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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The overall difficulty of The Grand Elder seemed quite a bit less than Ryujin King 1 or 2; I decided to test what was the minimum I could deploy and still 3-star the last event map.

Here's what I found:
All characters are 50CC30. Alissa and Mehlis are 100% affection; Kerry is 0%. No units were withdrawn and no skills were needed.

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

4 plat armours on the main account + 2 on the noob one (N map), pretty unbelievable :eek: That raises my average from 1 to like 1,2 a week I guess.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oh well, my luck on healer continues, got Camilla from 2k.
Can't really complain but an Unit that could deal dmg would be sweet.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So I got Sakuya today, and I'm wondering if she is actually any good.

Main thing seems to be the fact that she hits all blocked targets, but even with the event bonus she is incredibly expensive in unit points and weak...

Apparently she's at half cost but it's still 21 points and she is inferior to a mage in just about any situation I can think of, assuming she'd be 42 points without the boost I can't imagine any situation where she'd be good prior to maxing her...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So I got Sakuya today, and I'm wondering if she is actually any good.

Main thing seems to be the fact that she hits all blocked targets, but even with the event bonus she is incredibly expensive in unit points and weak...

Apparently she's at half cost but it's still 21 points and she is inferior to a mage in just about any situation I can think of, assuming she'd be 42 points without the boost I can't imagine any situation where she'd be good prior to maxing her...

She's 21 points normally, 24 after CC. She gets her points halved only if you use her for the event missions, I believe.

Personally, I'm not a fan of the idea of the Samurai in Aigis. I do have one listed in my Advanced Team, but she's an event unit further down the road, and really that's just so that I have one in case I suddenly find a really good use for her. I'd say of the Samurai, Sakuya is a very powerful member with her Atk IV skill. Whether or not you actually find Samurai useful as a class, well you have to find that out for yourself.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So with only a few free spaces for units i thought about trying gatcha to get some silvers to CC some of my lvl 50 units.
I would be happy with soldiers, archers, thieves (and any gold or better unit would by cool too) and even though i got my fair share of silvers this was what i got after 300k:
- 1 Valerie (this one being the 6th, with 1 CC30 as my only mage, 1 waiting for chydis upgrade and the rest i'll think about them)
- 2 mortimers (i'll eventually get around CCing one and using the rest for CR/ skill up. are they materials for anything else?)
- 1 Cristopher (i'll CR and Skill up my other one after CC i guess)
- 2 Leeannes (totaling 4 spare HAs, still deciding in either saving them for gellius and bernard or the 4 extra silver dragons for skill up).

In conclusion i didn't CC any of my lvl 50 units and lowered my free space to 4 slots. But at least my Elaine army didn't grow even further which is nice...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

(there also someone who refuse to let male unit in their team :p)

Damn right I do.... All I need are my Himes to end this war. All the mean can go and farm food for those of us fighting >:D

...or you know go do the not glorious thing and protect the villages.... that is important too you know.

But it really is worth it....

Second Run on Hard mode....


Nah, Rainbow spirit has around a 2% drop rate. You are getting lucky when you get one in like 3 weeks of runs. However, lets examine lucky bastards. In one day of runs if you got every potential drop.

(Not when we get the extreme map it will be worth it for those who cannot beat War of Magic for black fairies as it drops 3 :p)

You get a total of 6 runs spending 36 stamina and 360 charisma in a day.

6 Gold Fairies, 12 platinum fairies, 12 black fairies, 12 rainbow fairies, 27k, 720 experience

For the same cost you could get

12 Gold Fairies, 12 Platinum fairies, 24 Rubies, 12 Crystals, 12 Bouquets, 15 Iron Heavy armors(level 14), 45 Iron Mages(level 14), 15 Bronze Heavy armors(level 14), 3 Iron Bandit(level 4), Bronze Bandit(level 4), 36.45k gold, 5101 experience

However realistically you'll end up with

6 Gold Fairies, 3 platinum fairies, 1-2 black fairies, 0-1 rainbow fairies, 27k gold 720 experience.


6 gold fairies, 4-5 platinum fairies, 8-10 rubies, 6 crystals, 7-8 bouquets, 7-8 Iron heavy armors(level 14), 22-23 Iron mages(level 14), 5-6 Bronze heavy armor, 1-2 Iron bandits(level 4), 0-1 Bronze bandit(level 4), 36.45k gold, and 5101 experience

Now it is fairly obvious which if the better choice. Especially when pretty much everyone still needs experience, gold, unit experience, and affection. This isn't even going into the fact that most don't even have black units to use black fairies on, and you really do not need to skill up any skill at the moment. Hell I'm going to have two black units, and I probably still won't do the fairy daily until we get extreme dailies where black fairies actually drop more.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

In reality, if you are awake sometime near reset, you won't save for Tuesday or Friday daily. I used to do 4 runs on those dailies, 8 chances at the black faerie.

That daily feels like playing premium gatcha with charisma/stamina instead of crystals. I don't want to run it anymore unless I have Celia.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I need those silvers from completion rewards badly, however I'm giving up on them ;/ Droprates are just horrible. All I want is Julian for main acc and just getting silver dragons for skill upgrades. Not gonna bother with the rest anymore. *sigh* Need to get tons of affection items too...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Apparently it's more common than perceived.
(Five minutes ago):

I actually got a full drop(2 silvers, 2 bronze, demon crystal) when I did that one...


Event done. Time to farm up 4 min cost bronze dragon officers.

However this first one doesn't want to get to 5 cost... stupid 25% chance...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Argh even with Thetis at level 60 and full affection, and Sherry at like 43 and full affection, Phalanx 2 still eats them up before I can get a healer out... hrmmm.

It does have much nicer drops I admit, but it's not as lazy as some of the other maps...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Argh even with Thetis at level 60 and full affection, and Sherry at like 43 and full affection, Phalanx 2 still eats them up before I can get a healer out... hrmmm.

It does have much nicer drops I admit, but it's not as lazy as some of the other maps...

cause it only has like ten units... and try using two witches, prince, and then sherry.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Argh even with Thetis at level 60 and full affection, and Sherry at like 43 and full affection, Phalanx 2 still eats them up before I can get a healer out... hrmmm.

It does have much nicer drops I admit, but it's not as lazy as some of the other maps...

Just use some witches. Eth's vid for this makes it really easy. It's possible to do this with one CC'ed witch and two others without big problem if any. I just add prince and than maybe maybe or strong enough archer and there's no problem at all even with quite low lvl units.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So whoever linked me that video for immortal beast, it didn't work putting down a new unit right when my tanks health was getting low, they wouldn't even switch targets and killed her
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Jeez can't believe we've still got until the 12th before this event ends and then probably another week or three of waiting before the next one
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So I decided to farm black fairies @Rescue H for incoming Anya. Nice, I thought, 2 from first run, 2 from second. Waitaminute, 2 fairies from second run are different. One of them is rainbow, nice! Wait, it couldn't be..

Yep, 2 fairies from first run were, in fact, rainbow. That makes 3 from 2 H runs. I even forgot to add Cellia for bonus first run.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Argh even with Thetis at level 60 and full affection, and Sherry at like 43 and full affection, Phalanx 2 still eats them up before I can get a healer out... hrmmm.

It does have much nicer drops I admit, but it's not as lazy as some of the other maps...

CC'ed Bellinda, Cloris, and a couple Calliope's plus Savior prince makes it a cakewalk.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So whoever linked me that video for immortal beast, it didn't work putting down a new unit right when my tanks health was getting low, they wouldn't even switch targets and killed her

I think ranged units will always attack a melee unit if it's actively blocking and swinging at them... Or at least I found that's true for the dragon mages and axe throwers this recent event.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

CC'ed Bellinda, Cloris, and a couple Calliope's plus Savior prince makes it a cakewalk.

I won't lie. I've barely used my Witches in a while... their range is so small... but I guess I need too.

I thought I could nuke 'em with Mischa CC'd, but somehow even ignoring defense, her magic barely hurts them. Jerks.