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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

My take on Leeanne VS Maribel

The difference between the two is largely one thing:

Do you want/need your HA's to be defensive or offensive?
Personally I like my units to be ATK focused, however I'm also a firm believer that a unit should fulfill it's role, and in the case of an HA, that's DEF.

It will largely depend on how you approach the above and what other units you are using with the HA's.

I'd also say, if your willing to expend the extra resources, and are not worried about having full CR/skill, having 2 of her is not a bad option when you want something other then a soldier to block 3 and still deal damage. The only other HA that does this is Deine. Black's are typically unique in this way, and it's actually kinda nice an event unit has some options to choose just like her higher rarity counterpart.

If you're like me and cost/power ratio plays one of the bigger parts for how you choose units, a fully CR'ed Maribel costs less then a fully CR'ed Bernice/Garret by 1. Considering Maribel's Def is on par with a gold it's not great given she's a plat, but her cost is less then that of a gold, so its worth considering.

Course it goes with out saying, I tend to run 2's of units I really like, so keep that in mind, but all things considered there's no "wrong" way to use HA's, as they are always useful out side of magic based bosses. There will simply be times you wont use them, but every unit has that problem.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Course it goes with out saying, I tend to run 2's of units I really like, so keep that in mind
I can't do that. I have 2 Garania's as well as 2 Mehlis. I just can't bring myself to use clones, no matter how much I like the unit.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I can't do that. I have 2 Garania's as well as 2 Mehlis. I just can't bring myself to use clones, no matter how much I like the unit.

Why not CR/SU them then lol, I don't use duplicates either just doesn't feel right to me even if it's gameplay inefficient lol
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I can't do that. I have 2 Garania's as well as 2 Mehlis. I just can't bring myself to use clones, no matter how much I like the unit.

Why not CR/SU them then lol, I don't use duplicates either just doesn't feel right to me even if it's gameplay inefficient lol

But, but, but I love my twins!
More twins the better!

I chose two Mehlis because I like her after AW, atk speed boost, better than Garania's atk boost. Granted at lvl 61 for Gran, she beats Mehlis in damage by a fair margin already. Since I don't use more then 2 mages, Mehlis won over one of each. So I can understand why people do mix the two at least. Now as far as the blacks, simply isn't better pairs, so I don't count them. I'd probably use two Jeromes if I had em, just didn't get too many of them and CR is such a pain.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

This is what i do when ppl keep mention about role.
Well it is good for new ppl to understand class and their specialty, but when it start to role like this class is tank that class is killer those class is *something*

In my own way, i just can't be bothered with role assignment.
What i check is more to math calculation like what this unit stat and whether they can do the key point of the strat.
I think ages ago i mention i use Elainne as tank for ninja whos hitting me 500 atk and reason i can't deploy HA because i dont have cost for it.
I was argued in this thread just because i was using a valk for tank doesn't mean that instantly valk role gain tanking ability, i didn't pick much on this cuz this arguement will become long and pain well its a fact i'm able to clear the 100/2 map (godly tier is what we said in jp thread) cuz I use Ellaine (valk) to tank.
So to me all the role stuff even now I'm not bother thinking too much about it, its up to everyone who want to think that way just don't force the idea to others.
My priorty will always be the basic calculation:
atk - def = dmg taken / dealt (min dmg 10% melee / 1% ranged)
atk - MR (%) = dmg
PS: I've been using nagi (black ninja) as duelist too much now and having fun with it :p and i know someone who use fran (flan) *vampire hunter* as ranged lighting rod (ranged tanker)

Offensive HA have enuff def to take the min dmg from small enemy, but its abit hard to take boss dmg on place where don't have much healer spot.
The good part of offesnive HA, they can kill the enemy hitting them instead of keepng them there and get overun in long time period (specialy killing a wave of medium enemy).
Note: most med unit in future map the 1 with fast aspd have 500 atk, unit with +400 def +19% (prince buff) is recomended to tank them
*maribelle is exception she just skill based for atk / def HA*
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Whatever dude if you want to be an asshole, next time you make the unit analysis instead of complaining when someone was trying to help :rolleyes:

Wait what? there was no offense intended in any of previous posts O_O and now i am an asshole? Great. Sorry if i had offended you in some way to deserve that
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


You misunderstand me, I used the word "role" as most people understand the term because of it's use in other games. Everyones assign roles to each unit in their team, willingly or not. They look for an affect and find a unit that is capable of accomplishing it, you have then assigned a unit a role of what you wish to achieve of that unit.

When you look at a unit, regardless of what it is, you are going to be choosing it for a reason, that reason is the role it takes. You choose a mage because you want aoe magic damage, a witch for targeted magic damage. Both of them fill a role of magic damage but accomplish it differently, but people will still "assign" an importance to a unit based on what they want or expect it to do.

In your example you chose a Valkyrie to be a tank, that was her role for you. You still chose a purpose for it, whether it was unorthodox or unique is irrelevant. It served your purpose or role that you wanted it to accomplish.

I do not carry a strict definition of what a role is, it's whatever you assign to it, and can even change for the same unit depending on situation. Anya is a tank for me, she replaced all of my HA's, that's the role I gave her cause I wanted to fill that single need of a unit whom is defensive. Also the reason I will never Skill AW her, as it would change what she does for me. The other side of that is Sybilla serves as an "all purposes" unit for me when dealing with melee. She has a universal role in my team, and even when units that have fairly high MR come out, her use on my team wont change, same for my two Valkyries.

Roles/Tasks for me can be very simple: Melee or Ranged; Magical or Physical.
Every team will want units that together achieve being able to do all 4 (outside of very specialized maps of course): melee physical, melee magical, ranged physical, ranged magical.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Why not CR/SU them then lol, I don't use duplicates either just doesn't feel right to me even if it's gameplay inefficient lol

Because Valerie avoids me like the plague, so I can't combine until I CC them.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ah yeah thats understandable, i know alot ppl do assign role and they keep sticking it with that idea.
Too much that its anoyed me in other MMORPG :mad: and when someone do more stuff than their role they got mad....

well forgeting this role stuff...
there alot more fun in future unit skill like AoE dmg currently we think is only mage right ?
Pirate Maurete skill make her shoot become AoE and quite big at that :p
Also there alot unit can do AoE or multi hit atk from skill alone :cool: can't wait till these unit introduced, but still aaaagggggeeeesssss away T_T
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ah yeah thats understandable, i know alot ppl do assign role and they keep sticking it with that idea.
Too much that its anoyed me in other MMORPG :mad: and when someone do more stuff than their role they got mad....

I fully understand, but I like to make things work, even if they shouldn't.
Obviously this doesn't always work out well or even as expected but it can be fun. The only thing ya can't do is something that's outside of the mechanics to do so.

As fun as it would be, I can't get Nanaly to stand in a road to save my life, I've tried. She just wont do it. These girls, so picky about where they fight and such...sheesh.

On another note, recently re-did my Princess comparison video showing both stats of the ladies and adding Anya (though you may need to pause to see Sherry's stats with Prince).
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

As fun as it would be, I can't get Nanaly to stand in a road to save my life, I've tried. She just wont do it. These girls, so picky about where they fight and such...sheesh.

You're obviously using the wrong Nanaly.

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

edit: noticed the photoshop lol

here i thought they have characters re-released as a new class lol. the most hyped girls.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Someone found her street corner clothes.

Too bad mine refuse to do this when we need gold.
You have any idea how much it's costing me in shoes alone every week. These girls are wrecking me! I'll be the poorest prince on the planet when we finally take over the world. Goddess chosen my big toe, in debt is more like it. Aigis is just playing the part of a bank, and the girls know how to use credit cards....run while you still can! It's a conspiracy I tell you. :confused:

Just for funzies for the event:

Can actually go afk on the last event map, that map is just loooong.
Though to be fair, I did fail it twice after two staring it my very first time.
Camilla Def is just too low if she gets hit a couple times from the ghost armors.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Need...more...SILVERS... *froths at the mouth*

EDIT: Holy crap I've totally discovered I love Anya this week, btw. Starting with Monday daily, and then the event. She's fucking awesome! Worth every deployment point.

EDIT2: I can't wait to get my Spica tomorrow, *Eee!* <3 ... My Soma is now crying inconsolably in the corner. </3
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

EDIT: Holy crap I've totally discovered I love Anya this week, btw. Starting with Monday daily, and then the event. She's fucking awesome! Worth every deployment point.

Hmm...looks at team, doesn't see Anya.
You faker you :p /jk

Who'd you swap out on your team for her?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

There's also a farm-type platinum mage with -5CR/16SKL - not sure I'm looking forward to working on that skill... (although plat mage would be nice) :p

and at the moment my only goal is -5CR.... I can SU with Rainbow Fairies if I really want it.

Leeanne is better at holding off grunt waves, Maribel is better at tanking bosses and other priority targets while her skill is up - when it's not she's strictly inferior to Leeanne in every stat except HP and Attack.

*Grabs an apple to make myself seem like more of an asshole*
(plus one interwebz if you get that)

Actually... Leeanne is inferior to Maribel specifically because she cannot awaken. The difference between them is a ton of HP and Attack... and 6 difference in their defense. All that spells out Leeanne being inferior to Maribel.


I just want to point you... Anya is Xovian first level capped black unit.... He has forsaken all his science experiments.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

so then lafate, double maribelle IS worth it then?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

so then lafate, double maribelle IS worth it then?

Technically... yes if you can get two that good... but I seriously wouldn't recommend putting in that much resources just to get two...... silver-goldish units. I mean two awakened Maribel is a serious waste of resources... especially by the time you end up doing it you'll probably have access to Miranda.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hmm...looks at team, doesn't see Anya.
You faker you :p /jk

Who'd you swap out on your team for her?

Ah, I swapped out Hina. I actually had trouble finding a good place to squeeze her in during my grinds, dailies and especially during the event. She's just a wee bit too expensive right now. I consider her a long-term investment for when I can Awaken her, and when we get the ninja-fix patch.

However, just this past Monday, I decided to try swapping her out for Anya just to see how she would do against the heavies compared to my Lilia. Holy crap, she is one tough little cookie! Extremely impressed by her defenses, I decided to take her into this new event, knowing that there would be tons of armors for her to munch. Really loved having her on the very last map; she just bullied Maribelle's blue armor.

EDIT: Updated my sig with the team I'm currently using
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Spent ~1m gold in the shrine (still got 2m left). No gold+ units.

-2 Christophers
-2 Dorcas
-2 Alissas
-1 Calliope
-1 Elaine
-2 Harrissas
-2 Eunices
-1 Valerie

And enough bronzes to level four Gadoras from level 10 to 30 (so ~40 x 4), which I then CC'd and combined into Despara. Results were quite good.

As for Maribel, I'm five for five with her dropping in the last map. I combined two of her with two plat fairies twice, and got these results.

So many damn healers though... And not a single damn archer for Spica. Guess it's off to farm Spirit Armor for me.
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