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(Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

For something called a bug / exploit
It means it have like 100% chance it always happen
Like some MMORPG I played , walk through the cliff and falldown to the under of platform
PK all the Player above , and above Player can't touch You. Now that is a bug

If You can do it in other account , at the same time
Yes , it is a bug and exploit
If You can't , that's just a Luck. Period

Well whatever....... still waiting for CEO power recharge:(
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Is Royal gear the best possible gear right now? I've been farming for it but can't seem to get more than +1, and at that point it doesn't seem tremendously better than some of the older equipment...
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Yeah sure , why don't You do it again at 15:15 CET
And if does happen again , tell us
Getting Black units on Aigis is 0,01% from Gatcha 2K , but anyone still can get it
That is call Luck , but yeah I believe You

so getting a black 6 star mage with free coins is like very very lucky oO?
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Is Royal gear the best possible gear right now? I've been farming for it but can't seem to get more than +1, and at that point it doesn't seem tremendously better than some of the older equipment...

honestly they are not THAT good , for some classes the +2 version is worse ( like the warrior) , the only good thing is that require few resources so u can try for the +3 with the hammers
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

so getting a black 6 star mage with free coins is like very very lucky oO?

Well yeah , since atleast I know someone who spend 100$/month and never get Black


DAT shitty moment when You want to scout what surprise is in the next map?:rolleyes:
Have the mentality to lose........ until dat Gold Chest appear:(
Guess that Box will be a mystery forever


Oh well , atleast I clear 10-1
10-2 is easier , if only have CEO def
And need to set Crush the Weakling I think
Guess it's a sign for Me to sleep , lol:p
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Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Soo much drama when it come to RNG....
For your info it took me 6 days nonstop CQ grinding to get Rei CW recipe.

Meanwhile after 10 days of grinding Ann CW here, gave up and used the one from stages ><
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

i've just found all the chests i've missed on the story missions today XD
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

The best daily pull black letter you ever hope for.....


Please don't ask how i felt..... (i didn't even use her)
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Just barely got through 1-10-7. Wow. That fight was brutal with only a 2* soldier and a +1 Gae Bolg, but I got to the point where I could barely survive the boss and used 200 CEO PW to safely pick off the dragons. Had to use 2 healers for this fight. Tank had ~1400 HP and the boss was hitting for 1000-1300 HP. My Ronin did some damage before she got one shot for 3.5k damage.

Part 2 seems to be a joke after the last fight in part 1 though.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Just barely got through 1-10-7. Wow. That fight was brutal with only a 2* soldier and a +1 Gae Bolg, but I got to the point where I could barely survive the boss and used 200 CEO PW to safely pick off the dragons. Had to use 2 healers for this fight. Tank had ~1400 HP and the boss was hitting for 1000-1300 HP. My Ronin did some damage before she got one shot for 3.5k damage.

Part 2 seems to be a joke after the last fight in part 1 though.

Just asking , since I'm still on 10-3 but grinding ATM
Did You used Def CEO Power? And it still 1000-1300?
If yes , guess it will be a nightmare for Me in some days after
Guess I will use 500 CEO Power instead:D Whelp...... as long as I can clear it , I'll take the shame~


Atleast You can Awaken her

I always get 2* in dailies for the past week , but mixed with 1* (PR LV 15)
I get 3 Dita , since there is noone better on that resume
I didn't even use her , but I guess 30'ing her wouldn be that much of problem , so I can rid the other 2 copies
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls


No she didn't hit that hard with CEO PW. I did have to use about 250 PW for CEO Def + CEO Dmg though to clear out the 4 dragons she was with. I couldn't survive the 4 dragons + her doing 1000-1300 as well so I had to use CEO power to clear them out first. Luckily nothing in this fight hits the back row so you just need a tanky front row. If you want to compare tank defense, my tank had 1434 HP and 655 Phys Def. That was enough to survive the bosses damage when she is alone (needed 2 healers though).

She also has A LOT of HP. So bursting her down is probably not an option during a first clear.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls


No she didn't hit that hard with CEO PW. I did have to use about 250 PW for CEO Def + CEO Dmg though to clear out the 4 dragons she was with. I couldn't survive the 4 dragons + her doing 1000-1300 as well so I had to use CEO power to clear them out first. Luckily nothing in this fight hits the back row so you just need a tanky front row. If you want to compare tank defense, my tank had 1434 HP and 655 Phys Def. That was enough to survive the bosses damage when she is alone (needed 2 healers though).

She also has A LOT of HP. So bursting her down is probably not an option during a first clear.

She must do fire damage then. I was wearing fire armor with my tanks and she only did around 300 damage a hit to 700 defense.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

She must do fire damage then. I was wearing fire armor with my tanks and she only did around 300 damage a hit to 700 defense.

300 damage a hit to 700 defense

700 defense

my warrior is crying now
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

300 damage a hit to 700 defense

700 defense

my warrior is crying now

Maybe this will make you feel better.

Warrior defense with +3 armor.


Just kidding.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls


10-5 clear, i swear tomorrow gonna clear chapter 10:rolleyes:

btw, what's 10-7 enemy composition ?
wiki wiki kanpani just give me gibberish


also it's confusing to see another clulu (with lower rank :D)
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls


10-5 clear, i swear tomorrow gonna clear chapter 10:rolleyes:

btw, what's 10-7 enemy composition ?
wiki wiki kanpani just give me gibberish


also it's confusing to see another clulu (with lower rank :D)

4 dragons and the dragon warrior chick. Then you beat her and it's 4 stronger dragons and dragon warrior chick.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Fire damage makes sense and is incredibly useful for the people who haven't gotten there yet. She was smacking me for 1k+ with a Crystal Helm.
Re: (Nutaku) Kanpani Girls

Maybe this will make you feel better.

Warrior defense with +3 armor.


Just kidding.

this is disgusting... warrior clearly needs defense buff -_- DMM is blind or what the fuck? I would understand their lack of defense if they had highest agi and could go first before they get 1shot KO but in current state using warrior makes you think: "let's just hope that no one will attack my warrior" ...

I regret not leveling assassin or even ronin instead of warrior from the start... oh wait I got 3* warrior as starter so that's why >.>