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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Damn just got fifth crystal for login... to roll gatcha or to not roll this is a question...

Edit: Bluemoon's gatcha simulator was supposed to protect us from wasting crystals :( Tried it, over 50% gold some plats... ok, i got luck today I'll try gatcha... Mortimer ;/ DAAAMN!
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

All rightie. After a week of thoroughly experimenting I am ready to bring to the table my own conclusions regarding farming:)

1. Dragon Hunting is definetly the best one for char levelling. Captain Obvious much, i do understand:)

2. Less obvious is that Remnants Vanquish 3 is the best map to farm fodder for levelling your units as long as you are ugrading non-archer and non-mage units.

This map has the highest avg overall drop rate (3.5 with a minimum of 2 iron unit drops guaranteed), as well as the highest average copper unit drop rate (0.87 per run).

Now, with bonus exp for matching unit types (soldier here, which also relates to katie, julian, aria, etc.) and with bonus exp for copper units, each run from this map brings in an impressive +12% to +19% ROI compared to any other high level map. Again, that's as long as we are talking about non-mage and non-archer units (so valks, HA, witches, soldiers, bandits, etc.)

Remnants Vanquish 3 also does not require micromanagement, is quick to complete (so you don't have to spend hours farming it), and is only a tiny bit worse for lvling your main char as compared to dragon hunting.

3. Another CO bit is that flame dragon map is obviously best for lvling ur mages.

I'm still trying to figure out which map is best for archers.

On the side note, why is Return to Ruins so popular for farming with many players? It does lag behind against two specialized maps at least (remants vanquish 3 as noted above, and flame dragon).

Looks like ur info about Remnant Vanquish 3 may be outdated, I just did it 3 times and got 3-3-2 drops (0 bronze), I'll do it a few more times since it's still possible I was extremely unlucky, but that would be really unlikely if the bronze drop rate was actually 87%.

EDIT - 4th run: 2 drops, no bronze. So yeah it's nowhere near 87% and for sure the average number of drops isn't 3,5 either :) You probably looked it up on the jp wiki, I guess the map might have been altered at some point and we simply still have the old version.

5th one: 4 drops finally, yet still no bronze.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Meh, no event and no info which will be next... grinding it is then.

I hope all of this is a hidden agenda by Nutaku, so they have one more week to prepare not only the next event, but also a few future ones so we can start getting one after the other without interruptions.

Now I'm starting to contemplate if I should buy the UC +5 to get over War of Magic, seeing I'm can't get a black fairy drop from the daily H.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Looks like ur info about Remnant Vanquish 3 may be outdated, I just did it 3 times and got 3-3-2 drops (0 bronze), I'll do it a few more times since it's still possible I was extremely unlucky, but that would be really unlikely if the bronze drop rate was actually 87%.

EDIT - 4th run: 2 drops, no bronze. So yeah it's nowhere near 87% and for sure the average number of drops isn't 3,5 either :) You probably looked it up on the jp wiki, I guess the map might have been altered at some point and we simply still have the old version.

5th one: 4 drops finally, yet still no bronze.

I know it adds to anecdotal evidence, but when I spent a day or two doing RV3 bronze drop felt sparse. It was also a huge money drained compared to DH.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I know it adds to anecdotal evidence, but when I spent a day or two doing RV3 bronze drop felt sparse. It was also a huge money drained compared to DH.

Yeah I've been doing DH for weeks and I guess I'll stick to it after all.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well simple calculation is RV3 drop 5 unit / DH drop 4 unit.
RV3 give 90g / Chr / DH give 97.3g / Chr

Of coz you will use alot more gold in RV3, but you will get more unit exp over period of time
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Sigh people.... Me and Tesseract already did the math/looked at the numbers on what is best. You can't argue with it. Yes you can have your own opinion and do what you'd like, but you can't claim something is best when it is factually not.


The maps listed here have the highest experience period for your need. This takes into account everything such as class specific bonuses.

TS; DR Return to Ruins is the fastest for leveling for every class besides bandits. In the case of bandits Remnant Vanquish 1 is the fastest, but that is only a difference of .04. Dragon Hunting is the best for prince experience. Pastoral Gate is best if you are leveling an Archer and Soldier simultaneously, but it will drain your wallet like nothing else. Remnant Vanquish 3 however is the best if you want to keep gold, level yourself, and level your units all at the same time. Flame Dragon isn't in the equation here, and Remnant really should not be run by a lower end player, and when it can be your prince level is high enough you don't need to focus on him, and instead your units putting RV3 and DH out of the equation as well.

Return to Ruins has a 24.13 unit experience per charisma used without taking into account class specifics in which mages and heavy armors will get slightly more. Remnant Vanquish 1 gives bandits 24.17 unit experience per charisma.

Flame Dragon for class specific unit experience gives 20.59 per charisma, Dragon Hunting class specific unit experience gives 15.95, and Remnant Vanquish 3 class specific unit experience gives 22.50 per charisma. None of these match Return to Ruins or Remnant Vanquish 1 at all.

As for RV3 always dropping at least two Iron units? That is not a factual statement that is simply just your luck. Even the two JP wikis that are constantly posted here do not have any drop rates for them. Note I've actually gotten only one drop on RV3 a few times and they were different soldiers... so that means it is actually possible to get 0 drops albeit it might be an extremely rare in occurrence. Then there is always the fact that some glitch may have happened to not give me 2, but that happening twice seems unlikely(I know glitches are possible as I've had a platinum armor disappear on me).
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Lol not everyone gonna check the thread back again and again.
I remember i had to explain awakening like 5x and some stuff again and again too :p specialy on some ppl who complain this that etc etc without knowing the potentional of each unit :D

Just give them this:

It list the detail of story map, what unit drop, how much gold exp get etc etc.
It should be easy enuff from checking how much the chr use...
But i bet we will have to explain this again in future ;)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Lol not everyone gonna check the thread back again and again.
I remember i had to explain awakening like 5x and some stuff again and again too :p specialy on some ppl who complain this that etc etc without knowing the potentional of each unit :D

Just give them this:

It list the detail of story map, what unit drop, how much gold exp get etc etc.
It should be easy enuff from checking how much the chr use...
But i bet we will have to explain this again in future ;)

Oh I know I use that, but now I'm going to bug Clavat to put mine or Tesseract's list in the OP. >.<

However you must be firm with the Kohai.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

СС Garret really pays off at Man Toast H. Where in Nasu's video it requires juggling of iron HA, this guy just shrugs off everything and actually deals some damage. Third lvl40 soldier is not needed, too. Having a couple of lvl40 bronze and silver mages does not hurt, either. Easy 3*.

Good thing I only need to run this map today for maxing out Whitebeard, thou. Shutting down another day's worth of Charisma is painful.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

СС Garret really pays off at Man Toast H. Where in Nasu's video it requires juggling of iron HA, this guy just shrugs off everything and actually deals some damage. Third lvl40 soldier is not needed, too. Having a couple of lvl40 bronze and silver mages does not hurt, either. Easy 3*.

Good thing I only need to run this map today for maxing out Whitebeard, thou. Shutting down another day's worth of Charisma is painful.

Ya I had a level 25 garrett tank the bottom ship the map until the end by himself. Then I had to place a Roy so he wouldn't get overwhelmed by 3 black armors I think.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yeah Lafate I knew about ur analysis, but according to the info provided byThervold RV3 seemed so amazing that I just had to check that myself :D Well it would actually be far better than any other map if the bronze drop rate was 87%.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well I like doing RV3 from time to time, a bit pain deploying unit but I have there much more often 3+ drops than on any other map (return to ruins often got 2 drops and dragon hunting... rarely 3, usually it's 1 or 2)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yeah Lafate I knew about ur analysis, but according to the info provided byThervold RV3 seemed so amazing that I just had to check that myself :D Well it would actually be far better than any other map if the bronze drop rate was 87%.

Not sure where he pulled that from seeing as...

Do not have drop rates for that map.

Well I like doing RV3 from time to time, a bit pain deploying unit but I have there much more often 3+ drops than on any other map (return to ruins often got 2 drops and dragon hunting... rarely 3, usually it's 1 or 2)

Well once again that is just your luck. RtR I normally get 3-4 drops, and when I was doing DH I was getting 3-4 drops as well.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well once again that is just your luck. RtR I normally get 3-4 drops, and when I was doing DH I was getting 3-4 drops as well.

Yeah I know. I like DH because im burning charisma quite fast, but RtR really is best for exp/char rate. Just when I'm fed up with bad drops in both maps I'm going for RV3 for some breather.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Would not run RV3 even if it is the best unit exp map. Too much effort for farming. I stick with Tower and Hunting - fast deploy of 4-5 cheap units, alt-tab. Less exp? Well, it's not like I have gold to support best charisma/exp levelling rate non-stop anyway. Not with everything I level higher than CC40-50.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Would not run RV3 even if it is the best unit exp map. Too much effort for farming. I stick with Tower and Hunting - fast deploy of 4-5 cheap units, alt-tab. Less exp? Well, it's not like I have gold to support best charisma/exp levelling rate non-stop anyway. Not with everything I level higher than CC40-50.

Why would you go to Tower/Hunting for fast deploy 4-5 and alt-tab. If you have the gold then RtR would be the choice it is 4-5 fast deploy and alt-tab(well not for people just clearing it, but ya).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Damn just got fifth crystal for login... to roll gatcha or to not roll this is a question...

Edit: Bluemoon's gatcha simulator was supposed to protect us from wasting crystals :( Tried it, over 50% gold some plats... ok, i got luck today I'll try gatcha... Mortimer ;/ DAAAMN!

Same mistake here. Thought i would get something useful i I ended up with Elaine...

Regarding the maps, i'm using DH when i need exp/money and RV3 for unit exp. I find that RtR drains my money too fast especially when i only got 300k from monday daily and i have quite a number of units to lvl.
If i kept using DH the rest of the week I would end up with enough money to waste on gatcha, due to low unit drops, but since i need to lvl up some units RV3 seems a better compromise between exp, unit exp and money.

About RV3 i think i got 0 drops once or twice but it's not that unusual to get 1-2 after running the map for almost a week now.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Why would you go to Tower/Hunting for fast deploy 4-5 and alt-tab. If you have the gold then RtR would be the choice it is 4-5 fast deploy and alt-tab(well not for people just clearing it, but ya).

I draw the line for maps that net less than 13 hero exp per charisma. RtR slows down overall progress and I don't like it. Not by much, but it stacks.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Guys, either you r pulling my leg a bit, or I am at some incredible streak of luck.

About 60 runs of RV3 now:

bronze unit in about 55 runs

>50% times 4-5 unit drops

maybe like 10 runs with 2 unit drops

Same 60 runs for Dragon Hunting, I can swear that at least in 30 runs i had only 2 unit drops, and I only got that bronze mages in maybe around 15 runs.

I will now farm RV3 and DH with exact accounting for drops (in .xls file). Once I hit 50 runs each I will publish the results here.

That should be representative enough.

As for RtR map - it's waaaaaay too time consuming for my taste.

With RV3/DH I can deplete my total charisma pool (303 now) within like half an hour. With RTR it's at least twice as long.