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[Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Are your competition points low or something? I just queued up to check and first opponent is 1400+ to my 1260. :p

That might be it, I only have 47 CP.

Anyone who's played the JP version know whether we have chances for premium tickets from events or are free users just screwed?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

i'll answer some questions raised that have been answered in the AS chat.

1. The decrease in Gacha points gained is from our understanding a 30game tournament 2x boost that is undocumented and runs out after your 30th game. affects both wins and losses. in this time you'd get 1200+-gp per win and 500+-gp per loss. after that it's 600+- gp per win and 200-300+-gp per loss.
This is not confirmed by a dev but has been translated from the jp wiki.

2.Players in the top100/top30/top20 aren't all paying users they just have high leveled cards which is ALOT more important than having 20 sr's. (ofc having 20sr's high lvl'd makes you number 1.)

3.for the event there's nothing wrong. any free player can get to stage 10 with ease. anything over stage 10 is a bonus. atleast the events are giving you the event card at stage 10 unlike other dmm games where they only give it at stage 20.

4.RP don't matter shit as long as you occasionaly win. CP is permanent score, RP just needs to be high the moment the tournament ends. RP won't do you good if it's 1500 now but 1250 when tournament ends.

5.If ppl are mad about who they're matched up against and say those top players (like swindler) need to be matched against only other top players (like in this thread said top10) do you think there'd ever be any movement in their points? no cuz they wouldn't get any games to play. think about it. they'd have to be queued up at the exact same time for that to happen. IF you get matched with a really high ranked player that just means at that moment in time there wasn't anyone closer to your mmr/rank/whateveritneedstocalculate. Don't expect cuz there's 3000ppl in the rankings that there's 3000 ppl playing in that moment.

6.fuck mad bitches and take names.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

@Eab: Don't wanna go back and quote you, but I actually think we're in agreement (as I've assumed all along); as I've said many, many times, I don't think Fizzle is useless at all. It has its uses. I think the problem is that we disagree on how effective it really is. Maybe if I had that particular revelation in which it saves my entire game, I might be more inclined to agree with you, but that would likely never happen as I doubt I'll ever let it touch my deck. Likely a moot point since this is a tired conversation anyway.

Looking forward to the new event. Couldn't care less about the blatant cash grab sentiments, but hoping to get more tickets. At least it'll give me SOME hope (before I waste about 4-5 of them on garbage rares). :D

As for low-mid level players feeding higher level players...well, I JUST started playing the tourney yesterday, and I've been getting my butt kicked (well, splitting about half my games). But it seems like I've been winning during the late-night gaming (like tonight), so either the weaker players are on later, or maybe I'm just getting lucky. :)
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

i'll answer some questions raised that have been answered in the AS chat.

1. The decrease in Gacha points gained is from our understanding a 30game tournament 2x boost that is undocumented and runs out after your 30th game. affects both wins and losses. in this time you'd get 1200+-gp per win and 500+-gp per loss. after that it's 600+- gp per win and 200-300+-gp per loss.
This is not confirmed by a dev but has been translated from the jp wiki.

2.Players in the top100/top30/top20 aren't all paying users they just have high leveled cards which is ALOT more important than having 20 sr's. (ofc having 20sr's high lvl'd makes you number 1.)

3.for the event there's nothing wrong. any free player can get to stage 10 with ease. anything over stage 10 is a bonus. atleast the events are giving you the event card at stage 10 unlike other dmm games where they only give it at stage 20.

4.RP don't matter shit as long as you occasionaly win. CP is permanent score, RP just needs to be high the moment the tournament ends. RP won't do you good if it's 1500 now but 1250 when tournament ends.

5.If ppl are mad about who they're matched up against and say those top players (like swindler) need to be matched against only other top players (like in this thread said top10) do you think there'd ever be any movement in their points? no cuz they wouldn't get any games to play. think about it. they'd have to be queued up at the exact same time for that to happen. IF you get matched with a really high ranked player that just means at that moment in time there wasn't anyone closer to your mmr/rank/whateveritneedstocalculate. Don't expect cuz there's 3000ppl in the rankings that there's 3000 ppl playing in that moment.

6.fuck mad bitches and take names.

in my opinion an event is kinda meant to give free players a chance at good cards saying that anything above 10 is extra is either poor design or like said earlier a cashgrab and theres gatcha tickets at later stages so yea as a free player i want those as its the only way to maybe get a rare or normal i have 5 of
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

1. The decrease in Gacha points gained is from our understanding a 30game tournament 2x boost that is undocumented and runs out after your 30th game. affects both wins and losses. in this time you'd get 1200+-gp per win and 500+-gp per loss. after that it's 600+- gp per win and 200-300+-gp per loss.
This is not confirmed by a dev but has been translated from the jp wiki.

Ah, that explains it. I've still only played about 20 games.

@Eab: Don't wanna go back and quote you, but I actually think we're in agreement (as I've assumed all along); as I've said many, many times, I don't think Fizzle is useless at all. It has its uses. I think the problem is that we disagree on how effective it really is. Maybe if I had that particular revelation in which it saves my entire game, I might be more inclined to agree with you, but that would likely never happen as I doubt I'll ever let it touch my deck. Likely a moot point since this is a tired conversation anyway.

We're probably never going to agree on how effective it is, but considering we're getting an event card that removes traps, I'd venture to say that the effectiveness of a bluff card just got more valuable. Would you rather have a 2700 attacker take a risk and activate your fake trap the normal way, or waste her turn to destroy "nothing"?

in my opinion an event is kinda meant to give free players a chance at good cards saying that anything above 10 is extra is either poor design or like said earlier a cashgrab and theres gatcha tickets at later stages so yea as a free player i want those as its the only way to maybe get a rare or normal i have 5 of

It's really not. Again, all players can get one event card and some tickets. Paying players simply get more. It's not really bad design when no player is technically missing out and the devs still provide an incentive for people to spend. It's much better design than:

-LoV: Need luck, lots of login proof hoarding, and/or money to get four of a card you want.
-Pero: Some cards are literally paywalled.
-Aigis: If you don't have enough crystals, you may not be able to max out a unit.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Ah, that explains it. I've still only played about 20 games.

We're probably never going to agree on how effective it is, but considering we're getting an event card that removes traps, I'd venture to say that the effectiveness of a bluff card just got more valuable. Would you rather have a 2700 attacker take a risk and activate your fake trap the normal way, or waste her turn to destroy "nothing"?

It's really not. Again, all players can get one event card and some tickets. Paying players simply get more. It's not really bad design when no player is technically missing out and the devs still provide an incentive for people to spend. It's much better design than:

-LoV: Need luck, lots of login proof hoarding, and/or money to get four of a card you want.
-Pero: Some cards are literally paywalled.
-Aigis: If you don't have enough crystals, you may not be able to max out a unit.

still no reason to split events for paid users and free ones when a games super pay to win already it needs no more incentive for a person to pay like pump a few hundred bucks in and your literally a god in this game and then after that just rofl stomp everyone in tournaments and roll gatcha a few 1000 times to complete collection
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

still no reason to split events for paid users and free ones when a games super pay to win already it needs no more incentive for a person to pay like pump a few hundred bucks in and your literally a god in this game and then after that just rofl stomp everyone in tournaments and roll gatcha a few 1000 times to complete collection

Not... really? Plenty of games work this way. Spend money to ensure getting a second copy of an event card, or spend money to gamble on getting other rares.

Here, a person can choose to spend money to get energy drinks and guarantee a second (and possibly third) copy of an event card, or gamble it on gacha. Or both.

Not really much different from using 5 crystals in Aigis to work towards maxing/getting more copies of an event unit, or trying to go for a spotlight unit.

Even games like Love Live! School Idol Festival works the same way (though they're a bit more lenient in giving out their premium currency). Either spend gems to ensure a place in the top two tiers of an event ranking to get a second copy of the event card (which lets you idolize it), or save up fifty gems and use them to get a guaranteed SR and ten more shots at R/SR/UR.

Hell, in that last case, even if it's not P2W and more "save your resources", it's usually limited to the top 4500 or so users, and who knows how many of those are paying users. At least there's no ranking system in place here to limit who can get how much.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

with enough work all maps on aiges could be done with out said premium rolls they only make it easier at times at other times harder for there cost
but i still stand by the fact this game is super pay to win
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

my opinion: cards have way too many levels, and it takes too much to level them. This is what's causing the enormous power gulf between the haves and have nots; moreso than rarer cards.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

my opinion: cards have way too many levels, and it takes too much to level them. This is what's causing the enormous power gulf between the haves and have nots; moreso than rarer cards.

and you can buy ssr exp units thats mainly what i mean
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I honestly believe I'm never winning another match unless it comes by the timeout bug.. which has accounted for my only 3 wins over the past 3 days.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

with enough work all maps on aiges could be done with out said premium rolls they only make it easier at times at other times harder for there cost
but i still stand by the fact this game is super pay to win

Never denied any of that.

Again, I'm just saying that F2P'ers aren't really missing out with this event. It's easier to fall short in other games.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

lulz. and my only win thusfar today comes from someone that timed out in the first round (thus giving me 0 gacha and only 1 CP), and was against the only person I've even seen today with RP lower than mine
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

It's pretty clear that most of the free / casual players were quickly outmatched in this tourney and have pretty much given up. Right now, most of the tourney activity seems to be within the top 100 or so players. Certainly many of them are free players, but they're the ones who are grinding through the pain. : P
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Just lost a match where I was neck and neck with my opponent until I managed to take the lead. He raged quit or something. Causing session to expire before I have the winning hit. It counted as a loss. Wtf.


Is it possible to make it so when the game gives session expired, to not count as a loss but instead count as if the match never happened? Or maybe fix the random disconnecting.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Just lost a match where I was neck and neck with my opponent until I managed to take the lead. He raged quit or something. Causing session to expire before I have the winning hit. It counted as a loss. Wtf.

Did it happen on your own turn? If so, did you try reloading the page?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Happened as I ordered an attack. Refreshing did nothing since the match was cancelled but gave me the loss. There was nothing to reconnect to.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Happened as I ordered an attack. Refreshing did nothing since the match was cancelled but gave me the loss. There was nothing to reconnect to.

My deck lvl is lvl23, my bests bombs are 60~40, but yesterday was a great day, win many lower 1250 and I was near vs +1350, my last game win only by a Nanaly (haste) + 3 target -500atk and could attack to the most low attacker card between cards +2000. I think If a freemium dont have big monsters need a deck more control, more cards buff and debuff in her deck
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

It's pretty clear that most of the free / casual players were quickly outmatched in this tourney and have pretty much given up. Right now, most of the tourney activity seems to be within the top 100 or so players. Certainly many of them are free players, but they're the ones who are grinding through the pain. : P

I just play less actively and I've been having better luck with matchmaking ever since. Was close to 1200 on 2nd day of tournament from bashing my face against the sr only decks, back up to around 1350 since I stopped trying to find a match all the time and just playing maybe 10 matches a day.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I just play less actively and I've been having better luck with matchmaking ever since. Was close to 1200 on 2nd day of tournament from bashing my face against the sr only decks, back up to around 1350 since I stopped trying to find a match all the time and just playing maybe 10 matches a day.

Spreading games out over the day does seem to level out the matchmaking a bit, since the player distribution averages out.

Just had a match with you (as SaucePirate), my risky turn 2 gamble paid off. Good game. : )