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Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

(I see your very small post, and I raise you one slightly larger post! :D)

As Niko's finger slides into her folds, the goblin lets out a loud moan, her legs instinctively opening even more to allow Niko a greater amount of entry in some way.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)


Niko quickens his hand movements, sliding another finger in and pumping faster and deeper into the goblin. His other hand slowly moves over to the ties around his legs and starts to untie them, freeing his right leg first.

(If that second bit is possible, of course.)
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

While inserting two fingers into the goblin's pussy only made her go deeper into her sex crazed stupor, when Niko tried to lean forward to untie his lower body, he found that with the goblin laying on his chest, he might make her angry if he stopped masturbating her even for a moment, and moving her at all might provoke a bad response as well...
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Unable to free himself further, Niko decides that the only way he's getting rid of the goblin is to kill her or get her off, and while he'd very much prefer the former, he didn't think it was prudent to try and kill another goblin. He quickens the movement of his fingers, making rough squishy sounds against the goblins inner thighs as he finger fucks her.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

His quickened pace, and decision to play along, and get the little goblin off proved to be a wise choice. And after a moments time, Niko felt the girl goblin on top of him shudder, and stiffen up, before she climaxed viciously, and quite loudly, soaking almost his whole palm in her cum juices, before all of her movement stopped, including her feet which were rubbing his cock.

Then, during the small timeframe afterwards, as the goblin was recovering, all of a sudden, the blond haired, blue eyed elf walked up, and placed her hands on the goblin's sides, and lifted her up off of the man. "I think that's enough, Rock." she told the goblin.

And as she was picked up, the little goblin's legs kicked wildly, "Hey, put me down!" she demanded.

Then, the elf set Rock down, so that she was between her and the man, before she turned back around once more, and took a knee, drawing her knife quickly, and slicing Niko's bonds close to the flesh, as the length of rope around his ankles were skillfully cut by only a blade that he perceived as skillful, and deadly, rendering him finally free of his captors.

The elf looked at Niko, and spoke in a quieter tone of voice, "Do yourself a favor, human, and think before you act... Most of the monsters in this land are far beyond your capabilities." she warned him.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

As his bonds are cut, Niko regains his feet and once again pulls his pants back up. "Thank you. And fighting back in the event of being surrounded and attacked is something of a reflex for me, I'm afraid. My name is Nikodemus. Might I inquire as to your name, milady?"
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

The elf puts her hands on her hips, shifting to one side, and raising an eyebrow at him, "Whoa, where'd that come from?" she asked in a surprised tone when he displayed courtesy towards her, "... Eilsah, my name is Eilsah." she told him slowly, giving the man an odd look, as if she didn't quite understand him, before shaking her head a little, and showing focus, "I suppose you feel good enough to go for a walk some ways away from here, Mister Nikodemus?" she asked him.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Niko shrugs, and replies; "You were reasonably polite. So far, you're about the only one on this island who's displayed as much. And I figure I should lay off the quips since you and your friend helped me get out of here. My legs aren't broken, just bruised, I should be able to make it. Are you from the village the elves I met earlier were from?"
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Eilsah folded her arms, "Elves from earlier?" she asked curiously, "... I'd think not, since they'd have taken you back to the village I hail from, same as I have been sent to do with you." she explained. Then, she cleared her throat, smiling a little, "That is, unless you spoiled that opportunity with your... Charming disposition." she said with a small chuckle.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

"The latter, I'm afraid. Though, it didn't help things that they started the conversation with a threat. I rarely respond well to such. Regardless, we should be off before the goblins decide to change their minds." Niko replies, cracking his back and arms to get the stiffness out.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Eilsah nodded, "We can be off once Jillian, the centaur you see over there," she gestured at the half horse woman, "finishes with the little monsters." Then, as if it couldn't be more convenient, Jillian just happened to be walking up, wordlessly signaling Eilsah that she was ready to go. "... Something wrong, Jillian?" the elf asked her, "Or did the werecat get your tongue?" she asked with a laugh, before shaking her head, "Just kidding, let's be on our way, shall we?" she asked the two of them, the man, and the centaur, before taking the lead, and walking ahead of them...
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Niko silently follows, giving the centaur a polite nod.

(Short BS post....)
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Eilsah and Jillian walked, escorting Niko towards their town as they were instructed by Beatrice herself. And eventually, without much more obstruction than a tree branch having to be pushed aside, and some, cut in two to keep the path clear for travelers, they reached the town Niko had heard so much about. The town itself seemed to contain not only elves, and centaur, though albeit they were the majority. Niko saw a few other species going about their business as well. Spiderwomen, reptilian looking women, and even more goblins like the ones he'd come to know, just to name a few.

It was around dusk, meaning that the day would soon come to an end, and after the day's events, not to mention the beating, and rape from before, the sight of a town, and the hopes of a nice place to lay his head tugged greatly at the back of Niko's mind. Rest, was something the man's aching body greatly needed.

Eilsah stretched once the buildings of the town came into view, raising her arms into the air, and yawning loudly. "Oh, by the maker..." she said what might have been considered a curse by religious folk, "I'm worn, and my bed sounds lovely." she announced aloud, though it seemed to have been addressed to herself.

The centaur yawned with the elf woman, both of them equally tired, "Yeah. Alright then, Niko, that's the inn over there - the innkeeper'll put you up for the night, and then in the morning our leader Beatrice will give you, and the other rescuees, an introduction to the island. Don't go wandering off - we only patrol the village at night."

Waving an idle hand at the Inn, Jillian turns towards what appeared to be a well kept stable, making the stables humans like Niko himself used look to be a disgrace, just from the outside look of how well the centaurs seemed to keep it spotless.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

"Okay then. Goodnight." Is all Niko says, the weariness getting to him. He heads to the inn that the centaur had indicated immediately rather than try and explore the town for a while.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

The two women let Niko off on his own without saying a word, and it only took the man no more than twenty steps before he was standing in the open doorway of the inn, and walking inside. And once he was inside the walls of the shelter for those souls as unfortunate as himself, a centaur on his immediate right, with tables and such for guests on his left, the centaur, with auburn hair, and a motherly appearance smiled at him, and nodded, "Welcome, human." she greeted him, "Arrived a later than the others, I see. I hope the island didn't mistreat you too much." Then, she set down a cup made of wood she had been cleaning, before placing her hands on the counter, and leaning towards him, "What can I do for you? Obviously a bed is yours for the night, but is there anything else I can do to accomidate you? Drink, food, bath?" she asked of him.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

"Mistreated isn't the word I'd use, exactly. Food would be nice, and if you've got anything alcoholic I wouldn't mind some of that either, if it's not too much trouble. I wouldn't want to trouble you for a bath, but if you've got one ready...." Niko says to the centaur woman.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

The motherly centaur chuckled, and tapped the table with her hand, while gesturing to a seat at the counter, "Come on, sit, relax," she told him, before pointing her thumb in a gesture behind her, "I'll tell someone to go ahead and get a bath ready in your room, the door at the very end of the hall, on the right. And I'll be right back with something alcoholic for you. But, mind you, this stuff isn't as pleasant, or even as powerful as that stuff some of you humans talk about on the mainland, if you don't mind," she told him.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

"Booze is booze, if you're thirsty enough. And I certainly am. Thank you." Niko replies.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

The booze was indeed weak, and only after drinking several brews of the horrid stuff did Niko even feel a slight buzz. However, his room treated him a bit more kindly. The sheets he was to lay on were made of some kind of silk he'd never seen before, and they felt incredibly comfortable. The bath, which was simply a large bucket with warm water in it, was unmentionable, but still a little refreshing. Some food was brought to Niko after his wash, a tasty looking, cooked mutton was to be his meal for the night. And after feeling clean, full, and exhausted from the day's events, sleep found Niko very quickly once he laid on the silk bed...

However, his night's sleep was interrupted by what he recognized as the sounds of battle. And it didn't take but a moment to figure out, even in his barely awake state, that the town had come under attack during his rest. Only, he did not hear the clash of metal and steel, rather, shouts of battle, as well as what sounded like female laughter from just outside his window...
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Waking quickly from his light sleep, Niko pulls the blankets off and gets out of bed. "Well, doesn't this just keep getting better and better. How could I ever want to leave?" Rather than look out the window, Niko quickly redresses, regretting the loss of all of his knives. Once fully dressed, and grabbing the knife he'd used to cut his mutton, he slowly and cautiously approaches the window, making as little noise as possible as he slowly peeks outside to see what's going on.