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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Is rogue's chance really that low? I think it must be higher than that, given how many rogue instakill-dependent 3 stars I have seen in the JP version vids.

ah its actualy 10% from petite info, also benard have even higher % chance
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I just realized that silver dragon's skill changed after cc. Cloris eat 6 of them now I regret that decision. Argh. :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

ah its actualy 10% from petite info, also benard have even higher % chance

I assume you meant Berna? Because Bernard in her straps of clothing is..... Not a pleasant image...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I assume you meant Berna? Because Bernard in her straps of clothing is..... Not a pleasant image...

*bleaches eyes*

i mean.....those clothes would die before he even finish puting it on.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Except Crave he is crap.

Nono Craves niche is excellet CC fodder choice.

*bleaches eyes*

i mean.....those clothes would die before he even finish puting it on.

You should be use to it by now. You have that thing on your team after all.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Decided to drop some cash to try and pull Ninja Hina but I got Lyla and Betty instead. Did I luck out or did I get screwed by the lovely RNGoddess?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Decided to drop some cash to try and pull Ninja Hina but I got Lyla and Betty instead. Did I luck out or did I get screwed by the lovely RNGoddess?

depends how much did you put in?

Also just completely realized they left out the 'while on the team' bit for Cuterie and Cellia description of their abilities.... That is a rather annoying piece of information to leave out.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Nono Craves niche is excellet CC fodder choice.

You should be use to it by now. You have that thing on your team after all.

Aside from being CC fooder i meant

and i dont have him on my team. *checks again* i dont mine is still unCCd. id rather CC Garret
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Aside from being CC fooder i meant

and i dont have him on my team. *checks again* i dont mine is still unCCd. id rather CC Garret

Lies we all saw the abomination you created D:

also the hell just happened... how did I somehow acquire nearly 200 units in a single day... I just increased my limit to the cap yesterday....


Note that I was mostly farming Ryujin King two in that time so I had no actual spare charisma until I leveled today...

I only put in $10 in hopes of that enhanced drop rate in the premium summon would be kind

Then you made out really good.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Lies we all saw the abomination you created D:
I CCD the Bandit known as CONRAD
we are talking about Bernard the Gold plated Heavy armor
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I CCD the Bandit known as CONRAD
we are talking about Bernard the Gold plated Heavy armor

Yes and you should be fine with seeing vile things such as Bernard in Berna's clothing due to the fact you have that thing on your team.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yes and you should be fine with seeing vile things such as Bernard in Berna's clothing due to the fact you have that thing on your team.

That thing was upgraded to ....THE BEAST!
i keep forgeting to put that on my sig xDDD
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Finally got a Gadoras to drop, so now I'll be certain to get Anya!

However, I'm kind of pondering if I want to go and actually keep some of the Ryujin soldiers on a regular basis... are they actually pretty good units, or should I just see them as fodder to unlock Anya?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I only put in $10 in hopes of that enhanced drop rate in the premium summon would be kind

I think that you're misunderstanding how that works. The rate for Platinum units is always 10%. The raise in chance just means that the chance for a spotlight unit should you roll their particular rarity is increased. So just the fact that you pulled twice and didn't get a silver AND got a platinum is pretty astounding. Be happy with it.

Finally got a Gadoras to drop, so now I'll be certain to get Anya!

However, I'm kind of pondering if I want to go and actually keep some of the Ryujin soldiers on a regular basis... are they actually pretty good units, or should I just see them as fodder to unlock Anya?

Silver dragons get used as SU fodder for Cloris, Kerry, Adele, Victoria, Despara, and probably one or two more I'm forgetting. Bronze are used as level fodder unless you want to toy around with min costing one to use for anti early rush.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Finally got a Gadoras to drop, so now I'll be certain to get Anya!

However, I'm kind of pondering if I want to go and actually keep some of the Ryujin soldiers on a regular basis... are they actually pretty good units, or should I just see them as fodder to unlock Anya?

Silver dragons get used as SU fodder for Cloris, Kerry, Adele, Victoria, Despara, and probably one or two more I'm forgetting. Bronze are used as level fodder unless you want to toy around with min costing one to use for anti early rush.

The full list is Thetis, Sakuya, Hina, Victoria, Adele, Despara, Kerry, Garrett, and Cloris. Unless I am missing somone as well.

What to do with Silver Dragon Officers has been said, as for bronze officers. Well they are really an update grand on bronze soldier. They have more health, but less defense. The closest comparison to the soldier is Hector who has around 100 less health, but 18 more defense. Their attack is also similar at with only a 4 point difference. However Dragon Soldiers cost 1 UP more at min cost. So it really a toss up there. Personally I prefer the cost of a standard bronze soldier instead of the swag of the bronze officer, but then again I should really reconsider since Echidna is going to stay on my primary team and she gives 5% HP and Defense to dragon units(including Dragon riders) when awakened.

Also the curse of only being able to get completion rewards on a full drop run continues for me... the hell is up with that.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ahh, it has been a productive night for me. All completion rewards that I was after are now mine. Only ones I don't have yet are Black Fairy and Plat Fairy. Don't really care about those two, but I'm gonna farm em since it allows me to farm for silver draco-officers at the same time :p Actually, grinding all the silver dragons I need for SU is gonna suck, what with all the units I have with Attack IV now... ugh.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The full list is Thetis, Sakuya, Hina, Victoria, Adele, Despara, Kerry, Garrett, and Cloris. Unless I am missing somone as well.

Of that list, only Thetis, Adele and Despara seem worth it.

Thetis outclasses Kerry, and Despara/Adele outclass Cloris.

We will eventually get a black ninja, so Hina seems not worth it.

Nunally/Bashira and Spica outclass Victoria.

Garrett is a niche unit - I don't need damage from my HA. Also, Anya is more than likely going to replace the HA slot in most teams.

Sakuya I'm not so sure about. Seems like a sidegrade to a soldier - better at clearing hordes of weak units as opposed to having reinforcements. Probably niche.

Am I missing anything?
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Sakuya I'm not so sure about. Seems like a sidegrade to a soldier - better at clearing hordes of weak units as opposed to having reinforcements. Probably niche.

Am I missing anything?

Add in instant death chance, and higher stats across the board, ability to attack multiple units at once.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

1) He's a silver soldier
2) He's a male silver soldier
3) He's a male silver soldier who gets +ATK for trust bonus
4) He's a male silver soldier who gets +ATK for trust bonus and doesn't get the Reinforcements skill

In general, +ATK isn't bad on soldiers. They (and many other units) get much more attack per point of affection/trust. Attack lets them kill faster and spend less time blocking and taking damage before the early healer drops or they get withdrawn.

Points 1, 2 and 4 kill him though. I don't think we will really see any rushes that will require non-cced soldiers except early story maps with low level units. I know it is recommended to keep min cost bronze soldier around, but I already fed them for experience.
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