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(Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

300 damage a hit to 700 defense

700 defense

my warrior is crying now

Poor Melnor will get rape.....:(

May I know what best Normal weapon for Warrior?
I'm still using Bardiche+2 right now , it hits mobs/soldier enemy on Chapter 10 way too puny? Though her damage is already 700??:confused:
No Luck with fucking Nehushtan / Single Bladed Axe:(

So I assume last 10-7 wave is Siegrid with 4 Dragon?
Which strategy is best? Crush the weakling?
What unit is best?
A.2 Cleric 2 Tanks with 1 Mage
B.2 Cleric 2 Tanks with 1 Archer
C.2 Tanks Archer Mage Cleric


this is disgusting... warrior clearly needs defense buff -_- DMM is blind or what the fuck? I would understand their lack of defense if they had highest agi and could go first before they get 1shot KO but in current state using warrior makes you think: "let's just hope that no one will attack my warrior" ...

I regret not leveling assassin or even ronin instead of warrior from the start... oh wait I got 3* warrior as starter so that's why >.>

I raise her in 2'nd party , still..... only 47 though
I think 10'th chapter need atleast to be 60 with decent armor
Worst is , Ronin Armor too refuse to drop >.<
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Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

this is disgusting... warrior clearly needs defense buff -_- DMM is blind or what the fuck? I would understand their lack of defense if they had highest agi and could go first before they get 1shot KO but in current state using warrior makes you think: "let's just hope that no one will attack my warrior" ...

I regret not leveling assassin or even ronin instead of warrior from the start... oh wait I got 3* warrior as starter so that's why >.>

ronin is useless, and assasin only good for her poison attack (and she need in back line) , warrior actually a good choice for front line
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

ronin is useless, and assasin only good for her poison attack (and she need in back line) , warrior actually a good choice for front line

Certain ppl do have certain perspective.....
All i can say is without my ronin I will not be able to clear adv laby route, as i need that single target nuke def ignoring crit atk to kill before their healer healed them up for another 800 heal.

It will be great, if cuz 1 person can't make use of the class don't instantly label them as useless...

before some ppl argue other strat like use the archer kill healer first etc etc etc.... well those are different strat, what i mention here is how to make use of ronin
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

What I like from Ronin is , paralyze attack and able to evade attack
But when they are hit.......:(
2 hit will make them almost KO , 3 hit if Lucky left with tiny hp. But usually 2 hit is the average

Guess everyone is in a haste , unlike You who already have Judita
You can sitback and relax , so You might know what we don't
Since You can experiment more

But yeah , I guess labelling a unit as useless is not nice
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

ronin is useless, and assasin only good for her poison attack (and she need in back line) , warrior actually a good choice for front line

Priest does everything warrior does front line. Priests also don't get raped by banshees/mages. Only real difference between them is warrior has around 2x hp. Priest will have lower magic attack if you equip a bracelet to get her defense to around the same as a warrior though.

Only thing warrior really has other than the larger health pool is the atk buff that sometimes procs.

Warrior stats with aoe axe.

Warrior damage with aoe axe(Hits twice)

Priest stats with a braclet equipped for defense(Loses around 100 matk because of it)

Priest damage even with that 100 missing matk.

It's also better to do a higher damage single strike than lower damage multi strikes since high defense enemies may take 1s from multi strike, but hundreds from a strong single attack
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

warrior actually a good choice for front line

with low agi and low def? everything shits on warrior. You just saw rawr warrior with +3 armor and +2 bracers... 400 def? it's a joke. Unless 1-10-x is suppose to have retarded difficulty but act2~3~4~etc will be more balanced and warrior won't blow up in 1-2 hits from every enemy.

either it needs buff to defense in armor items or axe weapon need to give armor

or all axes need proper good skills for back line (not some basic shit slaps) similar to those from front line.

atm I find chapter 10 totally unfun ... it requires to use CEO skills 24/7 if you don't have "perfect" team setup

game should literally inform you from start to level up 2 soldiers to deal with chapter 10
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

well, i'm sorry if my statement kinda offense

Priest does everything warrior does front line. Priests also don't get raped by banshees/mages. Only real difference between them is warrior has around 2x hp. Priest will have lower magic attack if you equip a bracelet to get her defense to around the same as a warrior though.

Only thing warrior really has other than the larger health pool is the atk buff that sometimes procs.

Warrior stats with aoe axe.

Warrior damage with aoe axe(Hits twice)

Priest stats with a braclet equipped for defense(Loses around 100 matk because of it)

Priest damage even with that 100 missing matk.

It's also better to do a higher damage single strike than lower damage multi strikes since high defense enemies may take 1s from multi strike, but hundreds from a strong single attack

that because grand down have damage multiplier 0,7 x 2 with 2x2 area
compare with wraith of gaia who have x2 with area 2x2
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

well, i'm sorry if my statement kinda offense

that because grand down have damage multiplier 0,7 x 2 with 2x2 area
compare with wraith of gaia who have x2 with area 2x2

which is dumb.. why would someone even give such powerfull skill for priest? where is my axe that can heal my whole party with 2x multiplier? sad that nutaku is just publisher so nothing can be done about warriors and overall balance of this game.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

which is dumb.. why would someone even give such powerfull skill for priest? where is my axe that can heal my whole party with 2x multiplier? sad that nutaku is just publisher so nothing can be done about warriors and overall balance of this game.

maybe because only that skill can make priest go offensive (muh knock)
and best way to use warrior is one single high damage (like force impact), not AoE (AoE multiplier except for priest are pathetic)
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

which is dumb.. why would someone even give such powerfull skill for priest? where is my axe that can heal my whole party with 2x multiplier? sad that nutaku is just publisher so nothing can be done about warriors and overall balance of this game.

Ergh i know I'm the 1 who started the Battle cleric fashion in both chat and in here, guess i should also be the 1 to cool it down ?

Yes we know priest dmg is really strong this picture proven it (sorry for using old picture, but i ccan't be bothered keep screenshot it since ppl also know their battle cleric dmg

But as we know we are always looking at the target where they are low lvl or their mdef is low, so what happen when you start to fight a high lvl-ed enemy specialy 1 with high mdef as well ?
Well your cleric dmg will become like this
The picture above is alot more recent taken (just yesterday), which also mean the cleric lvl is way higher than previous pict and she using better + of morgernstern
Reminder that there only 1 mace that can do this atk, as the game keep progresing and it release R14 equipment, their atk will increase (or CW weap). while the power of this 1 mace will stay like that forever.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

FINALLY got Clulu on 2-6 while I was leveling up a random 2-star draw from this morning. I have two full teams of 60ish, so now I have to get her geared up and bring her up to speed. I don't usually use warriors on my teams because they are so fragile, but she's adorable enough that I'm going to give her a shot with the best gear I can pull out of that equipment lab.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

which is dumb.. why would someone even give such powerfull skill for priest? where is my axe that can heal my whole party with 2x multiplier? sad that nutaku is just publisher so nothing can be done about warriors and overall balance of this game.

Muh Melnor gonna cry:(

I think Warrior is just fine as the way it is
They only need better Mdef
And the enemies should stop targetting Warrior

Though there is always backrow options
Still , skill of backrow is too low damages

And as rawr said , only 1 mace ATM who is OP

So every stage of Chapter 10 need like 100 CEO Power , In My case I prolly need 200:(
Aw whatever , as long I can get 5* reward Archer , I'll take the shame~:p
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Man you hit the point where stones lose value really fast. I've got nothing left to buy and really would rather not blow them on pulling more units. I mean I COULD buy all the resource items other then the aprons but it's a waste as I'd never use them.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Man you hit the point where stones lose value really fast. I've got nothing left to buy and really would rather not blow them on pulling more units. I mean I COULD buy all the resource items other then the aprons but it's a waste as I'd never use them.

Bread is moar important , thus the aprons
Since quest drops wood etc , and they not give us bread as drops. Except Labby
One way to spend ES is to quicken the PR building progress
I always use at the last 10 hour or so , since it only need 1 ES


Anyway , farming 8-4 whole day yesterday and never got Gaebolg
Just replaced Dagmar with Leifang , got it on first try
Thank You Oppai~
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

The best daily pull black letter you ever hope for.....


Please don't ask how i felt..... (i didn't even use her)

I've gotta say, I'm a little disappointed that people aren't using Monique.

I'd wager most people don't have a 4* or 5* fighter and fighter is a really great unit both offensively and defensively. My Monique is beast and she's the only reason I've managed to win several quests.

I'd be super stoked to get some copies of her to awaken with.

I regret not leveling assassin or even ronin instead of warrior from the start...

Don't. I ditched Azamino for a 3* warrior when I got one and it's been an overall good decision. Ronin didn't really hold up well.

As for rogues, I've been using one and they're pretty handy, especially once you get poison on their skills. But I'm using one combined with a warrior. If you're using three front-line units, use both. If you're using only one, I'd still pick the warrior.

assasin only good for her poison attack (and she need in back line)

Rogues suck in the back. Boost their evasion with high rank gear and rings and put them in the front to soak up hits and deal more damage.

Man you hit the point where stones lose value really fast. I've got nothing left to buy and really would rather not blow them on pulling more units. I mean I COULD buy all the resource items other then the aprons but it's a waste as I'd never use them.

I'm in the opposite position. I've found extra party slots to be super valuable, so I'm stuck holding 250 more until I get those. Meanwhile, I'd like to have some vanity items like the secretary badge but I'm trying not to spend on it since 15 is a lot as a free player.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

My first ever 3* Rogue in this account:eek:
Boy I'm glad spamming this map turn out to be a blessing after all
Even though I already have the 2 Gold Chest Rare drop
Gotta equipt her with+2 LabbyKnife:)
Since she didn't have CQ/CW


Hmm , poor Monique
I really tired listening to Shizuka Itou voice
You really can make a dozen of party with it
Though the others too cast several voice

So far only Leifang and Melnor who have unique voice , but I could be wrong
Or simply coz I didn't have any other unit that use their voice

For Fighter , I raise Irene in party #2
Becoz..... she is SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!;)
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

when am i going to get a kitty =.=
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

when am i going to get a kitty =.=

Probably , if You farm that Map for 3 whole days without rest like I did
You gotta spend those bread every 4 hour , don't let it full
And be sure to set Your alarm and wake up at middle of night
Good Luck~
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

I'd wager most people don't have a 4* or 5* fighter and fighter is a really great unit both offensively and defensively. My Monique is beast and she's the only reason I've managed to win several quests.

I'd be super stoked to get some copies of her to awaken with.

Ah i dont have any bad stuff agaisnt fighter, as i know they will be really great once you feed them alot....
A single rose able to solo boss rush laby is proven enuff from what ppl see, as almost everything hit her less than 50 and she killing everything fast.
But yeah to break that wall 1st will be taking a long long time hence why in my case i dun't want to lvl 3* fighter yet.
I got my hand full with ronin and warrior for frontal dps ( 3 front team) so there no spot for fighter...

Note: ppl who keep leting their frontal unit died (other than soldier) need to learn how to counter enemy strategy >.<
This has been complained too much in chat like fighter / ronin / rogue is the useless frontal unit for always death and they didn't even bother hearing / learning the reason why....
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Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Probably , if You farm that Map for 3 whole days without rest like I did
You gotta spend those bread every 4 hour , don't let it full
And be sure to set Your alarm and wake up at middle of night
Good Luck~

i been farming it none stop @_@