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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What is awakening of Cryus and Barabosoff?

Cyrus gets his attack speed buffed at the cost of range. Barbastroff gets range buff but with slower attack speed. I don't remember exact numbers, but it's somewhere in 1.1-1.2 range.

Overall I'd say Barbastroff looks better than Cyrus after awakening. 280 range against 200 speaks for itself. No attack speed justifies nearly getting back to pre-CC range imo.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What is awakening of Cryus and Barabosoff?

<strike>Cyrus gets -40 range but higher attack speed, Beardstaff gets +40 range but lower attack speed.</strike>

Got beaten to it. :p

I'd say it's debatable which one's better, it's pretty situational really, sometimes you want to blow up stuff faster, sometimes you need your Mage to hit further away.

Personally, I'm probably not going to AW either of them, just going to go for the female Mages. :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Has anybody figured out how to deal with Number 400 Server error that occurs after clicking the screen with Start on it? It says try again later, but even after 15 minutes to an hour later I still get nothing. I also looked through some of the pages on this thread and I don't think I could find anything any answers yet.

No one replied who was getting the error if using a restore point to a time before the error occurred has fixed the issue. It is also possible that, if you have an infection of some sort Nutaku's firewall is just dropping the connection. It doesn't typically happen, but I've seen web servers that do the same thing for clients that are either infected or spewing traffic. Don't just run an Anti-Virus, also scan for malware.

If you don't have either installed, for free versions I recommend AVG for AV, and Malwarebytes for malware checks. Also check your scheduled tasks, make sure you know what the entries are, lots of stuff gets hidden thee people don't know about.

@Haunter7 - He's the only healer for male only maps currently, if you want to get him, there's at least a reason to have him. Better then todays daily, depends on which units you want/need.

@bombboy - not sure right off, it was mention earlier in the thread. I know it isn't the last 2 maps at least but that's not overly helpful. You may need to go back towards the start of the event, to see the info on this thread.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Valerie drops from the very first event map.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

so are there any more rewards (aside from stamina) for reaching levels 70 and on?

whether it's as little as 1 unit slots or possibly units or maybe even crystals.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Just my 5 cents on the event:

I believe the majority of us didn't have any problems with the difficulty seeing how much time we had to lvl our teams prior to the event.
I think drop rates should have been slightly higher. Especially for the last map. Something like: 50% copper archer, 20% Soma, 10% Belinda, 5% Black fairy. That still wouldn't eliminate the chance of people not getting Belinda CR -3.
What I don't like is actually Liana. A black healer with +2 cost and an ability that concerns a mechanic that doesn't yet exist in the EN version is just bad.
Instead of Dine and Liana as the premium summons with a higher rate, my marzipan dildo logic would rather see Dine as black, platinum female mage and a gold female mage. I'm fairly sure this way people would spend more money on crystals to get a chance to have female mages on their team. That way Nutaku would make more money and we (or maybe only me) would be happier.

That being said a hope we will start getting events more often with less breaks between them (seeing the next update is in two weeks time). Aria please... ;)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

so are there any more rewards (aside from stamina) for reaching levels 70 and on?

whether it's as little as 1 unit slots or possibly units or maybe even crystals.
There's some unit increase as you level (max capacity increase), but not anything else I've seen off hand. Think it was said before eventually there is another prince increase, at like 160ish? Notihng else aside from stamina & unit slots that I've seen at lvl 137.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

so are there any more rewards (aside from stamina) for reaching levels 70 and on?

whether it's as little as 1 unit slots or possibly units or maybe even crystals.

We already get +1 unit slot every 10 levels, until 200 at least(I've no idea whether we got the 300 cap yet, if we did, it's +3 Sacred Crystals per 10 levels and +10 at 300) and there's a bunch of rewards we're missing for reaching 50 and some levels in-between, which includes a few Sacred Crystals, some XP cans, Gold Healer Iris and Platinum Sailor Viera (or whatever her name was.

There's... not much for in-between 50 and 210 though.

You still get higher tier Titles gradually, the next good one's the Hero (uncertain if that's the actual translation) Title which gives you 9% instead of Savior's 7%... at the low cost of level 192. :p
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

On the bright side, the break means we actually get time to level units up and farm affection.

It's not all bad.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

<strike>Cyrus gets -40 range but higher attack speed, Beardstaff gets +40 range but lower attack speed.</strike>

Got beaten to it. :p

I'd say it's debatable which one's better, it's pretty situational really, sometimes you want to blow up stuff faster, sometimes you need your Mage to hit further away.

Personally, I'm probably not going to AW either of them, just going to go for the female Mages. :p

Isn't Mehlis better than Cyrus in almost every way? She gets about 1.1 attack speed buff with Fast Chant due to faster animation, no downsides. He gets 1.2 but with greatly reduced range. She gets 2 times more attack from affection than he from trust. I'd rather AW her than Blackbeard to take a role of high-dps golden mage, assuming I have both.

Barbastroff, on the other hand, is unique in his 280 range. Which can be a useful option to have.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Isn't Mehlis better than Cyrus in almost every way? She gets about 1.1 attack speed buff with Fast Chant due to faster animation, no downsides. He gets 1.2 but with greatly reduced range. She gets 2 times more attack from affection than he from trust. I'd rather AW her than Blackbeard to take a role of high-dps golden mage, assuming I have both.

Barbastroff, on the other hand, is unique in his 280 range. Which can be a useful option to have.

Well I wasn't taking other Mages into consideration, only those two, given the choice, I'd never even use the beard duo because there are better options.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

@Haunter7 - He's the only healer for male only maps currently, if you want to get him, there's at least a reason to have him. Better then todays daily, depends on which units you want/need.

Yup I know he's necessary for male only maps, that's why I gave up on Bellinda and started hunting for him instead for the last 2 days, but now I already have one and wondering if I need a second one too (not for CR obviously, not gonna bother). Someone playing the jp Aigis should know more about it :)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Made a new account to test some thing ,mainly drop-rate of 5 crystal summon) . Made 3 attempt got 2 gold and one plat , is this related to the event the later you wait the higher summon you get ?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

anything in gacha is pure luck, as when it start rng stuff ppl start assuming alot untrue thing.
when they have chance up on black unit, it mean only if you roll and got a black you get higher chance on that unit.
The chance to get a black rarity itself doesn't change

Unless there an event said higher chance in black / plat rarity etc, which seriusly unlikely to happen
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So guys... apparently there is a unit that goes from bronze to black during an event... Anyone have info on this chick. I honestly have never seen attack like it in game.

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Are the rest of you regretting CCing Katie due to her increased cost?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Are the rest of you regretting CCing Katie due to her increased cost?

Not even a little. If I need early soldiers, I'm drowning in Phyllis' and pulled a Jerome I haven't CC'ed yet but did manage to CR. One extra block, five more unit points per pop, a healthy hunk of defense? She's like a poor man's HA until you pop her ability and can afford the real HA.

On another note, anyone know when they'll be cycling Chydis out of the demon crystal rotation? I'd really hate it if I saved for so long just for her to be taken away in the next couple weeks.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So guys... apparently there is a unit that goes from bronze to black during an event... Anyone have info on this chick. I honestly have never seen attack like it in game.


Actually, she only goes up to Platinum (package deal, she gets CC/AW/better stats the higher her rarity), mostly depends on how many points we end up scoring and she's a Pirate, that's about all the information we have on her so far.

Oh and we're definitely not getting her anytime soon. :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

i thought the units at the trading post could be summoned through gatcha too? unless it's cyrus only. my friend rolled him, so im assuming same is true to chydis?