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[Nutaku] Armor Blitz


Tentacle Monster
Oct 16, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Sure, the rewards are nice.
You still end up with two useless tanks (useless as in, both classes aren't very desirable and you have to level them a lot before you can field them with any effect) and doing the battles themselves isn't fun. The core gameplay loop of the battle system is so boring and tedious that doing the event for 21 days each day just isn't appealing, even if the rewards for that are "good".
5* Artillery is exceedingly desirable.

It becomes so at high level maps when the infamous death ball has, outside of very tough teams, broken into two balls,
- one consisting of a heavy front line and
- another of the dps, hanging waaaaaay to the back, consisting of 5* artillery, 5* TDs and Focus fire tanks

It is an curious reverse of the lessons the game teaches for all of its low and medium gameplay.

Thing is, at high levels the front is not a place the normal dps medium tank that rules the low and medium content can survive for long anymore, there is way too much enemy dps and AoE coming in and the enemy absorbs or evades way too much. (Which is also why Focus fire tanks suddenly become valuable. That range and 100% hit range. Love my JagdPanzer4 that's for sure)

Light tanks, some specialists here and there, but they still have it tough and 1* to 3* Artillery much the same. 4* I dunno. I am testing two of them, not finding them up to the task so far.

The simplistic gameplay has long since been turned over and over. And I happen to agree (as my numerous posts list rather clearly) that it must evolve or risk slowly burn out (barring a sufficient supply of new players coming in to offset the churn).

Personally I am of the opinion that the small team (I happen to know how large it is)'s attempt to run a one-to-one link to the mobile version is what spells trouble for the desktop version.

They do fantastically well for a team of that size (Aigis likely runs about 5x-10x the number of persons btw) . But I simply don't think that they can grow the game enough on desktop when it has to be the same on both platforms at the available resource and likely limitations imposed (that any content has to work both places).

That said, however, put simple,

If the mobile platform is where the money is, I consider their actions entirely sensible and appropriate. The desktop is in that scenario an extension of the mobile game and they never promised anything either way, so that's fine. What you see is what you get. I prefer it not to be so, since I am a desktop player, and think the bases too thinly covered in art and mechanics. But it is fair enough.

If the desktop platform is where the money is, I consider their actions commendable in their efforts to have both running (the mobile was there first after all) but also problematic. Since the desktop version can in technical terms grow in ways the mobile (with its technical limitations of playing on a mobile or tablet) cannot, and the desktop version likely need to grow, quickly, as a game to compete more fully.

As for the rewards, hmmm, well. I play the game, in small bites over the day for fun. Not how I usually play these games, which is one long setting. But I find AB is rather enjoyable in small stretches and very annoying in long (due to repair mechanic etc).

Since this is a forum for Armor Blitz, whether the rewards are good and when they can be gained is of interest to me as a player and likely also to any reader that still plays it and want to know about rewards. Thus that they are good and when they therefore can be gained, I consider of great interest.

But that does not change how the game otherwise works or is enjoyed or not. The game does not become something else. It remains the same, just way more "rewarding" in "virtual goods" (within the framework it already has)

And at the other end of the extreme. If player don't want to play it, what rewards any game has are of no relevance. But then being in the forum is also of no relevance. So that sort of evens out. So I post about rewards for the trivial reasons stated and under the simple assumption that those reading plays it and wants rewards playing it.

And anyways, it is a step in the right direction, which equals good or at least better than before (depending on ones perspective) and if the game can run continuous events, also non-farm event, grow the adult content, improve the mechanics then I believe it will do ok (not Hello-meet-my-20man-project-team FKG, kamihime, Aigis ok, but normal ok).

Edit : I must admit some wry amusement at having my reward post seen a (general) defense, I view my posts as largely analytical or attempts at it, I commend what they do well and critic when I believe is lacking or has unrealized potential. Since the rewards are exceedingly good I commend them in the same manner I for, what 20 posts? have been (politely) sceptical of mechanics I believe need work.
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Sex Demon
May 20, 2017
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Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Idk, i think this game is kinda eh now i have played it for a while. Like, when you loose you have to wait 2 hours to get your tank back. Makes it way to grindy as you literally can't just do a bunch of shit and leave till your resources stockpile, which should gather automatically until the limit is reached anyway.
The fun in a hard game is trying again a few times in a row and nailing it after some hard work watching and countering and remembering the patterns of the game.

Putting 2 hour gaps between each attempt kills the thrill, not to mention the randomness. Units are not even spat out consistently, its complete random, and in the worst possible way. Like, does it even add replayability to it? No, not really. Just makes it impossible to be a constant difficulty and instead fluctuates.

Like whats the point in lockouts of units, anyway? I'd rather just loose extra oil or some shit, which we loose oil anyway so it makes no sense. Who has time to wait 2 hours doing fuck all and play again?

Furthermore, i find that spamming units in the exact same place is kind a like, RNG? Like, there's hardly any skill in the battles, just luck? If the enemy sends a ton of units down where you are pushing or somewhere else, its complete random... Even when i beat super hard maps its like, wow - that was lucky. No sense of accomplishment, like in MWA where its literally 100% strategy. You can add RNG in the form of units that have % chance to insta-kill etc. but its optional, you can tell exactly what unit is going to spawn when and where and you know you need to counter it somehow.

This game has a lot of wasted potential, imho. I have spent a fair bit of money on Aigis, specifically those packs on both nutaku and DMM, plus the 150SC packs on the very rare occasion i have some spare cash to burn and no real use for it, however i don't really see myself dropping any if all cash on this literally because the constant tile-based grind is ever draining my joy for German WW-2 tanks.

Like, i can deal with the not-so perfect artwork, but the game need to be at least a little enjoyable, you know.

You keep banging on how generous the event is. Yes, it is. So what? Who gives a shit aside of those who still play anyway? The event came after half a year of absolutely no new content and adds absolutely nothing new to the game whatsoever. You get two new units, sure. But there are no new gimmicks, new maps are merely backdrops, as map-types add no modifiers. No way to skip the soulcrushing grind of leveling your units by dedicated XP fodder. No new, interesting enemy types. Nothing. Just more of the same, dead boring and tedious grind.

The game still has zero tactical depth, as the enemies are spawned in random lanes and in random order. I had to beat essentially the same team as invasions twice. First I demolished them without losses. Second I got utterly crushed because the enemy dropped a heavy tank and then a Sturmtiger right behind it. Now I have to wait two hours to retry and just hope that I get lucky with the random spawns this time around. To spend all of my oil, I have to login every 2-3 hours as my team gets shredded every now and then.

If you compare this to Nutaku Aigis (no, not even DMM), it's laughably shit. There the maps matter, both in terms of gimmicks (desert, poisonous swamp, sandstorm, etc) and unit placement. New units are not just a set of different stats, but have unique skills and gimmicks. Constant events. Even max rarity units can be maxed out (AW and all) in a month or two at most. Non-event maps have auto completion. Maps don't take fucking forever to load. Tactics actually matter, because the enemies are consistent, not just randomly vomited on the map. And so on and fucking on.

And the most rage-inducing thing here is that this game really had potential. It's just that the devs either have nowhere near close the resources to actually provide a constant flow of new content or they stopped giving a shit.


Tentacle Monster
Oct 16, 2015
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Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

To be honest I think I need more long range 100% accuracy skill tanks though. Unfortunately I only have stug/centurion for that right now.
Love my JagdPanzer4. A heavy out in front and then Her and Centurion was key to break into Ocica and 4th set of Event maps for me.


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 29, 2016
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Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Since this is a forum for Armor Blitz, whether the rewards are good and when they can be gained is of interest to me as a player and likely also to any reader that still plays it and want to know about rewards. Thus that they are good and when they therefore can be gained, I consider of great interest.

But that does not change how the game otherwise works or is enjoyed or not. The game does not become something else. It remains the same, just way more "rewarding" in "virtual goods" (within the framework it already has)
Personally I only have access to a computer in the evening so I can only play in one long session. Since its a conversion from the mobile version I understand why they do it in a way that rewards more shorts sessions spread over a day, I don't like it though.

The way they set the event up made the game worse for me (although I had dropped it already and just came to see how the event would go). My main complaint is that, if one wants to be mostly efficient you now have to do invasions (which scale through commander level) the daily PoC, normal maps to use up oil AND the event maps now.

As the battles themselves aren't interesting that adds a lot of chore to the game. Yes the game doesn't become very different, but it added even more of the parts that I don't think are very fun.

Collecting tanks, leveling them, going through missions and stories could be fun even when the underlying battle mechanics aren't very good. Adding mostly only even more battles makes the balance worse. And the game already was quite unbalanced in this department.

Anyway, don't worry, I won't endlessly haunt this topic to say that I don't like the game. :D


Tentacle God
Aug 19, 2011
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

while i agree with everything you said i have to ask: why are you still playing this shit game?

i gave up more than a month ago. it's obvious they have no clue what they're doing. that isnt gonna magically change.

The Overgoat

Tentacle God
Jun 6, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

while i agree with everything you said i have to ask: why are you still playing this shit game?

i gave up more than a month ago. it's obvious they have no clue what they're doing. that isnt gonna magically change.
I don't really do. I dropped it about 2 months ago as well, but when I saw it in the Nutaku header that they actually have a real event, I decided to try and see if anything got better.


Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Holy crap, the factories produced their second 5*!

And it was an dupe super pershing eh. Maybe I should've saved my 173 cores.


Tentacle God
Sep 22, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Love my JagdPanzer4. A heavy out in front and then Her and Centurion was key to break into Ocica and 4th set of Event maps for me.
Well shit, just got a Jagdpanther and now I have a problem. I REALLY want to stick her in the main line for range/accuracy skill. However my current party doesn't exactly allow that since I have the 2 super pershings on main line and I can't move either of them without losing one. <.<


Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Well shit, just got a Jagdpanther and now I have a problem. I REALLY want to stick her in the main line for range/accuracy skill. However my current party doesn't exactly allow that since I have the 2 super pershings on main line and I can't move either of them without losing one. <.<
Can you show us what your party looiks like now?


Tentacle God
Sep 22, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Can you show us what your party looiks like now?
Miraculously, I've never pulled a single dupe.

Used 2k cores and 20k pumpkins on getting the guaranteed 5*s though, so now I'm way far away from 5th factory slot.

Tanks from those were Type 59 and Jadgpanther.

I'm still severely lacking good emblems for some tanks though, especially my heavies.


Demon Girl Master
Apr 17, 2013
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Miraculously, I've never pulled a single dupe.

Used 2k cores and 20k pumpkins on getting the guaranteed 5*s though, so now I'm way far away from 5th factory slot.

Tanks from those were Type 59 and Jadgpanther.

I'm still severely lacking good emblems for some tanks though, especially my heavies.
You use only 3 heavies and AMX? You're able to do with just those 4 taking the hits? I run like 5 heavies and still go down relatively quick.


Tentacle God
Sep 22, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

You use only 3 heavies and AMX? You're able to do with just those 4 taking the hits? I run like 5 heavies and still go down relatively quick.
I'm gonna be honest with you. Realistically speaking, I only use Tiger II and AMX. The other two heavies are kind of oh shit I have nothing else to send out but I want to level them until they're usable eventually.

Actually, if you even look at the video I posted earlier, you can see I pretty much use everything else before those heavies.

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Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Well you can switch out that Karin for Jagdpanther into the main line. THat's basically the only unit that I can think of that would let you increase the dps since you said u don't wanna switch out your double Super pershings.


Tentacle God
Sep 22, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Well you can switch out that Karin for Jagdpanther into the main line. THat's basically the only unit that I can think of that would let you increase the dps since you said u don't wanna switch out your double Super pershings.
Yeah but if I do that then I'd be 100% relying on pershing tanking. The problem with that is I have them built as evasion tanks, so if the enemy has 100% accuracy skill tanks then I get fucked over.

I'm actually considering just removing both of them and combine the weaker one into the stronger and switch her from evasion to full offensive.

As you can see here, Leopard 1a1 is VASTLY superior as an evasion tank.

So if I took the emblems from both pershings I could probably boost her durability a lot higher.

I'll probably wait a bit on that idea though. If I do it, I might want to wait until I get my Panzer from event and then I can add her and remove a super pershing.


Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Yeah but if I do that then I'd be 100% relying on pershing tanking. The problem with that is I have them built as evasion tanks, so if the enemy has 100% accuracy skill tanks then I get fucked over.

I'm actually considering just removing both of them and combine the weaker one into the stronger and switch her from evasion to full offensive.

As you can see here, Leopard 1a1 is VASTLY superior as an evasion tank.

So if I took the emblems from both pershings I could probably boost her durability a lot higher.

I'll probably wait a bit on that idea though. If I do it, I might want to wait until I get my Panzer from event and then I can add her and remove a super pershing.
Your 4* emblems. Hand them over or your life. You choose!

You shouldn't really be building super pershings out to be an evasion tank.... it never was built to be one. It was supposed to go hulldown and use its turret to take hits if it have to.

I use mine as Armor tank and it does its job decently enough. Basically I use her as I would in world of tanks XD

INb4 ur SP has more armor than mine cuz of 4* emblems.
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Tentacle God
Sep 22, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Your 4* emblems. Hand them over or your life. You choose!

You shouldn't really be building super pershings out to be an evasion tank.... it never was built to be one. It was supposed to go hulldown and use its turret to take hits if it have to.

I use mine as Armor tank and it does its job decently enough. Basically I use her as I would in world of tanks XD
It was my counter back in ye olde days before the Seren nerfs. Since they had the ace skill and could dodge most of her shots because of poor accuracy.

It's just now I have better tanks for evading.

Also I would gladly hand over those 4* emblems. They're not equipped because most of the bonus stats on them are terrible. :p


Tentacle Monster
Oct 16, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Used 2k cores and 20k pumpkins on getting the guaranteed 5*s though, so now I'm way far away from 5th factory slot.
If events keep on coming (they'd be crazy not to keep them coming :)) think 5th slot is not needed at all
Factory is more xp and BP fodder at our level of progression it seems.

Also agree with Ericridge on the beating you up for your emblems stash ... :p

Edit : Got the 60k points reward on PanzerWerfer Cauldron
Mixed bag. But I'll take it. Evasion + Dmg Reduction is neat. And the dps welcome.


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Tentacle God
Sep 22, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

If events keep on coming (they'd be crazy not to keep them coming :)) think 5th slot is not needed at all
Factory is more xp and BP fodder at our level of progression it seems.

Also agree with Ericridge on the beating you up for your emblems stash ... :p

Edit : Got the 60k points reward on PanzerWerfer Cauldron
Mixed bag. But I'll take it. Evasion + Dmg Reduction is neat. And the dps welcome.
Near perfect emblem, if only it didn't have that rotation. :p


Tentacle Monster
Oct 16, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Near perfect emblem, if only it didn't have that rotation. :p
On the contrary, that rotation will be real nice when the super-secret mega-uber-string-bikini-island-of-the-super-busty-milf-waifu launches later in the year with the teleporting tail gating shoot you in the back tanks! :D

Oh course until then, I should probably try not to stack rotation, in the very unlikely situation that the game will not launch that island :p


Tentacle God
Sep 22, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Find a new attack speed emblem.

Get excited because I almost never find 4*+ attack speed emblems.

Look at the stats

Realize the game is just toying with me again.
