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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Nagi is actually fairly good against youkais. Way better than Saki. Saki on the hand excels at wiping out swarms of weaklings. They are useful in different scenarios is all. Both of them has the issue of dying easily, but that's gonna get better once we get the update for ninjas and they become 0 block units.

imo nagis a waste of time and resources she has nothing worth investing in sakis just a far better ninja based on nagis kit her role is to be a sub-par duelist and for youkais hibari and shuka who are both coming up are better at youkai killing and later on theres even more unfortunately for nagi
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Are you showing off your optimisied Azami(I have one too, now!) or drawing attention to her stats?
I'm honestly probably going to have to give up on Azami. She's not worth spending SC farming for, so I might just wait for her next revival... however long that may take.
I'm honestly probably going to have to give up on Azami. She's not worth spending SC farming for, so I might just wait for her next revival... however long that may take.

This weekend is pretty much a break if you are done with the anniversary event. Just use natural stamina regen to get Azami. I had her 3/5 skill and mincosted from last time and I would use Saki for assassinating ninja purposes so I'm not worried about maxing Azami. I may use her for a ninja only party for fun later.
Yeah, the revival's not over yet, and given how easy Anna's great Adventure was, you should've finished it pretty early and have plenty of points left over to get a half-decent Azami, even if the RNG fucks you over.
This is a long shot, and wouldn't be useful anyway, but during this revival, does Chizuru get the attack and Unit Cost bonuses when deployed that she would have gotten when this Event was first active?
Yeah, the revival's not over yet, and given how easy Anna's great Adventure was, you should've finished it pretty early and have plenty of points left over to get a half-decent Azami, even if the RNG fucks you over.
This is a long shot, and wouldn't be useful anyway, but during this revival, does Chizuru get the attack and Unit Cost bonuses when deployed that she would have gotten when this Event was first active?

Nope, it's only ever the new units out at the current moment, so only Ingrid in this case.

2 weeks to get Katie... 2 weeks... and I didn't even get a cost reduction out of it.


I've heard of miraculous cases when someone managed to get the final skill up before the final cost reduction, but 2 cost away from mincost and maxed skill??? This is downright absurd.
New club member \o/

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I give up. She just refuses to cost reduce anymore.

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I...I don't even. I somehow got through the 5% SU barrier over getting the final cost reduction.

Edit: oh.....

Hopefully it's just a goof and they update later, since it doesn't even mention Anna and Azami are ending.
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yeah i dont really want a week of no event. give us a revival or something. there's at least 6 event chicks i would spend sc on.
48 hours of phalanx 2 and not one damn gold fairy. and Azami just had the no fairy mission out of every other events it had to be her.
Well that sucks, I don't think is gonna be an eventless week but not knowing whats next is pain, since we just had Anna mybe a farm is next, Lieselotte and maybe a another sub. Or they may throw one GR to futher extend our pain and makes us farm even harder xD
This better be some kind of Halloween surprise.
Or I will bitch so fucking much my rep is going back into the negatives again.
They want to do Sarasa's event next, but they're holding off till Christmas. Enjoy your break!


I shouldn't even really joke about that.
I mean, I wanna get Sarasa's event done and over with, but I don't wanna wait that long to do so. :V
yeah i dont really want a week of no event. give us a revival or something. there's at least 6 event chicks i would spend sc on.

This is so distressing I think I may need 1 SC to compensate for this madness...;)
they cant be thinking of having a break week after this long it would be sducidal
A break week? I require a compensation of 150 SC to hold me over until next week!