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(Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

I'm curious, how do you beat the 10-4? Three alraunes in a boss fight X_X

Ceo defense buff then kill them before it runs out. If you get down to 1 Alarune your healer should be able to heal through it.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Ceo defense buff then kill them before it runs out. If you get down to 1 Alarune your healer should be able to heal through it.

Thanks! Gonna try tackling it tomorrow then because I am drained after fighting 1-10-1 to 1-10-4 in one day x_X
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

So , what is the name of skill on Rogue weapon that does poison damage?
Snake punch? Or? It needs to deploy in backline right?
I'm on 10-6 , but didn't do it
Still take a grinding time , My Ann is almost 70
Kinda want to see the Arc Saint sprite:p

Oh boy... 10-5 was a LOT easier
2 Round is needed to kill the Banshee , Using Rod of Light+2
10-1 was the nightmare , 10-2 is a lot easier then 10-1 still quite hard though
10-4 is annoying , alraune hits hard. My employee has a weak mdef:(
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

I'm curious, how do you beat the 10-4? Three alraunes in a boss fight X_X

*wild card---[]-----Spear

wild card must has higher level than spear
one cleric should have dispel-heal staff (like ann's CW and r9's staff i forget the name because too annoying for typing it)

also, don't forget abuse CEO skill
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Since You can abuse CEO power anyway
I think You should go to DPS instead. Mine was

Warrior | ............... | Soldier
Archer | Mage | Cleric

I think Grand Cross+2 staff can heal and dispell any bad status at the same time

And when You meet the Alraune , just click defense buff ASAP
I was stupid and want to observe the battle
Curious if My team can tank it , turn out to be a REALLY bad move. Melnor raped with 800 attack , lol
Should have been finish in 2x def buff.... instead I spend revive and 2x def buff:(
Guess any 10'th chapter is better to play safe on 3'rd wave / Boss fight
Good thing Alraune is weak to melee attack

Another tip , use +2 Bardiche
The AOE attack is really help
Rod of light / Seraph Ray skill wasn't very usefull to Alraune
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

So , what is the name of skill on Rogue weapon that does poison damage?
Snake punch? Or? It needs to deploy in backline right?

I think its shadow snake run or punch something. You can get it on starting dagger recipe that you start with on +3. That way is probably the easiest. Damage output shouldn't be a concern as poison does its full damage on its own. Is what I used for grinding those mimic chests until they surrendered the gaebolg recipe.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

ok which one of you broke game? suddenly maintenance

and I just wanted to use CEO powers on 10-6 and go to shop/do chores ;_;
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Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

ok which one of you broke game? suddenly maintenance

and I just wanted to use CEO powers on 10-5 and go to shop/do chores ;_;

i even didn't open kanpani right now, so that is'nt me

it's just 15 minutes


wait, why the time is different with mine
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Maintenance has been going on for almost 45 minutes now.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Hmm, just realized I don't even need to sell items since it keeps track of things beyond the +999 mark.

Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

I'm on 10-6
First 2 wave is quite easy
Melnor do the job just fine , Rod of Light still doing good damage
Dagmar also doing fine with Irvine Bow+2
Last wave , don't want to risk it. Immediately push the CEO Power for Def Buff
Romina hit by the boss only 1 1 1
Everything is still fine , until......
Fuck!!! The Boss change target and kill Klara in 1 shot even with Buffs , 850:eek:
Skeletons ignore Melnor , which is MARVELOUS:D:D:D
Romina targeted by all melee skel , around 100-250 max. Great , Ann heal will close the gap
Dagmar manage to hurt Skel Mage , Melnor then kill 1 of skel mage
And then I ran out of 100 CEO Power , the Boss is on critical condition too
Looking good so far , will have to wait another 100 min to finish it
Only Boss , 1 melee , 1 mage. Hope nothing will goes wrong


I think I have some very low Lv dagger +3
Also IIRC , +2 Labby Dagger also have that skill
Guess after clearing 10-6 I will raise Clala a bit until 30

Also question for everyone IIRC 10-7 enemies is Dragons right?
Could they attack the backline? Or will they attack frontline instead?

Which is better to remove to replace with Clala on 10-7
Should I remove Dagmar? Or it is better to remove Klara?
Also , will Warrior do fine? Or should add the 2'nd tank?
Sorry for too many question

Thank You~
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

This really bad....

Curretly on assumption Nutaku made Dragon providence and Kanpani girl in 1 server.
The huge burden from DP conquest battle affected Kanpani so badly that everytime their conquest battle up, mea your KP will keep geting server connection error.

Some ppl actualy already screaming in chat.
Well its only 30m duration, but lets just say some ppl hate geting server error all the time.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

This really bad....

Curretly on assumption Nutaku made Dragon providence and Kanpani girl in 1 server.
The huge burden from DP conquest battle affected Kanpani so badly that everytime their conquest battle up, mea your KP will keep geting server connection error.

Some ppl actualy already screaming in chat.
Well its only 30m duration, but lets just say some ppl hate geting server error all the time.

I lost bread few times because of it since it DID NOT gave me option to continue after server error.
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Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

This really bad....

Curretly on assumption Nutaku made Dragon providence and Kanpani girl in 1 server.
The huge burden from DP conquest battle affected Kanpani so badly that everytime their conquest battle up, mea your KP will keep geting server connection error.

Some ppl actualy already screaming in chat.
Well its only 30m duration, but lets just say some ppl hate geting server error all the time.

i was getting the server error message every 2 seconds ( unplayable) so i cleared the cache and now works perfectly , dunno if it's a coincidence (maybe in that exat moment the conquest battle ended XD).
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls


fuck you chapter 10. I'm done with your shit. No need for 1~2 soldiers, no need for elemental armors... based CEO power. Kinda lame way but it was worth just to pass that satanic idea that's 1-10-x D:

also got recipe for Julia weapo :3 Black Emperor. Now I'm thinking about making AoE warrior (Julia) and single target warrior (Anna) for my party
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls


fuck you chapter 10. I'm done with your shit. No need for 1~2 soldiers, no need for elemental armors... based CEO power. Kinda lame way but it was worth just to pass that satanic idea that's 1-10-x D:

also got recipe for Julia weapo :3 Black Emperor. Now I'm thinking about making AoE warrior (Julia) and single target warrior (Anna) for my party

So You cleared 10'th Chapter? Congratz:)
I'm still on My way to raise Clala to poison the Boss on 10-7
She still 25 , and the bread is empty , time to quick rest before the bread is full
Also have Snake punch/poison attack
Probably will challenge 10-7 after Clala hit 40

Yes it's kinda lame , also quite feel guilty becoz abuse that CEO power
But really , if not becoz of that , prob I still stuck on 10-1

I really hope 2'nd part is easier
Still using Platinum Grades Armor
Some still using Irvine Bow , Rod of Light , Bardiche and Grand Cross
God damn weak My party is......:(
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls


fuck you chapter 10. I'm done with your shit. No need for 1~2 soldiers, no need for elemental armors... based CEO power. Kinda lame way but it was worth just to pass that satanic idea that's 1-10-x D:

also got recipe for Julia weapo :3 Black Emperor. Now I'm thinking about making AoE warrior (Julia) and single target warrior (Anna) for my party

lel, but it take 50 minutes each time you use skill :D

judita gets, it take almost 15 hours for they respond it :(
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

So , I'm now currently do the 8-4 (again) but now pick the red option instead of blue one
While the blue one is easy , and could be finish in a minute. It also can kill Clala:(

Yes , poison is really help to kill Mimic
Also never attack the backline , I can even bring Lv 1 and they are safe
But it took like 8-12 round , well maybe becoz I don't use random attack / attack the peppy one
So she stuck attacking 1 same target

Anyway , is poison attack have fixed damage?
No matter what equipt I use to Clala , Physical Attack Bracelet , Magic Attack Pendant
The mimic only take 210 damage (1'st wave) , 240 damage (2'nd wave) , 270 damage (3'rd wave)
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Well, add me into the 5* club, first 5* from daily resume.

I'm just sad that she isn't Luna.

I actually now have way better luck in Kanpani Girls than I do on those terrible P2W games where I drop some cash and get nothing in return.


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Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

wow , congratz
OTOH I again saw Marica Sadie Tilda Alena
Damn why so many Marica.... I already awakened her twice
And I rarely use her , wish it was Romina instead
So I picked Alena , also rarely use it
But I guess she is one of rare strategies put down the healer I have