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Nigeria, Africa.



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Kevin didn't get an answer from the corpse in the room, or from the walls, just silence. His hearing though now might pick up the faint sounds of a helicopter winding down, and footsteps from the hall.

Sarah discovered the mass wasn't pursuing them, which meant it must be engaged elsewhere.

Ellen found that the creature too had anticipated her movement, and adjusted in mid strike, lashing out with one of it's tentacles and grasping her right arm, yanking down and dragging her towards it. At the same time, she could begin to feel her flesh sizzle and dissolve as the beast started to consume her.

The young man nodded to Roger, coughing slightly before speaking.

"Not sure about the Cabal, though they probably came here to work on killing Wesker. From what little I understand, they have some kind of plan in store, but they need Wesker to be out of the way before they can implement it. Something to do with the destruction of abnormals and Wesker making it a two front war. We managed to track Wesker down earlier, but lost contact with the group that spotted him. Then, one of our recon members came back and said Wesker was meeting with a bunch of interested parties to discuss trading Lickers and other B.O.W's, so we got sent in to check on it. Turns out the bastard set us up, there was no meeting, only this giant black mass of slime. It ... ATE the other soldiers. I managed to survive long enough to lure it away from the base, but broke my leg falling in here from a hole in the ground. Unfortunately, the beast didn't follow me down here, so it's probably loose topside somewhere. We have an idea that Wesker has a base somewhere not far from here, possibly within a few miles. As I understand, there's speculation that this catacomb leads right to it, but we've been unable to find a way through, or this so called base. Beyond that sir, I'm not sure. I wish I could be of more use to you."

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger nodded, while twisting his lips a little. It was an unfortunate situation that this man was in, but Roger felt like he might have caught the scent of Wesker's trail, and that he just might be able to finally kill the man once and for all. And this lone man's misfortune required attention, attention Roger didn't feel he had the time to give. "It isn't going to be easy leaving this guy behind, but I can't spend all day fucking around with him either." he thought.

"Look..." Roger began, "I'll let you decide. I have to keep going, which means you might either bleed to death, or get killed by some monster while I'm gone... Do you want me to go on ahead until I can get a radio signal, and call for a team to pick you up? Or would you rather... I end your suffering? Either way, it's not an easy choice. I'm sorry." Roger apologized to the man. "It's never easy..."


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah continued on her current route, looking at her options of travel. After all, Urobolis seemed a tad preoccupied, and being the only one that forgot the Telsa... well, she couldn't really do much.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah discovered she only had three options. Head right into the fight, go back into the building, or head away down the side 'street' behind her.

The young man thought for a few moments, then shook his head.

"If you can get a radio call off go for it, you should get some reception a few thousand yards down the way you need to go, we had some there yesterday. Besides, even if you can't and I bleed out ... Well, maybe I'll provide enough of a distraction to keep whatever else is crawling around here off your ass for a few more seconds. Good Luck sir, oh and take this."

He handed him some kind of electronic key card type thing and shrugged.

"Dunno what it is, but we found it in the catacomb area down there yesterday, and it isn't ours. Took it with us in case we needed it for that base but ... I think you can make better use of it than I can."

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger gave the man a slow, respectful nod, saying his respects to the man's almost calm disposition in the face of doom, "Corporal James Worth..." he said his name aloud, trying as hard as he could to imprint it in his memory, "Even if you die, I'll make sure the right people hear about you, I'll make sure that everyone knows you died a soldier's death." Roger said, as he reached out, and took the key card. "You have my word. You'll still have your honor."

After paying his respects to the man, Roger quickly stood up, and the man could just see Roger's blue eyes under the hood of the cloak, before he turned, and ran off at a sprint. Roger didn't know how much time the man had left, but it was all he could do to make sure he called in support to pick him up. "Corporal James Worth... You seem like more a man then most men I've seen. It'd be a shame for you to die like that." Roger thought, feeling a little selfish that he himself, would rather chase after even the smallest hint of Wesker's location so that he might finally kill him, rather than save an honorable soldier.

Running ahead, proceeding further down the giant lab facility, Roger made as much haste as he could, constantly checking his radio for a signal...
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Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Kevin does indeed hear the footsteps, but fails to hear the chopper, raising his guard and leaning against the wall next to the door for cover. After all, he didn't know if the footsteps belonged to friendlies or not.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Best to go into an area with no threats at the moment..." she said to herself, going down the empty sidestreet, carrying the girl and gripping the ome pistol she had out.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira idly played around with the video cameras, zooming in and out randomly and trying to figure out what the team was doing, hoping they would finish soon, and wishing that asking someone to bring one of the devices to the security room was a thought that had occured earlier. Looking around, Akira decides to follow Kevin on the radio for awhile, wondering what the man was up to.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen let out a sound that seemed a mix of a cry of pain and a roar of anger, trying to pull her arm out of the beast, which was futile. Realizing this, she broke into a blur of motion, acting almost too fast to follow. She shifted her grip on the Tesla so she held the top of it, and squeezed, breaking a few pieces and hopefully cracking whatever kept the electricity in check. She threw it straight into Uroboros, grabbing a good-sized rock or chunk of wall in the same motion. This she slammed down on her upper arm, yelling in pain once more as she broke her armbone. She left the rock where it was, and dipped her hand under her shirt, pulling out a wicked-looking knife, and cut through her own arm where she had broken the bone, letting out a third scream as her body stops being dragged, the severed limb quickly being engulfed by the mass of black monster. The whole exchange taking no longer than a few seconds, she still wasted no time in getting to her feet and running for the nearest exit, holding the stump of her arm with her free hand.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

After several minutes, Roger now found he had a clear radio signal. He also realized that there was a branch on a path the young man hadn't said was there, and it seemed to have been made very recently.

Kevin suddenly found the room he was in flooded with a dozen or more well armed soldiers, each wearing a B.S.A.A logo on them, even as one pointed an M16 at him and spoke.

"Identify yourself sir."

Sarah moved along the alley way, and nearly got run over by several soldiers carrying a flamethrower of giant proportions. One spoke.

"Are you alright ma'am?"

As Ellen retreated, the beast consumed the severed limb, then it lunged for her once more and surely had her ....

Until a sudden blur slammed into her at breath stealing speed, throwing both her and whatever had hit her to the ground away from the beast, even as it slammed down upon the very spot she'd been in.

It took her a moment to register the fact that Chris was just now getting off of her, having fallen on top of her somehow, and then it hit her. He'd shoved her out of the way, or else she might have been hit again by the creature. She'd barely registered this before he spoke again.

"Go Ellen, go now. I'll distract it."

He fired a Tesla Blast into it, then sped towards it, veering off and making the angry beast chase after him, not far behind him. He seemed to be running slow on purpose, to keep it occupied with him.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Seeing the group ahead of her, she gestures the way she just came wildly. "Big... b-blob thing... r-rest of team! H-help!"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Kevin raises his hands as he glares at the soldier pointing a gun at him "I'm known as Kevin. I'm a member of the squad sent here to investigate this base." he says, his left eye glowing slightly brighter as he analyzes every aspect of their weaponry, just in case he needed to make an escape.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen let out a snarl as Chris tackled her, seeming to barely keep herself from tearing into the man herself. After a half second of quivering in rage, she manages a small nod, scrambling mostly to her feet and running.

She tore off down the alley away from the fight, trying her best to head away from the group. She burned through a fair bit of her reserves, and didn't want to snap someplace where it could cost the team.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen soon found herself a fair distance away from the group, where a few animals still somehow had escaped infection ... for now.

The soldiers nodded to Sarah, one staying behind to help her out.

The soldier aiming the weapon at Kevin paused briefly, then nodded.

"Your with Chris and the WH 13 team, I remember them mentioning you once earlier. Sorry we're late sir."

The gun was almost immediately lowered and then he added.

"What's the situation here?"

Chris was getting to the point he didn't have much room to work with, as the creature was smashing everything in sight. Suddenly though, it caught aflame from behind. It roared in what had to be pain, flailing about as it briefly collapsed to the ground, convulsing, then suddenly exploded.

The force of the explosion sent everyone in the area, including Chris, flying into the walls. Chris, who'd been the closest, slammed into a wall at a speed that would have killed a human easily, but then again, he wasn't human anymore.

Akira now could see the soldiers with Kevin, though unless she could read lips, she wouldn't be able to tell what was said as the audio had suddenly crapped out.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen wasted no time, pouncing on the few animals there were one at a time, and draining them all dry. She finally managed to calm somewhat after that, propping herself up in a seated position and focusing on the stump of her arm, willing it to heal. It took a couple minutes, but eventually she had a complete arm again, the replacement seemingly growing out of the stump. Another minute or so to switch around the clothing she wore, and she has a long green sleeve on that side instead of the bare arm again.

Satisfied, she looked around at the corpses of the few stray animals dispassionately, and got up and walked away, headed further from the group again.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

While walking down the path, Roger flipped his radio on, "Jacklin, reporting. Do you read me Helen?"


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

With no other excuse to run, Sarah quickly backtracked, leading the Wharehouse grunts Urobolis


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"The situation, as far as I know, is very bad. Something called a Plaga has been released, and has taken over many of the villagers. Except, this strand reproduces via impregnation. That's about all I know." he says, smirking as his claws begin to fold around his fingers, almost completely hidden except for the fact that his fingers were now thicker and were white. "We need to find Chris and the rest of the group. Any idea where they might be? I got lost in thought, and lost in the process." he says, his right hand coming up to brush through what remains of his short brown hair.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira frowns and sets the farnsworth down, then holds the computer screen, mumbling quietly, "Where'd the audio go...?" Breathing slowly, Akira begins to try to trace the signal, hopefully being able to find where there's a break, and hopefully having the tools to fix it.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

After a few moments, Akira found the break lay in the wall wiring itself. Something seemed to have smashed through one of the walls, and had torn out the audio wiring, yet strangely left the video wiring untouched.

The soldier who had remained behind pointed to the plant woman and spoke to Sarah.

"Who, or what is that? Never seen anything like her before."

Kevin got his reply quickly.

"Delta team is on their way over to them now in the back alleys. Uroboros was released I heard, and the rest of your team was fighting it. A Flame thrower was sent to help them, but so far we've heard nothing back. We're to secure this area and establish a new base."

After a moment the voice came back over the radio.

"Go ahead Roger. Be advised, John is bringing in a new team member called Murasame to Nigeria. I've instructed him to meet up with Chris's team instead of you, so you stand a better chance of quietly infiltrating wherever it is exactly your going. What's your situation?"

She wouldn't be exactly sure how long she'd been wandering around for, but it had to have been at least ten minutes. She found herself near what seemed to be a small unmarked village away from everything else.

Before she could really investigate, Ellen heard some strange noises, and spotted close to fifty plaga infected humans. They in turn had seen her, and were barreling towards her.

They seemed different though, larger and stronger than the previous ones had. It took her a moment to realize that they WERE bigger, because they weren't BSAA agents. They were African Tribal members from one of the tribes around here, and they clearly had their sights set on her. To make matters worse, there were a dozen or so creatures that seemed to be plaga infected dogs coming for her as well, and somehow they had managed to group around her and box her in. She'd have to fight to get out.

Elsewhere, a swirl of red light announced the arrival of John and Murasame. John began moving his way towards a structure off in the distance, indicating that Murasame should follow him.