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Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Toxic, want me to copy/paste everything into one page and email it to you or something? :D Anything to help out around here!
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

My computer is shit full of viruses and because the character creation is separated into different pages, either I have to copy each page down by hand, or try really hard at memorization as my computer freezes any time I try to open more than one window. This might take to the weekend, I apologize.
I do have all the character creation rules in a big file of my own. I could email it over to you, if you wanted.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Probably better to let Icelus do it... I'd probably mess it up somewhere along the way. X3
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

my time has been a bit sporadic as of late just cut talenta out i think it would be easier on both of us.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Okay, Dreana, thanks for letting me know. xD Sorry about the time, hope things get better for you!
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Sure, an email would be for the best, I'll look over it and be able to post my character soon as I iron it out.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Bah, sorry I'm not posting to much right now. I'm still in I just don't know what to do because there isn't much to do =P
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Probably try to get to know one another, or something? :D Maybe we could convince Icelus to throw a couple of NPC's in there?
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Okay, I'm officially loving the way this is going so far. Weird and awesome, thanks Icelus. :D
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Several PM battles have been won in a row, now. You fast posters need to let me have my monster's way with your characters a little more, you're much too efficient!

Thanks, Janna, but you get some of the kudos -- you helped me figure out your crazy, awesome system! xD
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Could I have someone look over my sheet? ; - ; And concet? Is this okay with you?
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Could I have someone look over my sheet? ; - ; And concet? Is this okay with you?
There are a few mechanical issues with Lilly, let's cover those first.

Her attributes add up to 28, not 27 and that puts her 1 point over. (14+5+9).

Her arousal should be down to 53 since she has the Horny flaw. Her combat value should be raised up to 7 because of her offensive focus. Her base damage should be raised up to 17 because of her new combat value and her massive damage. Her arousal should be at 16 (7 Combat Value + 9 Physical).

On her background, I'm worried that you'll be disappointed if you keep this one. There probably wouldn't be a good way to explore how she came to arrive in Peiquok or her kidnapping story: I don't have any NPCs right now planned who might have kidnapped her and really once the game gets going we might not have time to really touch on it the way you want.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

I'll adjust what needs to be adjusted. And she could have been a pre-resident of Peiquok.it doesn't even have to be related for an overarcing plot..it's just something to include if you have free time / like to add something. And other people just really have a background and not plot hooks..I decided to go a different path. =3 But she has enough background too, I think
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

I'll adjust what needs to be adjusted. And she could have been a pre-resident of Peiquok.it doesn't even have to be related for an overarcing plot..it's just something to include if you have free time / like to add something. And other people just really have a background and not plot hooks..I decided to go a different path. =3 But she has enough background too, I think
That's fine then, I just didn't want you to feel disappointed if I wasn't able to get to her amnesia. I'll need to test her out a little before she starts in the Town Hall but that probably won't be until tomorrow.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Right, it's not really amnesia. She was drugged for something else..which, i'll leave up to you if you ever want to get around to it. =3
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Sure thing, Miachan!

A gentle reminder: your PM battles are loosely based around your forum activity (quantity and quality of posts) so if your character goes to sit in a corner or fall asleep, I will not get to you nearly as quickly as if you're interacting with others, since I'm a mean drunk like that. xD

Some of you have finished your battles already and have witnessed the consequences, some of you may even have gotten some puzzles, riddles, etc. You can keep them to yourself and hypothesize, bring them out to discuss OOC here, or have your characters mention them in game to see how other characters react. :cool: I just won't say anything. If you're waiting on a second battle and have been posting like the dickens, it's just because I'm trying to get others caught up. I think we only have Loli Defense Force left to sign in and then everyone will be here (or in the works of being here) so I may be able to move this first day on more quickly than you'd think.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Bleh, that puts me at a disadvantage... Shiva's always the quiet type...
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

OK... This looks interesting. I'll likely make a character when I have more time. You seem to be lacking MANpower... :p
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Icelus, you seem to have written Jen instead of Melissa when answering Melissa's post.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Just wanted to let people know that I won't be around much today because of Father's Day stuff (we're doing it a day early). Hope I don't miss too much and I'll try to check back later tonight.