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(Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

I wasn't able to get the first Ann from the code, sadly. It had already been used up by the time I got it that night. She's my other 3* healer and I'll be working on my second party soon, so I guess she'll just have to wait for another copy to be awakened to max.

Lucky how? That armor is my only +3, and I've used almost all my hammers.

It's one more than I've ever made.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

I wasn't able to get the first Ann from the code, sadly. It had already been used up by the time I got it that night. She's my other 3* healer and I'll be working on my second party soon, so I guess she'll just have to wait for another copy to be awakened to max.

It's one more than I've ever made.

Abuse the link I give on above post
You will get Perfect Awakened Ann
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Okay , finaly I'm tired to Lv ing Clala. So I stop at Lv 41
So I'm thinking to give a go to 10-7. It's fine if I lose
Doing good with buff , at the 2'nd buff ran out
Sieg's HP is quite low , so I thought why not giving a try
Romina got 475 damage:eek:
Melnor got 1000 damage , Lucky her HP is 1K+. I think it was 1400 , can't confirm it since I press the close button


And when Sieg's KO I'm very happy that I want to jumped
But then, fuck........
There is 2'nd round:eek:

This will be a really long fight:(
Since waiting for CEO for every 100 min:(
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

What, what, what, Rei's story quest is so easy compared to monique's story quest that it's funny XD

I can't wait for the reset to get with it so I can get back to ceo powering my way through the chapter 10.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

REALLY..... what is this shit.......
I close the game for waiting CEO Power refills
But when I relog , suddenly the fight is over and win
Though Melnor is KO'ed
What a waste of 100 Mins.....
Really , poison attack is MUST GET if You want to clear 10-7
1200 damage to Sieg , while 750 attack only done 150 damage to her

What a relief....
Now I can relax a bit for another 7 quest in Part 2 of Chapter 1 I guess
Then I will try My supposedly main account for trying to get Judita
But Maybe I will abuse it:rolleyes:
And give it to this account instead:p
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Beaten 10-4 but I had to cheese it by using the ceo power if Chapter 10 is only a reflection of things to come in Part two, I'm definitely not going to keep on playing kanpani girls, because mandatory use of ceo power and exiting isn't quite that fun. And waiting a couple of hours for it to refill -.- I'm feeling kinda stressed because I don't have that much time to play games.

And seriously those elemental mages. I equip fire resistant armor so ice mages screw me. Then I equip the ice armor instead and get screwed by the fire mages anyways. Poor romina had to suffer using the Silver Helmet +2 instead. Is there a elemental armor that resists both fire/ice? Because that one is only worthwhile if enemy team is going to be fielding mixed teams of elemental damage.
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Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Beaten 10-4 but I had to cheese it by using the ceo power if Chapter 10 is only a reflection of things to come in Part two, I'm definitely not going to keep on playing kanpani girls, because mandatory use of ceo power and exiting isn't quite that fun. And waiting a couple of hours for it to refill -.- I'm feeling kinda stressed because I don't have that much time to play games.

And seriously those elemental mages. I equip fire resistant armor so ice mages screw me. Then I equip the ice armor instead and get screwed by the fire mages anyways. Poor romina had to suffer using the Silver Helmet +2 instead. Is there a elemental armor that resists both fire/ice? Because that one is only worthwhile if enemy team is going to be fielding mixed teams of elemental damage.

Hang in there buddy
Part 2 Chapter 1 is seriously a JOKE

Don't quit yet , just another 3 chapter until 10-7
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Hang in there buddy
Part 2 Chapter 1 is seriously a JOKE

Don't quit yet , just another 3 chapter until 10-7

Ok I"ll attempt to force my way through last three chapters somehow. I only can wonder if this was done on purpose to make people waste their employee stones for something boring as resurrecting their party instead of buying something fun -.-
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Good luck getting them to +3, i'm still trying to do so with monique weapon. Oh and recipe dropped for me after 7 ru... i mean days

decided to finally use the cost reduction item and 1 weapon hammer

here is what I got




instant +3 black emperor but no luck with Ruler Sword and dunno which one to use. With luck? crit? STR? crit strikes proc stun or it's random cause for me it's quite hard to tell

holy shit sanc hadal heal sucks balls so hard ;p AoE heal for 202? that's joke xD back to my old weapon.... is there even GOOD cleric weapon with strong AoE heal or single targe > aoe all the way
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Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

where does black emperor drop?
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

holy shit sanc hadal heal sucks balls so hard ;p AoE heal for 202? that's joke xD back to my old weapon.... is there even GOOD cleric weapon with strong AoE heal or single targe > aoe all the way

I think when I looked it up the aoe heal value was only .4 and I think the royal weapon single target heal was 1.5

Aoe doesn't really seem worth it in most situations. o.o Maybe if more enemies have low damage full squad nukes later...
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

where does black emperor drop?

it's Julie's story weapon

it gives 3x2 AoE (forgot ratio but it's 0,8 I think) skill at +3 and at +1/+2 2x2 2x0,8 AoE with paralyze ;p tbh I would prefer +2 than +3 for the paralyze effect but now I have nice weapon for farming maps. Just need to change from bracer to ring to increase hit rate so she can hit all those pesky thiefs in 2-1-x because fuck their dodge :p Also need to craft single target axe for her for maps with crazy bosses

AoE from mage + AoE from warrior = cleaning service.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

yet my 5* siegrid doesn't have a story quest >.<

it should be mandatory for all 5* to have a quest lol
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

yet my 5* siegrid doesn't have a story quest >.<

it should be mandatory for all 5* to have a quest lol

prob in future patches if she ofc have it even on DMM server. also lucky you for having Sieg ;p
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Ok I"ll attempt to force my way through last three chapters somehow. I only can wonder if this was done on purpose to make people waste their employee stones for something boring as resurrecting their party instead of buying something fun -.-

Whelp... I didn't use any single ES for CEO Power
Just close Your browser and comeback in 100 min
100 resurection is kinda meh
Anytime You see girls with long conversation , just immediately use def buffs
They are bad news , while male rogue boss enemies weren't that strong

All enemies on Part 2 Chapter 1-1 till 1-5 is a JOKE
Note that 1-6 and 1-7 is harder
But still easier compare Part 1 Chapter 10-1 , 10-2 , and 10-7

Guess I'm gonna sleep and wait for Judita's code~
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Need more content, getting bored.