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[Nutaku] Armor Blitz

The Overgoat

Tentacle God
Jun 6, 2015
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Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

I gave this another chance now that we finally have an event, and considerign that the devs took about half a year to set this shit up, it's utterly disappointing. It's more grind, and the immensely tedious variant at that. And the saddest thing is, I don't even feel motivated to get those event tanks. I mean what's the point? They are useless as is and it's going to take MONTHS to level them out.

Not to mention that the game intentionally screw you over as you level up. My lieutenant levels up faster than my tanks, and now the game levels the enemies with my lieutenant. Again, to max out a max rarity tank, I'd need 8.7 MILLION xp and I can grind that in 1000 XP increments. At that point we are quite literally talking about years of fucking grinding to level out a single unit.

The only thing I wanted from this event, seriously the ONLY thing, was the introduction of something like the plat. armor + fairy combo in Aegis: a limited, but consistently available resource that can shortcut some of the grind. Because at this rate, I'm not switching new units in my team. What for? So that I perpetually weaken my team compared to my lieutenant level? Sure, I can just go full on whale and buy units until they all have increased XP rate, but a) fuck supporting a lazy as shit dev team, whose best effort is putting out a mindless grindfest as event after half a year, b) even with maxed bonus, the grind would still take absolutely fucking forever, because 30+ level requirements are increasingly more absurd with every level up.

Shame, could have been good game if the devs wouldn't be so incompetent at balancing and adding content.


Demon Girl Master
Jan 23, 2015
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Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

The big problem I have in addition to the grind is the RNG screwing you over.

The event tanks spawn and the artillery can ruin your day. Especially since I do just like you do Rawr. I have my heavy tank followed up with my high dps units. Then the artillery spawns and before I can kill, stun, or pop a skill everything dies. As for saving up points to keep the skills on hand, the main issue is the need to keep pace with the computer.

I'm just lucky that I had been hoarding coins and metals for a while so I can absorb some losses, but for 3 weeks? That is insane.

And if it does scale with your commander, then they really need to make leveling tanks easier. Cause tanks take forever to level.


Tentacle God
Sep 22, 2012
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Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

The big problem I have in addition to the grind is the RNG screwing you over.

The event tanks spawn and the artillery can ruin your day. Especially since I do just like you do Rawr. I have my heavy tank followed up with my high dps units. Then the artillery spawns and before I can kill, stun, or pop a skill everything dies. As for saving up points to keep the skills on hand, the main issue is the need to keep pace with the computer.

I'm just lucky that I had been hoarding coins and metals for a while so I can absorb some losses, but for 3 weeks? That is insane.

And if it does scale with your commander, then they really need to make leveling tanks easier. Cause tanks take forever to level.
Since the event has no cost, if a battle looks like it's going bad, you can refresh before it ends and try again without repair costs. Closing or refreshing the game before a battle ends makes it so the casualties in battle never happened.

As for the arty, you can reduce it's damage to 1s with that defense skill, even to your low defense destroyers.

The Overgoat

Tentacle God
Jun 6, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Since the event has no cost, if a battle looks like it's going bad, you can refresh before it ends and try again without repair costs. Closing or refreshing the game before a battle ends makes it so the casualties in battle never happened.

As for the arty, you can reduce it's damage to 1s with that defense skill, even to your low defense destroyers.
I mean, that would be nice, if it wouldn't be a minute for the game to load, then another half a minute with all the in game loading screens... as if the grind wouldn't be tedious enough.


Tentacle Monster
Oct 16, 2015
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Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Ok. /Rant incoming.

People obsess way too much on getting the 5* or perfect 5*. And since it is a 3 week event the calculated grind becomes huge and what not. Somehow all other rewards are getting skipped in the rush ...

At 3.000 points, there is : 3.000 oil, 10 candy, 100 cores, A roll on a 4* or 5* unit
That reward is mirrored as there are two cauldrons to sacrifice to. So can get it twice for 2 x 3.000 points.

And I have about 25.000 points (bats + ghosts + pumpkins) after 2ish days average play. So I got : 6000 oil, 20 Candy, 200 Cores, an M12 4* Artillery unit and an Sherman Easy Medium 4*
(Not that I lack 4* being at Ocica Final. But hey I didn't have either tanks, so thats fine, and even if I did that's 40 blueprints in scrap or 3200 xp in upgrade)

The oil I basically autoed on White North - 1 to become : Around 25.000+ xp for each of the 15 tanks in my team, 25+ various tank and emblem drops, 8000+ gold, and around 3.000+ pumpkins which is another 3.000+ points for the cauldrons.

And I still have 20.000+ points left, oh and the new 3.000+ points the game just gave me for g*d damn free!

At 60K there is a 5* emblem (rare and often as important that the tank itself) another 100 cores and some other random stuff waiting.
At 124k+ I am going to pick up that 5* PanzerWerfer, because while Artillery sucks at 1* - 3* and mostly in 4* too, they generally sure don't in 5* quality.

And something that can clear an enemy deathball behind an AMX-40, Maus or E-100 is just hilarious. Even if she throws wet towels after the initial nuke. I'll need about 14-16 average play days out of 21 days, meaning somewhat relaxed pace is entirely possible over 21 days, to get her and all the other rewards (like say oh the extra 100 cores, 4* or 5* star emblem and what not)

Which is going to give me the hilarious end result of, 5* tank, 5* emblem, 2 x 4* tanks, 400 cores, 6000 oil, A stack of tickets to roll on the wheel and a mix of other gooddies. For about 16 days pretty casual play out of 21 days possible in the event

Sure I wont be maxing her short of mega grind and honestly, so what? The Elite system is a +% and there is no additional art of anything for it and no content that needs it yet. Why the *bip* would I care if I can max her? outside of maniac collection habits (I dont have that tick btw).

It is not like this is Aigis where I need the 10/10 skill levels and -5 cost. That little lady is going to perform at virtual top power from 1 copy in total. And she is going to clear deathballs from here to the game one day ends ...

So honestly. Give the game a damn break on the rewards. The rewards are insane (good).

Even a lvl20 free to play team should be able to pull above rewards in 14-16 days of 21 days play or level to do it, which compares excellent with Aigis item collection for a black quality unit !! and superior to most else about out there.

There is fair bit to be somewhat annoyed about in the event : The scaling of the commander, the reset and need to redo trivial maps, the Panzerwerfer nuking a 4 hour repair 5* Maus (yeah it spawned at enemy commander and took a 10k+ Dur 5* Maus. I took it with a curse and then laugh and switched artillery in. And she'll do the same damn thing to the AI once she is on my team - so it is not like a Katyusha that used to do it in PoC and which we couldn't get until Christmas - NB. for those that have been away, Katy no longer spawns in PoC, so no instant nuke)

And there is a fair bit to wish improvements for in general : The time it has taken to get to this, The quality of the Adult content and the concern if they have more event ready after or hit a hole ... the lack of some sort of single tank levelling and so on. And agree on some of it - written plenty about it too. But rewards for this event damn sure ain't a complaint topic.
/rant off

Sorry. not directed to anyone, just got real annoyed. We could at least give them credit for what they do well.
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Tentacle God
Sep 22, 2012
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Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz


And something that can clear an enemy deathball behind an AMX-40, Maus or E-100 is just hilarious. Even if she throws wet towels after the initial nuke.
Can confirm, love using Sturmtiger behind AMX.



Tentacle Monster
Oct 16, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Screens. 21k points towards PanzerWerfer in 2 days.

Edit : and my wanna be Sturmtiger since Rawr spams his, we should also have a more common poor mans variant :p

Edit 2: My starting 4* T34 tank (Russian Commander - starting 4*) for those who underestimate the power of emblems (if Rawrs Sturmtigers dps aint proof enough). 175 armor and 25% evasion. She off tanks like a champ. Emblems really count from Maunis or at least Devonis and forward. This event handing out 4* and 5* emblems should not be underestimated.


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Sex Demon
May 20, 2017
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Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Idk, i think this game is kinda eh now i have played it for a while. Like, when you loose you have to wait 2 hours to get your tank back. Makes it way to grindy as you literally can't just do a bunch of shit and leave till your resources stockpile, which should gather automatically until the limit is reached anyway.
The fun in a hard game is trying again a few times in a row and nailing it after some hard work watching and countering and remembering the patterns of the game.

Putting 2 hour gaps between each attempt kills the thrill, not to mention the randomness. Units are not even spat out consistently, its complete random, and in the worst possible way. Like, does it even add replayability to it? No, not really. Just makes it impossible to be a constant difficulty and instead fluctuates.

Like whats the point in lockouts of units, anyway? I'd rather just loose extra oil or some shit, which we loose oil anyway so it makes no sense. Who has time to wait 2 hours doing fuck all and play again?

Furthermore, i find that spamming units in the exact same place is kind a like, RNG? Like, there's hardly any skill in the battles, just luck? If the enemy sends a ton of units down where you are pushing or somewhere else, its complete random... Even when i beat super hard maps its like, wow - that was lucky. No sense of accomplishment, like in MWA where its literally 100% strategy. You can add RNG in the form of units that have % chance to insta-kill etc. but its optional, you can tell exactly what unit is going to spawn when and where and you know you need to counter it somehow.

This game has a lot of wasted potential, imho. I have spent a fair bit of money on Aigis, specifically those packs on both nutaku and DMM, plus the 150SC packs on the very rare occasion i have some spare cash to burn and no real use for it, however i don't really see myself dropping any if all cash on this literally because the constant tile-based grind is ever draining my joy for German WW-2 tanks.

Like, i can deal with the not-so perfect artwork, but the game need to be at least a little enjoyable, you know.
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Demon Girl Master
Jan 23, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Outside of using the attack and defense buffs, any other hints and tips? To be honest I think my problem is that I use too many frail arty units that get instagibbed and a lack of really good damage emblems. Or good emblems in general (Defense ones seems really rare for me).

I think my main issue is that this is a 3 week item collection event grind. I really don't like item collection events so this one just really annoys me.


Tentacle Monster
Oct 16, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

I guess that is more Rawr's area but here is what I do,

Commander Abilities
- Defender
- Artillery

Defender allows the tanks to shrug off pretty much anything. I use it to keep my initial ball's tank alive as long as possible, which allows me to launch a second tank in trouble situations or the ball to push through.

Artillery is because it is possible for me to nuke the enemy commander to up around lvl12 - assuring a win within seconds (and of course I abuse that it is possible to quick nuke the same spot. Target the first strike, the next simply click arty, drag the mouse to the left to nearest tank in roster and release, shell goes to same spot as before without aiming)

Also since the event can and will spawn the PanzerWerfer (and the usual 5* arty nasties) I take them out with it (my front cannot take their fire and my dps cant clean fast enough to get to them).
I usually keep 3 gears in reserve if my ball has reached the enemy commander so that I can almost instant nuke a panzerwerfer there.

Cutting losses
Well. I dont do the reload thing. Think thats a bug. But I use the exit option (press the || pause key, choose exit fight) in losing fights in the event.
Since the event fights costs no oil it is entirely free to exit them and try again.

So an assault that looks like failing (main tank taking an early dive or enemy ball clearly winning) I simply exit out with minimal losses instead of spending time watching the rest of my tanks burn.

Well. I have had no luck at all on Gatcha and little with Factory. Havn't done PoC much, I value my sanity too much to do that sort of farm. And didn't start until a month after the game started so no 5* Super pershing. So I have what Stampcards has given, what has dropped and what the Blueprints have offered of 4* and a single 5*.

I generally built my tanks as tough sluggers. That can give and take hits. Only after getting my Tiger close to 10k dur have I begun to specialize more into pure off tanks and pure dps. And generally add some penetration if I can since (a) the enemy front line gets real nasty at higher levels without it to punch through the and (b) I have too few 5* and super heaves as the Sturmtiger to Crit blast them out of existence.

As my line-up suggests,

Front line
- The Tiger is my main, the T35/85 is my off-tank
- The JadgPanzer and Centurion is my Focus fire, penetration dps team
- The Maus is my late opener tank (when I need to wait until enemy is at me because they have a ton of crap on the field or a huge opener that only Aigis can survive)

The up and coming tanks
- The Conquerer : Coming main tank
- Tiger (P) : The Tiger I has performed so very very good as main tank, so I felt having a second levelled could be a good idea
- Sturmtiger : Coming Ball Wrecker
- Artillery : first 4* arty i ever got, took 2+ months, She an experiment with a downfall artillery. PanzerWerfer will replace her.

Bread and butter
A tough as nails Pershing off tank with a slew of mediums dps sluggers all with penetration in the 20-50 range.

The odd ones
Scarlet flame tank. Well She has a fan club. I find her difficult to use. She is slow and I rarely find her performance good, the Tiger P is scheduled to take her place which will give room to a new tank eventually.

Panther 1 Ace tank. I have real difficulty building her. Somehow no matter what I give her it does not add to much dps or dur. She acts as a high dur slugger most of the time.

I open with the Tiger I, follow with the Focus Fire tanks (30-50 penetration, massive crit + crit damage + range build both)

(whose skill may seem underwhelming at +15% dmg when defense skills are 30%+, but is not. It is almost immediate available, adds large range and 100% ability to hit for 20 seconds, which allows their builds to shred enemy tanks and keep them out of all danger)

(Bonus : Focus fire refreshes quickly and comes up two times in tough fights)

I then either throw defend on the damaged Tiger I, which by this time will be joined closely by the focus fire tanks having their focus fire run out, or add the T34/85 (need tank) or a slugger (need dps) to the mix depending on the situation.

From there I sort of feel my way through with keep the Tiger I alive as long as I can and keeping the ball supplied with dps or a fresh tank to take over.

Tactic wise it is pretty simple, the game does not allow much variation, too tied to having to run the same code on the mobile ... which sucks, the PC version could do so much more ... Anyways.
- Same lane as AI : AI opens, I respond with : Tiger, Focus tanks, Defender or tank/slugger, Keeping ball alive, adding slugger or tank as need, nuking enemy artillery.
- Different lane than AI : AI opens first, I respond in other lane to avoid fortifications etc. : Tiger, Focus tanks, Off tank to pick up AI openinger, then Defender or tank/slugger, Keeping ball alive, adding slugger or tank as need, nuking enemy artillery.
- Delayed lane : AI opens first : There is way too much waiting for my tanks to meet AI in the middle : So I wait until they are close to commander, nukes an artillery with surplus gears (caps at 10) and launches Maus then Focus tanks or off tank if AI runs two lanes.
- Commander tanks : As different lane, but I let commander tank the most "harmless" tank instead of picking it up with an off tank, I then add a dps tank to kill it, if close to same lane as my other tanks dps tank will add to ball, if not, will act as assassin rushing enemy commander.
- Assassin : Well I dont run that currently except a slow version with Scarlet (her low ranges makes her ignore other tanks). But basically pick up enemy ball and launch a rusher ex. Cromwell
- Void Shield :p : Let Maus or AMX-40 pick up enemy ball, add Sturmtiger or like to waste enemy ball behind the immune Maus.
My Emblems are mostly 3* with some 4* and 5*. Good 3* emblems are easily as good as average 4* since levelling them only boost good skills instead of unwanted skills. So a lvl10 3* easily rocks an average 4* much of the time.

I like

+attack speed + Crit + crit dmg builds on dps with as much +penetration and +dmg as I can get in if they are tough (Sturmtiger) and a tad of +range if they are not (crit tanks)
+dmg reduction +hp +armor +evasion builds on main and off tanks (But honestly I've had main and off tanks do ok with a penetration emblems with defensive stats too, they last long enough for it to count).

I farm away surplus oils for xp on White North - 1 (obviously) since there are no fortifications. But since Invasion often rewards something I want, I've begun doing those fairly thoroughly, and accepting what ever losses it gives.

I proxy single tank level by making a team of 8-9 normal core tanks, 1-2 level tanks, and 4-5 fodder tanks. The fodder absorb xp on the trivial maps or tasks. The core does the hard work. The level tank sips drinks and relaxes. When the fodder have reach what ever level I want I sacrifice them to tank I want to level in the team. important it to sacrifice them right after they level as the xp they give is tied to their level alone. So having a fodder tank with 80.000/120.000 xp counts for 0 of that 80.000 xp of that level when sacrificed.

Still a pain to do, but the extra team tabs should help an ton in this approach, since it allows a core team and a fodder team to be switched in an out.
I quick level by feeding new tanks the old tanks they replace. I have no sentimental value concerns so far. The old tank is used to sling shot the new tank up in levels.
I feed all 1*, 2* and sometimes even 3* to the tank I want levelled. the 3* is a bit of an blueprint waste, but I don't care much if I need a damn tank leveled it all counts and the blueprint, meh, there is always a next week, I'd rather have a working 4* or 5* faster than a new 5* a week earlier..

PoC I dont do much. But chain nuke the enemy commander until lvl10-12 and then maybe do fights until lvl30 (not to be confused with # level of the map itself, am talking level of their tanks).

Event I nuke for same level range, use tactics above to fight until Haunted Path/Devils path - 9/10 (lvl30+ tanks for me) after that it becomes a mean slugging match due to the huge mass of enemy fortification and rapidly increasing tank quality. I usually slug it out until around 12/13 and then bow out unless I feel like trying my luck and go to sleep with burning tank park in repair mode.
Exit out by the || key obviously, when I can see fights go wrong fast, so that I can try several times instead of getting stuck in repair mode.

Oh and they really need to add the halloween music in the game, why that is playing the normal score is crazy, the halloween score is quite good and besides the theme currently.
edit : hmm, Firefox show my attachment as super small, others see normal size or also way too small to make out team?


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Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

that sale for 1k blueprint/tickets/and 5* tank got me an strumtiger.

It was very difficult decision to replace who, but chose Stug4 to be replaced by her. I really want to get my favorite 3*s to level 50 first before replacing them..


Tentacle God
Sep 22, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

that sale for 1k blueprint/tickets/and 5* tank got me an strumtiger.

It was very difficult decision to replace who, but chose Stug4 to be replaced by her. I really want to get my favorite 3*s to level 50 first before replacing them..
Your experience motivated me to attempt to get another copy of Sturmtiger to elite her.

Ended up with a Type 59 instead though. <.<

I kinda like her skill, but damn 40% range boost isn't gonna do much when she only has 12 base range.


Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Your experience motivated me to attempt to get another copy of Sturmtiger to elite her.

Ended up with a Type 59 instead though. <.<

I kinda like her skill, but damn 40% range boost isn't gonna do much when she only has 12 base range.
Dude, I would've just waited for other strumtiger to show pu in factory, she shows up in there too often. I just wanted that 1k blueprints.


Tentacle God
Sep 22, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Dude, I would've just waited for other strumtiger to show pu in factory, she shows up in there too often. I just wanted that 1k blueprints.
I mean I wanted the blueprints and the 5* too. :p

Plus spending 1k cores for a 5* seems like a much better deal than attempting to roll for one.


Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

I mean I wanted the blueprints and the 5* too. :p

Plus spending 1k cores for a 5* seems like a much better deal than attempting to roll for one.
I see I see. And I've been seeing mentions of AMX 40 doing the job of a heavy tank.. is it really that feasible in armor blitz? I know it has trolly armor in wot but..


Tentacle God
Sep 22, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

I see I see. And I've been seeing mentions of AMX 40 doing the job of a heavy tank.. is it really that feasible in armor blitz? I know it has trolly armor in wot but..
Well, her skill is similar to Maus and E-100, except you can use it immediately after deploying her. It only lasts 5 seconds, which is shorter than both, but she also only cost 3 gears to deploy.

She's really good at helping you out if the enemy manages to make a deathball, since she can block it cheap, and give your aoe a chance to get some shots off if you have enough gears.

Also, it allows her to be built full dps without any problems since her tankiness doesn't matter as long as you don't let her get 1 shot before activating skill.


Tentacle Monster
Oct 16, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

She is a blocker. Try to use her as a heavy and a poof of smoke would last longer :)
And it is 10 seconds duration. Just tested.

Some pumpkin stats,

Story maps
lvl1 Angora : 14 Pumpkins / 34 oil = 41,18% conversion rate.
lvl22 Cymric : 82 / 148 = 55,41%
lvl32 White North : 129 / 222 = 58,11%
lvl37 Ice Caves : 156 / 263 = 59,32%
lvl41 NetherCold Wind = 179 / 299 = 59,87%

lvl41 Invasion map = 373 / 299 = 124,75%

lvl22 map 51,90%

- So in general the higher the map the better the conversion rate.
- PoC gives less than Story maps and will take a long time to farm as they are low oil cost (but of course gives blueprints and ladder ranking)
- The by far best place is Invasion maps. Which are more than double the normal maps. So to be a big strong boy one has to eat ones wheaties ... erm invasion maps!

The percentage difference may seem small but actually have large effect in terms of pumpkins accumulated as they are a percentage of the oil and the oil is earned in thousands.

I am a bit of a slacker with logging into AB to collect, but I get around 4000-5000 oil a day (wells and scouts) I suppose (more on weekends obviously).
So 4000 x 0,4118 (41,18%) = 1647 pumpkins if I did Angora
Same oil would would be 2394 pumpkins if I did Nethercold.
If I did 5 Invasions maps and then Nethercold for the left over oil 1865 (invasion x 5) + 1432 (Nethercold x 8) = around 3297 pumpkins.

Multiply that with the 21 days and it becomes even more massive differences between top and bottom places to do it.

Soooo : Invasion maps + highest story map that does not wreck tanks + what ever else one wants to do in PoC = best pumpkin-mania. Event maps give +2 drops always. So simply as many as them for event drops of ghosts and bat wings.

If casual, hate farm or little time : Do the (few) invasion maps, nuke first very easy 4 event maps and perhaps rush next 4. log 10-15mins later with 1500-2000 pumpkins (depending on commander level) and 4 x 2 or 8 x 2 event drops.
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Tentacle Monster
Oct 16, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

You know, lets just for the heck of it see what that a bit of effort or so gives for the casual farmer,

We assume relaxed pace here, so lets assume 14 of 21 days at casual farm, just invasion maps and the 6 first event maps in each path. Then our friend logs off.
- Invasion maps for 1500 pumpkins/day at 14 days = 21.000 pumpkins
- Ghost event path for 12 ghosts/day at 14 days = 188 ghosts
- Bat Event path for 12 bat wings/day at days = 188 bats

Panzer Werfer Cauldron Points : 188 x 300 = 56.400 pts
Satan Cauldron Cauldron Points : 188 x 300 = 56.400 pts

So 3k rewards are easily done. The 60k rewards too with a bit of pumpkins used.
In fact our casual farmer could have stopped around 12 of 21 days and gotten it (in addition to all normal rewards)

Total : 6000 oil, 20 candy, 400 Cores, 2 rolls on a 4* or 5* tank, 20.000 gold, 4 tickets and 2 x 5* emblems.

Oh sigh. What does it take to get 2 x 5* event units ffs
Well. Our fellow from Relaxed++ felt a bit of bloodlust, noticed tanks leveled and decided to do it anyway.
So he now does : 3000 pumpkins and 20 ghosts and 20 bats a day. He'll do 18 of 21 days, because Sundays are for other things.

Cauldrons : 20 x 300 x 18 = 108.000 and 54.000 pumpkins ... hmm ... not enough to grab both the 5* at 142.500 points even with 27.000 pumpkins in each cauldron. He can grab one of them easily though by adding 38.500 pumpkins to one of them. (In fact he could have stopped a day or two sooner and still done that and dropped one of the two paths entirely for the one 5* he didnt want and have spent less time farming).

But oh wait, what is this? There is a Bag of Horrors in the shop for 250 Cores with 50 Batwings and 50 Ghosts. Aaaaand some nice person handing him 400 cores in the event, so thats 50 x 300 points = 15.000 for each Cauldron. Also he is getting 200 of the Cores back since the 142.500 rewards each give 100 cores. Bought. Deal. done.

So he grabs both and walks off : 6000 oil, 20 candy, 350 Cores, 2 rolls on a 4* or 5* tank, 20.000 gold, 14 tickets and 2 x 5* emblems and two rolls on additional two 4*/5*, 5* PanzerWerfer, 5* M3 Satan.

Epilogue : He forgets to notice that he could have rolled a 5*, 1000 blueprints and 10 tickets for 10.000 pumpkins (which he had in surplus) and 1000 cores (which he had 350 for free from the event). He feels bitter over that. Why didnt anybody inform him!. :p
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Demon Girl Pro
Jul 29, 2016
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

Sure, the rewards are nice.

You still end up with two useless tanks (useless as in, both classes aren't very desirable and you have to level them a lot before you can field them with any effect) and doing the battles themselves isn't fun.

The core gameplay loop of the battle system is so boring and tedious that doing the event for 21 days each day just isn't appealing, even if the rewards for that are "good".

The Overgoat

Tentacle God
Jun 6, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Armor Blitz

You know, lets just for the heck of it see what that a bit of effort or so gives for the casual farmer,
You keep banging on how generous the event is. Yes, it is. So what? Who gives a shit aside of those who still play anyway? The event came after half a year of absolutely no new content and adds absolutely nothing new to the game whatsoever. You get two new units, sure. But there are no new gimmicks, new maps are merely backdrops, as map-types add no modifiers. No way to skip the soulcrushing grind of leveling your units by dedicated XP fodder. No new, interesting enemy types. Nothing. Just more of the same, dead boring and tedious grind.

The game still has zero tactical depth, as the enemies are spawned in random lanes and in random order. I had to beat essentially the same team as invasions twice. First I demolished them without losses. Second I got utterly crushed because the enemy dropped a heavy tank and then a Sturmtiger right behind it. Now I have to wait two hours to retry and just hope that I get lucky with the random spawns this time around. To spend all of my oil, I have to login every 2-3 hours as my team gets shredded every now and then.

If you compare this to Nutaku Aigis (no, not even DMM), it's laughably shit. There the maps matter, both in terms of gimmicks (desert, poisonous swamp, sandstorm, etc) and unit placement. New units are not just a set of different stats, but have unique skills and gimmicks. Constant events. Even max rarity units can be maxed out (AW and all) in a month or two at most. Non-event maps have auto completion. Maps don't take fucking forever to load. Tactics actually matter, because the enemies are consistent, not just randomly vomited on the map. And so on and fucking on.

And the most rage-inducing thing here is that this game really had potential. It's just that the devs either have nowhere near close the resources to actually provide a constant flow of new content or they stopped giving a shit.