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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Has anyone managed to SU anything with Increase Attack IV with cced Gadoras?

Just for my peace of mind. I'm now at 9 fails @ 50%.

Got Despara form 1/5 to 4/5 with 6 copies. Got lucky as it seems.

@Altrius: Yes, every unit has some uniqueness about them, but I would really like to see us catching up with DMM one day, for what we have to sacrifice something. But apparently that's wishful thinking, seeing the development till now.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Do you think ANY previous event unit is going to be better then newer event units at the pace they are released on DMM?

Yes, yes I do because there are. Just because it is newer does not mean it is better.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yes, yes I do because there are. Just because it is newer does not mean it is better.

Xovian's just jaded because he already has a team full of premium black/plats and just wants to fastforward, ignore him lmao
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Xovian's just jaded because he already has a team full of premium black/plats and just wants to fastforward, ignore him lmao
And when was the last time you were actually challenged in this game, how many weeks has it been?
My units and rarities have become a pointless basis for argument, considering multiple people who are free players have beaten challenges like Immortal Beast already.

And ouch, thought I had some bad streaks.
My worst was Julian failing final CR 20 times, but that has a worse rate then 50% at least, you may have even my worst record beaten with that ratio.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yes, yes I do because there are. Just because it is newer does not mean it is better.

I would argue that newer units should have to be better or offer something past events didn't because otherwise the players wouldn't bother with them.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I would argue that newer units should have to be better or offer something past events didn't because otherwise the players wouldn't bother with them.

Oh no doubt they offer something different a majority of the time, but that different doesn't equate to better all the time.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Sorry, but i also agree...
Just because they are new its not always better as i already mention it even new unit their stat is around the same, it just they had a dfferent role.
Right now black ninja nagi is out, alot people still prefer black ninja saki, reason is saki better at utility (fast aspd / asasinate / 3 hit on aw skill + longer range), while nagi is more to atk and survival (hp atk def x 1.6 / aw skill hp atk def x 2 MR 30 /paralyst at the end of use + 1time use / map).

I agree that we don't need break cuz this will make the game bored specialy during the event time you can still farm, but again this is just converted from jp ver not the original guess to be expected, catching up will be likely impossible with the current fact I think we probably will always be 2 yrs behind at steady pace
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

And ouch, thought I had some bad streaks.
My worst was Julian failing final CR 20 times, but that has a worse rate then 50% at least, you may have even my worst record beaten with that ratio.

I was prepared to get unlucky at some point. I still have 11 more Gadoras, but I'm going to be very upset if I'm not able to get both Adele (currently at 3/5) and Despara to at least 4/5
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

And when was the last time you were actually challenged in this game, how many weeks has it been?
My units and rarities have become a pointless basis for argument, considering multiple people who are free players have beaten challenges like Immortal Beast already.

I mean that has everything to do with slow content releases, not the order in which we get events. We've basically had a month or two of "off time" alone at this point.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Are you offended easily, then don't read it:
Personally the only logical reason (in my mind) to follow DMM so closely is because people are incapable of developing strategies on their own and need everything spoon fed to them. If that previous statement isn't true, then as long as we get the previous events, it doesn't matter when we get them, other wise we are simply proving the stigma of western gamers to the Japanese. I can assure you it is not generally a favorable view. The account resets performed on Nutaku's version a month ago didn't help that view either. Just saying.

I'm curious, how many of you DMM players have actually stopped playing that version and fully converted over to Nutaku's version? Is there even one of you?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Of course they wouldn't switch if they've already invested into it - they'd be going back to stuff they've already done and already have but at a slower content release schedule than the product they'd been using. If an English Version of Kantai Collection were to come out tomorrow I wouldn't care all that much because I've already sunk hours and hours into it and I'd be resetting to 0 in a game that doesn't require particularly much JP knowledge to play to begin with.

The majority of people playing this game for the first time (IE, did not play on DMM) don't care about being on the cutting edge of strategy, they just want to get cute girls and use them. I was willing to at least try to understand you before, but now you're just starting to sound like an elitist :rolleyes:
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The majority of people playing this game for the first time (IE, did not play on DMM) don't care about being on the cutting edge of strategy, they just want to get cute girls and use them. I was willing to at least try to understand you before, but now you're just starting to sound like an elitist :rolleyes:

If your quote above mine is correct then they also likely have no idea of the order nor do they even care. They just want more content at a reasonable pace. So I'm not seeing your argument here.

And not one of you have given a single valid reason why the order matters, EVERYONE of you arguing this has completely evaded this point. Difficulty? Sorry if every event can be beaten with silvers, which everyone has access to, it's not a valid argument. It has explicitly been stated (not hinted, not in a vague manner, out right stated, straight forward as you could ask for) our events will be altered to suit the average level of the player base. Difficulty is not a valid reason, period.

Give me SOMETHING (valid and legitimate), to see the opposing point of view and I'll concede the argument indefinitely, and you'll never see another comment from me about it, ever. Hell, I'll do better then that, I'll stop posting of any kind on this forum for one full week (self ban), if someone can give me a valid argument "not to".

I fully realize it isn't gonna happen as far as us being moved forward. The majority of the player base doesn't want it, I get that, I just don't get why. I've stated as such many times, so by all means explain to me, if you can do that, I'll do what I promised.

The reason I asked if any DMM player has quit that version and migrated to Nutaku's is simple.
They put a lot of work and time into that version. It's "why" they keep playing it, even after a version they can now actually read is available (bonus, uncensored too).
They started from nothing, many of which didn't even start until after the game had been out for some time (most didn't join till it had been out for a year already).
If they could do it, and still do it (some of you started DMM accounts just like me), why is it such a stretch to say we can't do it here too?
That is why it escapes me so.

There's a reason primary EN players have made DMM accounts, that desire to go into the unknown, that desire for something that will be challenging, that desire to experience some excitement and something new.
To see the wow factor of being overwhelmed with all the units at once, and a true pop shot for units you might get in 2k or premium, cause that's a whole new ball game.
People wouldn't be doing it, if our version wasn't lacking "something", and there are many here who have, and those that continue to do so cause of effort they already put in.
That's the reason, I see no logic in us not being the same. You have all my reasons now, whether you agree or not, now you know where I stand.
If that makes me an elitist, so be it.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

(An opinion)

I understand where you are coming from, and the stance that you make would allow us to get caught up immediately (as far as current content releases). However, this, to me, would've been an alternative way for DMM/Nutaku devs to have launched our version of the game. If they really wanted us to be current with the original, running version overseas, then they should have just plugged us straight in to start with like we were all noobies joining into the DMM version in its current form of life.

Obviously, that didn't happen, and I think DMM/Nutaku is realizing that "catching up" the EN version just isn't feasible in the model they are using. Yes, they could just pull us ahead right now, but I think that ship has sailed. If they were going to take that approach, they would've (should've) done so from the beginning. I think it is more likely that DMM devs will simply continue to pull us (possibly far) behind on content compared to their native version.

Now while we are on the subject, I find myself curious on how easy it is to get a perfect event unit during a revival as compared to the original run. Given the difference in time between the two, I would imagine that this doesn't match up equally, although I am aware that a different system is often used in place during revival events (possibly to make up for it). Perhaps current DMM players can shed some light on this?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

shit looks to be getting heavy. i'm out for the night. hopefully things cool down.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Spent some cash for premium summons. Now I've got too many units to level @.@

One of the few people not annoyed by the break around here I think...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ok, a few things

1) DMM's situation isn't the same as ours right now in regards to "starting from scratch". They already have things like Gold Rush and frequent Revival events in place/advertised that make it reassuring that if you miss something that it will come back at some point. We don't have any such assurances right now on the EN version which makes just accepting that something is being skipped "scary". Let's say someone missed Belinda in the EN client (Like many probably did), the feeling created among players from the situation "I missed Belinda's event by a few weeks" versus "Maribelle's event wasn't added to the game during the original period" is very different. Missing something that already happened is not the same as missing something that was originally planned in the game's progression and then removed which is what people are taking issue with.

2) It's true that our version =/= the JP version (And therefore there's no GUARANTEE that things will match up), but people still have expectations about the progression of events and estimations as to how long it will be until they can get their waifu or whatever because (At least some people) are following the JP wiki for things to look forward to. A lot of people wanted Maribelle even though she isn't a particularly important unit in terms of "Can you clear X/Y/Z maps" - people liked her so they asked for her. If Beatorchika was skipped for instance I know I'd be really upset and it would be a blow to my enjoyment of the game because I would have basically 0 indication of when we'd be seeing that event, whereas if we just follow in DMM's footsteps we always have a rough idea of how long we're waiting and for what.

3) I mean if you told me "Yeah we're skipping ahead to the latest content and all the units we skipped will be easily recruit-able/available later on with max CR/Skill Up" then sure I'd be on board, but right now with nutaku basically being hand tied by the JP Devs and any concrete information basically being non-existent I just want to err on the side of caution. The DMM schedule is tried and true, the alternative is open to error and a salty playerbase.

I hope that makes (my stance) a bit more clear, if that's still not enough I can try to elaborate more.

Also to answer your question Xraagen Revival events are usually there to allow you to just get units (For completion) or to allow people who did not "perfect" a unit before to finally do so, they aren't designed to let people who did not clear the event originally to make a perfect unit off of solely the revival run (W/out spending SC for stamina refills)
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ok, a few things

1) DMM's situation isn't the same as ours right now in regards to "starting from scratch". They already have things like Gold Rush and frequent Revival events in place/advertised that make it reassuring that if you miss something that it will come back at some point. We don't have any such assurances right now on the EN version which makes just accepting that something is being skipped "scary". Let's say something missed Belinda in the EN client (Like many probably did), the feeling created among players from the situation "I missed Belinda's event by a few weeks" versus "Maribelle's event wasn't added to the game during the original period" is very different. Missing something that already happened is not the same as missing something that was originally planned in the game's progression and them removed which is what people are taking issue with.

2) It's true that our version =/= the JP version (And therefore there's no GUARANTEE that things will match up), but people still have expectations about the progression of events and estimations as to how long it will be until they can get their waifu or whatever because (At least some people) are following the JP wiki for things to look forward to. A lot of people wanted Maribelle even though she isn't a particularly important unit in terms of "Can you clear X/Y/Z maps" - people liked her so they asked for her. If Beatorchika was skipped for instance I know I'd be really upset and it would be a blow to my enjoyment of the game because I would have basically 0 indication of when we'd be seeing that event, whereas if we just follow in DMM's footsteps we always have a rough idea of how long we're waiting and for what.

3) I mean if you told me "Yeah we're skipping ahead to the latest content and all the units we skipped will be easily recruit-able/available later on with max CR/Skill Up" then sure I'd be on board, but right now with nutaku basically being hand tied by the JP Devs and any concrete information basically being non-existent I just want to err on the side of caution. The DMM schedule is tried and true, the alternative is open to error and a salty playerbase.

I hope that makes (my stance) a bit more clear, if that's still not enough I can try to elaborate more.

Also to answer your question Xraagen Revival events are usually there to allow you to just get units (For completion) or to allow people who did not "perfect" a unit before to finally do so, they aren't designed to let people who did not clear the event originally to make a perfect unit off of solely the revival run (W/out spending SC for stamina refills)

This, and so far, from the way they have handled Liana and Cloris, I have no confidence that once something is skipped that we'll get a chance to get an equivalent version of it later.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

shit looks to be getting heavy. i'm out for the night. hopefully things cool down.

I'm with you on this one. I've already stated my stance multiple times. No reason to once against to point out logical things.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ok, a few things.....

1> That's the thing, Nutake has stated we will get all the units (even the Loli's but with altered art). They've stated it several times. We ARE getting all units, it's just a time frame of "when". The only "question" we have for units are the Sapphires, that's the only units we have not been given an answer for, everything else was coming, even with their original plan.

2> A valid reason, not one I subscribe to, but I can at least "get it".

3> Was my point, if we did do that, would people still be against doing such. Maybe I didn't explain myself well enough, but this one right here (number 3) ...bingo. It would be easier for the DMM devs to do it, other then translation, there'd be no difference, lot less work involved.

As you have given a valid reason, this post will become my time stamp.
See ya in a week, I'll be lurking :p

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

1> That's the thing, Nutake has stated we will get all the units (even the Loli's but with altered art). They've stated it several times. We ARE getting all units, it's just a time frame of "when". The only "question" we have for units are the Sapphires, that's the only units we have not been given an answer for, everything else was coming, even with their original plan.

2> A valid reason, not one I subscribe to, but I can at least "get it".

3> Was my point, if we did do that, would people still be against doing such. Maybe I didn't explain myself well enough, but this one right here (number 3) ...bingo. It would be easier for the DMM devs to do it, other then translation, there'd be no difference, lot less work involved.

As you have given a valid reason, this post will become my time stamp.
See ya in a week, I'll be lurking :p


Lol there's no need for the self imposed exile, nobody's asking you to leave/stop posting for a week and there's no hard feelings.

In regards to the Sapphire units though, the other unit in question is the Crossover Mage from the other DMM game.