubes, Roger's eyes narrowed as he observed each one carefully.

And, when the pod suddenly opened up next to him, he took a large leap back. And when all the contents poured out, Roger winced at the body and the liquid, trying not to step in it, "God! Fuckin' nasty! Why the fuck did that thing do that!" he asked aloud at no one in particular. And after a moment longer, especially after he'd recovered from the repulsive sight, Roger turned, and spotted the computer, which seemed active.

He let out a sigh, "I don't know how to use fuckin' computers..." he noted mentally, "Well, here goes." he thought, before taking slow steps up to the computer, and using his index fingers to type, while his eyes searched for the correct keys to push, looking for anything of interest.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

It took a few minutes, but eventually he figured out a few things, partially by accident.

It seemed that the system indicated that the pod which had released it's occupant, had in fact registered the 'death' of it's subject, listing it as a failure, and had terminated whatever experiment was going on in there.

What probably caught his eye the most though was a names list of some of the subjects in these tubes. He might recognize some of them as once having been employed by Umbrella, though most he didn't recognize, nor likely would he have given a shit if he had. One name though caught his eye, a name he knew very well, one that might make him pause. It contained a small file as well.

Subject 322: Patient Zero Uroboros Testing - Allison Beckstrom.

Patient was gravely wounded upon initial acceptance into the program, however survived her injuries. Upon her body healing, she was injected with the Uroboros virus. However, something within her body DESTROYED the virus. It took time, but eventually we realized she had a mutated anti-body variant of the T-Virus within her blood, which provided her with an immunity to Uroboros, as well as the Progenitor Sample. Patient's cells were extracted, then diluted. It was then determined her anti-bodies could be diluted enough to finalize the Uroboros Project, making it finally viable for our new genesis project.

Patient Status: Alive, kept for further testing and study.

Location: Assigned to pod 322.

It dawned on him suddenly why the name was familiar. He'd heard her name spoken by someone he knew well. It was Chris's former wife.

A pair of options suddenly came up on the screen.

Release Pod Occupant.
Terminate Pod Power Supply.