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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Damn, that's a lot of accounts.

The Deine within Account is given to Me by PJFrost on 19'th Oct it was Lv 5 Prince
I asked for it , becoz I want to try Deine. And He just give it away free
But it's turn out I always play it

Thanks to Auto Complete :V
It makes a lot things faster:p
If there is no Auto Complete , probably I already abandone it since

So originally , I only have 2 Account
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Damn, that's a lot of accounts.

Lol I think using 3 accounts is normal, then again I'm kind of used to running multiple accounts from other games. I run 2 Nutaku accounts and 1 on the JP server, just wish we could get their current events on Nutaku heh.... (Skill Up Fairy that maxes skill of a unit + Aria/Echidna/Anya revival.)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Lol I think using 3 accounts is normal, then again I'm kind of used to running multiple accounts from other games. I run 2 Nutaku accounts and 1 on the JP server, just wish we could get their current events on Nutaku heh.... (Skill Up Fairy that maxes skill of a unit + Aria/Echidna/Anya revival.)

Also playing Pero2 for fun , Osawari for AFK
And currently 3 Account on Kanpani
Though the other 1 Kanpani account is I don't really care priority
1 Kanpani Account play for quite serious priority
1 is very serious , and aiming for Black Envelope Reward
But I guess since I join 1 week a go , My chance is very2 slim


Still no news on Aigis next event.......
Prediction is Yurina , but do not know for its guarantee
Another resting week for Me , I suck on -CR
This time I will treat Her as TinCans from the start , rather wasting her copies
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

We'll get a notice on the next event in the news tab tomorrow most likely, I'm thinking it'll be Yurina's event too myself, kind of hoping it is so we me and my friend can stock up some more on Calliope lol.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

We'll get a notice on the next event in the news tab tomorrow most likely, I'm thinking it'll be Yurina's event too myself, kind of hoping it is so we me and my friend can stock up some more on Calliope lol.

Calliope drops again?
Hmm , don't really need her , Maybe I use it for Skill Up
So maybe even if it fail , it will not make Me depress at all

Could You tell Me what Silver drops beside Calliope on Yurina Event?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Leeanne, Eunice, Calliope, Elaine and Crave. Doesn't seem like much lol, I have like 25ish Silver Heavies, 15 Silver Bandits, 10~15 Silver Soldiers, 5 Silver Valkyries, and 4 Silver Witches. I'll most likely farm for Calliope and/or Elaine myself.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Leeanne, Eunice, Calliope, Elaine and Crave. Doesn't seem like much lol, I have like 25ish Silver Heavies, 15 Silver Bandits, 10~15 Silver Soldiers, 5 Silver Valkyries, and 4 Silver Witches. I'll most likely farm for Calliope and/or Elaine myself.

I have already -Max CR Elaine so I'll skip her though not Max SU

I have like 15++ Silver Bandits I do not know what will I use for..... Damn You Mortimer and Eunice
I do not want them , but I always get them on Lynn and Solano Event

Soldiers , I'm quite short on it
Probably will farm it

Elaine... hmm probably farm for 1-3 if TROLL allows it to drop

So I guess I want Soldier and Elaine
But... I too want Yurina for tincans replacement since Last Map is 50% drop
I hope Soldier/Valk will drop on Last Map

Thanks for the info~:)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

My 105 Alternate account cannot do map 5
There is no Princess / Kerry
Only Bashira from Tutorial , do Map 4 just fine if not so easy
Thankfully it has Deine within
This is cursed with HA , all HA Silver Gold Platinum Black :V
Except Bernice that is
Map 5 = Impossibru

My 123 Account , can do 5
But no one can tank Charlotte long enough , has to use 3-4 units
And so the healer at middle right keep healing unit who tank Charlotte
Thus My Kerry is dead after Tank Lich for like 30+ second
Thank God , atleast Char is dead , so I can have her copies
As after that , Lich walk like a Boss :V

As for Main acc , piece a cake
Liana , Themis , Saki , Kerry make all things easier

Welcome in the club :D Also have 2 alts :D

btw Bashira from tutorial? woot? :O

My weakest acc, 91, was barely able to 3 star last map. But you never guess who was blocking that crazy lich. Nanaly was the only one who was able to do it :D When every other enemy was gone, Anya got chance to stand against lich king but... well, she got all available support so she somehow was able to hold against almost dead (again?) lich :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Welcome in the club :D Also have 2 alts :D

btw Bashira from tutorial? woot? :O

My weakest acc, 91, was barely able to 3 star last map. But you never guess who was blocking that crazy lich. Nanaly was the only one who was able to do it :D When every other enemy was gone, Anya got chance to stand against lich king but... well, she got all available support so she somehow was able to hold against almost dead (again?) lich :p

Seriously where have You been?
New account since month before is having Bashira as the tutorial gift , replacing Kery
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

OMG :O And I felt super lucky when I got her on my main!

Where have I been? Well I left Aigis quite some time ago. Couple days after Fairy Village Crisis event, I think. Was a bit tired of grinding and had other things to do.

About month or two ago I saw many new games from nutaku (still Aigis is the only one playable for me) so I decided to check my old accs. I saw auto completion and thought that maybe now I won't have to need so much time for this game and I'm back :p even managed to get quite decent Solano.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

OMG :O And I felt super lucky when I got her on my main!

Where have I been? Well I left Aigis quite some time ago. Couple days after Fairy Village Crisis event, I think. Was a bit tired of grinding and had other things to do.

About month or two ago I saw many new games from nutaku (still Aigis is the only one playable for me) so I decided to check my old accs. I saw auto completion and thought that maybe now I won't have to need so much time for this game and I'm back :p even managed to get quite decent Solano.

That is quite.... er stupid.. You say You go back to Aigis "about month or two"
Bashira announce as the new Unit are within Your range of comeback
Bashira can be buy at TP for 100 Demon Crystal for once
Whether they old player who have Kerry or new Player
Still in the end , new Player can have 2 Bashira
Which I have 2 copies of Bashira on that alternative Account of 105
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Sorry I haven't used english for some time so it can be... confusing, let's say :p oh, I see what I wrote wrong.

I wrote (or meant to) that I saw couple new releases from nutaku about month or two ago. And I checked my old accs of Aigis one and half week ago? Something like that, there were few days left of Solano event. So I just remembered about nutaku 1-2 months ago, and came back on the last days of Solano event :p

I hope now I wrote quite clearly what I wanted.

Btw, checked TP, no Bashira there :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

OMG :O And I felt super lucky when I got her on my main!

Where have I been? Well I left Aigis quite some time ago. Couple days after Fairy Village Crisis event, I think. Was a bit tired of grinding and had other things to do.

About month or two ago I saw many new games from nutaku (still Aigis is the only one playable for me) so I decided to check my old accs. I saw auto completion and thought that maybe now I won't have to need so much time for this game and I'm back :p even managed to get quite decent Solano.

Sorry I haven't used english for some time so it can be... confusing, let's say :p oh, I see what I wrote wrong.

I wrote (or meant to) that I saw couple new releases from nutaku about month or two ago. And I checked my old accs of Aigis one and half week ago? Something like that, there were few days left of Solano event. So I just remembered about nutaku 1-2 months ago, and came back on the last days of Solano event :p

I hope now I wrote quite clearly what I wanted.

Btw, checked TP, no Bashira there :(

That is very misleading

"About month or two ago I saw many new games from nutaku (still Aigis is the only one playable for me) so I decided to check my old accs. I saw auto completion and thought that maybe now I won't have to need so much time for this game and I'm back :p even managed to get quite decent Solano."

It is just like You saying as soon as You saw Auto-Complete is there , You're back to the game


"Btw, checked TP, no Bashira there"

Well duh......
Bashira is only there for two weeks of period
As a compesation for old player who not have her
But even if You're new Player
You can get 100 DC in two weeks , using free SC from Tutorial-two weeks after
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I don't even.

I have been doing nothing but map 4 (excepting a couple of runs on map 5 to get a 3* for the SC) to get Pallis and Calliopes.

I now have a max -CR Charlotte. Only got -1CR on Pallis though.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yeah, that was surely misleading. I just saw that after your answer that I wrote it like I checked game 1-2 months ago where I just saw at that time only new releases from Nutaku.

I checked the account on the last few days of Solano event, then I saw auto complete and I get back to the game, so it was like... one and half week ago? Something like that.

Too bad with Bashira. My third acc could have Nanaly, Spica and Bashira if I would buy those two from TP. Oh well, still Nanaly and Spica will be good enough :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Nanaly and Spica are all I am using. I got Bashira, but haven't CC'd her (she is still level 40). Nanaly handles pretty much all archery-related things on her own, rarely needs Spica.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I was just wondering, for everything beyond the 2nd map, are several cc'd units required? I've tried the 3rd a few times and managed to 1* it, but I think it's beyond me right now. I've been farming the 2nd map though, got her to drop 3 times so far, skill to 3 cost - 1, so not too bad :), all I've got for cc'd units so far is a 50cc16 Soma that I finally got the other day (I am playing this game sooo slowly XD)

Additionally, I was wondering, at what point in the story should I start expecting to need cc'd units to clear, I'm only through to Royal Road so far. Thanks in advanced for the help~ :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Additionally, I was wondering, at what point in the story should I start expecting to need cc'd units to clear, I'm only through to Royal Road so far. Thanks in advanced for the help~ :D

IIRC, Castle Retake. Maybe earlier, but I'm not really sure.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

IIRC, Castle Retake. Maybe earlier, but I'm not really sure.

well that at least gives me a concrete place to think of, and besides, I need to start farming and training more efficiently anyways, thanks for the insight.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

well that at least gives me a concrete place to think of, and besides, I need to start farming and training more efficiently anyways, thanks for the insight.

Castle Retake is one of the first big hurdles as far as map difficulty is concerned for story maps. It actually requires a few CC'd units so expect to work up a solid starter team specifically for that map. Once you can clear it though (even if its a 1* clear) the maps after are quite a bit easier in comparison and are only really hard when you get to Immortal Beast. Though you may have to sit back at Armor of the Dead and Remnant Vanquish 3 for a bit before pushing past them. However those are the later story missions closer to the end of the current story maps. If you'd like to check out some videos for Silver Unit clears, definitely check out some of Eth Eternal's videos on YouTube, and for Castle Retake check out specifically as it was changed after Eth Eternal posted his original video for it.
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