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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Uh, I have 100 RCs, what was the exact amount of RCs the gold units being discharged was supposed to give?

Cuz I recall the gold units being discharged for some gold and 20 RCs each.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Took exactly 150 crystals for eva to show up and also got dahlia, great start to my morning. Also pulled Elyse which I'm really mad about, that should have been Liana. I'm demanding black ticket compensation!

I wish you luck in rolling 20 Lianas to max her out.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

They're saying how many copies it would take (on average) to min cost and max skill Liana - mostly because since she was a event unit on DMM that's the only way a lot of people can see her.

(this is obviously ignoring the fact that there is a heavy cost associated with min costing/max skilling any Black unit - if it isn't an event unit.)

Basically, people are still salty that you prefer Liana to the loli
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Min costing is one thing, but maxing a skill? Thats child's play, we have an infinite supply of rainbow spirits.

And doesn't dmm have a daily that drops cost bonds? honestly no point in even grinding events anymore.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Min costing is one thing, but maxing a skill? Thats child's play, we have an infinite supply of rainbow spirits.

And doesn't dmm have a daily that drops cost bonds? honestly no point in even grinding events anymore.

No, to my best knowledge there isn't. Getting bond fairies is not that hard though, star trial and item collection milestones regularly drop them, just as subjugations. Although getting black ones is difficult, but gold ones, eh you'll get more than to know what to do with eventually.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

They're saying how many copies it would take (on average) to min cost and max skill Liana - mostly because since she was a event unit on DMM that's the only way a lot of people can see her.

thats the only way she should be unless completely redesigned to be on par with other gatcha units but this wont happen so she needs to get out of the gatcha asap
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Min costing is one thing, but maxing a skill? Thats child's play, we have an infinite supply of rainbow spirits.

And doesn't dmm have a daily that drops cost bonds? honestly no point in even grinding events anymore.

still got twice the amount to mincost her, she needs to be lowered by 5, not 3.
The Trainee of the Cannoneer School event guide

Good timeofaday, brave Princes! It is that time of the week, and so we are getting ready to greet a new girl into our har... I mean army.) This time it's a cutie fresh from the education, so let's give some "special training" to the The Trainee of the Cannoneer School!

Event runs: 2017-06-13 to 2017-06-20

This is a Unit Farm event.You obtain copies of event unit as a direct drop from event maps and upgrade it via regular unit combination for Cost Reductions and Skill Ups
The star of our event:

Introducing the ! A Platinum rarity Artillery Officer, she is a physical counterpart to the Mage, bringing AoE to the party when magic is ill-suited. Her skill is interesting in that it trades some attack for a bit better speed and slowdown of all enemies hit by the explosion. Awakening adds another tradeoff to her resume, reducing her range a bit to increase the attack (as Artillery naturally gains range upon Awakening, in result she simply stays at the same range, but with better firepower). Skill Awakening, whenever it hits our shore, is where her real power lies: with it she fires one shot supercharged with x3 attack and splash radius. Screen clearer (for trash packs) indeed) Do note that it takes 2.5 seconds from the activation of the skill to actually fire the superbomb, so don't let enemies clear Kanon's range before that. And if you activate that awakened skill just after she finishes shooting the normal cannonball, it will also enjoy the tripled AoE (but not tripled power)!


Even if she's not an event reward, she's still new, so...

Introducing the , the first, Platinum rarity, Curse User. They are dedicated ranged slot debuffers, making all enemies in range suffer the loss of 10% of their attack and granting all enemies under 5% of said enemies max HP struk by somebody while in range of curse user and instant and merciful death. In exchange, their own stats are nothing to write home about. Eva's skill doubles both attack reduction and instant death threshold. Awakening grants get arritional 15 range on top of cless-specific increase, to servicable 255, to spread her message of peace and equality (in death) further. Skill Awakening, whenever it comes to our side, trades her own attack for even stronger multipliers to both curses (and better uptime).
Quite a specialist unit, but can definitely see some use, especially against fattest HP sponges (as long as they are not outright immune to assasination, like Majins are) and maybe even to survive some hard-hitters here and there. But still, pretty niche usages all in all.


Noted enemy stats
│ [B]Name[/B]      │ [B]Attack type[/B] │  [B]HP[/B]   │ [B]Atk[/B]  │ [B]Def[/B]  │ [B]MR[/B] │ [B]AS[/B]  │ [B]MAP[/B] │ [B]Notes[/B]               │ 
│ [url=http://https://gyazo.com/3da799b7b1870f8a15f8747a08e2b408.png]Percis[/url]    │ Physical    │  4560 │  400 │   70 │  0 │ 157 │  4  │                     │
│           │ Ranged AoE  │  6000 │  400 │   70 │  0 │ 157 │  5  │                     │
│ [url=https://gyazo.com/85dbf8955b199f5cea1b42cb180df3e3.png]Kanon[/url]     │ Physical    │ 12000 │  350 │  100 │  0 │ 157 │  1  │ Slow moving speed   │
│           │ Ranged AoE  │ 15000 │  800 │  100 │  0 │ 175 │  5  │ Skill aura          │
│           │             │ 15750 │  800 │  100 │  0 │ 175 │  6  │ hardest-hitting foe │
│ [url=https://gyazo.com/503342f8ab7c77a20ed8403bef93ace9.png]AW Mel[/url]    │ Physical    │ 13650 │  730 │  100 │  0 │ 172 │  6  │ Slow moving speed   │
│           │ Ranged AoE  │       │      │      │    │     │     │ Massive range       │
│ [url=https://gyazo.com/b27c6ae94f5781d4704ef18ed1a45360.png]AW Janna[/url]  │ Physical    │ 18900 │  550 │  150 │  0 │ 157 │  6  │ Slow moving speed   │
│           │ Ranged AoE  │       │      │      │    │     │     │ Massive AoE splash  │
Stat correction: 0.9 for first and second map, 0.95 for third and fourth, 1.0 for the fifth, 1.05 for the last.
Table above already shows corrected numbers.

The Cannoneer Girl (E)
│ [B]Charisma[/B] │ 20 ║ [B]Experience[/B] │  140 ║ [B]Initial UP[/B] │ 10 ║ [B]Max deploy[/B] │  8 │
│ [B]Stamina[/B]  │  1 ║ [B]Gold @ 3*[/B]  │  750 ║ [B]Life[/B]       │ 10 ║ [B]Enemies[/B]    │ 39 │
On a routine monster subjugation a sudden cry for help is heard!
Gimmick: -

Let the Training Begin (N)
│ [B]Charisma[/B] │ 25 ║ [B]Experience[/B] │  180 ║ [B]Initial UP[/B] │ 10 ║ [B]Max deploy[/B] │ 10 │
│ [B]Stamina[/B]  │  2 ║ [B]Gold @ 3*[/B]  │ 1125 ║ [B]Life[/B]       │ 10 ║ [B]Enemies[/B]    │ 68 │
In order to help Kanon's training, challenge the demons on the river side with few footholds!
Gimmick: -

Positional Advantage (N)
│ [B]Charisma[/B] │ 30 ║ [B]Experience[/B] │  220 ║ [B]Initial UP[/B] │ 10 ║ [B]Max deploy[/B] │  8 │
│ [B]Stamina[/B]  │  3 ║ [B]Gold @ 3*[/B]  │ 1500 ║ [B]Life[/B]       │ 10 ║ [B]Enemies[/B]    │ 33 │
Hit the opponent surging in quickly the slope!
Gimmick: Enemy movement speed up (large).

Impressive Formation (H)
│ [B]Charisma[/B] │ 40 ║ [B]Experience[/B] │  300 ║ [B]Initial UP[/B] │ 10 ║ [B]Max deploy[/B] │  8 │
│ [B]Stamina[/B]  │  5 ║ [B]Gold @ 3*[/B]  │ 2250 ║ [B]Life[/B]       │ 10 ║ [B]Enemies[/B]    │ 51 │
Protect yourself from attacks of the opponent going through your formation!
Gimmick: -


Going Even Higher (X)
│ [B]Charisma[/B] │ 55 ║ [B]Experience[/B] │  420 ║ [B]Initial UP[/B] │ 10 ║ [B]Max deploy[/B] │  8 │
│ [B]Stamina[/B]  │  7 ║ [B]Gold @ 3*[/B]  │ 2700 ║ [B]Life[/B]       │ 10 ║ [B]Enemies[/B]    │ 43 │
High power from long distances, pay attention to wide range attacks and complete training!
Gimmick: Desert heat: medium (-50% HP on deployment)


`School Comrades (G)
│ [B]Charisma[/B] │ 90 ║ [B]Experience[/B] │  580 ║ [B]Initial UP[/B] │ 12 ║ [B]Max deploy[/B] │  8 │
│ [B]Stamina[/B]  │ 12 ║ [B]Gold @ 3*[/B]  │ 3600 ║ [B]Life[/B]       │ 10 ║ [B]Enemies[/B]    │ 34 │
Guns school students gather together! Behold the results of your training!
Gimmick: -

Kanon drop is guaranteed every time.

Comments about the event
For the cannoneer-themed map there's a surprising amount of heavy armor enemies, especially toward the latter maps. Incoming damage is mostly physical, so defense is your friend. Last map features three artillery officers in their Awakened and state with skill auras up, and boy they kick some behind!.. Mel have devastating range, Janna - giant AoE and Kanon is just hard-hitter. You'd want to distract them all with lightning rods lest they decimate your formation. All in all, bring your good mages and some tough defensive tanks, as well as some low-cost blockers for early up-tight situations.

On a silver farming front, here's a run-down of possible drops:
  • Pirate ( ) (map 2);
  • Heavy ( ) (map 3);
  • Witch ( ) (map 3);
  • Soldier ( ) (map 4);
  • Archer ( ) (map 4);
  • Bandit ( ) (map 5);
  • Priestess Warrior ( ) (map 5);
  • Mage ( ) (map 6);
  • Rogue ( ) (map 5).
Map 5 drops tin cans, but as last map offers guaranteed Kanons, you will most likely be doing that one anyway.

New Characters Arriving
Note: This is based off of current JP version stats for perfected units. There are some patches modifying unit stats we don't have, so our versions may have slightly different stats.

Platinum Artillery Officer:

│ [B]HP [/B] │ 1556 ║ [B]Range[/B] │ 300 │
│ [B]Atk[/B] │  901 ║ [B]Block[/B] │  -  │
│ [B]Def[/B] │  205 ║ [B]Cost [/B] │  27 │
│ [B]MR [/B] │   0  ║       │     │
Skill: Training Bomb: 20 seconds; attack is reduced to 0.9x, post-attack delay is slightly reduced, and enemies struck have reduced movement speed.; AS: 134 (base 174); WT: 25; CT: 50
Awakened Ability: Carronade Cannon: -20 range, x1.2 attack.
Awakened Skill (NI): Heavy Cannonball: 5s; Attack windup time increased; attack and splash radius increased by 3.0x; one shot; WT: 27.5; CT: 55

Platinum Curse User:

│ [B]HP [/B] │ 1523 ║ [B]Range[/B] │ 255 │
│ [B]Atk[/B] │  433 ║ [B]Block[/B] │  -  │
│ [B]Def[/B] │  188 ║ [B]Cost [/B] │   9 │
│ [B]MR [/B] │   10 ║       │     │
Skill: Curse Voice : 20 seconds; 20 seconds, class attribute effects are increased by 2.0x (i.e. -20% to enemy attack and instand death to enemines below 10% HP); AS: 182; WT: 27.5; CT: 55.
Awakened Ability: Range Up I: +15 Range.
Awakened Skill (NI): Curse Song: 30 seconds; will not attack, but class attribute effects are increased by 2.5x. (i.e. -25% to enemy attack and instand death to enemines below 10% HP); WT: 30; CT: 60

New Classes Being Introduced
Curse User / Great Curse User
A debuffing class that reduces attack of all enemies in range by 10% and allows instantly defeat enemy who falls below 5% of its HP when he is stuck in range of curse user. Skill doubles that effects. Own attack and attack speed is poor, but utility it brings is pretty neat.

...That's quite a Drill Sergeant Nice going on here :D

ЗЫ. Links:
  • (EN)
  • (JP)
  • (JP)
  • (JP)

ЗЗЫ. Expect more delays for further event guides. Stormblood is calling!
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Anyone with a good afk setup for last map this event? Regen takes forever so I don't get many chances to experiment. :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

man grace makes the 12 stam map a joke sucks we missed raichi im sure she would do about the same
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Rolled a black for the first time in a long time.

Got Berna #4.

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Does Berna's passive work on Berna? :D

It already works on herself, so there's not much point.

I just CR'd this one since I sold Berna #2 and #3.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

It already works on herself, so there's not much point.

I just CR'd this one since I sold Berna #2 and #3.

But just think of the possibilities! You could've had 4 chances to assassinate a golem with that .1% or whatever it was!
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Alright Kanon I don't want to spend any SC on you so be a good girl and take those 4 copies for-
1 skill up and -1CR?

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Alright Kanon I don't want to spend any SC on you so be a good girl and take those 4 copies for-
1 skill up and -1CR?

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

i've used 7 copies. she's skill level 6, -1CR