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Nigeria, Africa.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Murasame hissed at his new combatants, and leaping into the air he landed on the spear of one and slashed at its companion. Arcing his attack around he then made to strike the owner of the spear that he currently is standing on.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Slowly, gracefully drawing his blade and gun, Roger wondered what other kind of monstrosity awaited him in the path ahead. A few thoughts came to mind, the slithering immediately making him think of a snake. Pacing himself, Roger took slow, silent steps down the path, holding his blade inversely in his hand, and pointing his gun forward, as if using his short sword as a bayonet.

Wary, and cautiously, Roger proceeded towards where the sound came from.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen finally got back up and slowly started walking away, wincing with every step. She wound around the patrols, surprised at their stubbornness, and began heading back the way she came, towards where she had left the group.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira looks at the break in the wires, had someone done this on purpose? If so, who? As far as intelligence and surveillance went, there didn't seem to be anything that was strong or smart enough to do this to the wiring. On the other hand, it could easily just have been a disgruntled employee back when this faucility was running, and they had simply not bothered to fix it...


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Almost as if in reply, the plant girl let loose a groan, beginning to finally stir.

Both of Murasame's attacks hit, felling the enemy, though they nearly were able to avoid them. Of course, if he'd asked John, the druid would have told him that close only counted in horseshoes, hand grenades and hull breaches, whatever the hell those were.

John himself seemed to have the upper hand of his own end of the battle, and was plowing through them easily enough. There were only about five of the enemy left by now, which was good.

Ellen was able to sneak by without interruption, though she could hear the creatures grunting in angered frustration.

Akira got no reply to her thoughts, but her work was pretty well finished now.

As Roger proceeded onward, he could hear whatever was making the noise get closer. Then, suddenly, it stopped.

After several moments, suddenly he heard it behind him, along with a female voice.

"Well ... Who are you dear?"


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen slipped past the last few infected, letting out a small smile as she heard the grumbles of the last few she passed. She waited until she was far enough away that she couldn't hear them before speeding up, dropping her concealment in order to make better time towards the group.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira gets up from the patch job and moves back to the monitors, casually flipping through the cameras, trying to pick up any unusual audio, as in, anything that was not one of the voices of the team or the men that had come to assist the team.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger froze in surprise, standing in the dark path, he was relying on what little light he had, and the hand on the wall to keep him from walking into it, as well as his third sense to detect any danger. The fact that the voice didn't seem to carry a threat... Worried him. And at the same time, the moment when Claudia seemed intent on simply grabbing him came to mind. And from that thought, his worry built from being unable to think of what would have happened if he didn't react well enough to break free of her grasp...

In an instant, Roger turned around, drawing his blade and magnum, going to face a foe he could not easily see, and in the dark passage, large enough for a truck to drive through, she could be anywhere. And, to his dismay, he did not see the unknown woman.

"Why the hell should I tell you who I am?" he retorted. And without another word, he continued to try and see through the dark, but with all of the ragged rocks everywhere around him, it would have been hard to spot anything even 10 feet in front of him... And more, he did not, even for a second, look up, and above himself.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Continuing to look over the plantgirl, Sarah simply said, "Hey, you finally awake now?"


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Looks like my skills may have gotten rusty from all those years of sleep," Murasame says as he finishes off the two that had attacked him. "That will not do at all." Turning to face the remaining five Murasame charges at them, and at the last second he leaps at them and performs a wide sweeping attack, hoping to at least injure them all so that they'd have difficulty fighting back.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger could almost hear the pout in the woman's voice.

"Well ... You have kinda walked into my lair you know, it's usually POLITE to ask first for passage. Or perhaps your not able to sense us ... non-humans? Yes, perhaps that is it, you simply couldn't sense my presence and reach out to me."

There was a pause and then a chuckle.

"You may call me Cassandra if you like, these catacombs have been my home for several weeks now after the red eyed man forced me out of the coastal area to the west. I would like to know your name, and why you've come here though. Be forewarned though, if your intent is to take my home from me, I will not hesitate to kill you. I'd prefer not to though, you ... interest me."

Ellen found it easy to slip past the groups and away, and was not pursued. She could however detect the smell of blood from in front of her, somewhere ....

Akira seemed to find nothing beyond chatter from those she would expect to be around the area, though she was now reading several more security systems that had not shown up before. Perhaps they might have something of interest?

Murasame's attack managed to outright kill two of the five enemies, seriously injuring two others. The fifth actually moved at the last moment trying to attack and lucked out by missing. What it did next was strange though. It dropped it's weapon then bolted away, opening it's mouth and emitting a sonic like scream as it did so.

John's eyes narrowed, not liking that one bit, and before the creature got far he had teleported onto it and taken it's head.

"Going somewhere?"

The plant girl looked up to Sarah and smiled slightly.

"Yeah ... got a nasty headache though. You ok?"

She gently brought one of her tendrils up to brush Sarah's cheek, but in her messed up condition slipped a bit lower over her chest instead.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen stopped for a second, taking a moment to determine that the scent of blood was coming from the way she was already headed. She let her tongue flash out and wet her lips as she resumed her previous pace, now crouched low in a hunting stance.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah blushed a bit at the location of the vine. "y-ya, I'm good, though where do you hurt? I'm trying to see what's wrong with ya before the rest of the team shows up..."

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger folds his arms with a scowl as he pouts at him. With his vision failing him, he shuts his eyes, and tries to reach out with his other senses in an attempt to find the woman hiding from him. Not saying a word, only listening to the woman speak, trying to pinpoint her position in the cavern, only to find that the woman was smart enough to build it so that it echoed nicely, making it nearly impossible for anyone with normal hearing to figure out which way she was coming from.

But, it was when she stated her 'interest' of him, that he became reminded of how this non-human community seemed to hold no sexual restraints at all. Roger immediately felt without defense. Against a powerful monster who sought to kill him, he was confident he would come out on top. But, against a woman more powerful than he, holding perverted intentions? "And I don't like being on bottom..." he grimaced as he thought to himself.

After she was done speaking, Roger cleared his throat, "You wanna know me, huh? Well, name's Roger. And even if I did want to kill you, I have no clue in hell where you are, so it'd be pretty hard, wouldn't it?"

"What do you want?" he suddenly asked her, "I take it you didn't want to just say 'hi'?"


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Murasame watches as John kills the remaining creatures before running over to him. "It was as if they were expecting us," He says calmly as he sheathes his sword. "Perhaps it would best if we looked for your friends as quickly as possible."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

John nodded after a moment.

"I do believe they were expecting us. Or someone at the very least, they didn't show here by pure chance, that is for certain. If they weren't here then they likely moved on to check the main building just west of here. That's where we need to look next."

The plant woman took a moment before replying.

"Head is a little groggy, and vision is a bit blurry, but other than that not much else to complain about. Name is Miriam by the way."

Sarah, if she knew well enough would know one of the descriptions people used for a concussive injury had just been spoken by the woman, though how it would affect an abnormal was definitely in question.

Her thoughts were interrupted by her radio going off, and Chris's voice coming through.

"Sarah, this is Chris, where are you? I've been told we have a guest who made need a looking over on her injuries?"

It wasn't long before Ellen spotted what seemed to be a bleeding human woman not far from her. It wasn't until she got within twenty meters though that she noticed the woman's body seemed ... wrong somehow.

It took a moment to register that she had a nasty deep gash across her chest, that was bleeding pretty bad, yet somehow she was still alive. What was more disturbing though was that she seemed to be reacting as if she KNEW Ellen or something else was already there hunting her.

Blood loss would have to be settling in by now, and so it seemed so as the woman staggered just a bit, slumping down to the ground with her back to what remained of a small hut, her arms folding at her sides as her breathing became much faster and shallower. If Ellen could hear heart beats, the woman's would steadily be getting slower, a clear indication that she was in fact dying.

There was a soft chuckle in reply to Roger.

"True enough I suppose, but intentions are intentions regardless. I would very much like to be able to gauge YOUR intentions before I risk revealing myself to you. I at least hope that you won't be ... afraid of what I am. It's part of the reason we've become so rare to be seen these days, is because humans are afraid of us, and try to kill us. We're peaceful by nature but ... Sometimes your left with no choice but to defend yourself."

A moment of silence passed before she finally replied to his second question.

"Well ... no not exactly. First I did want to be sure the man in all black and demon eyes hadn't returned or sent one of his men, but I'm guessing your not with him, otherwise you would have known I was here now that I think of it. Perhaps your intentions are to find this man? If so, I may be able to help you out just a bit, but I would of course ask of you for a bit of ... company before you left. It has been almost a hundred years since I've actually been in the company of a human who hasn't wanted to kill us, and I do miss that."

Her description of the man in question was too eerily similar to Wesker to be a coincidence. Could Wesker have actually forced her to leave her original home somehow, and could she have actually managed to escape from him alive?


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen smiled a bit, dropping her pose and walking up to the woman, though keeping a wary eye and ear on her surroundings, in case whatever had made the gash on the wonam was still around. She must have looked quite the sight, second and third degree burns covering half her face and both her hands.

Bending down to examine the wound with a compassionate expression, ellen starts talking soothingly. "Hey there, it's alright, you're safe now. I'll do what I can to help, but you need to stay awake, alright? Why don't you tell me what happened?" She says slowly, carefully examining the wound, if the woman allowed it.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Good to hear, at least you ain't hurt too badl-"

At that point, the radio called agin, and Sarah awnsered. "Ya, she and I are just fine, I ran into her right before the big blob of doom apeared..." She left out the fact that 'ran into' meant 'almost raped'

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

A hand idly went to the back of Roger's head, scratching at an itch that wasn't there, "A part of me saw this coming..." he thought, "I mean, hell, why not? I've had possessed women flirt with me, my infected girlfriend try to kiss me with a whats-it coming out of her mouth, a wolf girl try to hump me, and a mermaid who tried to 'get to know me,' although I still don't think the conversation would have lasted long."

After picking at the back of his head for a moment, Roger sighed, letting his arm fall to his side, "Just a bit, huh?" he said aloud, folding his arms, "'Just a bit' sounds like all you're gonna get from me is a compliment."

Roger picked up his pace, simply not interested in throwing off his clothes for just anything that asks him to, especially a woman (supposedly) who he hasn't even seen, "Don't get me wrong, I'm flattered that there's a voice in a dark cave that wants to spend some time with me, I really am, really. But, I'm a busy man. I didn't come here to sell cookies, or my dick, I came here to kill that bitch with the red eyes."


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"West? Okay then," Murasame mutters, and a moment later he begins sprinting in the direction of the building.